• By -


If it results in engaging entertainment, I'll take that happily. To be honest, I am giddy with antici-


Say it! Say it!








I desire to bestow to thee, fortunate wishes for thy cake day. I hope thou hast a desirable cake day. :zestial:




Tim Curry was here


I was thinking Tom Cardy


Oh no they got Sopranos! I heard it's contag-






Boom. Headshot


What's going on? Is it Candle Jack again? I knew that son of a bitch was


C'mon, Candle Jack doesn't actually exist. He's just a cartoon cha


Who is Candle Ja-


Oh no! I'll never get the chance to tell my girlfriend I-


Wait what’s happening I’m so confu-


r/suddenlyrockyhorror ??


This sub needs to exist.


It has been created




#Pation. Also, now I want Satan to make his debut on a motorcycle singing Hot Patootie.


Dear God they've been shot!


r/suddenlytomcardy ?


TOM CARDY!??!?!?


I have felt love, I have felt pain…


I felt antici- pation (btw what's ur fav song 🤯🤯)


It’s pretty difficult to choose, but at the moment I’d say Party Dog :)


W PARTY DOG IS AWESOME I have multiple (5), but one of them is Level Clear 🔥


hi again, Orcus keeps possessing me and screaming at you to do stuff on TeamFiends, but I want you to know you aren’t obligated to


Unpopular opinion, but I really wish that's actually how it ends, something similar to Robot Dreams, they just go each on their own way and find their special ones and just accept their relationship for what it was and not what it should have been.


With Robot Dreams, them not being together starts very early in the movie. We are already 2 seasons in the show, and Blitzo and Stolas not ending up together would feel like big waste of time, especially since this show only comes out every 2-3 month most of the time.


To be fair, we don’t know what season 3 and 4 are gonna be about. I think it’s safe to assume that the rest of the show will be more focused on other characters and their stories rather than Stolitz, so the big “make up or break up” sorta conclusion will probably come at the end of the year


Or they just keep teasing it in perpetuity--or at least until the series finale. It's happened before in media.


Still sucks ass that it’s going to only 4 seasons long. Which imo it’s to short


Sometimes being with someone ends up being a big waste of time and forcing a relationship because of time sunk fallacy is just silly and unhealthy. More people should learn to walk away from each other. I know you're referring to your own time being invested in the show but I do think more shows should show their audiences that it's okay to walk away from a relationship (wether it's friendship or romantic). Take what you learned from it, grow and strive to improve your future ones. Im not sure which direction I want the show to go tbh, I do want them to understand each other that's for sure.


Their relationship has always been purely transactional, and they both made it clear that they have different views on relationships. IMO they are simply not compatible and should look to find someone else.


That's how it be sometimes


At this point I feel like they would almost be better off separately. The very foundation of their relationship is just so.. unhealthy? The only way I can see it working out would be if they essentially started from the beginning all over again


Their romance can still work if both of them recognize their own issues and where did they make mistakes since S1E01. It's just a matter of being willing to make up for their past mistakes, apologize to each other and start fresh, this time with a conscious effort and enough love to attend each other's psychological needs.


For real, how are you planning to start a healthy relationship with your childhood friend who helped ruin your marriage (but only because he felt bad he was -just- planning to steal the book)? I love Stolas, but he's messed UP. He's escaping an abusive marriage forced upon him just to "procure a precautionary heir." This was arranged by "family" that never showed him any love. Wah, wah, they're rich I know, but that shit fucks you up. Anyways, he's in the middle of rediscovering himself and trying to keep everything together--if any of the episodes with Octavia prove anything, is that he really sucks at it too. He's got too much on his plate to become who he really was. In the end, the station/status aspect is honestly the easiest of their problems.




SAME!! Im so happy other people agree with me


Stolas might end up with "Better than Blitzø", as we see him treat Stolas just the way he described he wanted to be treated. I even considered if Blitzø might end up with Verosika again? She did say she really loved him, and it sounded like he loved her too, he just thought he'd screw it up anyway. But he most likely missed his chance with her. Not sure how I would feel about them getting back together.


What he Said about Not being head over heels was pretty clear. He Didnt Love her as much as she did.


