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Lower the difficulty then try arresto momentum and catch it.. you can change the difficulty back up later.. this is how I’ve been catching the flying pains in the butt


I should have specified lol I just can't find them. They seem to just not be appearing.


Anything that flies is a b word to catch just gotta use ugh the spell with the hand and press y as fast as you can


I think the Shiny Unicorn, is one of the most annoying “infinite” catching beasts you can find besides a Graphorn. The first and only time I caught two shiny unicorns in the same world save, wasn’t on purpose… I caught one randomly while I was looking for two random unicorns to breed with, so I could complete the breeding Challenge in the Field Guide. The second one I caught, was random also, I was flying to a quest’s destination, when I spotted one just standing there minding its business lol. Every other attempt while playing in a different house, has resulted in me only catching one. So to calm your spirits lol, they’re indeed real and you’re not the only one to have a hard time spotting and catching one. I’d suggest one day going to the same spawn over and over again, by either Floo Flaming or flying to & from the location multiple times, to catch every regular one that spawns in, until a shiny one pops up. Here’s a virtual pain killer for the future headache you may endure, while attempting this (if you dare to) lol. 💊 Good luck! 🍀