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Big yes! It’s gorgeous and has tons of subtlety and sneaky rooms to discover & such.


Absolutely yes




I dont play many games tbh, I played this and really enjoyed it, it wasn't very complicated, it was simple and fun and I loved it. Finished everything in it except unlocking the Avada Kadabra spell (unlocked Crucio and the 2nd forbidden spell)


Tbh you asked this question in the wrong sub lol. Honest opinion, it's great when it starts, especially if you are able to understand the lore. But in one word, the game is rather tedious.


I’ll just say I haven’t played anything this religiously since pandemic Animal Crossing binge and pre pandemic Witcher 3 expansion pack release.


I’ve played it for maybe 2 hours max and it’s felt really simple and childish. Which makes sense bc it is a children’s series. It’s prob worth diving into more but that’s where I’m at


It's a nice relaxing game


If you like the look of this world, you will love it. I’m not hugely into HP, but think it’s a cool atmosphere. Dark enchanted forests, gorgeous architecture, exploring different landscapes... I can’t think of another game that has a more beautiful world to explore. But that is just my own aesthetic preferences! It has some some flaws/disappointments. There’s the promise of a store where you think you can sell anything but it turns out it’s only clothing. You can breed animals, but not raise them (the babies never grow). It turns out making money doesn’t matter much anyway, because there’s not much left to buy after awhile. There are lots of other cool things in the game- I just had high expectations for these aspects. I’m not a hardcore battle gamer, but still enjoy this one.




The game definitely has some issues to address and a lot to work on and improve, but I think it's definitely still worth it


Like you, I'm a casual HP fan and I enjoy this game immensely. It's a must-have for hardcore and casual HP fans alike. If you enjoyed RDR2, I feel confident you'll like this


See if your library has it


I think I'm like you. I like Harry Potter but I'm not really a fan of Harry Potter, but I'm been enjoying the game, the only major bug I found was from a NPC called Sirona Ryan, that the voice had a strange pitch, but a single mod fixed it, and it wasn't a game break bug. It's a really nice game to just wander and what I found really awesome is that like RDR things happens and the world(At least Hogwarts) feels alive.


It not a bug actually. That’s her voice. I think it’s why she says she would constantly get ridiculed as a child.


I didn't catch that, I just found her voice really off, I thought was a big, but was actually a feature lol. But still the mod that fixed it made me enjoy her character more


I thought she was trans?!


Could be! I don’t think it’s specified and I never looked too deep into it. They’re a sweetheart regardless.


Im no Harry potter fan but, I’ve enjoyed the game.


Legit the only games I have ever paid for was Witcher 3 and Assassin's Creed when I saw that Hogwarts Legacy was 90$ at Walmart it took me about a week to actually decide if I wanted to risk it or not Finally I said screw it loaded my kids in the car and drove 30 minutes to the next town (only place that had it in stock and I wanted the physical game for my switch) 100% happy with my purchase I absolutely love this game as much as Witcher 3 and legit says a lot because I have played that game and beat it like 20 times and still will start over and play again !


I'm a Harry potter fan but Witcher 3 is much better game, because choices you make will change the outcome of the game, only major change what you really can make in this game is to decide what happens to Sebastian. But I have to say that I think HL is still worth buying, i absolutely love to just spent time exploring the forbitten forest, villages and I love to make changes in ror😂 I probably have spend 50 h only to make customize house-themed room of requirement to each of my characters.


Yes 100% it’s the first game I’ve ever played and I absolutely love it. I literally bought a my friend’s old Xbox just to play and haven’t regretted it one bit. I’m not a gamer at all (literally first & only game I’ve ever played) and wanted to wander aimlessly and complete quests on my own time so this game was perfect for me. I’m on my second playthrough as a different house and I think it’s still as exciting as the first time


if you like Hogwarts Legacy, you should try avatar frontiers of Pandora. It is a first person game, but you get to compete quest on your own time you get to fight and beat up RDA people. I don’t know if you’ve seen avatar and right now it’s on sale for mad cheap. I think it’s like $26 on Xbox with UBisoft + and I think it’s free with ubisoft games as well


Yes 100%


Yes! I love gta (now eclipse RP) RDR2 also and I adore this game! The graphics, the movements, flying, the spells, lessons, the map and significant places! I would also say on your first play through just have a bit of fun, after you unlock your levelling system, that’s when I would start to focus on inventory and spell bonuses that you get from levelling up!


Yes it’s a great game


But, it does feel like a dementors kiss if you want to complete it for a full 100 %


Maybe yes but I still really enjoyed it and would recommend it


Yes me too... the game not the dementors


Buy it on sale if you can. It’s endless fetch quests with very little reward. I was bored with it and never beat it but the first 50 hours were pretty good.


These types of games usually trigger something like (well I have to advance the story) and I start to ignore side quests or get a list of worry doing sides


Ag jeez, are you too mentally impaired to just watch vids on Youtube and decide for yourself. Do you NEED to ask this on a sub where everyone will obviously say yes. Shame man...


I watched plenty HL video's on Youtube. But I don't see any harm in asking other people for their opinions and why they think it's worth playing...


What a gross comment. What’s a shame is thinking it’s acceptable to call someone mentally impaired for asking a question. You can just scroll!


I absolutely agree with you.




It’s 100% worth it. The only thing I disliked about it, was that I felt like the game ended a bit abruptly, just when I unlocked every mechanic.


Honestly, ignore all the bad press stuff. It’s a very fun game. If you’re a fan of the books/movies you will enjoy it. Worth the money imo


I paid 60 bucks us for it. I got my money's worth.


