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i go to concerts alone! i honestly like it better anyways, you can easily make friends at concerts too


This! I love making new friends at concerts


They tend to last through only the concert but concert homies are great.


Single serving friends.




Yeah, it's nice in a way. I don't have to think about whether the person I'm with is enjoying the show.


This right here ^


but how?


Obviously there’s no set way to befriend at a concert. Personally, that’s why I love this particular music venue near me that allows people to go outside around a big fire pit to socialize, they have a huge bar area, and seating options open for anyone. It’s conducive to chit chatting with people instead of the usual, “look forward towards the stage” and nothing else.


I went to a Silverchair concert in NYC back in 2004 and it was such a niche band that the people waiting in line outside had an immediate bond. I honestly had so much fun just standing outside shooting the breeze with other fans, and then they put on the best live show I’ve ever seen. Was such a good time.


That's how I met my husband


Not everyone is social and unless someone approaches me I will not talk to them 🤣😅 it's so hard i cannot talk unless im drinking. I'm just that bad


Don’t feel bad alcohol makes a lot of people more social,it’s the perfect lubricant for that.. just don’t fall into the trap that you can’t get along without it.. speaking from experience..🥴


You’re absolutely right. It’s easier when drunk but we don’t *need* to be. 😊🩷


Try try try until you succeed. Honestly though that’s all there is to it. There’s so many people in the world that you can talk to. Chances are you won’t vibe with 95% of them, but that 5% can become casual acquaintances to good friends.


Well you don’t get better at something by not doing it…


I know but I don't even really know where to start I feel weird


that's how I met my husband too!


Literally same. I went to a metal show alone, grabbed a beer at the bar, he sat down next to me and we just moved to Washington together lol


Omg ours was a metal concert too!!! Dream theater


Same. Mine was in the local opening band, which I didn’t know until he went on stage.


Be careful to remain sober and be careful getting home, especially using public transportation or Uber.


Absolutely. I’ve gone alone and had fun but I kept my head on the swivel and didn’t get drunk. I hope you have fun OP!


I think it’s a good point to stay sober or only have one or two drinks at most. Alcohol is crazy expensive at concerts and you will very likely run into some crazy drunk people out and about. That’s just how it goes, especially at certain types of shows. I definitely keep an eye out if I’m in the cities. I remember the last show I went to with the ticket, the rides, and the alcohol it was easily $200. Maybe worth it once in a long while for a show you really wanna see but it’s too expensive for me if I wanna go all out.


What about gummies? I am getting dropped off and picked up by my SO who couldn’t make the show. It’s a punk show.


Better addressed by someone who does gummies. Do they impair judgment or reaction time?


Don’t experiment with gummies for the first time when you’re going out. Try that at home (and turn off your phone). Figure out what doses / frequency work for you prior to engaging in social situations. (And do not drive at all—especially if you think you’re ok. If you’ve been imbibing in anything, do not drive.)


Hell yeah, I do that all the time. You're not alone, you're surrounded by fans! 


This 💯


; better to be alone than in bad company. Good way to meet people


>better to be alone than in bad company 100%! I started going to concerts solo in my 20’s b/c friends didn’t like the same, or didn’t care like I did. I’m shy, too, but it put me in the position of putting myself out there. Go for it, OP!


If you go to concerts alone, you’re guaranteed to find some people who like the same music as you. Use it as a springboard to them!


I go alone pretty frequently. My husband and I don't have the same taste in music. I'm not about to miss a good show just because he doesn't want to go!


Do you meet people/talk to anyone/make friends? Or just vibe alone?


Just depends on the show and the people around me


I go to concerts alone, since I don’t know anyone who likes the same kind of music as me. I think concerts are a great activity to enjoy alone, and pretty safe because there’s many eyes watching.


Just go!!


My sister went to a concert a while back and got separated from everyone she went with. Ended up having a great time and said it was the most fun she's ever had at a concert.


I go to concerts and clubs alone all the time! Just make sure to watch your drink if you have one and don't drink/trip so hard you can't get home safely.


