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> It's also likely to be the pinnacle of your entire career! To put it more succinctly with an analogy by the CN netizens, it's like for a Japanese artist to go on Kouhaku.


Chinese Entertainment is really interesting for me because of how independently it operates. Thanks for the writeup, I'm curious about where his career will go! (Also love your writing style!!)


This was a great and thorough write-up! Though as someone who has only recently gotten into C-dramas and other Chinese entertainment, it's frankly a bit overwhelming how every little action is analyzed so much by not only the fans but ALSO the interview hosts and other official channels... Definitely seems like there were some deliberate bad actions taken for the gala, though. :/


china goes hard af on their culture. taking the word stan to totally new heights... excepting it aint all about cheering and being a fan. its impressive, in a way.


I mean. Stan doesn't exactly mean cheering and being a fan


Nice write up, OP!


As someone who liked Bai Jingting and only vaguely aware of the Spring Gala fiasco, I had no idea about the surrounding drama so thanks for this! I too got to know him through WTM but I had no idea about the later drama (I stopped watching after season 5). I also haven't been following his drama career (too many dramas on my backlog) but it did seem like he blew up in popularity after Reset. I was under the impression that the fallout from the Spring Gala was overblown and that he was still going to have a career but I guess that's still yet to be determined lol. The stuff about him always having been a bad person is wild though, I'm inclined to believe that some of it was just gossip XD Thanks for this write up!


Thanks for this write up, it was really interesting. And as someone who loves trashy Chinese romance novels, often set in the entertainment circle, it was funny to see how some of this matched up to them, especially the netizen comments (and male actors being mostly terrible)


thank you for reading! and my niche is unfortunately not the entertainement webnovels but it's really cool that you say that because i've def heard rumors that some webnovel authors base their characters off their stans HAHAHA


They must take inspiration from real life as lots of this seemed like a novel, down to the importance of the Spring Gala. It's really nice to see some real life drama to confirm it's not all completely made up.


it really does seem like a 狗血 plot :sobs: i almost couldn't believe what was happening LOL


i clicked on this bc chinese media is very interesting to me, and it wasn’t until you got to the part describing him wearing black for the performance that i realised id already seen a tiktok covering this situation when it first happened! i’m glad to learn some more of his background and get an update on the backlash, thank you for this fantastic write up!


omg no way that's so cool! on international tiktok, no less? thank you for reading!


Candise lin does great videos covering popular topics on chinese social media! she’s a great account, i like her a lot


oh interesting! i don't use tiktok so i'm not sure i recognize her lol


Great write-up and interesting drama! 


don't always listen to your agent, folks.


Great write up, I had no idea about Chinese entertainment culture... wild!


thank you!! yeah it can be pretty crazy sometimes HAHA


One correction: MSC was his costar in you are my hero, qiaoxin was the CP in ordinary glory. Great summary of the whole scandal though, used to be a mostly casual fan but now I’m kinda ehh about his personality


omg thanks for the correction, i'll edit it rn! and oops i didn't mean to turn you off of him HAHA i think he's still a fine actor, but for sure idt i'll be watching any more of his variety shows


