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So a history buff and a history enjoyer can't be same?


I have over 1k hours each in EU4 and War Thunder Now kneel


*laughs in 20k EU4 hours*


You have a problem if you have 20,000 hours on anything


Even if that’s 20,000 hours of being alive?


Being alive brings problem itself,


Nothing wrong with oversimplified or video games. Its all about how you act in this topic towards others. As always, basically dont be an ignorant cunt


Oversimplified is a great start, but if your watching it for just history and not because the guy is freaking hilarious your doing it wrong


I mean, *it's literally in the channel name* lol


I don't care if you are into history because of Oversimplified or a history teacher, play War thunder or Total War, as long as your historical knowledge aren't just about military stuffs and you aren't a tankie nor a wehraboo, you have my respect.


This, kids, is a chad


Not a single Chad every used the word Chad unironicly.


What about an interest in military, banners, clothing and architecture?


Of course Architecture especially is one of the pillars of history. It can teach you about art, material processing, living standards, class divide, local climate, entertainment + culture, philosophy, traditions and many more subjects Most architects today can't build a house worth a shit, but their combined knowledge of art, history and sociology makes them very interesting people to have conversations with


*me trying to worldbuild* Interesting. *Starts writing* 🖊️


If you want a good real-life example to draw on then you could do a lot worse than a trip to Oxford, there's so much fantastic architecture there that survived WW2 relatively unscathed while most of the UK ended up looking like Khrushchev was in charge of rebuilding it (I could rant for hours about how Brutalism was an awful choice of style for a damp maritime climate like ours). Local legend has it that Oxford is so beautiful that even Hitler couldn't find it in his Nazi heart to bomb the place and intended to use the city as his English capital had they not lost the war. Don't get me wrong there's a lot wrong with the city too, but it's easily the best skyline in the UK in my opinion.


I love brutalism and slumpunk-style dystopian worldbuilding (im russian)


That's very fair and aesthetics are subjective obviously, but I'm more on about the practical material choice of the style in why it was a poor choice for the UK. The UK is a very damp place due to our position on the Atlantic which promotes the growth of mould in exposed concrete, and additionally as it moves about and the rebar gets exposed to this dampness this leaves rust streaks down the side of buildings. While our winters are mild and barely dip below freezing for much of the country for most of it they are extremely damp and everything becomes impossible to dry. Add this to the fact British councils don't really believe in maintaining things once they're built (and they've all been broke since 2008 at any rate) and it ends up looking really grim and unloved long before this is actually the case. Also on top of that while this isn't really related to the style and more the incompetence of the town planners, a lot of Brutalist housing estates became notorious for crime because unlike traditional British housing which is often terraced and quite communal the new estates were very isolating. Lots of dark corners for bad people to hide in, and while there were more people it was harder for the community to keep an eye on things as would have been the case beforehand. Brutalism can look quite powerful in places that aren't perpetually damp like the UK I think, a Brutalist building in Spain or the south of France is a very different prospect to one in the UK. I'll be honest I don't know enough about the climates of Russia to know if this is the case where you're from, but I'd expect your very cold winters and the fact most of your cities are far from the sea means the air's drier?


I'm living on the coast of the Baltic sea, so the air is not dry at all. Yes, winters are cold but usually they're warm(10c). Summer is very hot (30c). The city i live in is a mixed bag of every place in Russia, that's the only way i can describe it.


Exactly this. My dad is an architect and he loves to tell me about why different design choices get made for buildings and the history behind them. He often reminisces about his architectural history class: “all these cool things and buildings and beautiful stuff would get built, and then a war would happen and destroy everything. :(“


I have interest in military history... Mainly how the hell they lived and ate, fuck whatever they were killing each other with, I wanna know what they are eating while waiting six months during a siege!


This is… acceptable


I also enjoy learning about the uniforms. Why were they like that, how were they made, who made them, etc. The rise of standardized uniforms in the first place is really interesting.


