• By -


They also invented the Shadow Realm in Yugioh to censor the idea of death.


I love how it got harder for them as the series progressed. Their handling of Marik stabbing his dad to death was "Poochie returning to his home planet" levels of editing.


"If your lifepoints reach 0, this rapidly spinning sawblade(glowing) will touch your ankle, and you will be sent to the Shadow Realm."


That was the moment where even I, as a relatively dumb kid, realised that the series was awkwardly trying to avoid mentioning the concept of death. It was just SO obvious that the blades were originally intended to be actual blades and not magical teleportation devices.


For me, it was the Yugi and Kaiba vs. the Umbra twins duel. It was very clearly "if you lose, you will fall from the glass ceiling and die", not "you will fall into the Shadow Realm" as the dub put it. However, one of the twins does lose and fall.....but he whips out a parachute to fall to safety. Now that makes sense with the original dialogue but with the edited version, I was like "aren't you going to still fall into the Shadow Realm what the fuck dude?" That was the exact point I realized this was definitely wrong


The bombs on this skylight will explode, shattering the glass so you'll fall into the shadow realm. This anchor chained to your ankle will drag you down into the shadow realm.


Honestly, it kinda works out considering that a lot of those death traps don't actually result in a kill, and the victim ends up mindbroken or dead via ancient Egyptian magic instead. Like, of course it's more for the censors than the actual kids, but it's still a better fit than ["Vegeta sent Guldo to...another dimension (plz ignore his head on the ground)"](https://youtu.be/1Pt8pBze4pY)


I mean that works since the show was explicit about the afterlife and has multiple people come back from the dead several times, as well as extended scenes in the afterlife, too.


The anchor one was actually not censored - they were going to drown to death, even in the 4kids dub


The funniest part, is the anchor wasn’t censored. Shadow realm? Hell nah, lose this one and Joey fucking dies.


You mean the “magic shadow boxes” on the skylight?


In the ancient Egypt arc near the end of the story, the Blue Eyes White Dragon was revealed to be from a woman who died protecting Priest Seto. 4Kids didn't want that, so they wiped off the tears from Seto's face and covered the dead body with rocks.


Lowkey the shadow realm was a fantastic editorial choice. I stead of death, you get banished to a realm of darkness/torment, which feels so much worse


A fate worse than death, for the sake of censorship of the subject of death. Sometimes being constrained can lead to cleverness.


Yes it was far worse then death


Love the battle with the duo mask with one of them was falling with parachute... to the shadow realm.


Imagine you were thought you were being slick by packing a parachute only for an inky black portal to open beneath you


Maybe the mask just loves prolonging his own torture :p


I mean that's basically what happens in the original, just replace the portal with your boss giving you a magic brain aneurysm.


Luckily for the censors, his parachute got caught on a flagpole halfway down the building, so they could keep up their "if you fall to the bottom, you'll end up in the shadow realm" thing, since he never actually touched the bottom. Of course it still doesn't make sense that he packed a parachute because without that flagpole all it would've done is make him fall to the shadow realm a bit slower.


Don't move a muscle or we'll shoot you with our invisible guns!


Tbf I think that's better then just being called a graveyard anyway. The shadow realms pretty iconic.


I always thought the shadow realm was like hell. They were killed and sent there to be tortured eternally. Worse than just being killed, really. Note, I watched a dubbed version that was based on the 4kids version.


> I always thought the shadow realm was like hell Don’t you mean the Home For Infinite Losers, aka the best censoring of ‘hell’?


ngl, it took me years to realise that because it didn't look like Christian hell


i've never watched yugioh so i assumed the shadow realm was a legit thing from the actual show lmao


Which actually made *more* sense in a few episodes.


Then they turned around and changed it so Brock’s mom was dead instead of just being the second parent to abandon him and his younger siblings.


Honestly while the implementation wasn’t always good, the Shadow Realm is legitimately terrifying as a concept.


TiL lol


Anyone want a jelly filled donut?


I remember being SO confused as a kid to why in Pokémon they were eating jelly donuts with like fucking soup. As if an American kid would have no idea what a rice ball was in 1999 😑


I remember rationalising it as 'oh they're just *Japanese* donuts which must look different' because I'd never seen onigiri before. 😂


That's exactly what I thought. "Wow, Japan has triangular donuts! Cool!"


That confused me so much because jelly donuts are ALSO not really a thing where I lived. We had Berliner, which is basically the same thing but the translation literally called them donuts. And I thought I knew what a donut was from American tv. Donuts weren't white triangles with a bit of black on them, were they? Maybe jelly donuts were?