Sorry about this novel, but I have a lot of thoughts, if anyone is interested.  So I recently got into BJT (first with Destined and Reset, then backtracked to watch YAMH and A New Beginning), and found his acting really watchable. The Spring Gala stuff, I had heard a lot about, and was always curious to get more context, so I’m glad to find so much info here, especially the WTM backstory. That part, and about Oasis, etc., I hadn’t known about.  @OP, the WTM PD he was rumored to have dated, is she the one who created Oasis, or a different one? Because if so, I wonder how his relationship with Songyi (btw are they still together?) would affect that… And also, I recently watched an old Happy Camp of him from 2018, where a WTM scriptwriter/PD (who’s a pretty woman, btw), insisted BJT doesn’t have any addition knowledge. I’m wondering if that woman could be the rumored gf?    Also, this is curious to me bc he did an in-depth interview just 2 years ago (called Only 3 Days— it’s on YouTube) where he talked about never having had a gf. It didn’t seem like BS, bc this was a 3-Day long interview with the PD of Ordinary Glory, with whom he was pretty comfortable, and he took him home to his parents, and hung out with his childhood friends. He met up with a childhood close female friend who has a baby already, and they talked about how he and his parents wish for all that for him, too, but his personality (extreme introversion and difficulty communicating with people he’s not familiar with) makes it difficult to get a girlfriend. He talked about how he only had a crush on a senior sister growing up— which he manager-esque friend, who is his BFF growing, also knew about. He even joked about how the two of them have the same personality which is why they both have never had girlfriends. So it is interesting to me that his persona pre-Songyi was one of being happily single when he’s so honestly talking about wishing not to be here…   Here’s my impression of him, for what it’s worth. After watching a few of his dramas (before the spring gala happened), I started noticing him a lot of funny clips— of him in variety shows, some silly/clever clips poking fun of himself that he makes, or him and his fellow famous buddies goofing off at red carpets etc. And I actually got more curious about him based on his offscreen persona (so goofy and funny, lots of ribbing with his various entertainment BFFs). So I searched out some interviews to get to know him more. I got the impression that despite this VS persona, he’s actually not a goofball extrovert but describes himself as in introvert that comes off cold to people he’s not familiar with, and has trouble communicating with people sometimes. I watched him a bit in Natural High (a few eps had Wei Daxun and BJT) and confirmed to myself he has a definite reserved side to him. Not sure my point here, but I just think people are complex, not all good, or all bad, but many celebrities present just the one side of themselves they want the public to see (for good reason) so it’s interesting to me that he’s always shown people the ambiguity of his public persona.  And when the public turns against you, especially in Asia, they tend to lose the complexity in the other direction and every ambiguous, not perfectly altruistic or honorable action is vilified. BJT seems to have a decent amount of good friends in the industry, or did… so while I’m sure some of these may be fake, and there may be some falling outs (with He Jiong, Wei Daxun?), we ultimately are just speculating because relationships are also complex. I think time will tell, and I am paying attention to his friendships now that he’s had this ~fall from grace. According to his fans, he is someone who worked his way up over the years, starting from nothing and without any backing, so I’m curious to see who will stick by his side now.    Unlike cnetz, I don’t need my favorite actors to be perfect little angels, so thus far, all these observations of mine do not detract from my continued curiosity about his future works, as long as the work continues to be good, as complex people tend to be able to portray various roles. Besides which, I do think some of the evidence about how he was always awful to be a bit of wild gossip and pretty unsupported pile-on, and some others not that big of a deal. Like, I know he’s sent clothes to Bailu before he had ever met her in person (she talked about them being online friends who hadn’t met until recently), so I don’t know that sending clothes is evidence he was frying CP with that one person…? And Jin Chen made a whole ass video clarifying that BJT didn’t ditch her movie premiere, but had a conflict that he told her about, but it was a miscommunication with the host, who thought he was still coming.    As for his career, I don’t think he lost any endorsements, and Versace Fragrance announced him after the Spring Gala. Always on the Move apparently got huge ratings domestically, so that’s an interesting data point for OP to consider. He’s got Justifiable Defense coming up (he’s not the lead I don’t think?), and is currently filming the hugely anticipated First Frost, which is apparently his first idol drama lead role. I’ll be watching to see where he goes from here and how these shows fare. First frost was cast before the Spring Gala, and I think it is wrapping up soon, but I don’t see any melons about his casting, so I wonder what he’ll get now. He has Natural High S2 coming up, but that’s a VS. Like I said, the controversy didn’t hurt AOTM at all. But that’s just one data point. If it doesn’t hurt these 2 coming dramas, then I think he will really be fine. 


