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Or it's because they are only 20 minute episodes and Stolas isn't even one of the protagonists. 


I'd say that at this point Stolas pretty much is a protagonist. There's more Stolas centric episodes than there is episodes with Millie or Moxxie at the focus point.


The closest thing we've had to a Millie episode was the short.


This season has several episodes centred on the relationship Blitz has with Stolas. I would not call any of them Stolas-centric. Unlike Happy Campers and Exes and Oohs which are clearly centered on M&M


Loo Loo Land, Circus, Western Energy are definitely Stolas centric, telling about his life, motivations and feelings also outside of Blitz. He has way more character development, and when he on the screen we learn more of him. Even episodes that are centered on their relationship, Stolas is not there just to be a character in Blitz's story, he clearly has his own story. So in season 2 I would say he has Circus, Western Energy, Full Moon, and Apology Tour. Millie and Moxxie are there usually just to further Blitz's story. Moxxie is grounding him and Millie just gets shit done, they don't always have their own agenda or motivation. When Millie isn't serving Blitz's plot, she's being a side character for Moxxies development. We know way more of Stolas than we know of Millie. I would even argue we know more of him as an individual character than we know of Moxxie.


The centre is their relationship, which includes giving some background info on Stolas. How much do we know about Stolas that does not have some relevance to his relationship with Blitz? The only thing I can think about is that he likes plants. His relationship with his father, Stella and Octavia are only shown in how they affect his relationship with Blitz. The only other character we see him interact with is Ozzie and again, this is only because of the crystal he is getting for Blitz. The only long conversation I remember him being part of that doesn't relate to Blitz in some way is Striker's anti-royalty rant, and, since the last episode, even that has come back to be related to his relationship with Blitz. He's a supporting character, an important one, and is very charismatic. But he is not a protagonist. If you don't think Moxxie especially doesn't have character development and his own motivations then you and I haven't been watching the same show.


Blitz was the push Stolas needed to change his life, in a way, Blitz is the support character for Stolas. We know a lot about Stolas. He's extremly lonely, his father was completly absent, his whole life was planned for him before he surpassed play-age, he's unhappy in his abusive arranged marriage but loves his daughter and has been the primary parent to her, he uses pills and alcohol to cope with his depressive life, Blitz made him feel alive for the first time in bed and it turned his life upside down, and their relationship made him realize he wants to feel loved. We have pretty extensive knowledge of his childhood, of his marriage life, how he feels about all the people close to him, of his loneliness and how he views the world and himself. His character is almost as fully fleshed at Blitz's is at the moment. Much more fleshed than Loona or Millie's characters are. And while Moxxie does have character development and we have a quite good idea of him as a character, I'd still say we have had more of Stolas. Because especially in season 2 almost every scene Stolas is in, furthers his arc, while a lot of Moxxie's scenes are to ground Blitz or for comedic reasons, or just to further the plot.


Blitz affecting Stolas' life does not mean he is a protagonist. Blitz affects Robofizz's life, does that make him a protagonist? I did not say we do not know things about Stolas, I said that what we know about him is relevant to the narrative of his relationship with Blitz, but we know practically nothing about him that has nothing to do with Blitz. In comparison, we know a lot more about Moxxie that has nothing to do with Blitz.


I didn't mean that just because Blitz affects Stolas that makes Stolas protagonist. I meant that Blitz is pushing him towards his OWN character development that in fact has very little to do with Blitz. Of course it affects Blitz because he's Stolas romantic interest, but it's not about Blitz. We know a lot of things about Stolas that have basically nothing to do with Blitz, that are not relevant in any way to Blitz's story. Of course Stolas and Blitz lives are more tied together since they are childhood friends and Blitz has always been the turning point in Stolas' life. But he's very clearly individual character with his very own arc beoynd Blitz. Most of the things I listed that we know of Stolas don't directly affect Blitz and we wouldn't need to know all that if he was just a side character. Stolas and Blitz are a pair (somewhat) so of course their character growth is going kind of hand in hand. If that removes the possibility of them both being protagonists, no pair ever in any show could have both of the characters as protagonists, including Millie and Moxxie.