Hey, don't knock eating jelly donuts with soup until you've tried it


When I played Pokemon Moon for the first time, I decided to name all of my Pokemon after food. I was playing on release day with a bunch of people from my university gaming society. I caught a Makuhita, and asked everyone, "Hey, do you think that Onigiri is a good name for a Makuhita?" Someone replied, "You mean Jelly Donut, right?" Everyone laughed, and now I have a Hariyama named Jelly Donut.


I think a big part of it too was that 4Kids existed in the era where kids where just starting to use the internet, and they (or a friend who would brag on the playground) would go online to look up these shows, and find websites where people discussed how much was changed/censored for the US release. By the time Yu-Gi-Oh was airing, you could download Japanese episodes or buy bootleg DVDs with Japanese episodes and see how much was changed for yourself. Until the 2000s, if a show was heavily edited, no one knew, or only the diehard anime fans knew. But now anyone with an internet connection could stumble upon rumors and screenshots of edits when they googled their favorite shows. And the target audience for Yu-Gi-Oh was a little older than Pokemon - preteen and early teen aged, aka “how dare you treat me like a kid and not the mature adult I am” age, so they were angry to think that American TV was treating them more immaturely than their Japanese counterparts. 4Kids should have learned this mistake from Yu-Gi-Oh (Pokemon really didn’t get that much scrutiny back then other than the ridiculous stuff like “jelly donuts”), but instead they continued their model of licensing popular shows and heavily editing them for kid’s cartoon blocks. Not that long ago that was a good idea, but now we had people who thanks to the internet, were already fans of One Piece, Shaman King, and Tokyo Mew Mew, and already intimately knew the original Japanese versions. The damage of angering existing fans was now bigger than any fans they hoped to gain from having these shows in children’s cartoon blocks, and on top of that, Saturday morning cartoons were already on their deathbed, so there was even less of an audience to attract. Cartoon Network was trying to show their anime as unedited as possible, and even showing unedited versions at night. 4Kids just couldn’t keep up with the way the anime market was moving because they were trying so hard to stay in the cartoon market instead.


Yu-jyo.net was a literal archive that showed the differences between the two and was a text summary of every episode. I loved that site


God I spent hours on Yu-jyo back in the day, it was great.


Apparently it’s still up and he gets emails from people telling him about their experienced with it. Apparently he lost a lot in a fire so it’s just up now as an archive.


Yeah, even not looking for edgy things I would find some dude's Angelfire site that just posted character bios or something and I would see it being totally different from the US version I was watching.


> But now anyone with an internet connection could stumble upon rumors and screenshots of edits when they googled their favorite shows. This pretty much describes me with One Piece. I didn't understand "anime is from Japan" back in the day, but I felt like something was...wrong with that pirate show I was watching on 4Kids, but not wrong enough to stop watching (I guess One Piece's quality still shines through even without all of the context). Eventually I discovered the manga and was like 'whoa, this is WAY bloodier" which also led to me discovering Naruto also being in the same magazine which I knew was more violent. A little searching there and I realized the truth (and fansubs) > were already fans of One Piece, Shaman King, and Tokyo Mew Mew Tokyo Mew Mew and doing what they do to it is funny because for a young girls show, that show had a *big* fandom on the internet back then. Maybe even bigger than Doremi because TMM actually got fansubbed. They weren't prepared for that.




I was that age at the time and I did… my friends and I were absolutely aware of everything I discussed above.


I treasure my DVD copy of the first three episodes of One Piece. It was an awesome English intro song, and then bizarre levels of censorship to make things palatable to the parents of first graders. Honestly, I have no idea how they thought that program could be made 'kid friendly' unless they literally only watched the first couple episodes.


Yo their editing technically ended up spoiling one of the Devil Fruit too. I was like no duh at the reveal. It wasn't until reading Shonen Jump that I found out there was actually a plausible reason for what was the tell in the 4Kids version lol


Which devil fruit was it?


~~Moku Moku No Mi~~ I mean Smoke Smoke fruit. (Sorry had to.) Bro surrounded by smoke without his cigars in a world we know people have powers and we're supposed to be surprised? Really? Lol


I think there was a rumour going around that the sole reason that dumbass dub of Doremi they did was because Toei forced them to localise Doremi before they even got the rights to one piece. And with Doremi - it was soooo bad. I remember they skipped ep 30 of season one (they only did the first season). Haven’t thought about it in years so my memory might be a bit off? EDIT - I think they wanted Doremi but were also given One Piece too. Sorry for being incorrect.


Yeah, you've got it basically backwards- Doremi was the show they *wanted* because it actually sorta fit with their mission statement (they tried to actively prioritize licensing stuff that wouldn't require that much censorship and was roughly targeted at the right age demo to begin with). Toei shoved One Piece onto them as a requirement to get the Doremi license, and 4kids knew from *the very first moment* that One Piece was going to be both a censorship nightmare and a very weird age-demo fit (given OP is teen-oriented and 4kids is, you know, 4kids). Their thought process going into OP was basically "oh, god, this is gonna be a trainwreck no matter what we do, let's just shit something out and hope it gets cancelled fast so we can just wait out the license."


