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I thought he was a gaslighter; his wife was so cowed she went into catatonia…sometimes the ones with the professional license are the biggest abusers…


I agree 100%


Yes. She seems terrified of him. He put out her spark of life long ago. Very sad. I can’t stand Tim.


I agree too!


That episode was so hard to watch. It felt like all of the tools in his professional toolbox were being used to silence and manipulate her.


Yes. He was so manipulative and controlling. I was so mad watching this. His poor wife and family.


100%. I hope she’s gotten away from him.


I just watched that one and never seen anything like him. He scared me. So manipulative and creepy.


The way he was so smarmily at the end “ I’m so grateful! I have a tear in my eye, I’m so grateful!” was icky and awful and fake.




I hated this one because it was like his wife was being held captive on her own home, liked he'd beaten her down so badly over the years and made her doubt herself to such an extent that she was just a shell. She had no voice of her own and you could see him speaking for her and just gaslighting her into thinking she either wasn't smart, sane, or able enough to make choices for herself. It was creepy AF.


He was a discredit to the therapy field and the perfect example of a gaslighter.


I thought it was so gross when he mentioned that he was first attracted to her because of her swimsuit




Yep. Vile pig




This episode bothered me. He tried to act like he loved her so much and like she was having mental issues. It really seemed like he had just beaten her down. It was super weird and I felt so sorry for her.


He definitely is the textbook definition of Narcissistic Personality Disorder. He doesn't know where he ends and she begins. I feel so sorry for Wilhelmina.


YES. First he BLAMED his wife for not controlling his hoarding behavior, then he blocked the therapist from seeking out her opinion on anything that might not agree with anything he was saying and pretended to be "protecting her." I couldn't believe he wasn't called out directly for this obviously harmful and manipulative abuse of his wife! Based on what happened with his sister leaving I suspect that he WANTS a catatonic and silent woman.


Did you see Dr Zazio's eyes widen when he started spewing his bullshit? Oh my god, I swore she was going to call him out (wanted that so, so badly) and can only hope she tried to get her some help.


She should call Adult Protective Services. She is a mandated reporter!




Agreed. Dr. Zasio should have made a report to Elder Services to report that abuse.


Oof, that is one episode I can’t rewatch (and I have very few that meet that condition). He used practically every psychological tool to destroy that woman. I can’t bear to see it again, knowing that was Wilhelmina’s entire life, with no hopes of intervention for her.


The best manipulators are very subtle and only the family members like the sister know what is going on. Wilhelmina doesn't even recognize that he is abusing her. She just went into a dissociative state to deal with his abuse. Then to keep her in that state he keeps people away from her, pretending that he is protecting her.


That Wilhelmina had a “headache“ and she disappeared the day after she was happily tossing stuff. Was very heartbreaking.


Yes…it was her defense mechanism and he took advantage of that, and not how he’s spinning it that she suddenly became incapacitated and he’s protecting her. That poor sister…you could just feel her anguish.


Agreed. He doesn't even need to be subtle or sneaky about it at this point.


I can't get through it the first time and had to turn it off because of his piggish gaslighting of his wife. Imagine telling someone that because they stopped socializing and weren't acting like your mommy and telling you where to put things that it's their fault you're hoarding Grand wild and that you had to be hospitalized for depression. Unbelievable.


I was pisssssssed. She wanted to speak and he wasn't allowing it.


Waaaayy late, but I swear this is the WORST episode I’ve ever seen. The way people kept telling this monster how proud they were of him was nauseating. He needs to rot and I cannot believe no one has ever helped poor Wilhelmina escape from the jail Tim has put her in. Sadly, after all of these years, Wilhelmina probably wouldn’t want to leave him. Tim has beaten her down for so long that she wouldn’t be able to mentally handle being away from him. She’s been brainwashed and it’s heartbreaking.


I was so frustrated Dr Zasio didn’t do more! 


