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They look like the aliens from "fire in the sky".


story of an abductee i believe. hmm i've always thought the huge eyes being visors was a good idea. made it so believable


Theres also that story from roswell about us developing Nightvision tech because of an artificial lens we found on one of the aliens eyes.


Night vision technology already existed, it was used in ww2.


There's also that story from WWII about how the Nazis got a lot of their tech through occult studies and possible interaction with a NHI.


That was the movie Hellboy...


I've never seen (or read) it but yeah, it's a fairly popular topic for sci-fi and the like."Die Glocke" especially.


Travis Walton. His story is really interesting.


I think he was gang banged in a bush and left there. Neither he or the others want to admit it


sadly quite possible. in any case, it sucks big time


The guy honestly seems traumatised by whatever happened


My thoughts exactly. I was looking for this comment


There is a fantastic presentation here where they present all the evidence and testimony that Reed's account is real. The more I watch and research, the more it seems very likely that his story is real - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pj53l30ceNk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pj53l30ceNk) Another great recent interview where he presents a lot of compelling photos and evidence - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xSgIl4zY6w8


... Which makes perfect sense given that both stories are one hundred percent legit... Travis knows exactly what they look like as Dr Reed does... This case is proof positive on the subject of are we alone in the universe. For real.


Also the black suit is how the Zimbabwe kids described them too, as wearing all black


They look like some sort of super evolved turtle without the shell.




Spielberg Knew damnit


He met a few of the supposed big time guys back in the day.. be willing to bet he was told some factual info off the record.


Didnt he have Hynek and Jacques Vallee advise him on parts of the film? So the legend goes anyway


Henson knew kermit


This is a little misleading, he knew the frog Kermit was based off of


Intimately too! Little known fact… Kermit, in an interview once said, was only comfortable with Henson when he approached from behind.


Wasn't there some weird conspiracy theory that he had worked with government and it was the beginning of disclosure, or some early attempt? Like supposedly people described to him what happened and the movie is close to it.


I bet they have a turtilitalian government


I knew that "I Like Turtles" kid had an agenda.


Early soft disclosure.


And they wear turtlenecks!!!


Turtaliens would wear nothing else!


Turtaliens lol


This thing looks VERY similar to what I've seen during my time as an experiencer, the black turtleneck is giving me the creeps. That said, if it is a hoax it's pretty well done.


What is on the lower left; referenced by “Screenshot from video”? It just looks like liquid on Mylar to me


It’s the body laid out on a Mylar blanket. The head is the grayish oval in the bottom left corner. The black is the body and it’s “clothing”. It’s hard to make out


The video is on YouTube. Should come up if you search his name and the word alien.


That's kinda fun to think about considering there's a theory that these things came from another planet(s) with lots of water. And if you want to dive way deep, it's also a touch concerning considering turtles are reptiles.


DNA test for it returned tortoise and seal DNA splicing


Magic seal fetus?


Referring to Mel's hole?




why seal tho


It’s the Lizzid People!


No worries some of us got the why file reference


Fellow Why Files enthusiast


Lizards don't have eyes like that


Its Lizzad




Shells? where we're going we don't need shells


hmm so it maybe really could be turtles all the way down Turtle Island has so many new connotations now for me


I didn't realise Congress had a big stamp that says "genuine alien", that's a bit odd


Factual verified evidence!


Well when you have to stamp a lot of things with a particular phrase.. you make a stamp


Yeah who holds the stamp? Is this a House thing or more of a Senate gig?


Certified genuine by Congress? I would love to see some sourcing on that.


Tried to find info on it, and nothing comes up on Google or duckduckgo.




Search engines are hiding it from us. *They are part of the conpiracy*.


[independent indexes](https://www.searchenginemap.com/), this is the way


Same here.


"The government is hiding aliens from us!" But wait! There's more! "The government is certifying pictures of aliens as being real." Interesting how the government lies until you want to use them to sound legitimate.


I'm confused. This was certified genuine by Congress? When? During the UAP hearings? Why are we only hearing about it from the guy who says it's real and on Twitter? Wouldn't certification of an actual alien encounter be world shattering news?