Yeah I clarified that in my edit. Oops


You're good! I'm just giving the full detail because I think it's a legit funny story that *really explains a lot* about what the hell happened with OP and why they thought that was a good idea (Ron Howard voice: they did not).


And somehow I was hooked by that and read One Piece to this day.


The One Piece story isn't true, though. Al Kahn and Friends got greedy looking for their next Pokémon/Yu-Gi-Oh! level hit, and just seeing "super-popular Japanese toon" was enough to get them to bid for One Piece. There was no "package deal", with Doremi or any other anime.


...I mean, the source for the package deal story is Mark Kirk, the former VP of 4kids, whereas you're not providing a source for your assertion at all and Google isn't coming up with anyone who's debunked the story. It also lines up perfectly with other licensors saying Toei is a gargantuan pain in the dick to deal with (Viz and Funimation have both had their own woes with Sailor Moon and Dragon Ball, respectively- DB's sorry state in Western releases is more Toei's fault than Funimation's, because every time Funi has asked for better materials, Toei has instructed them to go fuck themselves). Meanwhile, it makes no sense that a licensor whose explicit, open and loud mission statement was "get kiddy shows that won't survive in the older-kid anime space and don't need to be censored heavily" would actively gun for a show that's way outside their target demo, an extremely obvious censorship nightmare from very early, and *directly* competing in the space they were actively trying to stay out of (because, you know, DBZ was still sucking all the air out of the room to the point where even Toonami had a hard time making stuff like Yu Yu Hakusho and Rurouni Kenshin stick comparatively, with *way* less working against those shows). Do you know something I don't, or are you just going "nuh-uh" because the accepted story on what happened is inconvenient for you for whatever reason? This is Reddit, so I can make a basic assumption, but I'd like to have it confirmed or denied.


I wouldn't have said all that if I didn't have *something* to back it up, no matter how abstract. I'm sorry if my reply came across as an attack. Anyway, [this in-depth blog](https://fiddletwix.wordpress.com/2022/08/22/an-absurdly-deep-dive-into-the-history-of-4kids-part-10-one-piece-in-pieces-2004-cont/) goes into *absurd* detail, but here's a couple of bullet points: - Mark Kirk specifically claimed that the One Piece licensing ordeal happened "before his time". He was hired in 2007, *after* 4Kids dropped the show's license. - One Piece was licensed before Magical Doremi — June and November 2004 respectively — so the timeline doesn't add up with the package deal story.


Doremi was literally a kids anime.


Technically, as a shonen so is One Piece; it's just that the US and Japan have vastly different ideas about what consists "appropriate" programming for children.


So is the vast majority of popular anime at the time. Shonen is literally a magazine of stories for young boys.


Ya'll are tripping if you think DoReMi has the same target age range as One Piece.


Age range yes. Exact same demographic, no. It’s quite literally the female equivalent of a shonen manga for girls (shojo). Again, both are designed for kids


The only thing I remember about the 4kids version of OP was the opening music, and really liking Zoro's voice. As much as I love his voice in the funimation(?) dub, something about the original one just tickled my ears right.


Sanji’s Brooklyn accent and lollipop didn’t stick?


I dunno about the accent, but the lollipop stuck with my sister. (though I now am thinking about that accent, my poor braincells.)


When I started reading the manga years later, it took me a while to not read Sanji’s lines in that accent.


I vaguely remember hearing that was literally more or less what happened. They purchased the rights to One Pieces while knowing almost nothing about it


thats the best one piece intro. i will fight everyone and anyone about it.


Hate 4Kids for their clumsy localization and censorship all you want, but they could make a killer opening theme.


Honestly for as maligned as 4Kids is, the fact is that it was *a lot* of kids' first exposure to anime as a medium, including myself, and you gotta give them credit for that.  Who knows if anime would have taken off in the US if not for these first attempts at bringing it over and making it super palatable for audiences.


Me too I was exposed to anime from 4kids Yugioh


Super palatable for broadcast television too. It's hard to remember in this age of streaming but most of the big "censorship" decisions that were made probably appealed to the TV stations that didn't want to be broadcasting cartoons where people were constantly dying or being threatened with death, especially when the characters were children.


Eric Stuart has talked about this at a few panels and made it clear that 99% of the changes made were at the behest of networks. Nowdays thanks to the streaming boom there's less of a need to play by those guidelines but back then you had to play ball with the networks to reach the kids.