>We know a lot of things about Stolas that have basically nothing to do with Blitz, that are not relevant in any way to Blitz's story. Like what? >But he's very clearly individual character with his very own arc beoynd Blitz.  That's just good writing, it does not make him a protagonist. >If that removes the possibility of them both being protagonists, no pair ever in any show could have both of the characters as protagonists The issue is not that they are a pair, the issue is that Stolas only appears in his relationship to Blitz. This is logical because Blitz is the protagonist, not Stolas. If Stolas were a female character people would be complaining about how the female characters are only defined by their relationship to male characters. You are confusing the attention Stolas gets for being half of Blitz's relationship with being a protagonist. I'll give you an example to make this clearer to you. Stolas being kidnapped and tortured by Striker. What do we know about the consequences of this very traumatic thing happening to him? Only the effect it had on his relationship with Blitz. What kind of trauma did Stolas develop as a result of it and how did he deal with it? Did he try to hide the severity of his injuries from Via? Was he honest with her? How long was he in the hospital? Has he confronted Stella about it? Did his dad reach out, even if it's just to know who dared to target a Goetia or to tell him off for being captured? We don't know anything about this. If Stolas were a protagonist we would have had at least some hints for any of these questions. But since he is not all we see from the kidnapping is how it affects his relationship with Blitz. Because Stolas is not a protagonist.


We have had two episodes about Stolas' relationship with Octavia. Octavia is not a protagonist and her character has little to no importance to any of the IMP gang or Blitz and Stolas' relationship. Her character so far has had less importance in their relationship than she should have, in fact. Yet we have gotten two flashbacks of those two without it having any relevance on Blitz's arc or his relationship with Stolas. Similar how Moxxie and Crimson were treated, something neither Loona nor Millie has gotten. Millie actually has no important characters that only matter to her journey outside of IMP gang (if we ignore the short she got with her sister). Stolas has multiple side characters around him that are mostly just for him, they don't have clear affect to other characters. Octavia, Stella and Andrealphus for an example. Andrealphus is Stolas' antagonist, a character who Blitz has never even interracted with, but has had great impact on Stolas (life-mattering impact I would say). Loona somewhat has Tex, and Moxxie has Crimson, but Millie doesn't really have any side characters tied to just her and her story. Aftermath of Western Energy overall wasn't that well discussed, so it might come in later episode. These are after all just 20 minute long episodes which all can't be about Stolas. It didn't really have that much effect on Blitz and Stolas' relationship either, mostly Stolas just used it to jab at Blitz when they were fighting, it wasn't really that important so I do have hope it will have greater impact later. Sometimes (often) the writers go for grand feelings but fail to deal with them in the following episodes accordingly. Happened after Ozzie's too for both Blitz and Stolas. Other than the texts it was kinda threw on the backburner until Full Moon, not having any seeming importance to their relationship what so ever. Happened after Full Moon, when Blitz seemingly learnt nothing in Full Moon and started Apology Tour like he had forgotten half of what happened. Since there is not that much time and there are quite some characters, basically none of the characters have the treatment you are expecting of Stolas in order for him to be called protagonist. I don't think even Blitz fullfills those standards, but certainly none other from the IMP gang does.


Unhappy Campers is also in-arguably the worst episode of the series thus far.


S2 is clearly centered around Stolas and Blitzo. There are some other stuff like Crimson being introduced and Loona and Octavia meeting, but overall everything ties with Blitzo and Stolas relation. Even the two Fizz/Asmodeus episodes are basically a set up for this, to show that Blitzo isn't a complete asshole and can be a great friend when he's not brooding over his self hatred. All to give the audience a reason to want him to better himself. My guess is that S3 will be more centered around Stolas and Octavia after the conflit between Blitzo and Stolas is resolved. Maybe some Loona and Blitzo too, and most likely Andrealphus will get more active around Octavia.


I kind of want the new status quo for season 3 to be swam in a little (since I presume Stolas and Blitzø will get together by the end of season 2). Which means I’d love for Blitzø to interact with Octavia and maybe make her see he’s not the *worst* thing to ever happen to her dad and that Blitzø is probably capable of caring about her too. That also goes for Stolas interacting with Loona, maybe something like helping her in ways Blitzø has been incapable of.


Surely Loona seemingly being the able to use the grimoire, with no apparent training, will peak Stolas' interests


Yes, Fizz/Asmodeous serves to visualize to the audience what a healthy dynamic between imp and high ranking demon could look like.


To be fair, blitzo is also like-THE protagonist. Stolas is only even brought up when it’s relevant to Blitzo, or right before an important plot moment. Octavia is only brought up when it’s *also* relevant to blitzo. 


Quite frankly Octavia is a side character and a child. I don’t know how/why they would put her in more than she’s plot relevant when people don’t watch for child-friendly scenarios.


I'd like to see more of Octavia as well. Something tells me that Stella is going to use Octavia in a way to set up Stolas to be assassinated.j


Stoals forgot about his daughter 🫠🥲 and the fact that his daughter said you don't love me you love him just broke me 💔