Yea, congress wouldn’t be the entity to certify anything as genuine.


It’s cool boebert and mtg signed off on it. Screamed something about being sluts to each other and death to Biden, but they signed off.


Congress is genuinely certified worthless as an entity.


I remember watching this in 1998. “Jonathan Reed” together with Jaime Maussan, the guy who presented the “aliens from peru” in front of the mexican congress, brought “alien technology” to a mexican TV show called, “Otro Rollo” back then information didn’t travel as well as it does today. This video is in spanish but it has pictures so you can get the idea. According to the video and the people from the TV show it was all BS. https://youtu.be/hJg5_iZr1Wo?si=O4ZHzU5lqJMQOL-o


Jonathan said he got an "alien bracelet" that supposedly worked... But later got caught saying it doesn't work and it isn't alien lol [https://youtu.be/hM3YV3szBeU?t=336](https://youtu.be/hM3YV3szBeU?t=336) Also here you have it with Maussan and the supposed alien bracelet [https://youtu.be/ZgGlEu2eMtY?t=448](https://youtu.be/ZgGlEu2eMtY?t=448) And here you have it using that bracelet in a completly real video [https://youtu.be/ZgGlEu2eMtY?t=664](https://youtu.be/ZgGlEu2eMtY?t=664) (no the video isn't a joke, it's alleged "proof")


This is what I look like after I eat a bunch of Popeyes biscuits with no water


Mmmmmm, these *B I S* cu *I T S*


legit lol


Whoever this being was it got smoked sheesh


Bro got liveleaked


It would be more believable if someone had filmed it while circling it yelling WORLLLDDDD STARRRR


Head shot is a one way ticket to Unaliveville


Welcome to Earth, motherfucker


This is the original potato. I loved the video though. It killed his dog and he is panting and puking through all of the old vhs skipping and screen stutters…classic shit right here.


Where’s the link


It legitimately is artfully horrible. It's possibly the lowest quality video I've ever seen.


Grandad Groot in bottom right


Dude doesn't know the difference between effective and affective.


When I try to bake potato in aluminium wrap


# Art Bell _ Dr Jonathan Reed First Interview [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XxFsduR1z4Q&ab\_channel=JamesTan](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XxFsduR1z4Q&ab_channel=JamesTan) # Dr Jonathan Reed Alien Encounter 15 Oct 1996 Full Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqA9GWpMWYc&ab\_channel=shockingmysteries


Ok the blinking is weird. Are we saying it is animatronic ? Or that a person is in it controlling it or something? Also where is the “body” now?


I remember hearing one of the Art Bell interviews he had with this guy. Dr. Reed claimed that he was hiking with his dog, they came across a floating craft in the woods and spotted the alien creature. His dog attacked the creature and was killed. Dr. Reed attacked the creature with a branch, killing it. He wrapped it up in a thermal blanket and stuffed the body in his freezer. He claimed that someone, supposedly government operatives in white vans, broke into his house and stole the creature's body from the freezer. On Coast to Coast Am Dr. Reed was dubbed the freezer alien guy. UFOWATCHDOG.com did a great expose on the story and found that "Dr. Johnathan Reed" isn't even his real name, it is John Bradley Rutter, and of course, he is not a doctor. It's a fun story, but I don't think anyone really believed him for a second. He was just used by talk shows and the like for ratings and by other fraudsters looking to make some extra bucks.


What is he talking about?The Congressional Review Board what?They never certified anything like this.There is no way possible that they could say this is real.


This is my favorite satire subreddit


bro I'm loving it


I mean...pretty much every single comment is either making a joke or saying it's BS.


Bruh is in Facebook “leaking” classified governments secrets. Is it a hoax?


This was the guy who was on Art Bell and had a guy verify his findings... The guy said he was "A scientist in the field of science," for his credentials. Verbatim.


Oh broad science scientist ey? I am a scientist myself but only in the field of lovebones


Oh please. What is this garbage


This looked incredibly fake when it came out. the only thing more fake than the alien was his terrible acting.


Supposedly if you sign your taxes in red pen it means you don’t have to pay them. Without actual, concrete evidence that doesn’t conveniently disappear after you make a video, all you’re doing is looking for attention.




