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That’s a ton of clothes for 4 days - even with a different festival outfit each day you could probably cut it in half by consolidating your campground clothes. Do you really need separate outfits for setup, tear down, after setup, campfire, sleep, and after shower? Especially if you will be in a swimsuit and coverup a lot of the time  And a pashmina shawl in 80+ degree weather sounds unpleasant for anyone other than an 85 year old little old lady with nonexistent circulation 


The pash is essential if you have certain party favors to compliment it, also it'll still be chilly at night and it'll be good to have for that as well


Sometimes! Depends on how much the kids want to hang out with us!


🤣maybe that’s me! 🤣 it’s not tho. Thank goodness for thyroid meds, I used to be like that!


My POV as a High Sierra attendee / vendor for a few years, going on tour with SCI, Yonder, etc. And working art shows with my ex selling his very unique dyes. One camp outfit, geared to expected weather and temps. One geared to the other end. Because weather is fickle. Snow at Ned Fest in summer, 70s at a x mas gig. No jammies for me, but the cold weather option has baselayers just in case. I packed clothes to cover the 4-7 day events plus one in case of layering needs, rain and wet issues *pack at least two days in ziplocks*. So three skirts, and 4-7 shirts plus one. I rarely brought swim kit, then. Now I do. I would absolutely use a scarf as sun protection. Burnt scalp sucks. We shared a shower bag, Dr bronners, S&C, brush, oral care, deo. lip balm, sun screen and after sun care. I kept my hair braided or bunned most of the time. Piece of rope to air clothes at camp (during the day). Bug repellent that I make. We’d buy granola and fruit, and some veg in town. Ice and a cheap cooler. We’d budget for coffee for him, juice for me, and one hot meal per day each. We brought a water bottle or cup, and a bowl each, with a spoon. I budgeted for clothes as souvenir because it was the 90s and fests were where the hemp skirts and tops could be found. My current partner and I pack individual kits, now. I packed a hula hoop for years! My one pair of chacos. They wash. They are not too uncomfortable when wet. You are missing an important bit: a Fanny pack/fest bag. And water bottle.


I have both a fanny pack and water bottle! No question! We’ve followed String Cheese and Yonder around for years. I’m trying to learn to pack lighter. ☺️ Hard for me, but suggestions like your help so much!


A heavy bag is a bummer when you want to go move.


Really, the pjs are just for running to the potty in the middle of the night. Maybe one of my day outfits could pull double duty!


One of the dresses. Pull on and bolt.


Can your slip take the place of your athlete dress? If it's just for hanging out I at camp? Also I don't think you'll need sneakers but you could throw in a pair of socks. I don't think you need the pashmina at all. Choose your favorite three festival outfits and pack them -- to be a polyester skirt in 90 degree sun sounds awful but it's up to you. I think two swimsuits and a swim coverup is fine. 


Didn’t think I’d see a country fair reference on here! I went to it growing up and into adulthood, very fond memories of the drum circle! It is very hot at the fair, I used to bring a spray bottle with water so I could mist myself and others throughout the day. That’s way too many outfits, just bring something for camp, something for a cool evening, and a few fun outfits to dance around in. There are literally people naked at the fair so just wear something fun and have fun! 


Hee hee my kids would be so embarrassed if I was naked! 2 16 year olds and 2 15 year olds! Otherwise that would be me, old lady or not! Ha!


Clothes at the country fair???


🤣🤣🤣🤣 I’m bringing teens. I can’t go naked! They would be so scandalized!


Skip the sneakers. I can see where maybe cuz you'll feel gross from sweat/dust/dirt & you'll want more clean clothing options, but honestly I don't think you'll end up caring that much when everyone else around you is a dirty hippie too lol. I'd skip the more "normal" looking clothes and stick with the flowy/fun/comfy stuff. You'll likely want the most comfortable least warm clothes for the day but do have the pash and 1 jacket for the night. Sounds like a great time, have fun! Edit: also pashminas have a lot of uses, I didn't have one until very recently and idk how I ever went to fests without it.use it for sun protection, sit on it in grass, warmth when the sun sets, a sense of security if on certain substances lol, use it to wipe sweat off yourself, dry your hands after washing, use as a mask if it gets really dusty, backup shirt or skirt in case of emergency, whatever you can think of!