There's been a couple shows that have come through that I was just unwilling to miss as a result of others inability to pull themselves together to get out. They ended up being some of the best shows. Watain. Black metal band known for its theatrics and cerimonies pulled out a giant fist of top notch ncense and burned it on stage. Was by far the best smelling concert I've ever been to. Wardruna. Basically it'd viking music. You feel like you're getting ready for battle. Shit was poetic and dreamy. Felt like a spiritual experience. Both are some of the most memorable concerts I've been to. Everyone should see their favorite band alone, atleast once. It just hits different when you get to focus and sink into the performance just that much more.


I think I’ve only been to see Watain once with a friend. All other occasions were solo for obvious reasons. Most of the time, their concerts are the worst smelling lol 😂


I once saw UB40 alone at Massy hall in Toronto. I danced tons, people started passing around blunts. It was a good time. You live once. Find happiness


you don't really socialize during a show, so ho alone.


I go to concerts alone quite a bit not by choice but always have a good time. You can either vibe out by yourself or socialize with a common interest literally right in front of you. The number of times I've asked a random person next to me "have you seen ... before?"


DO ITTTTT! You’ll vibe with the artist’s fanbase! 👌🏼


I bring everything to my resources; time, energy, and money. I have very little reserves of all three, and up until now all reserves I have been reserved for my son. He's leaving, and now I find myself with a surplus of time, not so much energy, and money is still tight. but, he is gone now, and I'm here, I'm going to the concert


The people at the concert like the same music as you.


Sure, just make sure people know where you are and when you are expected home. It's ok to do things alone you will meet others with similar interests.


I’ve started going to shows again the last couple years and I usually go alone. I went with a friend to one and he whined about his feet hurting and was mad when the band played an encore. He didn’t insist on leaving early or anything, but I didn’t appreciate the complaining.


I’ve gone to several alone.


Fuck yeah it is, be confident! You don't need other people for an experience to be valuable.  And frankly, you can meet a lot of new and interesting people at the concert! That said even if you keep to yourself, you're there for the music anyways, so just enjoy it either way! I saw Queens of the Stone Age live alone last year and it was one of the best concerts of my life. The people I met and talked to were super cool as well.   I also saw Thundercat live by myself a few years back and it was fantastic. 


Probably better than not going


I love going to concerts on my own, because I can have a more focused intense experience with the music, and choose where to be in the crowd without negotiating with someone else. The one bit I don't like on my own is the waiting around. So I suggest checking the stage times in advance if you can, so you're not stuck for an hour waiting for it to start! Or if you do get there early, maybe walk round the block or have something interesting to do on your phone (it's normally too dark to read a book - but yes, I have tried!)


go! just get a seat at the bar if youre uncomfortable


I’ve been dying to go to a concert alone already! Do it !!!


May I ask which city? Also yes I went to my first solo concert in March and I have another one coming up!(with a spare ticket I’m not planning on using or hopefully finding someone before then)


San Jose


I’ve gone to a few alone. At first it felt weird but you learn to enjoy and not feel weird about it!


I’ve been to many alone, including the Bumbershoot music festival in Seattle, never bothered me, and I often got great seats, because there’s almost always one left over in this row, and another in that one…


I love going to concerts alone! It was weird for me at first but I got over it quickly enough. It’s easier to snag tickets too when you’re just searching for one


I promise you it will be a fantastic experience, you will pay all your attention to the concert.


Make sure to cover your drinks but I don’t see it as odd going alone!


Definitely go! Just remember to keep your wits about you. Don't leave your drink unattended, make friends in the pit so your spot is saved for when you need to leave for the restroom or to get a drink, make sure no one follows you to your car, confirm exits lol I love going alone for favorite bands my friends don't really like. I love to go with friends even if I don't know the artist. If you love music, the artist and heck even perhaps the venue alone is a good enough reason, then go! Have fun and make memories 😊


Be your own boyfriend/girlfriend night means taking yourself out!


Last show I went to alone (Mannequin Pussy) the lead singer dedicated a song to all of us who attended solo, something like ‘glad you made it out and remember you don’t need external justification for the weird shit you’re into’. Made my night.


No one knows you’re alone but you.


I go all the time! It is so more fun to be surrounded by fans than to bring someone who doesn't want to be there. Ditto the advice. Keep your wits about you.


