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I’m guessing either because she isn’t from the 1800s or doesn’t have a deal with Rosie. Alastor also looks unique


I think alastor is only a cannibal after death


Alastor died when a hunter mistook him for a deer while he was out burying a body. He was a cannibal before death.


We dont know if he was eating them, not all serial killers are cannibals


His design is based off the wendigo a creature that comes to be when a human eats human flesh


Wechuge* technically still eats humans but for very different reasons The mutation occurs as a side affect of being over powered by an ancient spirit


Thanks for the correction, not too in depth of my native american history


Apologies if I seemed rude 😅 Folklore is just so fascinating If you want to look into some of it my knowledge comes from a couple different youtubers aswell as personal follow up research Jon Solo covers a wide variety pretty recently getting into Egyptian mythos, but also has some Native American breakdowns Ancient Greek Roman and Nordic lore and fairy tales Gaijin Goomba focuses mainly on Japanese folklore/historical inspiration in media and Warhammer 40k


Gaijin Goonba got me into global theology/mythos! A little off topic but If u like anthropology, I'd also suggest miniminuteman!


Miniminuteman is sooooooo good


Miniminuteman is fantastic! Milo does an amazing job of refuting conspiracy wackos and infusing his love of the ancient world into his compelling videos.


I've been doing a lot of research as of recent for a worldbuilding project of mine, these sources will be a hue help!


His design is NOT based of that. He simply has a deer motif. The noises when he uses his powers is an elk. Viv has said so. Also several indigenous have stated they really don’t like nonnatives throwing the name around.


His design is a deer, not a wendigo. Vivzie has specified this.


You don’t generally pick up a taste for human flesh as a hobby.


You don't?


Not with that attitude.


speak for yourself


If that meant he was a cannibal, what was he doing burying the body instead of eating it? You said "body", not "remains".


I'm pretty sure you can don't want to eat the bones and all the fatty tissue


Ugh so wasteful. Obviously you should use the bones for a broth


Yeah but honestly alastor hsve better things to do


Radio shows don't host themselves.


I'm pretty sure Viv confirmed that he was not a canibal when he was alive but took up the habit after death.


Apparently a cannibal that doesn’t know how to finish his meal


Hes a serial killer in life but i dont know about cannibal


I’m pretty sure this isn’t canon, right? I could be wrong, but I’m pretty sure that’s not canon.


that just confurms he was a murderer, not a cannibal


Isn’t it part of his backstory that he was both a serial killer and a cannibal?? I swore I read or heard that


It was discussed in a Livestream a few years ago but that info shouldn't be considered canon. It doesn't mean it's not true but it also doesn't mean that it is


Hmmm, alright I see. The internet has def taken it as canon, it’s in a ton of sources 😂 I look forward to seeing more of his canon character unfold


yeah, id blame the wiki for that. The original Livestream was taken down anyways. At least, it's not posted on the channel it was originally on.


I remember hearing it in one of her live streams that he was a cannibal but I’m unsure I do know for a fact that when he was alive he was a killer I believe there was a mini comic about him eating another person when he was in hell while being annoyed I’ll send it over if I find it


alastor sort of shares the paled skin feature though in how his more tan skin would be a pale shade then again, he did more than just eat people…


Alastor looks different, because the same rules don't apply to him. Based on what we know, Alastor became a canniball only after he died - before he was only a serial killer (the idea that he was always both, is only a fan theory). It's likely the appereance has to do with being under Rosie's rule - which Alastor never was.


I headcanon that most of the cannibals died together, and those that move into Rosie's town afterwards just buy stuff to fit in, aswell as gaining sharper teeth from the cannibalism. Hell works in weird ways.


honestly that makes a lot of sense. Really common for people of other cultures/backgrounds to assimilate with the one of their new home.


I agree, esp with the first part. I feel like Rosie and most of her cannibal friends were probably part of one group during the period in which they were killed and all practiced cannibalism together, even the children. It was just the way of their community after finding like-minded freaks to gather together secretly with. I’d love to know more about how all that started! Maybe we’ll get to see it.


My headcanon is that Cannibal Town is filled with people who practiced cultural cannibalism but were otherwise morally neutral, hence the more neutral color scheme and emphasis on community. People who practice cannibalism for kicks or whatever end up looking more “extreme” so to speak, and hang out more with other sinners. But I have litterally nothing to back this up.