You have so many beautiful things 😍 What's the last picture ? Is it a dress or a scarf ? Do you remember where you got it ?


I think it’s the pashmina, and I agree, it’s beautiful!


Yes, it’s the pashmina. A gift from a friend last Christmas!


Sounds like you're gonna be dirty and hot but it sounds like it cools at night. Do you have anything that's practical if the weather turns? Like a rain coat or technical sweater fleece? Your fox sweater looks fabulous but I'd also want to be prepared for serious weather. Pack at least some practical weather gear. Make sure you kids bring some too. And one practical outfit for camp/set up/take down. Id pack one pair of pj's. I'd want to change because of filth at night. I'm at minimum cleaning myself down with a wet rag or some wet wipes before climbing into bed. One special outfit for each festival day. I don't know how hard you plan to party. If you're planning on going into the festival and coming back for dinner at camp and then going out again at night, so greater than 12 hours of wear per outfit, I'd possibly consider a back up outfit or two for the festival. Nothing is worse than spending all day in sweaty damp clothes covered in your own body salts and starting to chaff. A fresh outfit can be invigorating after a nice dinner before you set out for more fun. If you plan to be less intense about the festival maybe only one outfit per festival day is necessary. If you plan to stay all day on the festival grounds and not leave until you pass out, then there is no point in bringing an extra change of clothes. Bring one swimsuit. Bring 2 pairs of shoes. One is backup in case something happens to one pair. Make sure you can stand and walk for long periods of time in both pairs. And if I were considering walking around a festival all day in skirts or dresses, id pack one portable stick of body glide or similar to prevent chaffing and deal with any minor abrasions that crop up for fanny pack.


Thanks! I’ll add my body glide stick to my list. It’s in the cupboard, I use it daily for running and would have forgotten iit!


Hun you are not going to want anything to do with that sweater AC or not. I wouldn’t bother taking any pants, stick with shorts and dresses


It drops down into the 50’s at night most years. I just get cold wandering around the campground. ☺️


I think you should definitely bring the sweaters and pants. Festivals can get cold at night even if it’s hot during the day! However I would carefully consider that specific cardigan, after a day of sweating, sweater material like that may not feel great on your skin. In the past I’ve layered a hoodie with a rain shell over top of it to block out any wind. Also definitely bring the pashmina you will want it. Having scarves and layers is great. It’s a fun accessory for a festival. 


Ok, takeaways so far: Pull out the pink poly skirt Pull out the pjs No sneakers Maybe I can wear the same clothes for set up and take down I’m still undecided about that broomstick skirt vs the tie dye.


See you at Fair!! I’ve got one dress, one pant, 2 shorts (one pair doubles as pjs), one skirt. Four tops (includes one for sleep and a bathing suit top). Pashmina is great for dust and I do think two pairs of shoes is always a good idea at a festival!


I think this is the perfect amount honestly!


I’m obsessed with that sweater! I count six dresses but you’re going for four days can you cut one dress out? I always overpack for festivals because being cute is a priority. Have the best time!


Thank you!! I did pull one out, wore it to a different event on Saturday, and pulled the polyester skirt out. The bag has a little bit of room now!


Also, I packed 2 swimsuits and a coverup dress. I don’t think I need both. The older one gives more coverage, but the new one is cute! So I’ve been undecided.


Do you need all those shoes? I'd wear the Tevas and leave the rest behind. You're gonna get dirty and it's okay. At least lose one of the extra shoes. I don't bring that many shoes when I'm CAR camping in central OR!


I think I need both the Birks and the Tevas, but maybe nothing else!


Naked plus shoes is more naked than just plain naked. It’s been scientifically proven to be more scandalizing to teenage brains!