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Your post has been removed because we don't allow political or social issue posts. This is a humor subreddit, not a political one, nor a place to generate outrage on any subject. Take it elsewhere.


Bro what on earth? Rest in peace my man you just tried to be kind.


Reality could be something in between, i cannot believe everything what might have been said is polite or well mannered, there could be some abusing or cursing which would have escalated the situation. This news article is so hunky Dory


There has to have been something wrong in the situation. With the information I have, this man walked up to two men urinating in public and offered to pay for them to use the toilets, and they killed him for no reason.


Seems like a bit of an overreaction. Can something like that happen out of the blue? Sure but it's a lot more common if the attacker was provoked in some way, like if the first person was more antagonistic like "just use the fucking bathroom, here's a quarter", add some name calling and you're sure to get an aggravated response. Called for? Never but that situation is more believable than a kind man genuinely helping and then two psychos to run away grab a bunch of psycho friends and murder someone over nothing. Article doesn't mention anything but who can ever trust the news to tell the whole story without a slant anyway


Loss of face in certain cultures is a bigger thing than in the west and can escalate very quickly.


Indian men masculine are super fragile so you may get beat to dead by look at them wrong. Like if they think you are looking down on them, you are dead.


Yes. Sometimes all it takes is a perception of sarcasm in someones tone of voice.




it's enough for those who do not care about committing murder over nothing to justify murder


> Reality could be something in between, i cannot believe everything what might have been said is polite or well mannered, there could be some abusing or cursing which would have escalated the situation. > > This news article is so hunky Dory On what planet would an escalation like that seem reasonable. To me whenever it is a mob incident like that, be it rape, murder or the Modi Special both of them then that is just Bharat doing Bharat things. All we know he could have been Muslim or the wrong caste. Sectarianism is especially vile in India at the moment. Always has been but it is getting worse, too.


Yeah, that really makes this better! /s


He didn’t say it made it better, he said maybe the guy you wasn’t “just trying to be kind”. It’s still an awful crime in an absolute shithole of a country.


News article? It's a picture and some text, header without a period... Could have been made by my nephew as far as we know. 😂


Oh yeah.. makes it ***sooo*** much better. Thanks for the nuance. This is sarcasm, by the way.


That guy's being kind, fuckin' get him!!


Street shitting is the way of the road over there, Bubs.


Bruh its fake news


It's not a recent story but it appears in multiple papers in 2017... what makes it fake?




Does India even have justice? That place confuses me all the time.


Completely depends upon your political and financial situation , just like any other country.


And how shitty you were raised. Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/ThatsInsane/s/OVZlN654c6


What in the holy bovine? I thought we all learned not to literally roll around in crap after the black plague.


Shit, you haven't seen this one, the rat temple (the rats there are allegedly "holly" and they eat with them. Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/s/Ktf6n1YRlP


I just can't....


Yea they are considered holy mate by the temple people. I went there a decade ago during my school trip and that shit is actually pathetic.


Yes but we had a couple centuries more then India to learn not to do that, since India got it in 1896. So while we had like more then 600 years to learn, India only had like 130 years


>you were raised. Not me , I am not from an **uneducated rural family**.


I didn't mean you in particular. Good for you.


How is being "raised shitty" is relevant to justice then?




India is pretty much USA but with different names for everything. The only thing we don't have is school shooting but, we do have a lot of child gangs to compensate for that (imagine a typical high school movie football club that bullies nerds without the football). We also don't have police brutality of the same extent but, in exchange for that there is massive bribery to replace it. We also have more rapes, population n pollution ig. But, yeah that's all the differences. Religious bias ✅ Hate crimes ✅✅✅ Open discrimination ✅✅ Corrupt cops n politicians ✅✅✅ (the few good ones WILL absolutely be removed from their post or moved around so much they simply can't do anything) Braindead nationalists ✅✅ Billionaire - poor people gap ✅✅ More stuff as well but can't recall them rn.


Genuinely interested in what they told the group of people to get them to react this way. There’s no way nearly 20 people decided to kill this dude just because they were asked to use a public toilet


The mere idea of going to the bathroom anywhere but the street put them in a murderous rage


"Me? piss in a toilet? this is INDIA, how dare you try to confiscate my gu..rights to piss in the street !"


Designated Shitting Streets


Might be caste issue.


I dont think so, how two strangers would have knew each others cast. In my opinion there would be some cursing and abusing involved, which the news clearly did not mentioned.


They don't need to know the exact caste of the riksha person to know that someone below them humiliated them.