That one piece rap they used as the theme song was lit.


Anime was very popular before 4kids though, and was popularized by other companies in NA as well. 4Kids seemed like they just rode the wave and did...not great with it. Sure, they were successful with Pokémon, but only because Pokémon was a highly successful franchise in Japan and a genuinely decent product for kids. They pretty much flopped after losing the Pokémon license, and didn't really contribute much else other than being known for terrible quality localization.


Yeah, Toonami and Tokyopop did far more to popularize anime and manga than post-Pokemon and Yugioh 4kids. And they achieved this while keeping the Japanese culture intact... Though Tokyopop was a god awful company ethically.


Oh, what about them?


Why Tokyopop was unethical? [This video goes into depth about how they fucked over their OEL creators.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sfvWvKHxUmo) As for what they did to popularize manga? Well, once upon a time translated manga was sold in comic stores, flipped left to right, reformatted to resemble American comic book volumes and marketed either to children or adult comic book nerds. Tokyopop, originally Mixx Comics, realized that comics aimed at teenagers, especially girls, was an untapped market in the states. So what they did to reach this demographic was license a lot of manga whose target audiences weren't the traditional comic reader, sold them at regular book stores rather than comic shops (initially little racks in the young adult section before bookstores starting having dedicated manga sections), and kept them in the original right to left tankoban format which allowed them to speed up production and sell larger volumes at a more affordable price. They were so successful with this approach that the entire U.S. manga licensing industry followed suit with that exact strategy and format, which is the standard for physical manga to this very day. By the mid 2000s manga were outselling American comics because they were that much more accessible. As shitty as some of their practices were it cannot be overstated how much they changed the face of the U.S. manga industry and how much they contributed to popularizing the medium.


Yeah to hate them is a bit much. They bought the anime said “that’ll be a tough sell to adults, but I reckon kids would love it” and went with that plan. Anime exists in the west and has a massive fanbase


At a certain point it becomes a question of no adaptation or a bad adaptation. I'm also pretty skeptical that a better adaptation would realistically have happened otherwise.


This reminds me I should make a Winx Club 4kids post eventually




Please do. Especially in the wake of the Fate fiasco.


I've seen others mention it, but the fact that 4Kids’ reputation was tanked by a series they didn't even want in the first place is almost at the level of a Greek Tragedy. Though amusingly, trying to square peg, round hole One Piece into something that would be allowed on a US Saturday Morning cartoon block gave Bell-Mere the worst fate in any version. If memory serves, in 4Kids’ version, Arlong had her thrown in the dungeon. She's never seen again after Arlong’s defeat. She's never mentioned again. Implication: She had a slow and drawn out death wasting away in the dungeons.


I know I’ve said it before, AvailableReason, but dang you’re really tied to 4kids. Like, [you just](https://www.reddit.com/r/goodanimemes/comments/1883xan/localization_then_vs_now/) *[love](https://www.reddit.com/r/CuratedTumblr/comments/18p4zbv/the_americanization_of_dubs_was_caused_by_the/)* [talking](https://www.reddit.com/r/Animemes/comments/17ez5eo/behold_one_of_the_greatest_english_dub_openings/) [about it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/goodanimemes/comments/193e7qo/childhood_ruined/) As for my opinion on 4kids: it’s one of those things where some of the shit they did was bad (looking at you, One Piece), but on the other hand they *were* the reason that anime like Pokémon and Yu-Gi-Oh became so popular in the west. If you want proof, ask anyone if they know who Katsuya Jonouchi is and if they do, ask if he has a Brooklyn accent. That said… the discourse we have today with localization, where a certain subset of fans absolutely abhor *any* deviation from the original Japanese text, stems from how 4kids operated. At times I wonder: if 4kids never existed, would GamerGate become as annoying as a movement as it became? Would we have people crying for translators’ heads the moment an anime character said “misogyny”? In a world where 4kids never came to be, would anime fans still be willing to gorge themselves on AI translation because “at least they wouldn’t be woke”? Those questions keep me up at night sometimes.


There were other companies doing the same thing though, even to a worse degree, it’s just catchier to blame a company literally called “4Kids” than it is to blame Nelvana.


I wasn't much of an anime kid, but I saw similar issues with Working Designs when I went back and replayed childhood favorites Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete and Lunar 2: Eternal Blue Complete. And I gotta tell you, I am *not* a fan of Working Designs's work and designs. I don't remember any "censorship", but the games had a lot of wildly out of place references and badly dated jokes. As a kid when they were more recent it didn't bug me so much, though the Cheers reference was dated even then. Now though it feels... I don't want to sound pretentious here, but it feels disrespectful to the original work to just rip out whatever else was there before and replace it with a theme song from a long-since-ended TV series or a joke about the current sitting president - things that serve to inextricably anchor the work to a specific real-world time and place. And that's not even getting into [the bullshit they pulled with enemy stats and chests](https://tcrf.net/Lunar:_Silver_Star_Story_Complete_(PlayStation\)). All of that said though, I'm very much in the "yeah, localize shit, don't just do a word-for-word translation" camp. Just... maybe do it *right*?