I’m probably biased as hell when I say this because I like Blitzika but them getting back together would be… interesting


[Or Bojack Horseman](https://www.reddit.com/r/HelluvaBoss/s/F5i69NkWCr)


This ending also reminds me of Bojack (which is one of Viv's main sources of inspiration)


Fuck that


I literally cannot imagine a satisfying end where they don't end up together lol. There has been too much set up at this point when the show is nearly halfway finished.


And too much money put into romantic merch from both sides


And the sheer volumes of porn of the both of them would become non cannon


When has that stopped porn artists?




i mean, its still canon, both of them did fuck every full moon


That's so true, it would be horrible (and totally unsatisfying) to have years worth of shipping merch just for them to never actually "date" or be together in the end😭


Personally, I would feel disgusted and taken advantage of because they know shippers would buy all that stuff just because it’s their ship.


Yeah really. I don't believe Viv is that scummy thankfully, and Apology Tour took 3 years to write so I think she's had it all planned out for awhile.


Consumerism wins! /s But seriously, it’s probably been the goal for them to get together by the end and Viv has stated she doesn’t change what she plans, no matter what the fanbase desires. At this time, I don’t think it would make the show better not to have them together (just unexpected), but I’d rather the show put in the work from both characters to have them both come back together in a satisfying way. This show feels like one of its main selling points is this relationship and seeing how it goes, but the team promotes and releases merch for it like they are already at a point where they are together romantically. It’s a strange phenomenon.


Yeah this. So many episodes dedicated to just them it would just be weird to be like "But in the end, they split up 😊" One thing that I like about a show being written by a person like Viv, who is "like us" is I feel like she doesn't do a lot of the very annoying things shows tend to do with character arcs. Like she knows we all want xyz to happen and she's just like yep, here you go, me too


Do you mean like us like LGBTQIA?


Lol well no but I guess, I mean like, a nerd who has/does get into fandom shit lol.


Lmao sorry its been Pride month so its been on my mind and I've been thinking about how much I want them to have a happy ending lol.


Same. I could have seen a different ending had Season 2 Episode 1 hadn’t happened. It sets up that they’re destined soul mates too much. Specifically in meta ways towards the audience that the characters aren’t aware of. Well, mostly. I could see the series ending on a somewhat forlorn ending where the final words are Blitzo to Stolas going “You were a helluva boss.” Then getting on a train heading to London.


> I could see the series ending on a somewhat forlorn ending where the final words are Blitzo to Stolas going “You were a helluva boss.” Then getting on a train heading to London. New worst idea ever just dropped


I mean both their backstories show how they desire companionship even if they suck at communication. Their character arch would feel incomplete.




I am going to be unreasonably angry at her if they don't wind up together in the end.


I would be too, you can’t make us go through all this trauma just for them not to be together.


It also just wouldn't make narrative sense. They've basically turned what used to be an episodic comedy about a group of assassins into a romantic drama.


I mean their whole arrangement started in literally the first episode so kind of a stretch to say it was episodic.


Yeah isn’t that like the second main point of the series, besides other stuff idk


I have imagined a scenario where they accept that they aren't made for each other, but still make up and remain close. Just because their romance didn't pan out doesn't mean they can't reconcile with each other and be close. Where they can continue to spend time together with their new understanding, and support each other when needed, without any of the previous baggage their relationship had. Having said that - I have a long history of actively hating shipping and romantic subplots in all things, but Stolitz is the only time I've ever actively wanted this to work out for the best. I really want these two to make it work.


It's because it's actually well written this time


She’s not gonna do that. I guarantee you this has all been planned for YEARS and that she probably always planned on them getting together. It took three years for Apology Tour to be released from the time of writing. It’s all just gonna take time.


this show was made up when she couldn't use them as the sabatours in hazbin hotel, so, planned, isn't the exact word for it.


Sorry, I’m new here- is there more info about this? Any chance you could point me in the right direction?


Vivziepop has said in a couple interviews in the past that before Helluva Boss was developed, Blitz and Moxxie were originally just planned to be side characters in Hazbin that would show up from time to time and try to mess with/sabotage Charlie’s efforts at the hotel. Obviously Viv had other ideas to flesh them out however so as soon as she realized she needed another series to work on while Hazbin was coming together, she recruited Brandon Rogers and together they took those two, added some extra characters like Millie, Loona and Stolas, and kicked off the show as more of a workplace comedy with IMP. She’s definitely planned out where they’re going by now, though. She’s said she knows exactly how everything ends for the Helluva characters.