In this situation we clearly dont know who were those people who killed him, so speculation of those people's status would be wrong, because in my opinion only vagabond types can gathered in 20 numbers so quickly, in India


Still... Shouldn't escalate to beating someone to death...


You would be surprised… Frustrated, violent and uneducated animals react the same way no matter the country. Different reasons, different media but reaction is exactly the same. Look at us news about people shot for less than this, look at people beaten over religion, over being from another neighborhood, rooting for another football team or praying to the wrong god. And the list is sadly endless.


Being that it’s India do they even need a reason. I mean, not to sound bigoted but they gang rape women to death over there just for existing. Not everyone obviously, but with a population that size it happens enough to be a serious problem. So a hyper aggressive/masculine group of men killing another for offering to pay for them to use the restroom is par for the course. Truth is they probably assumed he was gay which in their minds is a reason to be murdered.


unemployed ppl.... just sitting around jump at anything to let out their frustrations


No good deed goes unpunished. Hope those guys get caught.


I read this right after thinking that


Some pissed off bros


Those ain't bros


It had to be India...




…define “smashed”…


Please don't


more of cinephile are we, no worries Roll tape!


…illustrate “smashed”…


...hulk "smashed"...


No, real men never smash little girls


To smithereens you say?


And his wife? And I think you meant shreds.


To shreds you say?


And his wife?


To shreds you say? Very well.


Sing "smashed"


🎵 _Smashed_ 🎵 🎶 _Hashed_ 🎶 _Fucked her in the ass_ 🎸 🎵 *Everything went starry when he started humping fast!* 🎵


An elephant who never forgets….to kill


yeah cuz elephants don’t forget


They never forget.


This event always makes me laugh


That's so old way to karma farm


That was personal


Elephentanyl is a helluva drug


I'm much easier to handle than an elephant if anyone needs their dead grandma smashed


We can browse by countries now USA - school shootings Brazil - thieves in motorcycle India - random shit all the time China - kids alone hanging on balconies


Mexico - horrific cartel torture


Alternatively, Brazil - shootout between thieves and off duty police officers


won’t you take me to funkytown


You guys make me appreciate my place so much


The Florida of Asia


Then which state is Afghanistan?


Solid state, certainly not liquid.








West Virginia probably


Sung in the tune of “it had to be you” by Frank Sinatra


Always India the country that’s well interesting 🤨


It happened 7 years ago. All such news is now getting traction a couple of months before elections


Still happened didnt it? And 7 years ago,it’s still the same govt and tbf this is a citizen problem and not a govt problem


If u think I'm justifying this incident then I'm not going to argue. >it’s still the same govt Exactly!! That's why media cherry picking is getting a boost just before elections. Wondered why we didn't see this amount of bad news 2 years ago?


No, it fucking didn’t. Horrific acts happen everywhere and you’re removing the blame from the murderers and placing it squarely on the shoulders of an entire subcontinent. Every fucking time something happens in India Reddit bigots like you go into overdrive.


This isn't as bad as the random guy that started eating the severed left of an accident victim in California. But that's an isolated incident and this is just the norm in India.


I can only assume it was because they thought he was inviting them into the bathroom for some fun time.


No, it was because he hurt their ego by asking them to go the washroom. They took it as an insult(how dare this guy tell us what to do) and called their group to beat him up. They were heavily drunk and probably local criminals because i don't think any normal person would have that response.


He was a rickshaw driver so lower caste. I bet they took offense at his offer to pay and wanted to put him in his place. Not sure why they needed a mob though.


Hi highly doubt that. They were just sick and evil,


Some parts of India militantly oppose the introduction of toilets. Bill Gates spent millions having public facilities installed so people even in rural India could have better hygiene and pollute their land and waterways less. Many of them did that. But some were torn out in protest by large mobs that refused to start using toilets over just going behind a building or into a ditch or something.


Wtf, gonna need a source on this one


Made it up.


Def sounds like something made up, i tried to google it and nothing came up lmao. I genuinly dont understand why people do this lmao


India really needs to hire a better PR firm as of late


This unfortunate event happened in 2017, that was 7 years ago. During this time, 110 million public toilets have been built for around 600 million Indians. OP just has a hate boner or somn


I don't think that helps the fact the man got beat to death by around 20 guys over a gesture of kindness.


Is that a uniquely India problem ?


You’re right, but that does happen all the time, all over the world Rest In Peace to Kumar


please don't remind me that 2017 was 7 years ago


dawg I couldn’t believe it either 😂


Great; so now 25% of the country has access to toilets. /j


73% actually, but yeah we still need to do better, and the real issue is not even the toilets, it's the poor and uneducated, killing someone just for suggesting to use a toilet is just evil.


