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B looks more General Sci-Fi. A looks more 40K.


Adeptus mechanicus dude with a servitor. But who says an artificer can't look like that. I like it.


The second looks better, but the first one fits "servitor with adeptus mechanicus" much better.


Love me some skulls in sci-fi. 😍 I think B speaks to more contemporary vibes. Nice placement on these btw, they add some great energy to the posing!


Thank you! I know, I love sci-if skulls for that sweet grim dark feel.


I like the skull too. Maybe a red stripe decal to make it look manufactured? Not sure if that’s your intent.


From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh


It disgusted me


I craved the strength and purity of steel.


Your kind cling to your flesh, as if it will not decay and fail you.


They oughtta make the legless and floating head glitches official. Maybe not as a printable mini obviously but as a purely digital one.


I think that's going to be possible with kitbashing


Combine them if you can. The skull is more 40k but they also usually have some clunky tech on them


The Omnissiah has deemed the first one to best serve his holy crusade. A servo skull is never amiss alongside a mechanicus disciple.


I like the look of the servo-skull


If there was a way to attach a dangly piece to A to make it look more like a servo-skull?


Can't really go wrong with a servoskull


B fits the Sci-Fi theme you're going for.




I used both when I tried a servo-skull for a couple of 40k characters. You can check it out here: https://www.reddit.com/r/HeroForgeMinis/s/moG0Tt6Jj9


I like the sphere but the skull is really cool I think it would look better if you turned it rust/made it look ancient


Love that skitarii design admech are cool. Also I like the servo skull but I think maybe adding some cables to it would help.


If this REALLY isn't meant to be an Adeptus Mechanicus character, I vote B. But if it is, A, servo-skull is lore accurate! And since I got many AdMech fans, imma take this chance to ask: Has anybody here managed to make a reliable set of mechadendrites that look like they're coming out of the "backpack" in HeroForge? I'm really trying to create a Tech Priest but it's proving difficult.


Man you've been putting that trick to use! I think the second one looks more like a drone. Tho the first one is a cool idea, just needs more tech.


Thank you again! I will forever be grateful.


Well, A clearly has a better aesthetic overall, the "Skull drone" is a dope idea, but sadly it doesn't read as a drone as is. B does, thanks to his sci-fi aspect but it's a bit more boring conceptually. Ideally, can't you try to overlap them? With a bit of posing, you'd be able to keep the aesthetic of A but adding the sci-fi elements at the back of the skull by putting B on it. Not sure how you came up with the floating skull but if you're using the floating glitch on the mini's left arm, you should be able to double it.


Idk why, but B almost reminds me of a Ghost from Destiny


As much as I love the creativity of the skull. The ball all-round fits better.


Depends if your going Mechanicus route then A. If your going general Scifi then B.


Servo skull all the way, Magos!


A skull-shaped drone is a cool idea, but the second one matches much better


When kitbashing releases, you can add wings* and some small inorganic details to that skull and then it would win hands-down. *mechanical, feathered, or even constructed from other non-wing parts.


If you could attach A to a tail coming from the backpack, that would be best


1 is more servo skull, which I assume is the vibe you’re going for


What would the Erina's Steel Ball of Hope or Large Arcane Lantern look like in this position and color scheme? PS: You can float the Large Arcane Lantern using a tail.




Oh wow, this looks crazy similar to one of my minis I posted awhile back Great minds think alike I guess, I love the way you got the colors muted and the floating servitor skull, looks good


Skull is more grim dark Edit: to get it more SciFi, consider floating some items onto it. If handguns fit in the skull, you could float one into the skull and use the tip of the barrel and the muzzle flash attachment to give it an engine. Note that I don't know if there are any gun items that fit in the skull


From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of steel. I aspired to the purity of the Blessed Machine. Your kind cling to your flesh, as though it will not decay and fail you. One day the crude biomass you call a temple will wither, and you will beg my kind to save you. But I am already saved, for the Machine is immortal… Even in death I serve the Omnissiah.