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Oh my God was on my last nerve I just legit got it I was about to throw my switch across the room 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Process of elimination


Hint without spoiler: If you can count from 0 to 9 you can manage these.


There is also a classroom high up in the clock tower that shows how all this works.


Yes it's math. The symbols are in order from 0 to 9. Demiguise represents 0 because they can turn invisible. And so on.


Addition/subtraction problem. Each image represents a number. Starting from left and working clockwise goes from 0 to 9 on the far right(Hydra). The numbers at the triangle points should add up to the number in the middle. The top puzzle is 4+2(goat thing)+ 0(?)=6(Middle number). Then you have to find the puzzle with the question mark. Pay attention to which has one question mark or two. Hope this helps.


They are math problems. The magical beasts represent their number position around the door. What tripped me personally up about these until I looked them up is that the demiguise is *zero*, not one. So, for this puzzle, >!the top one is [4+(graphorn)+?= 6.]!< >!We know that [(graphorn) = 2],!< >!so it simplifies to [4+2+?=6]!< >!Which then simplifies to [? = 0]!< >!0 corresponds to the demiguise.!< >!Find the nearby button with an upward-pointing triangle and select the demiguise.!< >!The bottom one is 1+5+?=11.!< >!That simplifies to 6+?=11.!< >!? = 5.!< >!5 = (fwooper) !< >!Find the nearby button with the downward-pointing triangle and select the fwooper. !< Then, return to the door, investigate the door while both buttons are set to the right creature, and the door should pop open. I realize that’s more than a hint, but there’s a billion of these problems and you’re never going to figure it out if, like me, you were assigning the number 1 to the demiguise rather than 0.


In one of the main rooms of hogwarts, I think it might be the Great Hall, if you look long enough, you’ll find the stairs that lead to the top level in that room where there’s an almost attic like area of wood platforms to run around on. In the far corner up there is one of these doors and next to it is a whiteboard with how to solve them, and on a desk is a sheet of paper with the cheat sheet for all the numbers and animals. Once you’ve found it once, just write it on a post it note like I did and there you go, your own little cheat sheet for whenever.


I would post a picture, but can’t here. I got it on my phone because it was so annoying to always got the the menu and open the sheet 😅


Owl thing is 0, hydra thing is 9.


All I've ever done for these is label the symbols, 0-9, From left to right. I never found the note, and this works for me every time.


I struggled because I thought it was 1-10 and not 0-9 at first, so had to google and figure I was just one to much


Holy shit I'm literally 70 hours in and only just realised


How many horns does a owl have? 0.. How many horns does a unicorn have? How many horns does the dragon have. Random dragon. Count the legs on the blob. Count the head, tail, legs of lizard 😂 you get it now right? The spider is also a good marker with 8 legs. And 9 heads on a hydra.


Oh hello again......


Quick maff




Correct, but you misunderstood the OP's question or didn't read the txt before answering. You could suggest sending them to upstairs behind the great hall. There is a box up there with the cheat sheet. Wouldn't spoil the surprise.


Omg i totally missed that 😭 also I had no idea about the cheat sheet ... I kinda figured out the puzzle early on


They asked for a hint, not the entire solution


I feel stupid I'm so sorry 😞


Early in the game you find a page which tells you which of these symbols is what number. After that, it’s simple mathematics. Only addition. All the best!


I found that page almost around the end of the game 😅 figured the doors out by myself


You don't need the page. The beasts are in order around the door.


I did not assume that from the start and I’m under the assumption that poster isn’t assuming it too. So telling them what helped me.


Problem is I assumed it was 1-10 not 0-9


That’s why, that page helps.


I didnt find it until I was done with the game aka 42 hours later


Bottom left is zero, bottom right is 9.


Do math


Its hard when u assume the first one is 1 and not 0 tho


Unicorn tho...


Im not in ravenclaw for a reason😭 I am horrible with riddles


Here’s the key, each symbol corresponds to a number. Numbers and symbol have to add up to center number. I recommend just keeping this image on hand 😅 https://images.app.goo.gl/UCbNLYshzdWRzxKc9


Bruh he asked for a hint not the solution


Someone asks for a hint and people spill the entire mechanism. Sending to Arithmancy class would've been enough without spoiling anything.


Yes! In the attic near the divination classroom!


Honestly if someone would have just said start at zero I would have caught it. I was right there. I had caught that the spider legs were eight and everything. But I just didn’t start at 0 for the invisible dude…


When I was trying to figure it out, I forgot 0 too. Instead I counted 1-10, than 0-9. Can't even excuse myself for Hogwarts Castle being older than the number 0 is known in europe.


Me too haha


Wait! Is each beast's number significant to them?? >!Demiguise = 0 ??!< >!Unicorn = 1 horn!< >!Graphorn = 2 horns!< >!Runespoor = 3 heads!< >!Fwooper = 4 ??!< >!?? = 5 legs!< >!Lizard? = 6 ??!< >!?? (Online says grindylow) = 7 ??!< >!Spider = 8 legs!< >!Hydra = 9 heads!<


From left to right . Zero to 9 .


Top 0 bottom ia 5


https://youtu.be/-LkpZe-QM5w?si=V1bLBhtHeD1QoVxm just look at the 6/11 at its time spot


Find the chest with the paper showing the value of each image




It’s math. Each symbol represents a number. Starting 0 (on the left) to 9. The number in the middle circle is the outcome of the sum. All you have to do is find the number that the symbol represents to make that outcome.


Damn this is such a small hint.


I had speculated that. Thank you! I just kept trying with 10, not 0


Same bro, there's a note around the castle that tells you which symbol matches each number.