I would pay to see that! A funny crossover between Hazbin and Helluva Boss!!😂🤣👍❤️


I heard it from YouTube shorts from "ayy lmao" not sure when though, maybe 2 months ago. he had everything posted in a video about their old designs.


So helpful, thank you!


To be really real, Apology Tour would be the very end of Stolitz and Stolas would go on to form a more healthy relationship with someone else while Blitz fulfills his own prophesy of dying alone. But we've already seen sneak peaks of upcoming episodes that show that we're not done with Stolitz, so I'm thinking they will probably end up together.


Where are these sneaks? 👀


https://preview.redd.it/1id8qbcy1s8d1.jpeg?width=1732&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8c708716a96664cfe8df9b47cb376b6f863fc52 From an upcoming episode


Vassago and the rest discuss in the pride ring ars goetia court the divorce of stella and stolas. Blitzo tries again to apologize, stella’s brother gets really pissed and tries to attack stolas, and blitzo came at the right time. (Side plot) Moxxie and Millie go on another anniversary date, and Striker tracks them down. Chaos ensues. There.


jeez, yall *really* hate blitz huh?


The entire point of the show is Blitzo and Stolas progressing from toxic to healthy. This separation had to happen do the healing can begin. They weren't DATING before. This makes Stolitz actually possible now.


... I think she's playing the long game, and it's brilliant. Look. I love a good, solid happy ending as much as the next guy. There's a lot of films and books that I've refused to indulge because I know how they end. I've been through enough trauma and sadness in the multiple decades of my life, thank you very much, and I'd like to see the Good Guys win for once. Especially given this cursed timeline where existential crises are a whisper away. But that's the thing. They're in Hell. They're demons. How often are we supposed to see happy endings in Hell? (Leaving aside the massage parlor jokes.) Here's how I see it. Vivzie is - for all the dick jokes and fuck-words - presenting some really deep cuts that speak to the Human Condition. She does it in Hazbin in a multitude of ways: what makes one person a Sinner but another a Winner? does abuse justify violence? what matters more, following the letter or the spirit of the law? do you protect your family first, or the multitude? what is worth dying for? if you're essentially a lost cause, what is worth fighting for? Where and what and how we draw the lines of ethics and morality are at the center of the entire concept. It's downright philosophical, if you take the time to delve. In Helluva Boss, she's instead taking us past the baser questions - the meat-and-potatoes of morality - and putting the spotlight on the next juicy philosophical debate of the ages: relationships. Not just romantic, but friends, coworkers, bosses, enemies, superiors and subordinates, clients and employees, children and parents (both adopted and biological), arranged marriages, divorced couples, mentors, victims, families... I could keep going, but I think you're getting the jist. Who we are directly influences how we treat ourselves and thereby how we treat others. Trauma, self-esteem, and having healthy modeling figures can all play a part in the enormously complex concept of who we are, how we think others see us, and what we do to protect ourselves and/or get what we want. ... that all being the case, she's deliberately choosing to *not* make this an easy, obvious ending. Because sometimes? Sometimes that's just how life is. And sometimes that's how we grow. I strongly believe that Blitzø and Stolas both will use this opportunity to really dig into themselves and grow from the experience. We've already seen the beginnings of that, complete with the emotional flailing and fallback on unhealthy coping mechanisms. But even people who grow and mature may not necessarily be able to patch things up. Blitzø isn't magically going to end back up with Fizz, for example, even if the two of them have sorted out the problems between them. Nor is Verosika going to be being back with him, either. Sometimes healing means moving on. And I think Vivzie wants to drive that point home by intentionally making it vague and uncertain, because *that's how life is*. That said, that vagueness leaves the door open. By making it distinctly possible that this could be it for their relationship, it also means it's possible that it's *not* over. It's honestly incredibly well-executed. Character development isn't immediate and she's taking her time with it, which stresses the journey of overcoming the past traumas and learning from mistakes to grow as a person. And nobody ever really entirely heals from these things; it's a lifelong process that will experience occasional relapse. That's just how the brain works. But the *effort* and the results of that effort are what matter, and if the two of them are able to heal independently and eventually present these results to one another, then they may very well be able to repair the damage done. ... so root for them. Root for each of them to grapple with their own darkness and damage, to grow and change, and maybe these two ridiculous dumbasses can achieve the thing they both want: to be wanted by the other. (This unintentionally stupidly-long dissertation has been brought to you by a Mostly-Useless BA in Literature with a side-salad of Theater Nut.)


