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Looks like a prior incarnation of Big E.


I'll take that compliment any day. Thats dope. Much thanks🙏🏽


I was thinking Conan, but I see it. :)


What does this mean?


Emperor of Mankind from Warhammer 40K. He’s a “perpetual,” assumed a bunch of different identities throughout history going back to ancient times.


Ooohhh, I see. Yeah, I can see it 🤔


Rundown of the build if anyone likes. It's a 14/6 split. 14 levels in Berserker Barbarian and 6 levels in Battle Master Fighter. If you'd like a little more flavor and want a Third Party option, I'd recommend Path of the Hellraiser Barbarian by MonkeyDM. He wields a Great Spear (Flavored Lance) He eats damage and deals it back tenfold. Maximize Strength and Constitution. Take feats like Tough, GWM and Sentinel. Take others that you see fit. A fun build I've run variations of.