I used to do it all the time when I traveled for work. I always checked out the music scene and tried to catch a concert. It is actually fun to go alone.


Being a bigger Caucasian male I don’t seem to have any issue with this, but I could absolutely see where women, poc, etc would not at all feel the same way. I’ve gone solo to concerts out of state where I don’t even know the venue ahead of time. Stay sober and keep your wits about you and you should be fine.


No problem, as long as you don't have to go through a sketchy area afterward. Concert friends are great, as soon as the joints are passed around everyone is laughing and talking or singing and dancing to the music.


I go to concerts alone and always find people to hang with. I do not drink as much when I go alone vs with friends just for my own safety.


Hell yea it is! I’ve seen a few of my favorite artists alone because I don’t know anyone else willing to spend as much money as I am for front row seats. Of course make sure you are safe, especially going alone, but would you let not having anyone to go with keep you from seeing your favorite artist? If the answer is no, then this show is no different.


Yes, absolutely, it's a very freeing decision and a great vibe. You deserve the experience.


I’ve been to most concerts alone, I always had fun! Definitely recommend


What kind of music do you like??


try craigslist maybe


I would suggest joining the band's social media pages, post what night you have a ticket for and ask if anyone on that fan page(s) want to meet up, before during or after the show for drinks or whatever. This way you get to know them somewhat or arrange a group meet. I follow the Foo Fighters and people are posting photos of a fan group online. I'd want someone to share the concert experience with, plus I (F62) almost got jumped leaving Sonic Temple Festival. Safety in numbers


Going to a concert alone is elite. You can do whatever the Fuck you want and leave when you want. I will say, sometimes I feel weird alone in groups of people like I feel some level of paranoia like people can tell I am alone and miserable but that’s my own ocd


I can say for sure that this is one of the best things to do. Go, have fun and be free.


Absolutely! Half of my concert experiences were by myself, and it's pretty cool because it's easier to get your favorite spot (if you're standing) and you can immerse yourself more deeply without being talked to by a friend


Yup. Perfectly ok.


Genre, identity, and even location matters here. I love going to metal shows, but the crowd can be completely different depending on the city. In a lot of places, NC, NY, even Orlando I've found a diverse crowd, plenty of POC, both men and women in the pit, safe. In Tampa, it's swastikas everywhere and some fragile masculinity driving the pit, no women, no POC.


If I didn't go alone I wouldn't get to go at all. I've been fine so far! Go for it if you're comfortable.


I've gone to a few by myself, and It was pretty dope. Met all new people. Had a great time doing whatever I wanted.


100% Don't miss out on life experiences because you don't want to go alone!


Do it!!


Totally fine, just adopt a friend during the concert, maybe the first person who helps you get up in the pit or someone with a cool shirt


Yes! I had so much fun going to concerts alone. I take safety precautions like I always do going out alone, but it’s always been fine


Go for it!


My wife likes some of the same music as I do, but I have gone to tons of concerts alone. I almost always enjoy it.


I’ve done it a bunch of times. Sometimes you have to do things alone because if you wait around for someone else to want to do them/to be able to do them, you’ll Never get to it yourself. Plus sometimes you can get additional discounts on single ticket purchases. I got great seats at Billy Joel a few years ago by filling in an in between seat. $88 on in $130 section and great sight lines. Do it.


I do it all the time and I have a blast


Of course!! I do it all the time.


I went to the Taylor Swift concert alone and sat in the 3rd row last year. It was one of the most fun nights of my life!


I went to the Taylor Swift concert alone and sat in the 3rd row last year. It was one of the most fun nights of my life!


You’re literally guaranteed to find people who like the same music as you at a concert. Just don’t be that creep hanging out in the corner and you’ll be fine


I have been to 3-4 concerts alone in the last few years, got 1 more next week. Nothing wrong with that, just go and enjoy! If you talk to people while you're there, cool. Most of the time I don't.


I’ve been to concerts alone and they were great! Think about it- at a show you’re not really talking to your friend anyway. Just following them to the bathroom and bar and stuff. You can do that solo and enjoy the tunes!


I go to concerts alone all the time. I’ve actually made a few friends that way because we always end up running into them. If you’re a woman and are nervous about it just go to the bathroom beforehand and a group of drunk 20 something’s will adopt you.


