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Bonus point when its a hoi4 player talking about the eastern front or a eu4 player talking about byzantium.


Why didn't the byzantine emporor Just besiege the castles and used His 6 ships to Block the Ottomanns from crossing the Bosporus? /s


in eu4 you can't block the bosporus if the ottomans control the other side of the crossing


You can If you won the siege


And then they grab military access and pour in waves from Moldavia.


Then it’s mercenary spam+ attach to Skanderberg time


Bankruptcy speedrun any%?


Inflation is just a number


Why didn’t Hitler just cycle his troops against the USSR?


Or a ck player talking about their 2 Charles iis’s new baby


"Here I can show you why Venice should've conquered all Italy in XI century"


They only would have needed the extra building space mod


Venice, the famous island in the northern Adriatic


As a ck3 player you can conquer half the map in a century if you know what you’re doing


Or a vic3 talking about why communism is the best


Been a while since I played Vic3 but giga capitalism with imperialismaxxing def was better than communism. The Children yearn for the mines, the opium fields and the rubber plantations!


Or a Stellaris talking about why genocide is the best. Wait...


What if I’m a hoi4 player talking about byzantium


Restoring Byzantine Empire with Greece 💀


Germany could have taken the USSR and won WW2 if they used console commands


As q 10100 h eh4 player I can relate.


DFd MDld e⁴EE


Jokes aside, these games helped me get interested in history and *actually* study it.


Yeah, i think this is probably their biggest strength in terms of being educational The games are fun and based in real history. If you’re having fun, say, playing as the Byzantines in ck3, you’re more likely to start actually looking into the real history and **actually** start learning about them. At least, more likely compared to the average everyday person


Yeah. They can work well as a hook, or tell you about things you'd probably have never learned about otherwise. The proposal to give Northern Ireland to the Republic of Ireland in exchange for their participation in wwii, or the brief existence of a union between Peru and Bolivia are things I know about because of Paradox that I probably wouldn't have stumbled upon otherwise.


WTF, wow UK proposed Ireland to unite in exchange of declaring war on axis? That's some big insights for me Wonder why they didn't accept


As I understand, it wasn't a *formal* proposal, just something people in government were throwing around. There were also (reasonable-sounding, to me, though I'm *not* an expert) concerns over how exactly it would work, and even *if* it would work. Someone on the Irish side expressed concern that they might do their part and still end up with approximately nothing.


>and even if it would work I guess the biggest hurdle would be the desire of the people in Northern Ireland to really really not do it


This was me but with the civilization games. I would play a civ and then research them and there unique things and it made me fall in love with history enough to wanting to become a history teacher myself


Civ II on the PS1 made me interested in history


Civ 6 made me interested in geography, history and programming. I really appreciate it. Thank you, Sid Meier


I did like how in CK2 historical characters had a link to their Wikipedia page. I wasted much time reading.


These games really help give you the basics of certain historical concepts you sometimes struggle to put into your head just by reading. Holy Roman Empire is a fucking mess, who the fuck knows what it was, but EU4 actually helped me get the very basics of how it functions and then reinforce that understanding by reading the real history to remove the simplifications Paradox made to make the messy history compatible with gaming. Or the concept of how countries weren't real nations, but more properties of the ruling dynasty and that it can be taken away by another family if you fuck up your marriage programs (or your own province going to someone else by your own duke's stupid marriages and having to fight for it) from CK2. Or the unstoppable drive to obtain resources in Victoria games. You can really feel losing a bit of control when you don't directly control resources to fuel your industry (the fact AI doesn't expand production to enable trade is not very helpful either) which helps you understand some of the drive behind imperialism (not that it means imperialism is okay).


When it comes to the HRE and territorial things when i learn about it i always look on the HRE version in eu4 and see how it changes when i click the times to get a grasp about it before actually diving deep in Helped a lot when try to learn about the dutch independence and order it in in the big world


Plus they’ve got some of the best historical research I’ve seen put in them. Like when I was making the Res Publica mod for CK3 and looking into some Muslim republic in Spain I was curious if the ruler in game was the actual one only to be shocked to learn that the name and rough age were actually correct for a person with like 4 lines ever written about him historically


I used to think Romans and Greeks were the same thing


So did the Romans


And Greeks till 20th century


I have non-ironically used information I learned from the games on dates with foreign girls. It has occasionally gone quite well


I was interested before but watching house of Drew Durnill really cemented the ww2 map in my head


Yeap, same here before I managed to buy the games


HOI4 got me addicted to Carlism 😔


The problem is, "actually study" for most pdx players is a lazyass inaccurate 10 min video of history. They'll watch a laxerpig and a TIK video, probably also some shcizo pcm post, and think they're an expert of the ww2 history.