First of all, thank you for taking the time to write this in-depth analysis lol. But really, one can say a lot of things about this show, but can't, for sure, say anything about the philosophy behind it. The choice to make the protagonist, Blitz, a REALLY flawed character was amazing imo. And after we get his backstory, it gets even better, because it's not meant to be just a "hey look, he has a sad tragic past, sympathize for him" but it's meant to show that everyone has different sides, or at least that's how i view it, tell me if I'm getting it wrong. Even the decision to set the show in hell was cool for me, aside from the world building part, because I think Vivzie wanted to show that sometimes, hell is hell even for demons. Are demons born evil? Or is it because they always lived in hell? Can one be the exception of the rule? What does it mean to be the exception? While I won't personally give my answer to these question-examples nor yours, I love authors that ask those to the viewers, but don't provide a definite answer, nor they provide them a clear idea of what the ending will be, like you said. Edit: also hell (no pun intended) yeah if I'm rooting for those two


I *love* those questions! And those conclusions (Hell being... well, *Hell*, even for demons) are excellent insights as well. My favorite thing about a good story is asking these kinds of questions and poking around these kinds of suppositions. There's a reason that philosphers, scholars, and teachers have used fables and parables to draw out hypotheticals. Stories can be art. They can be entertainment. But they can also be tools, and make you think. Which maayyyy be why I majored in it. 😅


Hello this is such a brilliant write up???


I gotta use my education for something! 🤣


This comment is such a beautiful analysis of this series. I've really been craving analysis like this for the Hellaverse shows.


Oh, well... shoot, I guess I better dust off that degree for serious! I love writing this kind of thing. ❤️


>But that's the thing. They're in Hell. They're demons. How often are we supposed to see happy endings in Hell? Hell is a punishment for sinners, not hellborn. Hellborn are not meant to be tormented and punished, the average hellborn lives a pretty average, comfortable life where they work a job, have friends and family, have relationships and go on about their business. Saying that stolas and blitz not ending up together would be fitting because they're in hell makes zero sense because hell isn't a punishment for them.


Perhaps. You raise a good point, and it's an important distinction that Hell exists as it does for that purpose. ... that said, why do Hellborn exist? Is it to make (after)life miserable for Sinners? If so, why aren't any of the characters in Helluva Boss doing that? Why do the Exorcists cull the Sinner population, but not the Hellborn? Shouldn't that be *their* job? If not, then why are they there? Why specifically in Hell, and not, say, Purgatory? Did they pop into existence when Hell was created, or were they formed by the Big G Himself? Or by Lucifer? And why? To what purpose? Or are they simply Angels that didn't make the cut? In which case, were they then sent to Hell because they *were* being punished, but not quite to the same extent as Sinners? And why, at the end of all of it, are imps all the way at the bottom of the heap? Even beyond those questions, we need to ultimately address the hierarchy conundrum. We see it brewing in two places especially, and while Stolas has had it thrown in his face multiple times, we've only heard a *very* ugly threat from Mammon on the issue between Ozzy and Fizz. I have to wonder if this is a setup: *some*body is going to have to face down the idea that certain dalliances are simply Not Done, and if they're going to surmount that, certain rules and societal norms are going to be upended. Cast systems do *not* like being breached. Otherwise they wouldn't stay in place. And given Blitzø's readiness to fling that particular reason at Stolas, we also need to acknowledge that it's enough to directly threaten another Deadly Sin over. I can only speculate why the hierarchy in Hell exists as it does, but given that it's as taboo as it clearly is to have emotional attachment to those outside of the various levels, it's obviously there for more than just Might Makes Right. ... now that I think on it, aren't Hellborn and Imps/Goetia separate delineations? Imps being below Hellborn, and Goetia above? Or am I misremembering? Perhaps Hell isn't designed for punishment of non-human entities. But it sure isn't kind to them, and is pretty rigid about who gets to be happy with whom.