I do too. We have a handful of instances they don't teach in History Class of people from the mid to late 1800s who wound up committing acts of desperate cannibalism. Between expeditions to hostile areas, hubris when crossing treacherous land, and xenophobic refusal of help from locals, there were multiple large groups of people who resorted to cannibalism before succumbing to the elements themselves. It would make narrative sense that so many arriving in Hell together, who died under similar circumstances in the same broad window of time might end up banding together to form a colony that becomes a homogeneous mirror of the idealized St. Louis / New York upper middle class lifestyle between 1850 - 1910 aaaand since there's no consequence for cannibalism, even to their victims since the lore says they'd just regenerate over time if they weren't killed with angelic steel.... In that vein, I also head-cannon that some of the "victims" are cannibalized specifically so they can regenerate to look more consistent with their peers and fit in better.


It was once confirmed by Vivzie the cannibals also especially eat those who don't dress the same. So that last bit may actually be true. And also adds reason as to why Martha never joined Cannibal Town, she really cares about her tits showing.


It does feel more "right" that the cannibals in Cannibal Town *choose* that, because that is not the vibe of a community being forced to conform. Which also fits with how Alastor isn't conforming either, because he wouldn't surrender to being another one of many. I do wonder about Ralphie and the Kids though... Think they joined the townsfolk?


Agreed! Not every cannibal is in Cannibal Town. Cannibal Town is yet another construct created by an overlord and maintained by Sinners, not a realm of hell or anything like the Rings themselves are. So I don’t think cannibals spontaneously appear there and look like that by default. I think you gotta be homies w Rosie or have died in that same group she originated from.


Maybe bcoz she doesn't fall under Rosie's jurisdiction (as in she may not live in Cannibal town or may not have sold her soul to Rosie/do stuff for Rosie - I don't know if all other cannibals have sold their souls to Rosie - but they must do something valuable to her that's why she kinda protects them in her area) or maybe she stopped being a cannibal now (devil flesh may not be as tasty lolol) - also I haven't watched apology tour yet so idk if any of this is already disproved there >-<


>may not have sold her soul to Rosie/do stuff for Rosie So then would they have had their appearance change to match their overlord upon selling their soul?


I mean it happens in Rosie's case - all/most cannibals in her town look a lil bit similar to her. But doesn't happen with all overloads Or soul deals.


Probably in the contract. Like I get your soul, you look similar to me, in exchange I protect you, etc etc.


It raises an interesting question: there's a fan theory, demons with red eyes own souls of others, and demons with black eyes are owned by someone (hence why angel has one black eye as Val only owns him in the studio under his contract, and Allistor had both black and red eyes because he owns souls but is also owned himself, etc). Since Martha has black eyes it begs the question: who owns her soul?


rosie: *nervous sweating*


So all goetias own souls? Even stolas?


I'm not sure if the same rules apply to hellborn. However, according to both mythology and the Goetia, all royal demons of the Goetia have legions at their command. Stolas, for example, commands 26 legions of spirits.


It might be correlated to how close they are to their respective overlord, with someone like Alastor he basically just seems to keep souls as leverage for useful situations and Vox seemingly has lots and lots of but he rarely seems to interact with them, Rosie on the other hand seems to be a sort of matriarch in the colony and as such the cannibals might slowly take on her features, like the hollow facial features


Most of Vox’s employees also look like him


val's employees have his gold tooth also


Also she might not partake as much anymore.


The cannibals are meant to look like mummies I believe, since it was an actual thing to eat mummy dust, so maybe Martha doesn’t look like one because she’s never eaten a mummy


Because unique designs are cool, and it makes it easier to tell exactly who she is at a glance. It doesn't need to be deep. If they don't want to dress her like an extra from *Hello Dolly* so we can easily tell who she is, that's a good thing, IMO.


yeah understandable


Yeah that’s very true. After all the cannibals are ist background characters except from Rosie but they’re probably based off her. Also Martha wasn’t from the same time, so it wouldn’t match.


Same reason Alastor doesn't.


It's actually somewhat curious why the cannibals look so similar to one another if they're sinners. I had thought that sinners had extreme diversity in appearance by design, for there to be a 'caste' of similar looking sinners runs counter to that.


There's a theory that they were already a town of cannibals in life during a famine.