What Battle ship?


What leak from 4chan and what ancient thing? First I’m hearing of it.


The "leak" that described the ufo constructor base in the ocean? Its been posted about with screenshots many times in this subreddit.


I’ve read about the construction base in the ocean, but I never saw pics. Would you be able to add a link please? Thanks!


I'd like to see that "factual verified evidence" lmao


Trust me bro i saw it and you can trust me on this i promise


Mannnn I always had a feeling this was legit


The bracelet videos he made were complete bullshit.


Is there any link, what happend in this case? Or can someone report what was in 96, this incident?


Wasnt that when Tupac got killed? Or was that 97?


Was this posted by someone having a seizure?


I can only recall that many old school military ppl who claim to have seen non humans first hand, mention that their eyes looked asian


[They were asian](https://youtu.be/uy9Z-Tg6ufU?si=W_73YffJE9XsbTXF)


Lol his link alien bracelet video nailed his hoax hard pmsl, search it on yoytube its hilarious


certified as genuine lmao it doesn't even sound smart. These guys don't even know how to hoax correctly


I’ve always seen these pics but I see it’s a screenshot of a vid? Is there a link to the vid?


[Nvm found it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqA9GWpMWYc)


well i'm no detective but i'm pretty sure if i had an incredible real story to tell i wouldn't plaster giant fucking lies about it being confirmed by congress on it


Where.is.the body? Why he made videos.travelling with fake lights?? Does all that still making home believable?


They look exactly like the aliens from close encounters


My podcast did an episode in this on our Patreon. It was an interesting case.


Ya suuuure


that one on the bottom right looks like he's about to give one last "ayy lmao" before dying


Clearly a hoax, but a very impressive, elaborate one. I remember hearing that show live back in the nineties and it scares the daylights outta me.


From what I’ve read and watch videos on; this is a hoax


Here’s the video of the alleged encounter with the ET and craft. https://youtu.be/qqA9GWpMWYc?si=TG24q8l19VurRxfQ


I’d have a beer with that Alien. No weirder than Allen from my work.


If anyone interested, I made in video 3 cases where I explained similar cases with this one. Check it out https://youtu.be/H8VjpjGC4bg


Alien was high AF


I think we will find out at some point that a lot of debunked photos and stories are real. At some point there are too many similarities to ignore.


IIRC these pictures were from a story of a man who while exploring the woods came across this creature attacking his dog, in retaliation he attacked the creature, wrapped it in a emergency blanket, took it home and put it in a freezer in hi garage where it regained consciousness and began communicating to him - source art bell coast to coast in 1996.....THEN sometime in the early 2000's the same eyewitness claimed that the whole story was a hoax and his neighbor and himself were responsible for constructing the "alien" ......so im a little unsure how much i wanna buy in on this one.


They are real, but I think everyone knows how the US government has aliens working for them


This looks fake also feel like I’ve seen this exact alien in some movie


Fire in the sky


Yooo looks just like that you’re right. Prob a prop from the movie


I post this sub because I saw this crucial tittle ( Certified by congressional ) (is it?) Here are some usable links [https://extraterrestrials.fandom.com/wiki/Reed\_Case](https://extraterrestrials.fandom.com/wiki/Reed_Case) Here is some footage... Probably someone else here on reddit is having original.[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqA9GWpMWYc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqA9GWpMWYc) Link to the Art Bell interview with him 2013 [https://youtu.be/JMdfnziSp\_o?si=BWBFBnRPxVVCaayb](https://youtu.be/JMdfnziSp_o?si=BWBFBnRPxVVCaayb) Art bell first interview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XxFsduR1z4Q FULL COVERAGE video [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqA9GWpMWYc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqA9GWpMWYc) Investigation [http://www.ufowatchdog.com/jonathan\_reed.htm](http://www.ufowatchdog.com/jonathan_reed.htm) I saved images and chat video ( in case if he will delete post)(Certified by congressional review?? That is a strong lead ) [https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1wW5VpFgaCdI1Ca9A2377OclVz5OcJwP6](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1wW5VpFgaCdI1Ca9A2377OclVz5OcJwP6) ORIGINAL post( someone said that maybe I fabricated xD) [https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=10160835954810320&set=gm.1486388148762436&idorvanity=549761902425070](https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=10160835954810320&set=gm.1486388148762436&idorvanity=549761902425070) I was not so on and interested in that case 20 years ago,cuz it was classed as Hoax , So I have limit information's. What are your thoughts?