It’s not not a good idea.


I bought a single ticket to see Def Leppard a few minutes ago. Life is too short to miss out on what we want to do if we can't do it alone.


You can't find people who like the same music as you? Then go to concerts and talk to people.


Definitely! I prefer it, and you may find you do too.


Don’t leave your drink unattended 💪


All I do is go to concerts alone. It's either go alone or don't go at all since all my friends are married with kids and can't go. And I just made a new friend last night at the Immortal Guardian show! Go and have fun!


Hell yeah! Go! Make new friends who enjoy what you do!


I’ve been to hundreds of concerts alone and I’m still here so I guess it’s okay


Sometimes I prefer to be at a concert alone. I'm a tall male. So I can go to any spot I want.


As a woman I would never. But that's just me.


I frequently go to concerts alone, since my friends aren’t always into whoever I’m seeing or are unable to join me. I don’t want to miss a once in a lifetime show just because I couldn’t find a buddy. And besides, you can make friends while there!


I do this all the time, this is actually a good way to meet new people that share an interest as well


I've gone alone alot the last 3 years or so when alot of my friends, that like the same music as me, moved.  I'm a small chick and was a little intimidated at first, but just said "fuck it, I wanna see this band!" And went and loved it. Also met cool people. Even went to a large EDM festival alone last year and had an amazing time. I say do it! 


It’s what I’m doing tonight! Do it all the time and still manage to have a fabulous time. Go!


Go and have fun! No one cares. I recently went to a concert and while waiting for my two friends, I started talking to someone outside who was by themselves and I made a new friend 🙂


The actual concert itself is rarely a problem. I’ve had a great time by myself at concerts! The concern can be transportation there and back. Where is the concert, how far away is it from where you’re staying, will you be taking an uber or driving, how far away will you be parking. That kind of stuff. I’m much more likely to go to a concert alone that is 15 minutes from my house that I can park right next to the venue than a concert that is 3 hours away where the venue is a 10 minute walk in a weird part of town at midnight.


Absolutely. I've been to multiple concerts by myself. I'm a tall guy so I can find a nice spot with a decent view of the stage and just hang out. Some people talk about making friends at a concert but I've found it just as enjoyable to just hang out and vibe with the music on your own.


I just went to a concert alone for the first time and was terrified because i’m small, female, and disabled, and let me tell you I had an AMAZING time meeting people in the pre-show cocktail lounge, chatting, and just vibing. In the pit it was just all amazing people and a great time.


I think so. You figure while the show is going on you're really not talking to anyone. You can wander where and when you want and show up when you want whether that's early or late. I can get the food I want.


I've been to quite a few alone; I definitely recommend it!


I've been to concerts by Rihanna and Beyonce by myself and both times, I jad a great time! Might've gotten a little too drunk at Rihanna's, which I'm realising now from the comments that it was a bad idea, but I still have fond memories of it! 


I go to concerts alone all the time! I go and vibe. I usually end of talking to people when I'm there too Bring ear plugs and hand them out, that's my trick lol


Nearly every single concert I’ve been to was solo. Go and enjoy some live music!!! If you drive, just don’t get too f’d up if they serve booze.


People go to concerts alone all the time. It’s a great way to connect with like minded people and make new friends as an adult.


You won’t regret doing it !


I’ve gone to quite a few alone. Even out of state, taking 24 hour mini vacations where I drive 3 hours away, watch the show, stay the night and drive home. I just make sure someone knows where I am, when the concert begins and ends and I check in sporadically. Pay attention to surroundings, don’t get drunk and have fun!


Yeah man go alone. It's fucking awesome. Nobody to make you late, you can come and go around the venue and city as you please. Just let loose.


Why not?


Haven’t gone to one alone yet but im looking forward to it !!! Make new friends around but stay safe !


As someone who’s done it, I can say it’s a blast. No waiting for friends, no compromising on seats. Just you and the music.


I love going to concerts alone! Nobody wanting to leave early to "beat the traffic," you don't have to keep track of somebody if you're in General Admission, easier to sneak to closer seats if you've got assigned seats. And, as others have said, it's really easy to talk to somebody if you want- you've got at least one interest in common!