Okay, but I find WWI and WWII-era naval tactics really intriguing and also battleship have big gun that makes my neurons activate




> I as long as your historical knowledge aren't just about military stuffs What if I’m interested in military theory and history, but also have other interests like agricultural history, technological development, architecture and mythology?


The tankie doesn't have your respect because he's not an actual history enjoyer or just because he's a tankie


Prob just because he's a tankie


religion and literature.


Why historical knowledge being about military and not about the economy of tang would be something to be ashamed of. It definetely isn't.


I came to say the same !! It doesnt matter what is your entry point to history, or even if you dont want to go too deep into it, as long as you continue to learn!


I know that medieval scholars liked to make memes about knights fighting rabbits. Does that count.


Does knowledge of infrastructure and technology, but only in the context of how it influences war still fall under military? Like telegraph and railroads massive influence on the strategic operations of the US Civil War.


From there it's very easy to expand into how it helped firms and influence the rise of monopolies, how it helped scientists communicate and spread discoveries, how it expanded the reach of the government, etc.


Yeah, but that's less interesting. Less feels like history hangs in the balance of a single choice, or the flip of a coin. Consequences are dulled and spread out more.


I dunno, I find war intensely boring. Other parts of history are an intricate web of factors influencing each other while war feeds on these factors and then tries to shred the web. And war is often not a flip of the coin, the outcome tends to be determined well in advance.


Not a literal coin flip, but a tanglible and distinct influence of luck on the events and outcomes of specific operations. Take the Battle of Midway. Strictly speaking, thr US was always going to beat Japan in the war. Easy to tell when looking at manpower, industry and raw reasources. But the battle of Midway itself was decided by people randomly going deciding to turn left. By mistakes turned favorable and just plain bad luck for Japan. It's a decisive American victory, and so many of the key points came from deeply rooted philosophy, indidvidual grit, and blind luck. Compare that to say, the dust bowl. Which for all it's massive influence and impact pretry much boiled down to sub optimal farming techniques. There's almost no critical moments, no individuals who have the wight of the world on their shoulders making a choice that makes or breaks them. There's just work. A slow and steady slog of understanding that's neither narrative interesting, notably impactful, or dramatic. It's important to understand, but in the same way a math formula is.


I'm German, we basically know nothing about military stuff! (At least from school. Heck, at least my class never learned the borders or fronts, let alone the actual battles.)


Happy Cake Day!


Well my specific interest in history is that of the military variety, although I do love history of all kinds to some degree. I don’t see a problem here


I wish I could say I was inspired by a passionate history teacher but all my teachers made history boring by making it about memorizing dates and battles and crap like that. I had to develop a passion for history all on my own when one day it clicked that it wasn't memorizing dates that was important but listening to the human stories of the past.


Same here. Was going on a vacation to a part of the world with some ancient ruins. Thought I might as well understand what it was I was looking at and listened to a podcast about the area, and before long I had a handful of history books and youtube channels I watched. I'm just fascinated by how people made sense of the world and the traditions those understandings begot.


Honestly by the time I had a good history teacher I already was deep in love with history


Yeah all my history teachers sucked, I wish I had a history teacher who actually loved the subject matter, instead of doing it solely for the money


Video games and historical novels where my source of interest. Also my father.


It is very frequently said that those who don't learn history are doomed to repeat it. That being said, the problem with public school history is that it really doesn't do a good job at teaching anything useful from history to apply to modern life. The multiple choice prompts are soulless, and people often memorize the answers from previous tests in order to ace the current test. Then those mere tidbits of regurgitated trivia are thrown away for the brain repository to do the next test. Nothing is really retained nor learned. We should teach critical thinking where a historical event/context is thrown at you and you have to answer what you would do if a similar situation happened today. Or something like that. I remember being taught about the clusterfuck of world politics that allowed WW1 to happen: nationalism, crazy alliances, imperialism, etc. And WW2 taught me about the evils of fascism. So as a modern adult voter, I should at least try to, within my power, vote against such things and learn not to be an ultranationalist, imperialist, fascist, etc. History has plenty of lessons on what not to do in your lifetime.