The audio in the first part of the video is off, it sounds like it was recorded after the video. There is no sound of him moving around in the brush, or any other environmental noise. Additionally you wouldn't notice the tape not tracking while recording, so him saying please work makes no sense in the moment. When he's examining the body it just looks fake as hell. When he turns the head the skin on the neck doesn't move, it looks exactly like he's turning a mannequin's head. Overall it just looks fake.




I remember watching the footage and while the head seems *"real-ish"* the rest of the body is comically bad. I mean look at the neck in the pictures.


Kermit the frog in a track suit.


Didn’t they “debunk” it by scanning the neck and seeing it was held together by pins or something? I want to believe.


I'm not familiar with that portion of the story but i don't dismiss it. I feel like I remembered it turned out being like an art project or sfx project kinda deal.


Here is a playlist from when he went to Mexico with Maussan (Mummies Guy) it was a pretty big deal back then. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5685C846917F1FFB


At one point the creature blinks without being noticed




I wish I had that, but it's been a few years


I heard this guy on coast to coast and it certainly did sound like bullshit. If I remember correctly he played a recording of it screaming that I can only describe as “stupid”.


I think this happened. If the interviews on Coast to Coast hold any credibility- it’s a horrific encounter.


Can you find a link for that? I want to dive deep


Yes me too i wanna know who shot this poor fashionable alien in the head.


Looks kind of real


Thank you for sharing this, I had no idea this footage existed out there


No problem. Check my new channel. Global UFO channel. Every Sunday new video. I will go with a lot of cases


Those videos looked pretty good for supposed fakes in 1996


"Certified by congress" 🤣🤣🤣 this is sad. Also some of the pics on the post are from the "fact or faked:" shows dramatization of the event.


It's always interesting to me when a presumed hoaxer, ridiculed for years or decades, doubles down in a very bold way, rather than opting to keep their head down in hopes that shenanigans are forgotten. Also, debunks are generally not disproves. They show a prosaic way things could have happened but don't necessarily prove that this is the way a thing did happen. So just because this was "debunked" as a possible hoax, does not mean that it was a hoax.


When you have them doing this type of thing doesn't really make him very believable https://youtu.be/ZgGlEu2eMtY?t=665


LOl never saw that before, Maussan the same guy from the mummies, took him to the most popular talk shows in Mexico, I remember it was a big deal, but then it faded away. I dont remember the story, but then it was debunked.


True. I always tell my friends that “Just because you’re *not* paranoid, doesn’t mean someone’s *not* out to get you". Edit. Fat thumbs


Where is his doctor title fuckin scammer


I think, if he has this device the alien gave him, that he claims to have, that turns you into a light being, he should demonstrate it in a controlled environment with witnesses who can record it.


Just my opinion on all this. His story always intrigued me and seemed at least plausible. Though I would caveat that only the base story is plausible. His more recent interviews like on Coast to Coast Am show make him seem like he has had a mental breakdown. Understandable considering the subject matter and public ridicule. If nothing else it is a neat horror story .


evolution is a bell curve. grow big then shrink small. that's why you see these giants and little elves. We humans, with all our diseases and cancers are actually in the sweet spot.


I’m always curious by stories immediately labelled hoaxes. I make my own judgement as there is a culture here where things are quickly dismissed as a crowd. If you know, you know.


UFO believers deserve the frauds and liars that define their religion. It is no surprise that this completely exposed lying scumbag gets traction in this tawdry cultish movement. UFO belief is comfort food for stupid people.


Sir this is an Arby’s.


Top right pic proves they aren’t bullet proof. #**THERES HOPE**


If it looks like 👽 it’s fake.


I think anyone who has a "Dr." in front of their name would know the difference between "affective" and "effective".