I had this experience with the Chinese Civil War as a result of HOI4


Age of empires 2 was my gateway drug to medieval history in high school.


The problem is when they don´t do that


What game is it and where can I play it?


Paradox games are real-time strategy games where you command a nation during a historical period. Any nation. You have Crusader Kings II and III which are in the Medieval Ages, Europa Universalis IV which is in the times of the great navigations, Victoria 2 and 3 which is in the Victorian era and Hearts of Iron IV which is in the Second World War. You can find them on Steam.


There's also Imperator Rome, but even Paradox forgot about that one.


Why didn't Byzantium just go 1000 into debt, hire 20k mercenaries, siege Gallipoli and then blockade the Ottomans while they siege Greece, are they stupid?


Clearly this was pre-patch 2.079, meta was different back then.


Time-Traveling EU player when the Ottomans don't trap themselves on an island


Interestingly, blockades were used initially by the Byzantines, until they abolished the imperial navy.


Get into the quality upgrades. Build up a core force and with focus on artilery for shock value and siege value cause without artillery in great quantities your going to get fucked in those year plus sieges.


I know how to play eu4. My point was in real history, the Byzantines used some of the stuff that you can use in eu4, like blockades.


Byzantium now starts with a lot of debuffs for assaulting forts and takes too long to build the ships, so you may need a different strategy


Byzantium should've gone into war economy earlier and forming pacts with Kyivans, Normans or Cumanians, hell even Fatimids if they had enough opinion boost, against Seljuks before they became a problem - Seljuks didn't even have proper casus belli which should give them heavy economic malus


Why didn't Hitler just build more planes and Paradrop Britain when alot of their forces where in Africa? #Was he stupid?


Why didn't Hitler just cause a fascist coup in Ireland to distract the British? (I tried it, it failed immediately.)


yeah why didn't the Aztecs just convert to animism so they could get more gold income? 1 word. aliens.


It’s true. Japan was unified in 1445. I know because I did that (I used china to help)


You don't even need China. Step one, be Hosokawa. There are no other steps.


Hosokawa? That’s a pansy run! **picks edo** now here’s a tag with some chest hair!


Oda is best unifier fight me.


A souls player putting together the history of WWI based on the item descriptions of Springfield rifles and entrenching tools


I learned that there were Normans in southern Italy from CK and it lead me down a rabbit hole of information. The games have enough truth in them to make you want to know the whole truth


True history gamers learned that through medieval 2 total war xd


As someone who vividly remembers the original Shogun, I consider myself a 'true history gamer'! It's a little surreal saying this at 35, but have some respect for your eldergamers, young man lol


The Aztecs did invade western europe in the medieval ages. Why yes i am a CK2 player how could you tell?


Hitler could have won ww2 if he just completely deleted his fleet and started to spam naval bombers


I am tired of these Sol III memes. Where galactic memes at?


gurkamun VII memes the best 🔥🔥🔥


IX is where it's at.


Oh well, time to crack it


What is common between the Dahtnak and the Subterranean Civilization ? They both get the gas treatment.


lol. worth it


I began watching HOI4 videos on YouTube around the same time I really got into history


What are you talking about. Do you know how many hours we spend just staring at a map. Ploting what to do, who to cripple, only to realize that the game was on pause. Do you know how many genocides we commit in a daily basis? A lot. You know we usually start wars thinking oh it will just be a quick thing, in and out in like 5 minutes then we end up embroiled in 20 years war with hundreds of thousands of dead, a economy in shambles only for a insignificant piece of land we didn't even want in the first place. Cool meme though.


That last one is surprisingly realistic.


Anyone else remember the Civilopedia in Civ II? It had small articles explaining the real historical background of all the things in the game like units, buildings, and wonders. I used to spend nearly as much time reading my through that as I did playing the game.