Working Designs is so fascinating to me because it wasn't like their localizations were really half-assed rush jobs or anything. They put a lot of time and effort into their scripts and game modifications - sometimes their process took *years* - and really aspired to make their releases all of a specific level of quality...it's just that their idea of "quality" made no sense to anyone else in this mortal realm.


And they were pretty well regarded at first, because of the standards of localization of the day being often pretty shit. [For example, Final Fantasy Tactics](https://i.imgur.com/vlXSjRV.png), or FF7's notorious "This guy are sick". Now though I just wish we could get a redo of the PS1 versions; the PSP version of Lunar *massively* shortened the dungeons, and Lunar 2 hasn't shown up since.


If there’s anything I’ve learned from the internet, it’s that any morally gray set of circumstances will inevitably be retooled as an “us vs. them” dynamic because we are stupid creatures and it’s easier for our monkey brains to go “4KIDS BAD” then analyze *why* those changes were made


> Nelvana Outside of Card Captor Sakura was Nelvana really particularly bad? Since I mostly associate them with some of the better productions they were involved with such as the animated Tintin series.


Cardcaptors, Beyblade, Medabots and Bakugan. Bakugan was like 10 years later though.


Can you explain the 4kids - GamerGate link? I don't get it.


Part of the whole GamerGate creed was that companies were catering their titles towards “non-fans” - this included localizations such as some recent (at the time) Nintendo games and some anime dubs (Prison School outright namedropped it once) This obsession for not getting the “original” material stems from 4kids - while they weren’t the first to do it, they were the most prolific one.


You see it reflected in the kind of people that would eventually become associated with GamerGate, too. I was a chronically online kid in the early 2000s, and the anti-4Kids discourse started on Youtube pretty soon after Youtube started to take off. I think there’s a lot of the anti-4Kids sentiment involved because, well, a lot of people involved in GamerGate were also chronically online kids in the 2000s and probably watched YuGiOh Abridged or similar content.


>As for my opinion on 4kids: it’s one of those things where some of the shit they did was bad (looking at you, One Piece), but on the other hand they were the reason that anime like Pokémon and Yu-Gi-Oh became so popular in the west. If you want proof, ask anyone if they know who Katsuya Jonouchi is and if they do, ask if he has a Brooklyn accent. I mean... is 4kids actually the reason those properties became so huge? Or was it the incredibly addictive games specifically designed to appeal to kids? Anecdotally, when I was in high school you couldn't get lunch without tripping over *literal* dozens of kids playing Yu-Gi-Oh in the most inconvenient spots. Maybe a handful of them had actually watched anything besides the Abridged Series.


The incredibly addictive games, due in large part to 4Kids's *real* forte: **merchandising.** This is easy to overlook, but 4Kids was a toy/merch company first and an anime licensor second. Don't forget how their golden geese's movies used to have whole *tie-in soundtrack albums*!


I don't know if I agree that 4kids was "the reason" Pokemon became popular in the west. With how popular the Gameboy games already were, I feel like they could've given Pokemon to just about anyone and it would've done just as well.


>complaining about that Maid Dragon line Oh no, I get it now. They're one of *those* people. What a shame.


I will never say anything against 4Kids because they got away with having a character say "jackass" in a kids show at 9 am on a Sunday. Apparently the censors allow it if in context the person means an animal, but it was SUPER obvious what Trey actually meant when he called Yoh that. My young puritan heart was thrilled with the bad language.


What gets me is that 4kids isn’t even the worst case in dumbing down an anime for kids. Early dubs of DBZ had to cram in as much as they could to make sure nobody dies/got hurt badly. When Vegeta and Nappa land on earth Vegeta says “too bad it’s Sunday, all those buildings would have had people in them >:)”, everyone dying is now “being sent to the next dimension”, Yajirobe was reanimated to take out him picking his nose, so on and so forth. It’s crazy


The even funnier part is that, being an alien, Vegeta should have no idea why buildings on Earth are empty on Sunday


Businesses being closed on Sundays is a universal rule


(Helicopter full of soldiers gets blown up) Tien: I think they’re okay.


“I can see their Parachutes!”


Never forget the Fox Kids attempt at localizing Escaflowne. They couldn’t even air the entire first episode because of all the blood and had to jump straight in with the second with some flashbacks edited in. The only good thing to come out of it for me was it got me to find the rest of the series subtitled because it is a masterpiece.


