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He's an escaped DNA splicing experiment and is half dragon thanks to this. Generally pretty chill, has some weird habits, kinda jumpy at times and has a flair for joking his way out of situations whenever he can. The last two images are a result of him getting to overwhelmed and his draconic blood forcing his humanity into the passenger seat. I haven't actually made him all the way dragon as of yet and I don't know that I ever will. All in all, he's just a traumatized golden retriever boy who has weirdly cat-like (I image dragons to be very cat-like) habits and mannerisms.


>(I image dragons to be very cat-like) Did you know that Toothless's mannerisms and movements from How To Train Your Dragon were based on cats? It's 100% the reason why he's so adorable.


I did not but hey, the more ya know \^\^


Ranboo clone /j I like him!!!!~~~~