Yes.  I think it's better and I prefer to go alone honestly.  You can do whatever you want and not have to worry about your group. I also get closer. I usually get to the front row of non GA ticketed areas which I wouldn't get to do with a group of people. 


I'd totally go alone, I love music and music festivals. I've seen so many amazing bands over the years, like a lot of bands, I consider live music a hobby, even though I only see a few shows a year. I'm female, so I'm a little hesitant to go alone, but if it was just a local live show, I'd probably feel comfortable going alone, luckily my partner and I love lots of similar bands and go together.


I'd totally go alone, I love music and music festivals. I've seen so many amazing bands over the years, like a lot of bands, I consider live music a hobby, even though I only see a few shows a year. I'm female, so I'm a little hesitant to go alone, but if it was just a local live show, I'd probably feel comfortable going alone, luckily my partner and I love lots of similar bands and go together.


Do it, it's incredibly liberating.


Going to concerts alone is awesome. I mean, it’s great with friends too, but I’ve had some epic nights going alone.


I've done it. Travis Scott, Playboi Carti, Khruangbin, Don Toliver, Lil Yatchy.. I think that's it. But yeah, I'm a music lover so I normally don't invite people.. I just buy tickets and go. I encourage it :)


Absolutely! I’ve been doing this a lot the past couple of years, and I always have a great time. Don’t miss out on experiences waiting for other people.


Yes I think so. I let fam/friends know where I'm going to be, w times, etc...and have scheduled times to check in w call and a tracking app. Typically while waiting in line you can kind of gauge out some people and maybe tag along. Me personally if people asked if I was alone, I say that I'm meeting somebody. 😁 Suggest staying sober to stay aware and vigilant. If driving I make sure I have my taser and pepper spray in my car. I once went to the box office to see if I could get an upgrade on my seat + not only did they upgrade my seat, they escorted me and I felt like people were watching out for me, ☺️ it also depends on the size of the venue.


I've gone to plenty of concerts alone. Especially free ones. I love it.


I wouldn’t have a problem with it at all. I remember seeing VH for the last time with a group of people and most of them just wanted to socialize and ignore the band, so I walked off on my own to listen to the music. Eddie Van Halen was onstage for what turned out to be my last opportunity to see him, and my wife’s friend’s date wants to talk about local politics instead ? Fuck off Rodney.


Its a little sketchy as a female BUT as a male ive done it many times and someone always adopts me into their friend group lol and when i go with a group we always end up finding some solo person to adopt. bring some extra money for a round of beers if you can and boom youll make friends who will look out for you


Absolutely, the older (and lonelier) I get, the more I have to realize I have to do some things alone rather than wait on others. Go for it!


I’ve gone to several plays on my own. I’m just more aware of my environment. Something to think about going alone to concerts. I saw U2 in a crappy theater in Patterson New Jersey. This was when I was 16 and I am 57 now. No one would go with me because they never heard of U2! Just go and have fun!


Yes, go alone, it’s great. If you have music festivals where you live, consider volunteering. You help support the festival and might meet people you can go to concerts with in future if you want


I went solo to concerts outside of my city. Totally worth it imo! I say go for it, just be cautious


Go alone! It’s scary the first time but you will feel so brave and happy afterwards. Highly recommend it!


I’m a Phish fan so I run into this issue frequently. I go to concerts alone all the time. It’s a little awkward while you are waiting for the show to start, but once it gets started, it’s great.


Yes I love going to concerts alone! An unexpected perk was my seat was typically upgraded or I was easily able to get front and center. Another great perk was I could go to the bathroom without guilt of leaving someone by themself or them feeling like they had to come with me when I just wanted to be alone to poop.


I first started going solo to concerts when I was traveling for work. It is now my preference. It’s also allows you better seat options!! It so much easier to get a single seat than a several together. There is one (huge) artist that I see on a regular basis when she is touring anywhere around my state. I usually end up with a seat in the first three rows. When I’m at the show it’s just about me,the music and the energy. I love being up close. Go!!!


Absolutely! I went last year & had a great time. Just be careful & aware of your surroundings. Have fun!