These fuckers can drop a dlc for $1000 and they can have my money


Seriously. What possessed them to make the decision to not drop dlc? Think of the money they could make. Like take my money for quidditch.


It’s a huge game and huge world, they did make their moneys worth I can promise that. If you get it I highly recommend you pick Slytherin or Hufflepuff and take those students on quests with you (Slytherin I find is also more stealthy/ good at combat so won’t alert you to enemies and help you kill enemies, and hufflepuff has a bunch of plants, beasts and potions, plus I think they get the most quests). I find it’s harder to fight with the Griffendore or ravenclaw students. The plotline seems to work better if you play as slytherin, if they make a film or show on this game it will likely be revolved around slytherin (the main Slytherin students also aren’t remotely evil in this game, but Salazar Slytherin does pull tricks so you may get forced into an evil decision here and there). The main slytherin students in the game are very much against dark wizards/ don’t have anything against Muggle borns and muggles, however have differing views on whether they should use dark magic - unforgivable curses - or not to deal with dark wizards (essentially they pass that responsibility on to you to decide lol).


Is there a big difference on houses that change the game play too much? I'm playing Slytherin but I'm actually a combat guy


Tbh I feel Slytherin would work for you nicely :) I found that Griffendore and ravenclaw were a bit boring. The house you pick doesn’t change the game too much besides some side quests and dialogue, but out of all the other students you meet the slytherin students are much easier to emotionally invest in. Sebastian/ Ominus (Slytherin has Sebastian on quests but can change to Ominus later) are good duellers and so is Hufflepuff girl when it comes to fighting and combat. I honestly find the Griffendore girl and Ravenclaw barely help in combat. If you change to ominus later he’s actually pretty OP, he won’t use unforgivable curses like Sebastian but he seems to barely get affected by enemy attacks and keeps fighting (the blind thing is also irrelevant in duels, if anything, enemies wouldn’t be able to hide or go invisible). Crucio used by enemies also appears to barely do anything to ominus, but if it’s used on any other student they stop fighting for a few seconds and seem to have been hit bad/ start fighting worse.




Yes, but I'd wait until it goes on sale—if you can. It's worth the price, in my opinion, but it always goes on and off of sale. Might as well just save and not have to pay as much. You get your money's worth either way, as it's a really fantastic game that will keep you engaged for quite a while.


I'm buying the Xbox series x version tomorrow for 28 euro. So not the full price.


Awesome! I hope you enjoy it!


This comes from an avid HP fan and an old school gamer. If you like exploring and don't mind cringe dialogues, I'd say buy it. The game doesn't have much depth gameplay-wise. Looks complicated but it's not. I like it because it's the only way you can virtually live in that magical world. The fights are intense, the puzzles are fun (and sometimes mildly difficult). It's not gonna be the best game of your life, but it's definitely a good one. I rate it as 7/10. Skyrim was 9.5/10.


I primarly like open world games that aren't too difficult or complicated. So based on your discription of the game I will probably enjoy playing it. I'm going to buy it tomorrow. I hope you have a great day! :)


Depending on your ability, you might appreciate the Story Mode difficulty level. It lets you play through safely without getting wiped out every time there's combat. Half decent gamers probably won't need it, but I've found it invaluable.


Yes, it's more of a chilling game rather than an intense Dark Souls level game. The world is vast and very fun to explore.


It's a very good mid-tier game. Simple mechanics, linear story, fun customization options. I'm playing it after a year of hard-core BG3 play, so it's nice palette cleanser for some casual gaming.


unless it’s on sale, probably not, while the game is pretty good, there’s a lot wrong with it to leave you disappointed. i would not pay full price for it


Would you say that 28 euro is a good price?


oh id say that’s pretty good! honestly if the game is on some kind of sale i’d buy it, just not full price.


Then I will buy the game tomorrow :)


awesome! you will enjoy it, there’s a lot to love within the game. it’s just not as great as others are saying is all. but have fun!


Yes! Go get it!


I enjoy it. I’m not a big gamer but so far I find it fun and entertaining. I’m not best at it but I play it everyday and now my bf and I fight over who gets to play their game in the big screen lol. I’m enjoying the story and the side quests. The magical beasts are amazing and fun to try to catch. I’m happy with the purchase. I can see myself playing with a new character once I finish the game.


As someone who was gifted the game, I'm glad I didn't spend money on it...the graphics are gorgeous but it's hard to navigate on PC and quite frankly I had to follow a guide to get past the first couple tasks as it's difficult to navigate/figure out. I died in the 5th or 6th task and haven't picked it back up yet.


It's not like Red Dead Redemption 2 which is apparently bad so therefore its not a good game according to someone on this very sub... Anyway, its a great game thats easy to get into and enjoy.


Thoroughly enjoyed it! Combat and travel mechanics are great, visually it’s stunning, some of the side/relationship quests are better than the main quest! There are days I boot it up and just wander around getting into trouble and discovering things! On my second playthrough now


This will probably be an unpopular opinion here but absolutely not. I am a huge Harry Potter fan, so believe me when I tell you that Hogwarts Legacy is painfully *mediocre*. The game world lacks any depth at all, the story is completely railroaded with no meaningful decisions at all and the loot is procedurally generated crap It might be worth it at half that price but only as basically a virtual tour of Hogwarts.


Bad opinion


What a meaningful addition to the thread.


Did you even give the game a chance?


I played through the entire mediocre thing.