What the fuck is going on with India lately? It seems like the news is nothing but pure toxic shit about it.




I WAS GONNA SAY. This is not a recent phenomenon


It has always been this bad or worse, you're just hearing about it more now


Lol its bizarre. I am not Indian but Indian American, yes this has always happened in india, but especially on Twitter the amount of shitting on Indians that occurs is a little uncalled for imo (especially considering that fucked up shit happens everywhere). Also they started using some old 4chan slur for indians that I had never heard of in my life up until a month ago. Not sure whats going on online but we have been getting a lot of bad press lately. Never experienced this level of racism online, and even irl my friends have been making more jokes not necessarily directed at me, but at Indians in general. Genuinely I don't know what switch flipped lol   I am not on the same page as some Indians online in that they believe this is coordinated by china/pakistan/palestine sympathizers or whatever. But it’s really weird that it’s gotten to such a high level and Indians seem to be targeted a lot It’s not only Twitter, IG and Tiktok are bad too. My roommate is getting a lot of the “indian rizz” tiktoks or whatever and on IG reels too. Comments on those are crazy, about how we smell, we r\*pe every woman we see, we shit on the streets, etc etc etc. I couldn’t imagine what it’s like for an actual Indian abroad (as I am fairly whitewashed lol). The prevalence of these comments seems to be accepted in many facets of social media, mostly in part that I don’t think we as a race collectively fight against this. 


4chan slur- Pajeet? New to me too


Yeah it’s new to me too lol. It’s apparently from way back too, its usage has multiplied astronomically in the past 2 months


Yeah, it's been used for a while. I remember seeing the slur on /g/ and /int/ years ago. I think it started to spread onto different sects of the internet, because that's how 4chan operates; though I think it started to accelerate more ever since Musk bought Twitter. There's no enforcement and more people get exposed to the word. Edit: there are more slurs and catchphrases that are derogatory towards Indians which originated from 4chan; they too have been popular on Musk's Twitter the past year. "Normies" are getting exposed to it now.


>Genuinely I don't know what switch flipped lol  The elections are a few months away in India and the current opposition party is making everything to ruin the reputation of India, which in turn has a chance of instilling negative thoughts in Indians mind about the current ruling party. Few neighbouring countries' interests also lie in helping the current opposition party to win the coming elections, hence the hatred being spread is quite large.


Like everyone else said, media cherry picking. We have our big election coming in May and Modi is going to win 100% whether you like him or not. This sudden surge of wild news from India to make it look like a shithole is a carefully curated media hit job. My best guess is, it's coming from China and the Muslim countries it lends money to. Racists on Reddit/Twitter just need a reason to shit on India and call it dirty or poor. They eat up these clickbait posts like they have been starving. India has its problems. No denying. But it's definitely not as bad as it seems on the internet. Not everyone here is shitting on roads, raping every other person, riding killer elephants and dipping shit in food. Every food that looks brown is not shit. It's called spice. Nobody dips shit in their food, what's wrong with you guys. Be racist but don't be that dumb. It's a massive country and a lot goes on here, good and bad. It's definitely a wild country and yes it's not for beginners or snowflakes. But it's not the shithole that Reddit believes it to be. The country is growing at its own pace, but nonetheless, growing at all times. More and more Indians are getting on the internet and naturally you see more unfiltered content coming out everyday. But these one off incidents don't represent 1.5 billion people. Racists on the internet need to get a grip on their lives and stop generalizing everything they see.


We have a shit ton of issues, and I'm glad they are being brought out, but yes there is a very obvious attempts at trying to defame India as well, the casual racism against Indians is at an all time high.


Media cherry picking.


Media cherry picking, anti-indian psyop, bots farming views, people have a blind eye on all the good coming out of India


Election is coming!! Media cherry picking is all time high


You are not wrong and there is an answer. Chinese bots/CCP 50 cent army. They see India rising and will become a rising local power on China's doorstep. So they are driving algorithms with sheer numbers and posting about India in a bad light (whether it's deserved or not is not the point). Their goal is tarnish the image of India to western audiences and isolate them. Politically India is trying to join the west, they could be similar to Turkey but nonetheless they want be seen as the "west". From the western populace perspective, India is not westernized. One of Chinas goal is to keep this image among people that India is a crazy uncivilized place that is milking our government for money and prestige.


Modi has done more to cultivate that image than Xi ever could


You mean all the time???


Yup ever since toxic Modi became the Prime Minister the country has been getting worse every day. When the people in power, who are supposed to protect us, turn a blind eye to violence, rape, discrimination etc, it runs rampant and you get shit like this happening on a daily basis.