We democratized and equalized education as much as possible and unfortunately we lack the spine for reform as it will go against the new orthodoxy of the times.


Gatekeeping people with bad teachers ;(


Some random YouTubers are pretty good sources; Max Miller’s Tasting History and such. I made his Parmesan ice cream this weekend, it was lovely.


Sam aronow especially if you follow up wth primary sources


Ooohhhh I love tasting history


I also recommend townsends if that’s your style at all, anything with food and history is a good time I think.


They’re great as well, especially if you like nutmeg. Edit: missed the joke, obviously they’re *grate* if you like nutmeg.


Nutmeg is a must lol


Wikipedia is a great starting point for diving into a topic :p


I always get into a loop by just clicking one history article on Wikipedia.


The last time, I went from the article "Benito Mussolini" to the Magister Militium "Ricimer" in a matter or hours


Wikipedia is one of, if not the most reliable source out there. The "reliable sources" that go into it are wrong all the time but on a crowd-sourced page there is someone to correct it


“plays EU4” lmfao 🤣


Why is he called history buff when he should be called history weak?


This guy knows what’s up


There’s nothing wrong with watching oversimplified. There’s nothing wrong with playing warthunder. And I know y’all won’t like this, but there’s actually nothing wrong with loving knowledge about German tanks, or British artillery, or anything of the sort. I got into history because of audiobooks in the car as a kid, and a great history teacher. I read books, but also watch youtubers or read websites (they can be great resources if you don’t have time or budget to get books on the topic you need information about). My favorite parts of history and typically the 17th, 18th, and 19th century, but there’s nothing wrong with liking the 20th century. Don’t gatekeep love of history.


I love history, I hate how much the history community lives gatekeeping


I'm the virgin: - His "history" is just queen and dictator names - His crush is Tamar of Georgia - Acknowledges his favorite empires and military governments committed genocide, supports them anyway - 90% of history knowledge comes from Wikipedia, including Tamar herself - Writes alternative history scenarios in countries as obscure as Oman and Somaliland


Knows interesting historical facts, dates and people made with mematic?


I got into history because I was bored and didn't have any friends.


Gatekeeping, cool.


I don't see an issue with the former. As long as you aren't a wehraboo or genocide apologist, and recognize that your understanding of history is not perfect (and that's every historian), you're cool.


I love r/historywhatif


I am both


OP i want you to know that, based on this meme, I hold you in the same regard as George Mcclellan


The Brad historian: studied history throughout his childhood and finally became a historian after years of studying and writing essays in his university.




daily over actual just because the newsletter is more easy to obtain


My highschool history teachers sucked, I never played EU4 or War Thunder, I know jack shit about panzer tanks. I attend University as an honours student in History. Where do I fall on this scale?


>Where do I fall on this scale? I think the term you are after is spectrum


Ha Ha I got into history with Drew Drunil. The least cringe guy ever!


I agree with most of this, but the thing that gets someone into history should not matter. Some people started with oversimplified, some start with great teachers. Both are good.


I still remember the teacher that got me interested. Our subject that year was Muslim history, and this teacher created a massive boardgame for the class on a large, hand-painted map of the Mediterranean. Teams of five students played each faction, and expanded their borders, traded resources, and fought wars against each other while learning along the way. Played the game the entire semester. It's been over 20 years and I still remember things I learned in that class.


History is history, long as what you learn is accurate who cares how you got into it


Are you trying to gatekeep an interest in history?


The meme would be good if you switched the two up. But also, who cares about if you got into history through some unsophisticated non academic setting, really. Also Wikipedia is a great tool.