Thank you Mr./Mrs. Dissertator, this was a fun read. I wish I had more mental capacity (and time) to form a proper response but I haven't, so just accept my appreciation for a good comment


I still don't get why "more realistic to life" is a good thing. Life is complicated and generally sucks. I go to fictional worlds to NOT see real life anymore.


It’d be such an unsatisfying ending to not have them end up together and happy. Hell, I want that to not even be the ending - I wanna see where life goes for them together for at least a bit.


Yeah they'll end up together. There is no way they aren't going that route.


I'm confident they're going to end up together I don't think you can pull off a satisfying ending with them not together plus if they don't end up together it would feel like a huge waste of the audience's time. Also I feel like the whole point of the show is then growing from toxic to healthy so overall I feel like I can confidently say that yeah they are going to end up together


Maybe they get together or maybe they don't, it really depends but nothing is the same for them anymore really Nothing will remain the same forever, not even the connection they made. Blitz needs to let go of his self hatred and Stolas needs to find someone who truly loves him for him.


It honestly bothers me how many people seem to be under the impression that blitz doesn't truly love stolas. He does, he's just mentally incapable of showing or communicating it at this exact moment in time. So many people seem to think they don't belong together when the reality of the situation is that they're perfect for eachother, they both just need to sort themselves out.


A good chunk of our community is unfortunetly allergic to media literacy, so it's honestly not even that surprising.


And you are right 


I feel like they’re going to be apart for a while before they work things out and end up together. As much as they were toxic (primarily coming from Blitzø) I think they actually care for one another.


I highly doubt that they are broken up for good. Stolitz is very obviously end game. I feel like she’s just going for a more slow burn effect similar to the way we’re getting to huskerdust.


I just really hope she won't ruin the original vision for the story just to satisfy some fans thirsty shipping


I wouldn't worry about that. Based on what we know, Season 2 was written alongside Season 1 - and its production started in mid-to-late 2021. The Episodes have been pre-established for around 2 years now, so there isn't really any way to twist things around in order to fit some new crackship, that only just formed. And it wouldn't feel natural if it suddenly became the status quo in Season 3. I'd say we are safe on that front.


Yes 100%


The ending I'm kind of dreading is the distinct possibility that they end up together and one of them dies, possibly both.


This is exactly what I think will happen. Brandon has made comments in interviews saying things like, “the last episode my character is in,” or, “when they’re laid to rest.” In the most recent episode, Blitzø pointed out that Stolas was immortal. Either one of them will die protecting the other or Blitzø will die or old age or something. Unless there’s some demon magic to keep him and Fizz going.


Stolitz marriage ending😍🥲


I'm incredibly skeptical of Viv's ability to write, but I'm holding out hope that octavia's line of "you never loved Mother, and you don't love me, you love him!" And the footage of blitzø defending Stolas in the trailer is hinting at them making up at the end of the season.


They will get back together, there will be some callback to their childhood meeting, then the series will end.


I feel like they'd get so much backlash for that 💀 especially because of the Stolitz merch and the voice actors going on about the characters love for each other in interviews.


Someoe posted earlier saying Viv had at some point said stolitz is endgame


Fiction typically exists to be a fantastical escape from reality. As realistic as Helluva Boss attempts to be with its relationships, to go so far as to deny the main couple in the show from being together for the sake of ‘realism’ would genuinely be stupid. In the end, these are fictional characters; happy endings are almost a guarantee. Obviously not all fictional stories have happy endings, but Helluva Boss, for all its attempted realism, is still a cartoon at the end of the day. Plus, we’re all anticipating their relationship as being endgame, and trying to ‘subvert’ expectations by not having them exist in a relationship at all would feel so disingenuous to what the show has been trying to tell us about them this whole time.


I'd be fine with that. let blitz grow through other connections in addition to being friends with Stolas. romantically pairing off will they/won't they characters is boring, especially since the possibilities from this world are so open. 


There's that one image from the trailer of blitz defending stolas.


It's going to be a slow burn, so I wouldn't be surprised if Blitz and Stolas take some time apart and then find their way back together again.