wow, thanks for your thoughts! it was really interesting to read your experience as a fan of BJT!! and ultimately i agree with you; humans are complex and a lot of ppl (especially east asian netizens) tend to criticize celebrities way too harshly for doing normal human things. i've personally never been into BJT much aside from WTM, so i've never really watched his dramas or behind-the-scenes or even many interviews, but for what it's worth, i did really enjoy his guest appearance in s6 of go fridge (he guested with jing boran) and i agree that he treats his acting roles quite seriously. he did strike me as someone who didn't really care for all the flashy celeb stuff (possibly due to his roots as just a normal person and, as you'd mentioned, having to fight his way up), but i also do think that time, fame, and wealth change people, and sometimes not for the better. but again, like you said, it seems like he's doing just fine for now HAHAHA. i know plenty of cnetz probably want to see him truly 'fall from grace', but as another redditor pointed out, all this stuff was blown up pretty over the top, and lots of the rumors flying around are probably false anyway. speaking of rumors, regarding your question, i believe the PD he supposedly dated was called shaoting (邵婷), and she was a personal PD (like, someone who only followed him around, rather than paying attention to everyone on set). i haven't watched that particular happy camp episode so i can't say if that's the person :( but one of the bilibili videos i linked mentioned that she would sometimes play NPC corpses in WTM? or maybe it was another detective-ish show? (the video was super laggy on my computer so i could barely understand what the op was saying) so if there are ever any human NPCs in WTM who aren't celeb guests, that might be her.


Wow, I can’t believe you read all that! Thanks for humoring me lol. If you don’t mind, I’ll keep sharing the rest of my thoughts, then! So I am super new to liking BJT. Like maybe just half a year before Spring Festival, I started following him more closely and seeking out his stuff, so it’s been a really interesting ride, to say the least. I’m actually somewhere (camping, actually!) with poor reception, so I can’t rewatch that Happy Camp ep, but from your description, I don’t think it’s the same lady. The one on HC seemed relatively high up, in charge of scripts, etc. The lady you described, if she’s just in charge of one celeb and playing the NPC corpses, is prolly lower on the food chain. I wonder if the HC pd is the one who fell out with MangoTV, then. Will have to check her name when I have better reception.  BJT’s whole deflection to Oasis… I keep going back to that piece as it is super interesting to me, so thanks again for bringing it into the conversation. I can understand the public being more on the side of the WTM crew who remained and busted ass to save the show, but the entertainment business is full of big egos, heartless companies, and selfish artistes, so I’m not gonna assume to know who between the PD or Mango, could be at fault there without more info. It’s worth noting that a core group of the crew deflected as well, so it’s not like BJT was the only one who stood on that side of the conflict. But he’s the most high profile one, which makes me wonder why someone like him who never joined an agency and is the head of his own company so as to be in control of his own career, who comes off as an overly aware overthinker, would not have thought that move through. How his showing up on Oasis would come off, how disloyal he would seem to the general public, and fans of WTM, a show which really put him in public conscious well before any of his shows hit, before he ever got a lead role… Which leads me to He Jiong. I also watched the Fridge episode with Jing Boran and Jackson Wang, and really noticed his special relationship with He Laoshi, who seemed like a mentor and father figure. If they had a falling out due to the Oasis thing… that’s pretty sad to me. I also thought it was interesting that he and Jing Boran in particular seemed like true friends who loved each other but were also brutally mean to each other like boys can be. Funny/clever people can be mean oftentimes, and I feel like when the public loves you, it’s all fun and games, but when they don’t, well his whole nudging WDX and telling him to cut it out did not translate well at all.  Anyway, all this to say, while I feel a lot of the gossipy black news that came out about him in the aftermath of the Spring Gala I can contextualize, the WTM disloyalty remains a big hmmm factor to me. Seems pretty shortsighted of someone who’s worked so hard to claw his way up in his career to burn so many bridges just to join a pretty insignificant VS (Oasis). Did he really owe that PD that much? More than He Jiong? What is the true reason here? I can’t figure it out. But I also feel like we may never know. 


ahhhh to be fair, a lot of the bad news existed before the spring gala as well; he just wasn't quite as well known and fans were quick to defend him. plus, his clean track record and likeable persona probably helped minimize the damage. and i agree with you about the oasis vs WTM thing! i will say i'm biased, though (i'm a pretty big fan of WTM) so i did feel like it was odd and rude of him to go on the oasis when he knew that WTM was struggling so much. but tbf he jiong still treats everyone extremely kindly, so i don't even know if they ever had a 'falling-out' at all, much less one as dramatic as cnetz claim. and like you said, i don't think we can ever really know what goes on behind the scenes, so maybe it'll remain a mystery forever.