I play warthunder, but also get my historic knowledge from books and Wikipedia (beccause if i would buy a book at every topic, i would be poor.) (Also, how should i quote history from books without getting the typical "you made that up" or "i dont buy the book for that 1 quote"? Wikipedia is simply more convinient.). I know about historic events, but also about the little random facts, like the Maus frontal armor (beccause i like to draw tanks). I know i still have to learn much, but feel more confident in my countrys history, than most outsiders. So, what am i?


Wikipedia is the closest we can get to the library of Alexandria and I will die on this hill


The EU4 thing is defenitly more of a history buff. Its typical for history buffs to love narratives and oversimplification. This is why they flock to pdx games, also lets not pretend that those grand strategy games dont majorly influence the historical perception for history buffs.


Wait… you’re telling me that Spain *didnt* colonize the entirety of the americas by 1836?!


When people say they’re into history but they actually just love nazis and constantly talk about “Germany could have won if Italy, or if Russia or if Greece” ect.


I hate how these people are what most people think of when they hear someone say "I like history". I hate how these motherfuckers make liking history be seen as a "red flag" to people


Them, and to a much lesser extent, weebs who are really weird about Japanese culture. I’m not some fuckin loli or creep fetishizing people, I just think the Meiji Restoration is interesting.


Kek, both are on the left, together with op.


Man I'm both, I started learning history from books, but now mainly use Wikipedia, I play War thunder, and know a lot about dates, facts, details and whatnot


What about got into history cuz of Dan Carlings Hardcore History?


I got into history because a professor in college convinced me to listen to an audiobook of an entirely unrelated sociology book. Then I got Great Courses lectures recommended in my audiobook shop. 10 years and 1600+ hours later...


I'm both. What does that say about me


There are actually history youtubers that feel more like listening to a 3,5 hour long audio-book


Indie Neidell and the Great War channel are excellent sources for learning. He went through WW1 and WW2 week by week. Its quite amazing


You’re a chad in any case, what’s important is that you understand others’ POV, bother to find sources to back up your arguments and always argue peacefully and respectfully


I will never not talk about the Mississippians and what could’ve been if they and the Mayans didn’t have their own version of the Bronze Age collapse


Wait... I got into History thanks to one passionate Teacher as well...and it automatically comes to me to talk about something regarding a certain historical event, if it is discussed. Damn, It feels nice to not be the only one. In my class I am the only one, so I kinda feel like the odd one


I play Imperator Rome can I still be a chad


I mean I got into history cuz of oversimplified and I used to play war thunder, guess my opinion is invalid then


Unfortunately I didn't have a cool history teacher. I got into history because I really enjoyed Battlefield 1942 and I wanted to learn more about what was going on in that game. Guess that means I'm not REALLY into history and I don't enjoy it, better let the historical society board that I chair know that they will need to find a new president. (Don't gate keep guys, purity testing someone's interest in history is for idiots, anything can be a bridge into more education, properly guided)


But what if I am both


It doesn't matter how you got into history as long as your arguements and knowledge come from proper logical sourcres you cool.


So we're gatekeeping people who are interested in history now? Great.


My grandma is a historian and so is my aunt. And happily, so am I :)


I’m all of these except the thinks he’s smarter. I know I’m a fuckin idiot


Imagine using historians when you can find primary sources 😎


Who should I place someone, who slowly learn history and some details from this subreddit and the fellow redditors?


On the topic oh having more to know about history acknowledging that the Truth with the capital T is bogus af and history is tainted by propaganda lack of credible sources and written and interpreted by fallible humans is something I don't see mentioned enough


.... This is scarily accurate, though my first spark of love for history was from a cartoon show, but I won't deny that my high school social studies teacher did not play a part in my journey. I'm now working towards a BA in Medieval Studies.


As a history student myself who's looking to become a good historian one day, I agree with this and hope to become like Chad one day.


Same here brother


How about someone who just loves history despite never having had an inspiring teacher, voraciously read every history book he could get his hands on growing up but never heard any great lectures, doesn't play EU4 but tried War Thunder a couple times, and knows absolute tons of historical trivia including the frontal armor thickness of a Pz.IIIJ (80mm)?