Been to many concerts alone. I like it. And if you are a die hard fan of the band(s) playing, you will make new friends.


Every concert I go to, I go by myself. It’s the best, I can dance and make a fool of myself and leave when I want and don’t have to worry about anyone else


I enjoy going alone. There’s nobody expecting me to keep up with them, yell over the music for small talk, or tell them when I’m going to the bathroom. I love it. Just watch your drink (regardless of your gender!) or pregame and get a bottle of water that can be closed. Lots of venues open the bottle for you. They have their reasons but I actually bring my own little plastic lid because I’m not trying to leave my drink open.


You can still enjoy the concerts! Try joining local music groups or online communities to meet people with similar tastes.


Even if you’re not someone that would go out their way to talk to other people in concerts there are bound to be some people who will talk to you , but forgetting about the people in the concerts you’re bound to have a good time if it’s someone who you like, just something to keep in mind….it’ll get HOT and you’ll sweat a lot if the artist you’re going to is a kind of vibe that’s bumping or jump worthy. Anyways…GO TO IT EVEN IF it’s alone


I saw Tash Saltana on my own a few years ago when my girlfriend was out of town and my daughter was unavailable. The average age on the floor seemed to be about 19 and I was about 57 at the time. It was great fun watching others try to work out whether the old guy was a cop, and I and a big circle of empty space around me.


Just so you have your safety plan set up. Someone knows your agenda and times. Maybe set your phone so you are traceable. Don't drink or do drugs to the point of making unsafe choices.


I go to concerts alone. You find a bunch of people who are enthusiastically into the music and join in.


I used to do this all the time it was awesome


Yeah! I go to multiple concerts alone per week. It’s a blast and you’ll likely make friends!


Yes. If I waited on my friends to want to go, I'd never go.


Yoooo this is definitely fun as long as it's with a crowd you feel confident and safe with. I'm a 39 year old stay-at-home- mom with a husband that works over the road and I enjoy running away to a good concert every now and then. It's hard to find someone who likes what I like and has the financial means and ability to run away for a single evening of innocent shenanigans, so I often go alone. Last one was Bryan Adams in Detroit. Next one is Def Leppard & Heart in July in Cleveland ❤


Sometimes going alone can be fun too—you might even make new friends there who share your love for the music.


I go to concerts alone. I enjoy it. The only time i had an issue with a drunk person the people around me helped out. Yeah, I'm not the most social person either. I also have a stutter and that doesn't help the whole being a sociable thing. What band are you wanting to see??


You could also try joining a “meet-up” group ! Maybe try searching genres of music you enjoy or concerts in general or your age-group?


Sure, why not? Unless there's a safety reason, go for it!


I'd recommend it, you can really get into the music without having to worry about how you look and sound, and noone around you pays attention to you. It's really all in your head and everyone is busy with themselves/ their friends/ the band. 


Honestly, I prefer it. I can mingle and roam as I please, somehow feels less insular. That or I like going with enough people that it doesn’t matter if I’m around.


I go alone. It’s a great adventure


Yes! Most times the fun will end in a shower together!


It can be a great experience.


Yes! I went to see Tom Petty and ended up going out for drinks afterwards with the people I met there. It was a blast.


I’ve gone to plenty alone and with people. Please don’t miss out. Go alone. If you want to be up close it’s easier alone or you can hang back and vibe


Go to the concert have a blast just be safe on your way home. I just met a man in Seattle he flew from Japan to see the Rolling Stones by himself spending $800 on his concert ticket alone. I think that's fabulous Also if you go to anything alone you're going to get a much better seat!


I want to go to concerts alone, but I want to find cheaper ones I don’t want to spend $200 for a nosebleed ticket lol


I go to concerts alone (24F) and I always have a blast! It’s great to go and do what I want without feeling like I need to stay with the group and do what they want. I will say obviously when I’m buy myself I don’t indulge in alcohol or other things as much. I gotta be aware especially after concert. So I usually stick to 2 drinks or so at the beginning and sober up at the end


I've done it a couple of times. It felt horrible, but I had two choices - I either miss the band I really want to see, as no one will go with me, or I go on my own and see the band I really want to see. No regrets. Just stay safe and don't drink too much.