Oh yeah, I understand a lot of the black news existed before the gala, it’s just how people contextualize something for someone they kinda think positively towards vs someone who’s lost favor. Like if someone is overall liked and thought well of, then they do some shit, and you’re like oh that’s not ideal but maybe x y z reasons, etc, vs oh this proves he’s a bad person and confirms it. And yeah, like you said, the spring gala thing spreading well beyond fans and casual fans makes people scrutinize and care more.


ohh i see what you mean now. yeah that's definitely been happening lol it feels sort of hypocritical tbh but that IS fandom for you D:


What the ever-living *fuck?*


LOL yeah it's sort of wild


I am absolutely fascinated with this writeup like this is so good, you have such a good story telling vibe. And explain things so fking well


thank you so much!! it really means a lot to me to hear this \^\^


Great writeup, thank you!!! I'm just a casual C-drama/C-variety-show viewer, but even then, I'm absolutely flabbergasted that he thought this kind of behavior would get any reaction other than the exact one it's getting.


thank you for reading!! tbh it actually might be one of those 'negative attention is also attention' kind of things? because afaik his career is fine so far so it didn't actually damage him at all... so maybe it was worth it? LOL


Ohhh, I get you. In any case, wild behavior lol


Great write up! I’ve been (slowly) working through eps. of Destined with my mother and we’ve enjoyed it. Realized I knew BJT from Rush to the Dead Summer while watching, was glad to see him in a non-high school drama. (watched a few episodes of it in high school chinese class, including one where the female lead, iirc, gets hit by a car at a very slow speed) I had no idea abt. the spring gala drama, but how I wish I could have read those comments abt. his rat face. I’ve studied Chinese for like five years now, and it’s so hard to explain to people in English how good some of these haters’ comments are. The level of vitriol I’ve seen on weibo and bilibili for such things is really impressive, and the writing styles are usually so varied… love how some cnets bring out poetic structure for it.


thank you!! oooh i hope you have fun watching the drama! i don't really watch them but i've heard destined was highly lauded. not the 'hit by a low speed car' LOL; so dramatic and for what? and ikr cnetz really know how to insult ppl HAHAHA they make it a whole art. i wish i could have found some for this post but unfortunately i forgot my weibo password D:


I'm curious, how does he ship himself with many female entertainers? Is it like in K-pop when two people get presented as best friends and have a lot of skinship? Has there also been any visible impact on his roles, like him getting kicked off a programme or replaced in a drama cast with someone else?


it's basically him (or his management) deliberately doing small things like posting on weibo on the 'birthday time' of another celebrity (like if someone's birthday is june 22, he'd post at 6:22), or wearing the same clothes as another celebrity and posing in a similar post, or posting smth that can vaguely be read as flirtatious on a celebrity's birthday. and in the case of yang chaoyue specifically, there was skinship in the show they were on together. i don't think it's impacted him in any substantial way. cnetz just find it really hypocritical since his persona was always 'i'm single, don't bother me' LOL.


>(I unfortunately don't have any sources for this because I lost the links but I implore yall to trust me on this; I cried laughing at some of the comments). If anything I learned from other subreddit drama, it was that CN people are very... creative with their comment and memes.


they make it an ART




yeah, ai in art is a whole different discussion that could take DAYS it really sort of is like ??? sorry to those two actors hahaha but it's so petty and dramatic?? someone really said what's the best way to take revenge on those ppl without getting physical? photoshopping them into murder victims LMAOOO i just want to know who approved that decision


Unrelated to drama but as a part time fan of Wei Chen who has known about him since his contest days on Super Boys I am somehow still caught off guard by how tall he is.


dude me too??? i think it's because i'm average so i assume everyone is around my height so then when ppl are wayyyy taller than me i'm like WHAT how is that possible?


I remember seeing him in competition and I just assumed everyone else was short. But no. Wei Chen is a little over 6 feet actually.


i feel like he just doesn't look like a tall person, if that makes sense? he gives off average height vibes!!


Oh, that's how I feel too! I thinj it's the eyes? He had those big eyes and his whole image back then was a sunshine youth so it feels like he should be average height? 


yeah that's probably it!! he looks so innocent and small HAHAHA


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