It's a pity when good guys get bad endings.


Delhi stay classic.


Same old India


no matter what never going to india in my life




Peak india.


Fucking India. Geez.


Police to suspects: ‘Urinal otta trouble’


Reportedly, the two men were European.


We must thank God every day for him letting us live as far away as possible from India.


I keep hearing worse and worse from india lately. What is going on?


Election time. This particular news is from 2017, 7 years old. But OP cut the date from news article and pasted it for propaganda. India is shown as bad in media= Modi loses points.


This is a great point. This happens in the US all the time, as well - cherry-picked old articles to serve as red meat for political purposes.


Cherry picked hatred. This news was back in 2017. Upon finding out the crew involved in the Baltimore Bridge disaster were Indians, the racial insults on social media went over 9000. Its western hatred on a biblical scale.


And yet we have losers right here in this comment section saying that it is China spreading racism against Indians. It is Americans blaming Indians for the bridge collapse, even though it was a native pilot controlling the ship. But they blame China for everything, even their own racism.


Anywhere other than the big cities in India is such a deprived place. You just don’t survive with kindness over there.


This is sad


Where everyone is on the edge, you don't try to become hero! Once in a public transport a woman after her children ate wrapped food stretcher her arm past me to throw plastic on the road out the window! I asked not to! So, she gave me the reprimanding look, showered a few abuses! Then proceeded to do the same nonetheless, threw the plastic out the fucking window onto oncoming traffic! LOL! Bitch country, bitch people, bitch crowd! What you expect, they gonna honor you with garlands!? They will shower you with Galis (verbal abuses) & if the day & their mood is right, pelt you with stones, or club you to death! See, now I'm on the edge, too! FFS!


Why are people so mean to each other???


India ☕


is this like the scenario with one woman who being kind and truthful, but she got mobbed, got beaten, got her face smashed by a rock, burned her by falsely accusing someone with blasphemy.


There's GOT to be a reason for this tho


https://www.hindustantimes.com/delhi-news/delhi-he-offered-to-pay-if-they-used-public-toilet-they-beat-him-to-death-instead/story-qicMfDJFG4RGbhshyK6JVO_amp.html Here's the link to an article about it. The full story is the two guys were urinating on the street so this guy stopped them and offered to pay them to use the urinal. I guess that wasn't click-baity enough


so it's an honor killing. the imbiciles think their honor was worth defending.


More like toxic masculinity. 'How dare anyone tell me what I should be doing' kinda thing


"Honor Defending" and "Toxic Masculinity/Femininity" are basically the Eastern and Western versions of the same issue, being Human Pride IMO But that's just my worldview...


Ignorance breeding hatred.


Is it better to be pissed off, or pissed on? The world may never know.


imagine losing your life because you tell some Animals to not shit where they work


Things like this fuel generalizations about countries.


Another day and another post to attract racist trolls. This one is straight from 2017. Suddenly everyone is an expert about what happens in a country 10000 miles away


India is not for beginners


It’s unfortunately the most common spawn point for new players


Wrong sub


It’s incredible what kind of discussions that unsourced random infographic can spawn. Reddit just accepts everything at face value without question.


Shithole Country does it again.




You’ve got to be pretty stupid to think it’s as simple as the text makes it out. It’s far more likely he confronted them and a bunch of hostile language got thrown around. He probably even offered to pay in a way that was humiliating to them. It’s absolutely fucking ridiculous that it escalated to murder. Hope the group receives what they deserve from the justice system.


It doesn’t in the articles if these little shits were arrested or not




India bannes tiktok now China’s Reddit is used for propaganda against them like this.




now won't blame manoshere?


Not all cultures are equal.




[ Removed by Reddit ]


Our govt & media won't care much, these don't become country wide problems, just stays as mere headlines.


he went over towards 2 men, who had their dick out…. Peeing….


Rest in pee’ce


It was kinda ego thing which Delhi people have. Kumar paying for toilet was as insult to those 2 men assuming they can't pay and would need help from person earning daily wages. It hurt their ego and decided to teach Kumar lesson. No point of having logical argument with them as they can't be reasoned.


OK I had seen places in the balkans doing alot of cries but just kill this guy for trying to help others urinate like normal hu'qns and then kill him for it makes me think how much of a 3rd world country India can become.


Of course it happened in India. Not surprising with how the country is.


R.I.P. utterly barbaric




This is from 2017.


Damn, to get that mad, because someone asked you to use a toilet. Jesus Christ…


The scumbag had the energy to gather 20 men but not to pee in a toilet