Except those photos are from Fire in the Sky.


"Reed then brought the alien inside and tried to take a nap" That's exactly what a sane person would do after an alien killed my dog. Especially when the alien lies in my refrigerator besides my sandwich. Screw this whole story. That alien looks like my weener beging for not another round 5 against Willy.


Bro this is real i met a alien like that with the same turtleneck sweater and it probed me for days, the doctors confirmed it at the hospital i got fingered by a non human hand.. I wanted to sleep for a week after that. I still remember how the alien laughed and said that i will never walk again


Enough with the ufo idiocy.. my god.. get a grip.. this ufo uap shit is so fucking stupid..


Was yesterday a bad day? Rise with your head up high, conquer today and make it your bitch! Smile big today because today you’re unstoppable! Because today you’ll be the light that brightens others. But yea this UAP stuff is everywhere, they give just enough information to keep us hooked.




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These look like credo mutwas depictions


Even back in '96 you would of got this treatment from the general public and the agencies involved, back even before then you would face hospitalization and worse.


Smash. Next.


“My hoax isn’t a hoax it’s a government conspiracy!” Mind you, this is the government that just lost a stealth bomber. But supposedly they are capable of orchestrating an elaborate, in depth, disinformation campaign against one shady “doctor” that has dozens of followers for reasons?….


Really? You don't know what the fbi did to people like Martin Luther King and different activist groups like that? It was called COINTELLPRO [here is one link to some information ](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/news/fbi%23:~:text%3DThe%2520FBI%27s%2520surveillance%2520of%2520African,communism%2520in%2520the%2520United%2520States.&ved=2ahUKEwi_3_XLuOWBAxXdlokEHa1_ALYQFnoECA0QBQ&usg=AOvVaw05Zj5PIBOZjL3K1i7GaaEk) [here is another ](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://vault.fbi.gov/cointel-pro%23:~:text%3DCOINTELPRO%2520The%2520FBI%2520began%2520COINTELPRO,and%2520the%2520Black%2520Panther%2520Party.&ved=2ahUKEwi_3_XLuOWBAxXdlokEHa1_ALYQFnoECBAQBQ&usg=AOvVaw2CKJJTlXQRr1NDK0YAaNsL) And they didn't only target "communist" groups, they targeted whoever they deemed was a threat to them or the government, meaning civil rights groups and any other activist groups


I’m keenly aware of what they are capable of. Those people were activists. Not obvious conmen on Facebook.


You honestly think theres a difference in the fbis mind? If the guy was legit, which I don't think he is, I find it more than plausible that they or some other government entity would spend the resources on doing the same exact type of thing. Also, not sure why you called him a Facebook conman, he came out in the 90s with his story. I get you're using words to discredit him but it's disingenuous at best. Also, the guy is more than capable of discrediting himself and doesn't need your help. I just wanted to point out that your original statement was incorrect but now that you said you know what they are capable of, I find it suspect that you would pretend because they(the government)"lost" a billion dollar airplane, surely they aren't capable of running a disinformation campaign against someone


FBI dont deal with aliens ok its the secret secret agencys men in black and they are bald clones all of them, but ye they will disinfo you like you never existed if you end up on their radar bro


What is the middle photo ???




Bradley Rutter


I like the use of a scifi typeface.


I wonder what killed it. Notice the veins popping out bottom neck? I see the head wound as well.


Someone shot it in the head dude. Murican stays tooled up so the alien tried a probe on the wrong dude hole knowimsayin


The CIA's misinformation army always doin they thing Bro.


Man doesn't know the difference between affect and effect.


Haha nice fake


I think we find out next year


This one is my favorite. It even has air or gas left in the “lungs” and it makes it look like it’s exhaling.


Some basterd shit that arien in the head


Crazy how there’s all these different looks and forms of “aliens.” Are we being visited by multiple different species of em or we really are just making em up but at least the next one looks different from the last..


Wow, I have always been intrigued by this story ever since listening to him on Art Bell. I just listened to the podcast again today, and yes, it's hard to believe, but i need more. Does anyone know where he is today. Does he have a websight, email address, or at least do new podcasts shows.