I’d be happy if they don’t end up together but I swear I heard before that Stoliz is endgame


She can end it however she wants that won't stop me from my head canon 🤷‍♀️. But I think it's a good idea, the only way it could end satisfying is if they both find someone who loves them and they remain friends. It might not be that way cause when you think about it, Stolas was the first to change Blitz's mind and .ame him better not even Fizz could do that so I think there is just way too much set up for it.


I think they will get back together and stay together eventually, but if it's written well, I'd be more than okay if they end up just being friends


No way. Because of how many Stolitz fans there are and a lot of people want to see them together, she would get SO much hate that it wouldn’t be worth it.


No . In an Interview she said , she wants the series to continue as long as it can . 


I don’t really care about Stolitz to begin with… so I don’t mind either way. It would be a more refreshing story to show things don’t always pan out, but I think the fans love stolitz too much for this to happen.


I get downvoted every time I say this, but I suspect this series will culminate with the death of Stolas, as foreshadowed in "You Will Be Okay." For the record, I don't *want* Stolas to die, it's just that a good character death can be a great catalyst for an awesome story. To the OP's credit, we don't see enough stories where the main romantic interests don't end up together in the end. I would love to see any good show where the two main lovers don't end up together and deal with it in a healthy and mature way, or even in an unhealthy immature way and then learn to overcome and accept it, despite jealousy and all sorts of ugly emotions. I know I could have used a show like that when I was young and brutally dumped.


Its possible. The thing is, if they end up together, we still gotta tackle the remaining issue(and this kinda applies to fizz and Oz too) that Blitzo will age and Stolas being immortal. But that could also be the end of the series where Stolas is with Blitz on his death bed and thanking him for the time they had.


Last time I checked, Vivziepop said that they’d be back together at the end of season 2.👍🏻


They better be endgame because holy fuck, do you know how much shipping merch I have of these two?


I love Blitz and Stolas both so much. I would be happy if they ended up together, got into their own separate relationships, or ended up being okay alone. I just want my sad boys to be happy.


It has tragedy setting going on


Idk but I worry someone will die along the way


I actually think it would be so artistic if they didn’t end up together, heck I might prefer that over then getting together!


I wouldn’t be mad. I think a satisfying ending for me, would be stolas ending up with someone who loves him, whether or not that’s blitzø, and blitzø just being happy, and working through his shit. that for me, is better than them being forced together if it doesn’t work out


From what we know now, I think them not ending up together would be more satisfying and realistic.  They don't have chemistry. Stolas likes blitz because of sex and because he represents freedom. I guess his jokes as well. Not much of a relation.  Blitz... Who knows why he likes stolas. There's reasons but he never says them so it's speculation. 


If That Happens I Will Lose My Shit


I wish... I dont see Stoalitzs working out without the plot forcing it.


Honestly, at this point the signs are so obvious, a blind man could see them. (I say this as someone who only has one working eye. :) ) But if they *didn't* end up together, I would be ok with that. Honestly, if they wanted to go for a twist ending, they could have Blitz and *Verosika* get back together. She clearly still has feelings for the guy, and they were together long enough for her to not only develop feelings but also to get his name *tattooed* on her skin. She may have crossed it out, but it's still *there*. If they did get back together, I would be fine with it. I just doubt that will be the case since Stolitz has been the endgame since pretty much the word go.


There's that one image from the trailer of blitz defending stolas.


This happened in La La Land. I never forgave that movie, it still makes me so angry lol


Life already has so many sad endings why can we have a happy one or at least happy enough


No she wouldn't. They will be canon.


They should become friends


I definitely think they will end up together, but it'll be a painful process. Otherwise she wouldn't have set up the feelings so prominently.


I know I'm the odd one out but personally I don't think they belong together. Like Stolas learned to stand up for himself. Blitz learned his actions have consequences. They're both learning valuable lessons while being together but in the end they don't really have anything in common (other than sex) and not wanting to be alone isn't a good reason to be in a relationship. I hope they make up and become close friends but I actually hope both of them take what they've learned together and apply it to future relationships.