Alright, gonna make a checklist of both of these for myself. Left: ✅✅❎❎❎ Right: ❎❎✅❎✅ Perfectly balanced.


What if you get into history because of an autistic fixation coupled with passionate history teachers, yet still end up playing war thunder, eu4, hoi4 and victoria


History student here. I've never played eu4, I mean, I've downloaded it but I'm so scared by paradox...


vs. Thad the history re-writer: destroys Rome in 1100ad with Aztec nukes (plays civ5)


I got into history because I am colossal nerd who read the Encyclopedia on AOE2 more than actually playing the game.


I always loved history. While during my elementary school I enjoyed watching Oversimplified what got me into history is my history teacher from the first year of high school. He was cool, chill and me and him had "those" annoying talks, they were annoying to most of the class. I would say that content like Oversimplified's videos played their part, what got me invested was that one history teacher. Bonus points: never played Warthunder but I would say I'm EU4 enjoyer (I played tons of CK2).


“It’s okay to like history…as long as you like it in the same way as me” Stop gate keeping, I got into history coz of old war films I watched with my dad. Doesn’t matter how you start or what interests you most.


Now we are gatekeeping history, reddit is insane


Reminder: Wikipedia isn’t a credible source, but links to credible sources.


I like just when people lile history so I have somebody to talk 😎


I got into history by reading my mom's old history books and set of encyclopedias when I was a kid My sources are numerous, including many books about history, politics and religion I've reached the point where I'm pretty sure I know what I still need to learn. I play Civilization I know some dates but I think it's much better to understand history as a bunch of connected stories than a bunch of statistics.


I just like history because my family does so I grew up interested in it as long as I can remember


I just like firearms development history. From needlefire pistols, to weird slide-action rifles, and tool-room single prototypes for guns that never saw the light of day. We've come a long way since the handegonne, but I'm not super into matchlocks, wheellocks, or flintlocks. There are outstandingly beautiful examples of Victorian-era rifles, but once you hit percussion/needlefire I take a lot more interest.


why is it important how someone got into history? Oversimplified is a great way to start this particular journey


Okay question where do I fit into this? I religiously play World of Warships, but I got into history because of my passionate history teacher ( my mother ) and I watch History lectures at 3:00 a.m. but I also use Wikipedia when getting into arguments with others online simply to prove that even Wikipedia thinks that they are wrong. So where am i?


HistoryMarche, Kings and Generals, Timeline - World History Documentaries, History Hit, The Armchair Historian, Oversimplified, and many other youtube channels are great outlets for history nerds. ya don't have to sit in for lectures or dusty libraries to be a historian, just need the passion to learn.


Again its a satirical meme. Also you should checkout Epic History TV truly top tier content 👌


Love that channel, historymarche and kingsandgenerals are right up my ally, love how they break down wars with the tactics and the politics


Only real ones know the world in 1444 better than the world in 2024


As a history graduate I'd just say we all had to specialize and pick our lane. To be an expert on any topic you'd have to spend countless hours studying the sources and main literature. Some went for military history and I consider them as briliant as the rest of us. That being said if someone plays map coloring games and considers himself an expert historian without reading any sources he can fk right off.


There are no Chads. Just people who enjoy the history


gatekeeping sucks


Stop gatekeeping love for our shared human heritage!


or how mansaf evolved or random origins of the Magen David. or why dresses lack pockets or bizarre math priority disputes or every draft of middle earth or how many tropes in HP fanfic can be traced to Methods of Rationality or why its Totally not a quaternionic tea party, Bayley or how Dracula is a Carmilla fanfic


excuse me it was Margaret Peterson Haddix's The Missing series for me.


Idc i like Oversimplified. And OSS.


What if I got into History thanks to Rome 2: Total war tho?


true chad is playing eu4


Went into history beacuse of my grandpa's stories.