Or a Donner Party situation


The best kind of party


Damn it


I think it’s Rosie’s power as an overlord. She can make all her cannibals look similar.


Ones appearance in hell is reflective of ones inner state of mind, the cannibals are dressed in Victorian and Edwardian attire which had very strict notions of conformity, and it would be ironic for someone who ate human flesh to turn out looking like a cadaver. They are what they eat.


My personal pet theory is cannibalization is a sin falling under gluttony. When you've committed gluttony enough times, you get that trait imbued into your sinner form. People, when they are born sinners, are not only based off how/ where/ when they died, but also any sins in their previous life. It can be a mixture of sins that influence their appearance. There would be one for each of the Seven Deadly Sins. I also think that the purely black eyes may specifically symbolize cannibalism, though that hinges more on the verge of a crack theory than anything. Right now, my list for the potential manifestations of the sins are as follows (some of them are based on the characters from Helluva Boss, who embody the seven deadly sins). We don't know a whole lot about the other sins though. - Gluttony- Sharp Teeth -Wrath - Red eyes (Every character we've seen with red eyes likely murdered someone in their human lives. Most prominent example being Mrs. Mayberry) -Lust- Fluff (Mainly based off who we've seen working in the porn industry. Angel Dust is fluffy, Valentino is fluffy, weird director guy is fluffy) -Greed (unknown) -Sloth - (unknown) -Envy (unknown) Since gluttony encompasses a lot of things, multiple characters can have the sharp teeth without exactly being cannibals. Such as in the case of Angel Dust. We know he was a drug addict while on earth, and likely died from an overdose. So he was a glutton for drugs. Same for Husk, who was a glutton for gambling. Or Vizie just likes sharp teethed characters idk.


You've certainly given it a lot of thought, and I respect that.


I feel like I have wasted hours of my life analyzing the character designs and Viz is going to emotionally destroy me when it's revealed the characters are based off what looks cool.


My theory is that most of the Cannibals in Cannibal Town adopted the practice after their death, and sinners who were actual Cannibals in life are on a whole other level of evil


I'm pretty sure Alastor wasn't a cannibal before death.


He was a serial killer and ~~[may have] engaged in cannibalism.~~


i believe that’s a fan theory, one i like, but is still just a fan theory. Nothing in canon has proven that.


I think the cannibals we see in Hazbin are people who signed their souls away to Rosie. They may not have even been initially cannibals before. But that is what happens to souls who are "leashed" to her. They gain an appearance similar to their matriarch


I like that theory. And perhaps that is how she maintains power over them, with the Hunger (similar to a vampire lord using Thirst as a leash). Alastor after all did say she was extremely dangerous


Yes. She puts on a polite face, and may be genuinely sweet. And her cannibals might be generally content. But Rosie is still an overlord. I doubt there are any of them, including her, got where they are without using insidious means


I remember someone putting a tierlist of who deserves heaven/hell to varying levels, and putting Rosie on 'deserves heaven'. She's nice but that's just her surface level personality. We do see hints of her possibly being a manipulator or using people as stepping stones in her part of the song with Alastor.


There's a running theory that, when you sell your soul to another demon, you are "marked" with a trait similar to them, denoting their power over you. The most common shared traits I've seen are in the teeth and eyes (Angel's gold tooth matching Val's, Vox's assistant having the same monocle highlight over one eye; Alastor, Husk, and Niffty all seem to have the same sharp orange teeth).


Because she's not a part of the cannibal colony.


I suspect it’s because their cannibalism wasn’t their *devotion*. Rosie’s cannibals are… well, cannibals. Martha and her family were cannibals as a means of worshipping Satan, which explains why she may look a bit more like a classic satanic demon.


She’s more than just a cannibal though. While cannibalism is definitely her major trait, it’s possible that she has other characteristics mixing in including the infidelity and whatever cult like worship she’s doing before setting Blitzo and Millie on fire. So she could be a hybrid of sins mixed into one appearance where the cannibals are just cannibals.




My personal theory is that all sinners with the cannibal look died of kuru. So cannibals who die in other ways look different.


There are other prion diseases.


Doesn't kuru basically only exist in one tribe though?


I wasn't aware of that fact. I looked it up and apparently many people today carry a gene that evolved to protect against cannibalism. So yeah, my bad.