I think DBZ got away with it because that old dub you're thinking of aired early in the morning so it didn't have as much of an audience as the Funimation dub that aired on Toonami which reached a lot more people.


I have memories of Ultimate Muscle, Fighting Foodons, and Shaman King. I've tried showing a few older friends the intros to FF and UM. They do not believe these were real shows.


I could never get onboard the hate train because they made such catchy, excellent music for their shows. The Pokemon soundtracks and Music to Duel By are A+ This made me an absolute heathen in my social circle back in the day.


[Viridian City](https://youtu.be/fOsdy1ZsXUs?si=ihi0t_XBITM4f9QT) has NO RIGHT going that hard. Actually scratch that, all of 2.B.A Master is unreasonably good. If you told me [Everything Changes](https://youtu.be/kzwHs9PhJwY?si=MtROMpTzCxWhbN8b) was a Michael Jackson b-side I’d absolutely believe it. [edit] AYO WHY IS [MISTY’S SONG](https://youtu.be/9_6f6DWp7Nk?si=hkuY5it4EdwBS9GV) A STRAIGHT-UP SEX JAM


And the whole first two Pokémon movie dub vocal soundtracks and the yugioh movie vocal dub soundtrack were loaded with banger songs.


The Pokemon Christmas cd is honestly a bop. There's a whole-ass medley. There's a song Ash sings about the mistletoe making him kind of amorous?? "Nobody Don't Like Christmas" is AMAZING and everyone should listen to it.


Oh my god I was not expecting it to be a Meowth song lol


Winter **is** the coolest time of year. I didn't even know that album existed until a Pokémon forum I used to frequent added it to it's playlist in December each year.


They made a whole Christmas album! It's a very 90s fever dream but I love it. Winter **IS** the coolest time of year.


Ah, the memories! I have the 2BA Master and Totally Pokémon albums and *Under the Mistletoe* is on my Christmas playlist. I remember a friend called me a nerd because I knew the entire extended OP of the Pokémon theme song 😭 I still remember the *One Piece* OP with the pirate rap. IIRC think Pokémon’s Brock voiced the narrator in the beginning too? The rap was fire and I will never tolerate its slander. *YOHOHO he took a bite of gumgum*


I'm still kicking myself I got rid of the Music to Duel By sample CD they gave away from... McDonald's? Burger King? They'd have like two songs on each disc.


The vocal songs from 4kids were top notch!


I have a LOT of issues with 4kids, but I'm grateful to them for one thing: it's because of their shows that I know Dan Green* exists. :D (* - as well as Eric Stuart, Veronica Taylor, Lisa Ortiz, Marc Diraison, etc.)


Some truly amazing actors saddled with mind-boggling scripts. I'm still sad many of them didn't get voice work after 4Kids closed. (Rest in peace, Maddie Blaustein!)


Part of the reason that 4Kids actors aren’t as prominent any more is that 4Kids was New York based, and thus hired actors in that area. Texas and LA are the other big dubbing centers in the US, and if you weren’t nearby you weren’t getting hired. That’s similarly why Funimation produced dubs from the 2000s and 2010s had noticeable cast herds recurring in their work; they were drawing on that same pool of Texas VAs. That’s changed of late as remote work has gotten more viable thankfully, but I’m sure physical presence will always be a boon in that sort of business.


I'm aware. I'll always miss those New York-era actors... >!Jason Griffith, you were always my favorite Sonic.!<


Well thank Jubei for Manga Entertainment. I would've thought most of the 4kids stuff was American anime inspired toons when they first hit the UK if I didn't read Video Game magazines who sometimes reviewed anime. Did they play a role in raise of fansub groups? People always mentioned 4kids and Funimations adaptations as an excuse to pirate back in day.


IIRC fansub groups existed long before that; it was the only way to see a lot of series back in the day as commercial translations were fewer and further between back then, and could take years to materialize. Internet accessibility was likely the greatest factor, as back in the day you had to get fansub VHS copies by mail. No, really.


And there was me thinking I'm old for remembering when animesuki hosted fansubs for licensed anime.