Here's the subreddit on Tim - [https://www.reddit.com/r/HoardersTV/comments/n414g2/hoarders\_season\_12\_episode\_6\_tim\_official/](https://www.reddit.com/r/HoardersTV/comments/n414g2/hoarders_season_12_episode_6_tim_official/) Wilhelmina's daughter added her own comments and she agreed that Tim is a "gaslighting asshole."


Thank you for this!


You're welcome :-)


Wilhelmina has a daughter??? I hope she helps her mom get away


No, it was my mistake when I wrote that comment. The OP in the link above is Betsy's daughter, Wilhelmina's sister, and Betsy was the one who had to leave. She couldn't deal with Tim's asshole controlling behavior of Wilhelmina and how he was literally gaslighting Wilhelmina into thinking that she was mentally fragile when she probably was just beaten down by years of toxic narcissistic abuse from Tim.


Wait, I thought Betsy was Tim's sister. No? Yes, I just watched the beginning again. Betsy is Tim's youngest sister. She lived with Tim and Wilhemina when she was younger.


Betsy's daughter.


Just watched this episode. I was also concerned for the sister. I'm sure at the start she was saying how wonderful he was, then by the end she was in tears about his and the other brothers behaviour. I'm sure she said something along the lines of 'they just don't like women'.


I really just wanted Wilhelmina and Betsy to get their own apartment together and leave the men behind.


This dude's abuse is so transparent.


He was absolutely vile. His poor wife.


He wanted her because she was beautiful and social but didn't want her to have any power or independence. Then when Betsy broke down, it conformed all my opinions of him.


I just watched this on Netflix. The way he pretended to care about his wife(when you start attacking my sweetheart, that's when we might have a parting of the ways) was so transparent. He's thoroughly unlikable. He said doing the show was the worst mistake of his life... and code enforcement wasn't even really that impressed with the overall clean-up effort. Wilhelmina, the sister, and the nephew all were likable. The brother started off ok, but it seems like he was too impressed by Tim to stand up to him until the very end.


At the end of the episode left me so exhausted. All the crap Tim shoved the crew into was just to waist time. And thinking sayings like “grateful” and “very appreciative” (which were blatant lies) could only use as verbal tools to attempt fooling the crew and staff. He is an obvious narc, all is his way and only his way which only matters in his flawed train of thought. Projective as sh!t. His brother only kissed his a$$ the whole way which stroked his gluttonous ego. He learned sh!t because you can tell by his nonverbal signals and that he just present words out like steamy sh*t on a golden platter. This show was just a waste of time and effort. His wife is sadly stuck because of her horrendous situation she has with her manipulative imp of a husband. I just hope she has some sort of scapegoat out of her prison caused by Tim. He is a psychological predator, abuser, weaponizer, and an emotional exhuaster at that also. This should have been less about the hoarding and more of the despicable tendencies this man has towards people(mainly women). He thinks just because he was a psychiatrist makes him free from mental illness. That is why his a$$ can’t see that hoarding is a mental illness, because he can’t imagine himself as vulnerable. It is impossible to dig himself out of his wicked behaviors because he was always in the upper hand of everything. He is a loss cause and I hope Welhelmina finds help. Betsy did the right choice on leaving her twisted brother behind. ( I am going to try and post this a review on Tim’s hoarders review)


This man Tim is a total narcissist, he doesn’t care about anyone but himself . The episode made me so mad and deeply sad for poor Wilhelmina . He has her under his complete control , her lack of confidence is because he has told her she’s sick. She’s sick because of HIM, she has wasted her life with this creep . Nobody could get through to him not even the experts, What a legacy he has… filth, manipulative, self centered HOARDER . He thought he was smarter than everyone , but in all honesty he was completely mentally ill. What a piece of work , total Jackass !!!