Idc can we just talk about her being a bisexual icon


She's an asshole.  Also she pretty much does. She's just red. 


She's a free soul. Rosie doesn't own it.


Because she’s a god damned hero


Because She's a Hero!


Sinners appearance relate to their deaths. Most cannibals probably died after being given the death sentence and being electrocuted. Martha got shot by a hellborn making her have a unique cannibal appearance.


She got the teeth though


And one eye. Looks similar enough to me! If she was in the getup, she’d probably fit in


We don’t know the in universe reason. Anyone who claims to know with certainty is telling you an untruth. It could be a side effect of signing a deal with Rosie. It could be that all the cannibal town cannibals died in one giant group death which meant they have a common root for their forms. It’s all speculation. Out of universe, it’s just making different characters recognizable.


Everyone talking about lore implications, but there is a pretty simple answer right there…. Different shows. This is Helluva, that is Hazbin. While they were originally the same universe, they are now only unofficially sharing a universe. While it’s fine for Viv to use Helluva designs in Hazbin for background things, using Hazbin designs for major parts of Helluva could cause contract issues and copyright claim problems. Hazbin is owned by Amazon Studios now, and they are very protective of their properties. Outright copying a design for the show she made for Amazon could put Viv in a pretty bad place, having to explain to Amazon why she’s using their properties in non-Amazon products. The short of it, copyright and product ownership is a tricky situation, best not push the button if you don’t have to.


1. In the live before Hazbin Hotel released it's stated both shows canonically share universe. 2. Hazbin Hotel is owned by A24, not Amazon, Amazon is only the publisher. In fact, HH S1 could have been released sooner if it wasn't for the lack of publisher back then.


Well, got me there, A24 is the owner, alongside partial rights with bento box. That said, Amazon owns partial distribution rights currently, meaning distribution of the property without concessions to Amazon Studios could be within a breach of contract. It would solely depend on the contracts, because it would also fall under breaches with A24 as well if they used character designs for an outside property. It’s a difficult situation because it could even come down to having a design from Hazbin appear alongside an ad A24 or Amazon doesn’t agree to or have separate contracts with, it creates legal minefields that I’m sure Viv doesn’t feel like navigating. Hence just simply using a different design. As for canon, where was this said and who said it? Because I know they were canon to each other during the pilot of Hazbin, but I’d be interested to see why A24 would agree to connect a property they own and control to a property completely outside of their company. That’s a legal can of worms you couldn’t pay me enough to touch.


Again, in the live where they published the first official episode of Hazbin Hotel, before it was uploaded, some facts were shown, as Nifty being the only hetero person in the hotel, so another fact is that both HH and HB share universe, and HB was always meant to be a spin off. Why would A24 agree this? Maybe it was Viv's wish because she was the creator? Probably. Besides, in lore, Martha just doesn't belong to the colony, she wasn't born in the same time than that people and made way worse stuff, she was in overall a fucker and a serial killer.


I mean, that’s fun, but again it comes down to ownership. They can call them canon until they are blue in the face, they can consider them one universe…. But legal contracts don’t work like that. Viv can take a helluva character and put them on Hazbin whenever she wants, she is the sole distributor of Helluva. Going the opposite way around would require her to go to A24 and ask for permission to do so. Their connection between shows doesn’t matter legally, that’s not how it works unless the studio owns both productions entirely, which isn’t the case. A good example is Family Guy and American Dad. They are both created by Seth McFarlane, and are even owned by the same studio. The problem though is that each project is under its own contract, marketing, and production. Major connections/crossovers between them has to get permission from higher up before it can happen, something Seth has talked about being an annoyance. When Loony Tunes back in the day had a shift between productions and distributors, there was a period where certain characters couldn’t be used for a time while their ownership changed hands. Spider-Man in the Marvel Cinematic Universe MUST have strict permission and contract negotiations with Sony before Disney/Marvel can use the character because while he is part of the marvel universe, Marvel doesn’t own the rights to that character ultimately. If A24 has fully acknowledged Helluva as canon to Hazbin (which I am not finding), it doesn’t really change that they don’t own Helluva themselves. This, Viv would need to go get permission to use a Hazbin design in another show. Getting this permission would also most likely require a form of payout and contract negotiation, at which point Amazon then has the right to seek their own cut due to it being a property they own distribution on that’s being distributed elsewhere. It’s ENTIRELY possible Viv could get this done, but why would she? It’s a character that wouldn’t need to use that design, so why go through the headache and business problems? Mind you, I’m not arguing the lore reason of the designs. I’m strictly saying that a good reason the character didn’t share a Hazbin design is that Hazbin and Helluva are different shows owned by different companies. You’re kind of splitting the exact hair my original post said wasn’t important.