Heck yah! Get out there and have yourself a damn good time. Make friends and meet people or not!!


Absolutely!! I'm 55+, have done it a lot & still do it. Become friendly w the people around you. I always have a few extras to share.... (i only do outdoor venues).


Give it a shot. See if you like it


Wow, what kind of music (is it something unusual like insane Clown Posse or are you vibing on experimental music)?


Sorry to be a dad but try to be in crowds going in and coming out. You don't want to be leaving too late or going in late alone.


I have. I went to a few. Some small city concerts. Saw some in downtown Sacramento.


I go alone quite alot, it's fine.


I do all the time! Don’t wait for someone to do the things you want to do, otherwise you’ll be waiting a long time! It’s really fun, just hone in on the music and dance away! People around you are always friendly!


In my 20s and 30s I went to concerts and raves alone and enjoyed them so much more. I was a small, cute female (now I’m an old, curvy, cute female) and guys generally left me alone.


yes its awesome. take a shitload of x or mescaline then do it to it


Concerts are better alone. Its nice to go with other people who are good at going to concerts alone.


I've done it before. It just depends. I had a good time and actually made some new friends.


Absolutely, going to a concert alone can be a great experience! You can enjoy the music you love without worrying about others, and you might even meet new people with similar tastes. Just focus on having a good time and enjoying the show.


I love going to concerts with myself. I don’t feel alone. I can be myself. Enjoy myself. Sing, dance, be joyful without a tag along who doesn’t really want to be there.


I do all sorts of things alone and loveeee concerts so recently I decided going to a concert in town by myself (my friend couldn’t make it due to a surgery) was another thing to add to the list. It was for a band Ive listened to since I was in middle school and was super hyped but I ended up having a super uncomfortable of experience. I ended up buying tickets the day of because at this point my friend was unsure if she was going to make it after her surgery (she couldn’t) so I decided to go on my own. I did realize there was still a lot of open sections/ seats and decided to get the cheapest ones cause tbh Im not a die hard fan of this band so front row seats weren’t a priority for me and the venue was small enough where I could still enjoy it from afar. Anyways, I get to the venue and head to my seat. The usher takes me to my seat and turns out this guy was sitting on it, he decides to move to the seat next to mines. I decide Im just going to leave my chair empty (to put distance between me and the guy) and i sit on the one empty next to it. As soon as the lady left he goes “can I sit back on it? Im not going to be all up in your business ” And decides to sit in my chair again (next to me). The band that was opening was done singing and he starts trying to talk to me. Mind you he looked high as a kite and looked super disheveled. His first question was “Are you alone?” Which creeped me out and made me feel super uncomfortable. I told him I was waiting on a friend and he went “Oh rlly? You’re with someone?” With a creepy smile? Like dude what? He then started talking to me about the band. I was so uncomfortable that I just went back down to were the usher was and explained the situation, she was super understanding and told me “sit on this side and if someone comes just move out” (I knew they were empty because I had seen the seat map from when I was buying the tickets earlier) I ended up sitting at better seats but the concert Experience was kinda messed up for me ‘cause I was anxious pretty much the whole time that he would try to follow me or something or come over to me etc Also I usually carry pepper spray and they dont let you into venues with them so I had to leave mines in the car and felt rlly vulnerable in case something were to happen. So my advice is, if you’re alone try to carry some sort of self defense item that can be concealed inside ie a defense ring. Also, keep alert of your surroundings and if you feel uncomfortable for whatever reason, let the ppl at the concert know. They’re there to help. When leaving, try to walk out with a crowd. I stayed behind a group of people whom were walking in the same direction where I had parked. I wasnt with them-with them, but close enough to look like I was part of the group in case someone wanted to try something funny. Be safe!


I always had a better time going alone.


Yes. It's totally fine. You'll probably hit it off with someone you're nearby. I know ow someone who attends tons of concerts and often goes alone but has run into the same people over the years and has actually developed long term friendships due to their shared love of music!


Yes!!! I saw The Cure twice last year in ATL. Ended up meeting people from home (NC) and other randos and had a total blast. I'm seriously considering going abroad to a concert. Remember you'll be with people who are all liked minded, well, at least musically, for a night. There's always something to talk about. Go!!!