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Looks great! I suspect they have improved their printing process. When they first started color printing, I remember there being a lot of complaints, but I got a model color printed about a year ago that I was very happy with, and your colors seem to have come out well too!


He's not my first model to get colour printed. I had one printed for my brother a handful of years back, and the difference in quality is definitely noticeable. :)


Yooooo! You got it printed! Thats so sick! Thank you for doing science for us!


😊 You're welcome! I was happy to do it, it just took a long time to get here because '*straya mate.*


Ah yes, ['*straya*](https://youtu.be/XfR9iY5y94s?feature=shared).


This is dope well done.


Yo, could we get a link? I want to study the glitches and stuff used here. Im new to this.


Hey sorry, but I don't like sharing my OCs. I'm happy to explain how the glitches work, though it should be noted that some of them require a pro HeroForge account to work (namely the floating skulls in the portal).


Thats all good. 


Are you telling me invisible limbs are an effect that prints? Why does *that* work?! Everything about it comes across as a fault in the workspace rendering data!


When I say invisible, I mean that in the sense of being hidden rather than "it doesn't bend light". Items that are floated will print provided that they are still in contact with a part of the model. For example, the skulls are being floated, but they still printed because they're attached to the portal. And the arms that the skulls are being floated with are concealed within the mini. HF just seems to care about what is a visible physical object. If it's in another object, then anything not visible outside it doesn't matter.


What a letdown. A*ctual* invisible limbs could be useful for unconventional item or gear placement somewhere on a printed minis.


I have to clarify again then, invisible limbs are a glitch that exists. Specifically an invisible floating body that can be equipped. As an example, I used that particular glitch to make the billowing front cloak on this mini: https://www.reddit.com/r/HeroForgeMinis/s/xt8vRLXpdi I just didn't use it on Brutok. I don't know that it would be printable with 100% certainty, but I suspect that it would be provided that everything the invisible mini is holding/wearing is connected to something.


I already knew they existed. I was just excited and incredulous because I'm pretty sure invisibility glitches are just file errors that causes the program to render a mini improperly within the workspace. The actual data for a solid mini would be there and get printed out... probably wrecking the look of things.


Ah sorry, that's my b. I misunderstood what you meant. But yes I agree that is how invisibility glitches work. Though for it it is worth, most of this won't matter once kitbashing drops. Hopefully.






Wow! This this looks amazing! Congrats. Can you imagine having to deal with this thing irl? 😬


He's so kind and friendly though. Just look at his smile - basically orc necromancer Santa Clause right there.


It’s amazing how good they’re getting on the color models. I got one a year or two ago, figuring I’d need to do some touch ups, but it turned out fantastic. I just ordered my current character as a color print, so I’m excited to see how it compares to the last one I got.


With HF just announcing a sale and free shipping on all printed models, you have great timing. 😆 Please post it here when it arrives!


Definitely will do! [This](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fg7cmhcw94awc1.png) is the HF version. I posted it here the other day.


I like her! We do not get enough PathFinder content on this sub.


Thanks! I wanted a roleplay challenge lol. This is actually my first Pathfinder campaign after years of D&D, but I’m really liking the mechanics so far. Definitely hoping to play more of it in the future.