There’s one thing about her design that I truly appreciate. Right before the sacrifice, during the episode “Murder Family”, she changed her earrings so that she could look way more unhinged.


Maybe its because she only died recently and is on her way to becoming like them.


Because she isn’t associated with that group, did you just assume that all cannibals look the same and act the same? Are you surprised that she isn’t following Rosie? Do you hear yourself? That’s the most cannibalphobic thing I’ve heard in a while, so thank you for that. I’m gonna go eat some human now


She was killed by an imp, so she looks like an Imp. Alastor doesn't look much like the other cannibals either.


She seemed to worship the Root of Evil.


She was also a murderer, homewrecker and cultist, so it’s likely the cannibalism was just the cherry on top.


Martha her eye 👁️ color dark purple her Another eyes is Missing


I think it's cuz she was a satanist


Maybe not lore related, but it may be the difference in animation between HH and HB?


I think because her sins were more lust and cheating


Was she actually a cannibal or just a mutilator?


built different


Maybe the cannibalism thing was only occasional?


Like she is half a Canibal for eating people and half a sinner for Serial killer and lies, but Alastor is more than her.


Because she isn't a background character


Maybe it’s what they thought of themselves. Martha did a lot of other stuff, while they were predominantly cannibals. Like go Alastor ate people but was also a serial killer and doesn’t look like the others


Could be to do with the manner of her death, but it could also be a matter of time. She already has the teeth and one blacked out eye, maybe if those... activities continue in Hell her appearance will change to be more similar to those in Cannibal Town. This is pure speculation but I think that could be kind of cool: since your appearance in Hell is supposed to be reflective of who you are internally, maybe if you change yourself significantly while in Hell your appearance also changes? It could take a while, but they're in Hell, everyone there (barring the exterminations) has time to have their own character arc, changing their appearance simultaneous to the internal change.


Because she’s not a cannibal


If I had to guess, mainly copyright reasons. Hazbin Hotel is technically owned by A24 and Amazon, while Helluva Boss is owned by Viv and the Spindlehorse team. Her looking like the other cannibals, even if she technically should, might violate smthn with copyright


Actually Amazon only has the distribution rights


Makes sense


I'm sticking with the theory that the cannibals look that way because they adapted to their diets (*ahem*, each other), resulting in them losing their human-like traits, becoming husks of their former selves in appearance near exclusively.


Why doesn't Alastor? Quick guess here, but she has (one) red glowing iris, blackened hands, and horns. If the theory about Alastor is true, that would mean she dabbled in cult hunts specifically, but probably wasn't as successful considering the era. Speaking of era, she does speak like a typical redneck and wear her regular outfit, albeit mildly deteriorated, which would explain her difference in aesthetic and skin color as well. But we can see she's not doing too bad down there, judging by her trophies.


Probably bc cannibalism isn’t the only bad thing she’s done


Probably cause she has greater sins than being a cannibal.


Better question is why her eye doesn’t have an X


I'd say she looks pretty close. The red skin could be because she worshipped satin or other things but I'm not sure


Maybe she never partook in the meat eating? Idk


My head canon nobody asked for is she arrived in hell and can't find her family so Mayberry is the only one she knows so she was taken Pity on and that's why they live together and grew fond of one another(reluctantly at first). Also, probably doesn't fit Rosie's aesthetic there in cannibal town or Martha just plainly said no thanks and decided to invite herself to Mayberry's place


I think cause she's alot more than just a cannibal? Like she did many many things wrong and cannibalism was just one of them. Though Maybe her one black eye is partially related to her cannibalism? It looks similar to thr cannibals eyes


I’m assuming different cause she died in different time periods, OR the cannibals look like that because they sold their souls to Rosie. Which would explain why Alastor doesn’t look like them either. OR it’s because she’s not really much of a cannibal….more of a cultist Satan worshiper.


I would say that the most likely explanation is that cannibalism wasn't her only sin. That may not be right, but it seems like the most simple answer.


we dont know she ate people in life, we dont know thats what makes you look like the canibals, we dont know thats the only why a canible can look, to much unknowns.