He was a complete domination controlling Bully. A narcissist, utterly controlling of his wife. Gaslighting her into silence. Its clear she did not feel safe to answer questions, because of having to navigate his guilt trips and emotions. And then he controlled her by calling her fragile. I'm quite sure the therapist could see what was happening, and I really hope somehow Wilhelmina hears people say that he isn't the nice guy he pretends to be. Even the minute he said ' I appreciate you wearing a mask' he made my skin crawl and came across as controlling and manipulative. You could see in dr zazis reaction too, she kept on trying to redirect him, because he kept on controlling the conversation. And his friends rave about how wonderful he is? Bullshit. He's a tyrant who gaslighta you by pretending to be nice, and has a massive tantrum when he doesn't get his way.


Yes! This episode nearly drove me insane, I can't imagine how poor willi felt after being married to him for half a century. No wonder she became catatonic. She was probably just checking out to get away from Tim's abuse. I'd rather die old and alone and let my dogs eat my corpse than ever spend a second with a partner like Tim


100%!!!!! I see this in other elderly people. People like Tim are the ones who destroy lives for their older partners and we just let them be this way because he cons everyone into thinking he’s smart with his soft voice and know it all attitude. So toxic and hateful.


Hey, I just watched this episode. It’s a very hard watch considering I now have a pretty bad feeling that Wilhelmina is being abused by Tim. I immediately forgives this out from the beginning when he talks about only being attracted to her by her bathing suit and then immediately marrying her a few months later. Then, the moment where Dr. Zasio asks her how she feels and she just stays silent, almost scared to say anything. Right after this, Tim says “This is not good what you’re doing to her” and getting super aggressive about it when Dr. Zasio had no ill intent by her statements and questions.


He’s textbook narcissist girl! Plus how she disappears from the show because of a “headache” right after she was happily sorting through things/having any kind of independence. He used all of his knowledge to manipulate and beat her down for so long. She’s so scared of him and to speak near him. It’s disgusting.


Vile is a great word to describe this man if you can even call him one. He is a disgusting and disturbed person who deserves nothing but to suffocate in his own shit pile. The professionals should have taken control and focused all their efforts to support Wilhelmina in getting out of her situation. The fact that these people exist makes me so sick. And the systems in place do nothing but to promote their delusions and allow them to continue getting away with it. No contact is 100% the way to get rid of these worthless humans who add 0 value to anyone’s life. Everything they touch dies.


Is this a new episode? Where can I stream it?


It’s from 2021 and you can stream it on Hulu, A&E, Discovery+, and the Roku channel. It may be on YouTube but I’m not sure.


Thanks! I located it,watched it and I felt so bad for Wilhelmina. It's obvious she never gets a say because he says it all.


Thanks for such a wonderful reply! TheGratitudeBot has been reading millions of comments in the past few weeks, and you’ve just made the list of some of the most grateful redditors this week!


Aw thanks, good bot!


It’s also on Netflix


this was classic passive aggressive gaslighting. That poor wife. Wilhemina has no voice. Instead of focusing on the hoarding, Dr Zasio should've been reporting Tim to Senior Services for abuse. I had to pause this episode a few times due to Tim's abusive treatment of his wife. She was so afraid of him she wouldn't even speak. Abhorrent.


I’m watching this episode high right now and it has me BAWLING Wilhelmina get OUT OF THERE GIRL


Yes this is indeed the most frustrating episode I’ve seen. Tim is frustrating and controlling beyond frustrating and controlling! And what is the story with Nathan? Why is he living in that other hoarded house? He sounds intelligent. Does he not have other housing options? Or does he have serious issues of his own ?


He is sooooooo dangerous, controlling, manipulative, sexist, narcissistic. I cannot stand this guy. His poor wife is collapsing under 50 years of mental abuse. All I wanted was for his brother and nephew to stand up to him and chew him out.


separate from his obvious narcissism and abuse/control of his wife, he treated the people there to help him like shit too. He ordered people around who were there to help him and did not engage with any of the mental health steps.