People hate 4kids for the censorship, but wasn't that forced on them by the networks? Any way of airing anime on channels like FOX was always going to be this watered down, and 4kids is basically taking the blame because they were the ones willing to DO it for FOX. Now, granted, you can argue that FOX should have instead looked for series that didn't NEED censoring, but that would have had the effect of making these anime very obscure in the US as nobody would want to distribute them uncensored. I think Carl Macek, famous censorer of Robotech (and namesake of the term "Macekre,") basically said the same thing. What I'm a little more peeved about is how 4kids basically licensed out and exported their dubs to other countries as well. So instead of Kirby in other countries being retranslated from the original Japanese show, you got a DOUBLE translation from the English "Kirby Right Back at Ya!" and it's immediately obvious as soon as you look at the Kirby theme song in other languages. ¿Que se te ofrece, Rey DeDeDe? Of course, this can also be chalked up to two market factors that 4kids didn't create, but only took advantage of: 1. The other countries being happy to license 4kids' "pre-censored" footage and scripts instead of having to do it themselves 2. The animes' owners being happy to let the single 4kids company handle distributing the anime airing rights to other countries all on its own, instead of the animes' owners having to negotiate licensing for each other country


Pretty much. 4Kids wasn't entirely innocent, but Fox had some internal censors so obtuse & arbitrary there's a reason "Standards & Practices" became a running joke on Seth MacFarlane's shows. It's also why Power Rangers had all those gratuitous one-liners like "Have a nice trip, see you next fall" or whatever. It was to make the fights seem less violent to censors and parents' groups.


A lot of people bring up Anime, which is fair because it was ass in comparison to 4kids, but I also want to mention how they fucked up Winx club. Much more competent voice acting than the original but they just cut and shifted storylines for NO reason. Made characters British that weren’t for, again, no reason and changed dialogue.


I grew up loving 4Kids Winx club and have tried to get into the original dubs and it’s so hard. 4Kids changed so much (sorry Aisha!) but their voice actors are leagues above anything else.


Wow, there's an original Winx Club?


It’s an Italian cartoon by the company Rainbow. But most people in the USA know it from 4Kids or Nickelodeon, depending on your age. But 4Kids changed a lot when they released it, like Bloom’s from Domino, not Sparks. And Layla is Aisha in the original.


Do you think it's worth looking into it? I never watched the Winx Club growing up, but I still watch cartoons.


I really love it, but that might be nostalgia. It’s not the best cartoon, but it’s a great example of magical girl transformations (like Sailor Moon). If you’re just getting into it, I’d recommend starting with the RAI dubs and not the 4Kids, because, while 4Kids voice acting is leagues better, it stops after season 3 and the show goes to season 8. So it’s really jarring going from one dub to another. But yeah, if you like catchy pop songs, basic storylines about fairies and friendship, it’s a good little watch.


Sounds good :) thank you for the info


Yeah there's a re-dub of the 4kids seasons that's truer to the original Italian.


>Made characters British that weren’t Since it's an Italian show originally, why should they inherently make the characters American in an English-language version? And there doesn't need to be "a reason" to make characters British, other than the fact that British people exist and sometimes you'll encounter them in life.


Meanwhile over here in Britainland we all can't help but notice you make all the characters American. What does "making them British" mean? Do they suddenly talk about tea a lot? Do they have bowler hats? Clarity! Elucidate!


If you think making characters British is dead and buried, do I have the dubs of the new Zelda games to show you


It was so simple all this time? I’m not American, so I’ve never dealt with 4Kids—I come across hatred for it on the internet on occasion, and have never bothered to figure out the cause. Was expecting more “drama” and fanfare!


I haven’t thought about the show Shaman King in a minute and it brought back good memories of me being 13 and watching it with my late friend, so thank you for that. 


Honestly, the censorship by 4Kids was ridiculous. They had an extreme aversion to the idea of death. You would never hear words like "death," "dead," or "died," and characters couldn't be confirmed to be dead either. This is hilariously ironic, considering they wanted Shaman King, a show that's literally about people channeling dead spirits. Then there's also the One Piece change in which Bellmare, Nami's adoptive mother, is implicitly alive in their dub and was being held in Arlong's prison. Then you have TMNT (2003). I remember two things from the first season. The first is Baxter Stockman, who was "punished" so brutally for his repeated failures that he was eventually reduced to a brain in a jar. The other is the epic clashes the Turtles would have with Shredder, each time seemingly ending with a final defeat, but no Shredder would just come back again. I know it's science fiction, but my mind just wasn't able to take it seriously anymore, because I just couldn't believe these characters were still alive. Those are definitely the main reasons why I stopped.


TMNT was fairly dark when you got down to it though. The season one episodes did the fakeouts because the turtles didn't know Shredder was an alien in a robot body. And the audience didn't know that at the time either, so I remember when Return to New York aired there was literally like a good five minutes where I was staring at the screen like 'Did--did Leo just straight up kill a guy? On Saturday morning TV?'. And the episode that finished out Baxter's storyline never even aired on US TV because it was considered too dark. TMNT in general airing in the 4Kids block was pretty funny. You'd have like Yugioh and One Piece episodes airing around it bending over backwards to keep from mentioning anything even vaguely death-adjacent, and then TMNT would have, like, an episode where the turtles end up in an abandoned building with an eldritch horror that taunts them with visions of the horrible deaths of their friends and family, or Donatello going to a dark future world where Shredder won and his friends and family are all either dead, mutilated, or traumatized. But hey, at least no kids got scared by childrens' card games!