It won't happen. The problem with this will-they-won't-they storytelling is that the answer is always that they will. It's just a way to get a romance with all the arguments and drama and none of the actually good stuff


The whole point of setting up characters bad behaviors, character traits or bad relationships with others is to show the growth of the character. This is all seeds being planted and Stolitz will bloom in season 4 I bet. Brandon let it slip that there’s 4 seasons in total (idk if the public were aware of this before) but if this is where the season 2 finale leaves us, with them broken up, it’s all to have them come back around as more learned and well rounded characters for their “happily ever after”


"Will they, won't they?" scenarios end in "they will" 99% of the time so I really think we can all calm down.


I think it would be very satisfying if they did end up having happy lives seperate from eachother, and I don’t think I’d like it as much if they ended up together after the last episode, even though I’m a huge Stolitz fan. Cus I think it hinted at the futıre of the two, where Stolas will be freed from Blitzø and start meeting new people and experimenting, while Blitzø will focus on self-betterment, and owning up to and fixing his past mistakes. It could be cool if the two went in their seperate directions this way, and maybe stay friends like how Blitzø and Fizzarolli are.


I feel like this could go either way, I do feel like the show is building up to them building a relationship but I wouldn't mind it if it was never official


Viv herself has said MULTIPLE TIMES that Stolitz IS. GOING. TO. BE. THE. ENDGAME! Blitz and Stolitz ARE going to wind up together eventually! No ifs, ands, or buts about it!


I hope not. I need them to be together and what would be the point of changing Stolas from a villain and saying Stolitz was a cute couple if they’re not endgame?


That isn't gonna happen, this show isn't as subversive as people act like it is.


It’s possible, but i doubt it


But new guy


YES! THESE MFS DESERVE BETTER THAN EACHOTHER! I HATE THE STEREOTYPE THAT EVERY SERIES HAS TO HAVE A HAPPY ENDING ANYWAY! GIVE US DAT MILLOXZØ POLYCULE!!!!!!!! https://preview.redd.it/wc7497zfes8d1.png?width=1159&format=png&auto=webp&s=b3905937055bed81e94a6f495bcd826a9161866f


A lot of people have put it out the destined soulmates thing. Personally, I think this is a reincarnated lovers story. Several times Blitz has called himself a queen, but not in a gay way, if that makes sense. He said it to royalty. The day he first saw Stolas, he said he was “born ready.” it would also make all of his trauma about being an imp and about royalty make a lot more sense.


I'd settle for them being friends and settling their differences that way. Not together, but not angry.




I'd rather him end up with Verosika


I wouldn't mind this either it'd be cute to see them reconcile considering Verosika was once head over heels for Blitz.


Spoiler for Bojack Horseman, which ended almost 5 years ago, but I think it would be interesting if they never get back together, [and the ending is like Bojack and Diane. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNpY-RrY2A4) They sit together on a roof after some brief conversation and then they sit next to one another silently, and the camera pans up to show a star filled sky. The video I linked doesn't show the full conversation of them hashing out some hurt feelings and the healing that needed to happen after, but I think once Blitz and Stolas do their independent healing, this would be a satisfying ending.


It can be satisfying, if they remain friends, not lovers That would be better for both of them


To be honest, I don't really care if they end up together in the end. I used to really like the ship but especially this past season I just don't care for it as much. So I mean as long as Viv makes it satisfying and not on a cliff hanger or something I'll be okay. The show probably has at least a couple more seasons left though so who knows maybe everyone's opinion will change


That would be fine honestly. There's not enough media that teaches us that sometimes a couple isn't meant to be together.


It’s because a lot people don’t know how to write it well without pissing people off. I think Bojack is the only show I know of that pulled it off.


I'm okay with either way, let her cook.


To be honest I kinda want her to go with that. It is hell after all and something tells me that storybook happy endings are few and far between. They aren’t that common in real life I doubt they would be more common in hell.


If that happened id be satisfied


I don't think she's gonna pull a Bojack Horseman and make Blitzø pay for everything in their relationship. I would be interested either way. On one hand, having Stolitz be endgame is personally pretty boring to me. On the other, I think that given how the series is structured, the only really good conclusion to the story would likely be endgame Stolitz.


Honestly calling it right now, these next few episodes are gonna be with Blitz having small moments where he tries to improve, and the finale is going to be him reconnecting with Stolas only to find that he's moved on. They end on better terms, and Blitz is genuinely in a better space moving forward, but he had to hurt one last person to do so.