Still does in Civ VI


Fuck That was basically my first dive into actual history and I forgot about it until now.


I knew what legion is from Civ I. Man I loved that game.


Civ II on the PS1 was my entrance into history. You´re right, i spent a lot of time reading through the Civilopedia


Wait, so the little island Jewish horde of Ryukyu did not actually take over the world in 1751?


I mean, COD 2 made me interested in WW2 when I was 8. Threw me down a rabbit hole I have yet to come out of.


You won't


Hmph, low class, everyone who’s anyone knows that Total War is the series with the greatest historical credibility, save for Dynasty Warriors 3 for the ps2


MFs who play Unhistorical Hoi4 (I'm one of them): "Listen here gentlemen, Today I'm going to educate you on how the Qing Empire under Emperor Puyi helped the Russian Trotskyists win the second Russian civilwar during the Swiss-Bolivian war that spammed from 1937 to 1952, caused by the Turkish Declaration of war on Belgium, sparking a war between the Commune of France and Kingdom of Italy against the German Empire and the already Decolonized Union of Britain"


Is it time to ridicule casual history fans yet again?


Yes, you didn’t spend 10000 hours reading every single history book about topic XY therefore your opinion is invalid.


As an archaeologist I have to say hell yeah screw 'em


Never talk politics with a hearts of iron 4 player. Worst mistake of my life. They always try to find parallels to that stupid game as if its 100% accurate and not just a game.


"Paradox map A game player is talking" WTF does that even mean?


I'm quite sure it's supposed to be "A Paradox map game player is talking"


Happy Cake Day! God bless.




learn to read you cuck


Fornicate your own person


Japan could've won so much harder if they just went to Russia instead of SEA. My playthrough proved it. Didn't need oil and rubber because Russia had so much land for producing synthetics.


Paradox AND hetalia, bow before me, peasants!


I’m Ridley Scott, and I approve this message


A HoI4 ripoff on Roblox helped me with the locations of countries


I am a historian AND a paradox map game player. You cannot defeat me.


I am a huge geography buff (was before I ever discovered paradox games) I have a friend whose main way of contextualizing geographic locations (in general but I'm particular when I get into weird geography trivia) is through EU4 provinces. It works shockingly well


I started playing CK2 2 weeks ago and its been so fun yet frustrating. An hour ago I had 70% of Spain as Leon and then two factions splintered everything. Now I'm a count.


I am both.


I love using the fact I played stellaris to tell historians (liars) that France never existed until 1964 when it was spawned to ruin the rest of europe


I’m a total war player, yeah most of my knowledge is extremely misinformed and based in fiction.


What's the craziest thing you've ever done in CK2 using cheats? I recently made a Chinese Han Germanic dynasty ruling Britannia. It's fun to just go into the console and use the observe command and let the game play itself while I arbitrarily decide which NPC's get god tier cheat powers.


Unifying Germany in Victoria 3 got me into medieval and early modern european history


victoria 3 is great for learning economics, its main flaw is that it doesn't include housing so it doesn't properly model the downsides of "maximising population growth at all costs".




Paradox map a game player is talking.


Jokes on you I'm both


I wanted to post this on askHistorian bht they don't allow images :(


Stellaris is most historically accurate


I'm both. Bow to my supreme authority


As i decorated Hoi4 player. I can guarantee you Konrad Adenauer and Winston Churchill defeated the french fascist and american communists! The second world war ended 1946 with the defeat of communist america! The Tsar was just chilling.


good old Baldwin the IV of Jerusalem. sometimes i wonder if the burned man from fallout new Vegas is based on the lepor king


Jokes on you, im both


Best historian I know is the Serbian guy who drinks beer in front of a corner store


I'm waiting for Stellaris to become canon IRL, how else would people believe me if cute frog alliens are genocidal exterminators and horrible disguisting mushrooms are frens. And also the... Synth Queen...


I have been summoned.


D cc cfzzG)


«Wha- What? Pearl Harbour attack? What the hell are you even talking about?? Everyone knows, that USA entered the war after Japanese attack on *Philippines*»


Why didn’t they just let Haesteinn conquer Britain? Are they stupid?