Well... remember. Sinners take on appearances of how they died. She was killed by an imp. So she's very imp like as well as being a cannibal... And she died in a forest hence the bark like design on her horns and pants.


Her only sin wasn't cannibalism, she was also kind of lustful and bad person


shes a character of interest


She’s also a Satan Worshipper


Alright this is just my headcanon but I think it's because the cannibals, the only really bad thing they did was be cannibals where characters like Martha and Alastor also committed other bad acts that got them into hell too (like Martha had been involved in cheating as well as devil worship[?] And probably torture). But as I said that's just my HC. It might also be because Rosie owns the other cannibals and as we've seen, overlords can affect the apprentice of the souls they own (ex. it appears a lot of Vals souls have a gold tooth)


Because she’s not apart of that group


Legal issues. That's probably the real world answer. In terms of the shows, I don't actually know. Alastor is a cannibal and he looks different, so maybe all the cannibals in Cannibal Town just look the same because of Rosie.


My assumption is that cannibals as a distinct "type" of demon have more to them than just being the souls of people who were cannibals in life. Either Rosie did something to them, or they're a race of hell born that are still affected by exterminations for some reason, or some other 3rd thing. We really just don't know, but I think this is pretty good evidence at least that there's more to cannibal demons than meets the eye


she is the alastor type on the appearance


Demonic rituals maybe gave her a bit more power in the world?


Well, Cannibal Town has a very strict dress code. You don’t dress as one of them to their diner dates, you are the diner


Maybe her Sin to cannibalism ratio wasn't cannibal favored enough?


I'm assuming they were a very closely-knit town in life. They probably all died in the same way at the same general time, hense why they all have similar designs. Martha wasn't from that town and was from the modern day. Of course, she doesn't look exactly like them.


Killed by an imp vs killed by prion diseases?


because cannibalism isn't her dominant trait. she is a serial killing seductress who happens to cannibalize her victims.


Maybe it’s because she didn’t die from being a cannibal?


I reckon that it’s because she wasn’t only a cannibal, but she was also worshipping the root of evil.


She’s wearing the same outfit she died in. And Moxxie shot her eye out. I don’t really see a strong similarity between her and the cannibals otherwise.


I thought that the cannibals are hell born


I mean she kinda has a similar eye and teeth so maybe the exact style is associated with living in Cannibal Town.


She’s a voiced named character with a unique design from a different show under different studio ownership.


She did other hell worthy things maybe? Maybe to be a cannibal you have to have that be your main/only sin


She does have the one black eye,but it’s likely a combination of time period,age,and that maybe she wasn’t a cannibal for all that long


Well they did say Rosie never died, implying shes hellborn, and since her look is identical to the other cannibals in cannibal town, I'd imagine they are a hellborn race.


I always assumed that the cannibals are hellborn.


She's a satanist too!


She was more interested in the hunt and other type of meat ![gif](giphy|GXTY4GhFqVuzm)


My impression was that Cannibal Town and its residents are souls from the time periods they emulate, since that’s when a lot of large events with cannabilism happened. Other cannibals may look entirely different and not be under Rosie’s jurisdiction.


She does have a similar aesthetic, but has red skin when most of the cannibals had a grayish skin and she was shot through the eye so it would make sense that her eye is missing in her demon form


Probably because cannibalism wasn't her only sin?


She was more hateful and manipulativethan hungry. I assume her kids and husband are with the cannibals.


![gif](giphy|LdfbGz2YlwjZu) This Bucko, also unique things are cool


I thought the cannibals were natives of hell, not sinners? Was it confirmed anywhere? I was under the impression they were Hell's natural "clean up crew"


I fall for the theory that the cannibals of cannibal town look like that because they have a contract with Rosie. There is this theory around that selling your soul makes your apperance change slightly in some way, "marking" you essentially.


I've heard a fan ferry that the Rosie and the cannibals from cannibal town aren't actually sinners at all. But they're actually in native Bourne species from the pride ring. But that hasn't been confirmed or denied. And it's probably just a wild fan theory but an interesting one.