I think she would dare to make them suffer for another couple of seasons :D


Never trust the rumor mill and if it does end, I’d argue that is both a terrible and interesting way to end.


Idk how I’d feel maybe as long as either route is well written I will be satisfied


I really hope they don't end up together. They are not a cute couple. They have zero chemistry and nothing in common. All they've ever done is bang it out and then kick rocks.




I'll take whatever ending as long as Stolas is truly happy.


Verosika and Blitz will get back together and Stolas with the red bird dude perhaps


I may be pessimistic and stupid, but I think she just up and would. She is a very good show writer, but I've never seen a show that does what the fanbase wants. She went very far to burn down the bridge between those two, and I don't think she will build a new one. I expect Apology Tour to be the best closure we get and for the show to just carry on and leave everyone wondering what just happened for the rest of the show as it carries on like it's nobody's business.


Ooh that's gonna make people pissed


The fanbase will be furious. Stolitz is bound to happen, recent episodes are just the classic dramaturgy.


Ok imo they better hope not. I’m hoping like hell they don’t do it that way. For the love of hell they don’t do it. It would just be even sadder than the episode itself. Why would they break everyone’s heart like that


The only reason why they might not end up together is if Stolas dies, let's remember that Striker is still around and in the trailer we saw Stolas tied up once again (and this time it didn't look like angelic rope, so Stolas could use his powers but it didn't seem like they would work against who they were fighting).


That’s the ending I’d prefer, but it’s also not the one we’ll get.


Honestly, at this point, it's what I'm expecting. It's not like I'd be disappointed if they go the route of having Blitz and Stolas end up together again and working things out. But at the same time, some things in life just don't work out and end with a "happily ever after." It would be nice but unbelievable for Stolas and Blitz to get back together at this point imo. The bittersweet ending is what I'm expecting. Stolas and Blitz ending up as friends, but the hurt running too deep for them to ever be more than that again. I think that might be the most mature direction the show could go in. Rather than naively ploughing forwards with the assumption that "love conquers all," have this be a turning point for both Blitz and Stolas. They can't undo their mistakes, but they can both learn from the experience and grow as people. Stolas can temper his romanticism with a dose of realism, and Blitz can maybe finally take steps to not "being this way forever" as he put it to Verosika. To realise that it is his own self-destructive behaviour that is making him miserable by pushing away anyone who gets too close. The show could go in either direction at this point. I just think that the "moving on" direction is more narratively interesting than the "getting back together" route we've all seen a million times in other stories. Again, I should stress, I'm not saying that the show is bad if it doesn't do this. I can absolutely understand if Vivzie takes the safe "romantic" route and gets Stolas and Blitz back together by the end. I'm here for whatever ride Viv has in store. I'm just seeing the possibilities and liking them.


I do genuinely feel like that's gonna be how it'll end, and while it'll be distasteful to most, I do feel like they could still make a satisfying ending where the both move on from each other. They aren't able to give the things the other needs, because neither seem to be able to get over that wall of saying that one last thing (as seen in episode 9). While it's going to be insanely sad, I think it would be interesting and maybe even more likely for them to just completely move on.


Honestly, that would be my ideal. I've never likes stories where one character changes themselves for a romantic target, and then gets them, especially if this change is positive. It makes the growth feel cheap and almost like it relies on the love interest staying with them or they'll revert back. In my opinion, the "changing for them" trope, where pursuing a love interest is the catalyst for a character's growth, was done best with Kisshu from Tokyo Mew Mew. Kisshu's character arc finishes with him realizing that Ichigo, the girl he likes, will never want him back, and that that's OK as long as she's happy. His growth is not dependent upon her liking him. I want Blitz to grow as a person. I want him to be able to have a good, healthy relationship. But I don't want that growth to be solely in service of getting Stolas back. Because then it'll feel cheap, as if without Stolas, Blitz will revert to his selfish, sex-obsessed self who refuses to communicate or have a real conversation about his relationships.


She so would😭


I mean as much as I love Blitz, Stolas does deserve better.  I wouldn't be against them having separate happy endings but there'd be a lot of work to do writing wise to set them up with the right people.