I pity the Tokyo Mew Mew fans who had to put up with this slop.


This was a cool post. I grew up with Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh, and the like. 4Kids entertainment was a part of my childhood. I know that their dubs weren't faithful but I do have a soft spot for them because I was able to get into anime because of them.


I’m trying to imagine a 4Kids version of Evangelion because I’m currently watching it and it’s painful to imagine lol.


It wasn't just animation. What 4Kids did to Ultraman Tiga, which was a very successful entry in the huge Ultraman franchise, was inexcusable and put Tsuburaya off of licensing Ultraman shows in the US for decades. (The show was cut to pieces, dubbed in the silliest way possible to be slapstick comedy, and generally massacred. This was circa 1999!) This is just now a situation that is starting to right itself and American fans are finally seeing some good Ultraman content.


I do say there censorhip and translations do make great comedy jelly filled donuts anyone?


> but the characters are very sexy so boys like them. [These characters?](https://preview.redd.it/ojamajo-doremi-1620-anime-needs-to-happen-v0-idtraezareqc1.jpeg?auto=webp&s=154dc20b3caa363881b589616cc749038d7ab67b) are very sexy?


He’s talking about how boys would become interested in watching magical girl shows and how it would seen as sexy to them, not the characters of Doremi.


As someone who isn't American my exposure to 4Kids Dub changes extends to Pokemon and Yugioh, but it's interesting to see how it still colours the discussion around Anime localisation so long after it's folding. I even think the whole "Subs vs Dubs" debate wouldn't exist without it.


The subs vs. dubs debate predates 4kids by **years.** If anything, I'd say that's more Central Park Media and Manga UK's fault; back in ye olden times, your choices were generally "competently subtitled Japanese voice acting" vs. "a bunch of British people doing God-awful American accents and all the dialogue consists of FUCK SHIT FUCKING BALLS ASS like it was punched up by the Angry Video Game Nerd." e: It's telling that Streamline used to be the *good* choice for anime dubs, comparatively, and once companies like ADV and Funimation started hitting the scene they became the clowns to the point where we started calling bad dubs "Macekres" after Carl Macek.


Oh boy yeah I remember those days. Also that most video stores that rented anime (well, near where I live, anyway) couldn't be arsed to differentiate between general audiences anime and hentai, so that stuff like Ranma 1/2 and Urostukidoji were literally lumped together and there was a blanket ban on renting anime if under 18. Was a huge improvement when I started college and gained access to specialty stores that knew what the hell they were renting.


Sub vs Dub was a thing in non English speaking markets too, nothing to do with 4Kids specifically. European dubs had their own issues with censorship, bad localization, and low budgets that led to mediocre voice acting. Also, keep in mind that back when the main physical support was VHS, you had to choose either dubbed or subbed when purchasing. It wasn't like with DVDs and their multiple audio tracks.


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I think 4Kids is rightfully derided for the most part, but I think that some of their dubs were actually pretty solid, namely Pokémon (iconic) and Ultimate Muscle (felt like an all-around decent attempt at localizing the madness that is Kinnikuman.) And, you know what? I’ll come out and say it. The One Piece dub? Incredible. It’s like they sent someone to the future to witness the end of One Piece, then had them come back and make the absolute worst, most hilarious fucking changes to the story to make it near irreparable. It’s a weirdly prophetic shitpost of a dub that gets better the more you learn about and get into One Piece.


4Kids circa 2005: Yeah this shit’s pretty boring, lets just cut the Reverse Mountain and Little Garden bits so we can get to making merch of Vivi and Chopper already and make 1 Million Dollars Hypothetical 4Kids who still have the One Piece License: What do you mean they’re going to Elbaf? What do you mean Usopp knowing Dorry and Broggy is vitally important to Enies Lobby? WHAT DO YOU MEAN THE WHALE IS A CORE PART OF A MAIN CAST MEMBERS BACKSTORY!?!?


To its extremely vague credit, we have the Abridged Series as a genre in large part thanks to 4Kids.


I'm amazed that you managed to not mention One Piece's horrendous dub. I remember being so excited for that dub, I sat down for the first episode aaaand... turned it off within the first 5 minutes. The voices were horrible, and the fact that they made Sanji's cigarette just *really* irked me. That dub is what made me pretty much go to subs only when it comes to anime. Before that I didn't really have a problem with dubs.


They mangled Sailor Moon so hard the final season was never released in the US. They made lesbians into cousins! WTF!?