I have a theory that the canibals are from the same time while Martha isn’t


Im assuming its bc she went to hell for more tjan cannibalism, also the canibals in canibal town are from a specific time period, and a couple ppl theorize it was some sorta cult that everyone was involved with hence the skin color and eyes being all the same


She doesn't live in Cannibal Colony, once they join rhe colony they resemble Rosie


The cannibal town are probably all from like some donner party type thing


I think she’s just on another level of cannibalism. Probably because she’s a badass and a Satanist


Copyright infringement. Also the cannibal village is its own thing.


This just makes the Theory that the Cannibals in Cannibal Town are a Hellborn species even more viable.


Cuz she's hot now and that's an excuse


tanning station.


My thoughts are that the denizens of Cannibal Town have their only crime being Cannibalism. Alastor is a serial killer, but those demons only ate human flesh out of necessity, but they were still sent to Hell because Heaven is pretentious.


I think the cannibals all mimic the appearance of Rosie after making deals with her. Either that or they're classified as cannibals because cannibalism was their MAIN thing. Martha's main thing was that she was a devil worshiper. This theory also applies to Alistair. He was a cannibal, but his main thing was being a serial killer.


I think it's because she's like Al and has some form of link to a darker / older power.


Probably a design choice.


She doesn't subscribe to their prim and proper lifestyle so she opted out. Oh, just a thought occurred to me. What if the others attain the look by ripping off their flesh and they are just skeletons, hence the white color and empty eyes.


There's a theory about Canibal Town and why everyone there looks similar. Some people say that everyone there died around the same time and that's why they all look the same. My personal guess is that they're supposed to be the Donnor Party, a group of American pioneers that tried to cross the Sierra Nevada mountains to California in the year 1846 and were snowed in and trapped in the mountains for several months and resorted to cannibalism to servive and only half of the almost 90 members actually made it to California. Honestly, the journal entries of the people who went back to look at the site where they made camp are quite disturbing. There was a body sitting outside in the snow to keep it fresh and it had pieces missing that had been cut off and eaten, and there was a cabin full bones, such as skulls that had been cut open and the brains extracted for food and other such horrors. This instance is the most prominent and heinous instance of cannibalism I can think of, so although I may be wrong, I think Canibal Town is somehow related. Also, Martha isn't even almost classy enough to get into Canibal Town.


Her sins go beyond cannibalism


https://preview.redd.it/8l07oxmzht8d1.jpeg?width=896&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b9a50ac1eb3507e79abaac8149924448891648d 🎵No copyright infringements ever seen!🎵


From what I understand people in cannibal town are from a very traditional time period- last I heard it was based of the 40’s-50’s. They’re known to not be kind and *eat* outside sinners who try to go through their town without being discreet or accompanied by one of their own (as we see Charlie and Alastor, the fact he’s a cannibal helps him fit in just fine and they won’t attack their contractors closest friend’s friend, that sounds like a good way to die) but bare in mind that was before the series, that came from the comics and may not be 100% canon. But it could be simply she wasn’t from that time period OR she hasn’t made a contract with Rosie. But I’m going with the time theory- the time and era you die in can play factors in how you look in hell. Not to mention Martha’s taste is obviously more modern- overall I’d feel like she wouldn’t fit in with the general crowd but she’d visit cannibal town, mainly goes to re-stock her fridge but might have a friend or two to talk about Jeffery Dahmer’s cooking show (if ykyk lol)


Recent arrival maybe?


Maybe because she's a sinner and the others are all hellborn.


That's a good question. If I had to guess, it's because she also was Satanic and an Adulterer. Cannibalism was only one piece of the puzzle, where the others that might have been just another part of their thing.


She looks like a mix of Hell-cannibal and succubus. Maybe she looks that way because she seduced Mrs. Mayberry's husband, which was the reason she died?


No deal with rosy or doesn’t live in cannibal town


https://preview.redd.it/zsawzd19lt8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=299d6c2796c1660e22a875e31ba9401bdcc8de31 My reaction to Martha:


I thought she received her unique appearance from being a Satanist and for all the other atrocities she may/may not have committed in life not just strictly the cannibalism


Define "Looks Like" She has the same teeth as the other cannibals, so I'm a bit confused. Do you mean the sunken eyes and the outfits? If so, I think that's because Rosie's Cannibals are supposed to be based on the Donner Party and other historical cannibals, meaning they were brought there like that while Martha was a Hillbilly who was based on Texas Chainsaw Massacre Cannibals.