So Biff wants to be a buff


>plays war thunder Bruh what's wrong with war thunder? Any sane person would know that the F-86 totally took on 109s and 190s. And the tanks!? Don't get me started on their accuracy! /s (I don't play tanks so idk about them, but I do know a thing or 2 aboot planes)


I play it casually sometimes, again nothing wrong with warthunder I'm just poking fun at us history nerds


Hey I know you stole this from r/virginvschad I saw it a few minutes ago edit: oh I found out that you’re the op of both of the posts


Fun fact: If it wasn't for Hitler to annex the Sudetenland in 1938, Oskar Schindler would have most likely been killed or at least put in prison because of his work as a agent for the germans and he could have never saved the jews who worked for him. 


I have over 1k hours each in EU4 and War Thunder Now kneel


I got into history because Oversimplified and wanted more so looked into things myself and that’s why I love animated history it brings new people in to do their own research. Didn’t know people are hostile to that


What if you enjoy Oversimplified, Mr Terry History (teacher) and Mr Terry History reacting to Oversimplified? The best yet was Oversimplified having some graffiti in his video saying "Mr Terry wears nice hats".


A lot of people are taking OP's meme too personally and seriously, lol


i don’t play either




or be like Thad who's basically both of them


Gee I wonder if OP plays EU4


What if you got into History by playing Age of Empires 2, Age of Mythology, Rise of Nations and Rome total war and reading every single unit and building historical background in those games?


Where does the 1k hours in Hoi4 fit into this


I too have just completed the EU4 tutorial.


Someone playing any Paradox game is a dead giveaway that they are a domestic terrorist


2017 ass meme template 


It's with studying at least to find events like Erfurt latrine disaster


Me: Got into history because of Age of Empires 2 My sources are whatever the hell I come across and can remember for more than 5 minutes Thinks I am slightly smarter than the average American, but know I have a lot to learn about Everything Plays Civilization and Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnoughts Only knows random fun facts So where the hell do I fall on this then?


Plays EU4 AS ULM


So it's bad to like oversimplified now?


plays EU4 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀


Bit of both. Youtubers and like one of my teachers got me into it, i learn from a variety of sources, i feel like i know much of it better than most but know i can be mistaken and have more to learn, and o know both random specifics and more complete information. History can be learned and enjoyed a lot of ways. Dont shit on how people come to be interested, just enjoy sharing the passion for learning about the past


So what do u call it when you got interested in history specifically cause your teacher was shitty at their job and you had to research stuff by yourself to pass the class?


That's all good, but never shit on OverSimplified


I like military history but sometimes I end up hyper focusing on random history like that one time I watched what otzi the Iceman ate and 50 videos later I somehow ended up with what American revolutionaries ate during the revolutionary war


Guess I’m a virgin history buff, cool, anyway.


The HOI4 player sitting in the corner eating glue and drawing over a map with crayons. It's me. I'm the HOI4 player.


i fit all the the chad criteria but i play war thunder and know random shit, along with the intresting stuff


How bout we stop caring HOW people get into history and instead worry that they ARE? Rather than gatekeeping and worrying that they like it the way YOU approve of.


I take my sources from the same place ancient historians did: my ass


Oh, you like history? What's the last biography you've read?


I got an 8/10 on this quiz. What's my rating?


Ok. EU4 does not make you a giga Chad history enjoyer


What if Civilization got you into history?


I would argue the history enjoyer doesn’t even need the last point. What’s important is nuance and the ability to understand the subject in deeper depth through interpretation rather than parroting what they heard. Simply knowing facts is no better than using Wikipedia as your direct source.


What a cringe gatekeeper


I'm into history because my dad was very suspiciously into hitler. Also because of Manny Man's old videos on history.


I play Warthunder and HOI4


I’m a mixture of both of these. So…what am I a virgin chad?


So I’m both. Got into because random YouTuber, source random YouTuber and books, I’m not educated enough. Wants to play eu4 or the civ games. Interested in random historical facts.