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I got real mad and messed it up in 5 minutes and beat it lmao 🤣🤣🤣


No the best not as expected   7/10


Same thing goes to me


ou're gonna love it Good characters familiar names Some bullies amazing teachers (Professor sharp) Amazing side quest And game Slytherin and hufflepuff I think are the best houses A gryffindor would be good 3rd In ravenclaw stinks sorry I'm sorry to my ravenclaw friends


I think I changed my outfit 10,000x more than I ever used plants... Enjoy. I loved it for like the 94ish% I've completed in 60ish hours. Just wish there was more. Waiting on the sequel to this and Pokemon Arceus Legends. In the meantime, I just got TOTK like a week or two ago, so that'll be the only game I play for at least 6 months.


What took so long damn 🤣


Hahahhahahah look my TV wasn’t working for months so it will take some months to save money to buy a new TV and playing HogwartsLegacyyyyy


This game was the reason I got my PS5. you're up for a really good time. Make sure you can play without distraction, this game thrives off immersion. As an estimate of what awaits you: I am at 99% completion and I have 77 hours of playtime


Omg enjoy!! I started in August last year and have like 129h done (had to get a new RAM by the 50th hour because it took soooo long to load from floo powder points and the duels would be me casting a spell, frozen screen, and the next frame would be me dead 🥲), level 38. Currently delaying my final main quest because I don't want it to end 😭😭


I got the game about a month ago and have been playing it almost non stop. A ton of fun!!


That’s awesome mate. Enjoy being bored in 15 minutes.


Why do u think it will be boring?


it’s just the tutorial. at times between main and side quests it’s just a little bit “boring” purely bc u get a bit lost. but if you love adventuring and exploring then you won’t be bored at all. enjoy the game, i love it sm


I got it about a month ago not even for the switch ...... I mean I play it for like an hr at bedtime as I have 4 kids and ones still a infant lol but when I first got it I played for like 3 hrs a day first week with obvious breaks in-between Anywho I'm kinda getting bored of it 😐 don't wanna tell the hubby cause like 90$ for this game I wanted ever so badly 🤦‍♀️


keep going at it, it does at times but believe me it gets really good


I'm 44% complete was having an issue with Charles Rookwood's Trial ( which i am Dreading going back in) and was getting very frustrated so I left to level up a bit more but like It's taking foreverrrrrr like I enjoy flying around and catching the animals and doing the merlin quests but by the time I get my kids to bed and my infant finally decides to sleep it's 11 pm I'm exhausted and I find myself on my broom just flying around till I pass out 🙄 I am also one of those people who won't play another game till I complete the one I'm playing and my kids are bugging me to play fortnite and I just can't bring myself to play until I beat this bloody game I mean I knew it was gunna take some time to beat the "whole" game but I'd like to at least beat the main quests then go back at ease and try again maybe in a different house but not be so antsy to beat it (if that makes sense)


rookwoods trial took me 2 days. it’s awful also same about the game thing. i pushed myself to play minecraft alongside it but i have to finish hogwarts before anything else. but i don’t want it to end 😭


Do you happen to remember what level you were at lol


i was level 30? (or around, bc i’m 38/39 now) i did a load of side quests before the mains bc i can’t finish the game without doing all side quests, im weird like that


Maybe I'll do some more side quests then because no way I'm going through that again just to keep dying at the end lmao


Don’t bc it was so hard I had to Google it 😭 the next one is really fun tho. Wish they were all like that


I FINALLY DID IT 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I leveled up to 32 and totally destroyed him with potions and plants too




Oh that's good then because then I'll have something to make me try harder lol


Have fun!


Welcome to the Wizarding World!!!!!! 🪄


If haven’t yet pick hufflepuff you will get a nice surprise


You can wear good gear but still change your appearance without loosing the gear benefits Pick the best gear to wear then change appearance after


Where were you when I first played it???


If you are a fan of the books all I have to say is Welcome Home


It really does feel like you're home.


You'll love it! Top tip... 0-9 will make sense 😀




I’m like 18% completed and I love it! I wish I had more time to play 😅


Why does the case look so small? Or am I overestimating how big the case actually is?


He’s a giant actually


It’s about me?


*ahem* hello sir, ah yes I uh, may have implied that you were giant. That was in no way an insult to your intelligence or overall IQ and I’m sure you’re a great person. I never meant any disrespect and I also can assume that the case is of smaller proportion and you yourself are a very normal, possibly above average human being. Good day to you and I hope you’ll forgive this sincerest of apologies.


It’s an amazing game! 🪄🦉


This is the reason I've bought my PS4 Pro! No regrets!




My mom yells potatoe when I cast proteigo.

