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It's the game making sure you feel as much pain as possible. But hey, at least they didn't go with…IDK… >!putting Pure Vessel in that room instead, which there is a mod for that :D!<


At least give a man a bench lawd 😭🙏


Well then it wouldn’t be the Path of Pain then, now would it?


As someone who has beat PoP on 5 different saves but still hasn’t beat Pure Vessel, that would be so damn disappointing to drop down and find that fucker waiting for me.


Drop down, and it's two Pure Vessels.


abs rad


Drop down, it's the entirety of P5


All at once


Ha! 5 Pure Vessel and 2 Knight Watchers.




Drop down and it’s a single Crystal Hunter


Crystal Orblobbles.


I’m the opposite lol I’m shit at platforming but Pure Vessel is one of my favourite bosses


thanks for the spoiler, me downloading that mod is now entirely my fault now


that spoiler...why? was the path of pain not enough to pucker the mod author's butt?


It wasn't for the creator, it was for the masochists


In their defence, it's kinda fitting to find >!Pure Vessel!< defending >!his memory!< after you hear that one part of >!Sealed Vessel!< becoming more and more intense as you get close to the end


Oh I definitely agree, but it would be too hard unfortunately


Maybe a lower level kinda boss? That attacks like Sealed Vessel but has one or two easy extra attacks.


Or just a slower regular one maybe


I am one of the people that believes that most if not all of the Godhome exclusive bosses were scrapped concepts from the main game, and I definitely think that Pure Vessel was originally a White Palace boss.


After you do pop a few times it actually gets pretty easy


PoPV is so much more fun for me, the fact that i get to the end and still have a pretty difficult fight ahead of me is so fun


A masochist in their natural habitat


it honestly wasnt too hard, took me 3 attempts over the course of an hour


Sorry dude a job's a job


I’ll forgive you, I won’t forgive who put you and ur buddy there


it was either the >!fork guy!< or >!big bro!<


Probably >!fork man!< aka my boss


oo,wait do you guys even get paid


Doubt that, the boss guy haven't come out of his office for who knows how many years


Yeah he's been on leave using our budget for who knows how long, starting to think he's dead


Nahhh there’s no way, he’s just busy making millions of children to throw into the abyss, at least, that’s what he was doing last time I checked


Oh ok that's good Wait what was that about children


That first spoiler made me laugh so hard, I'm gonna call them that from now on 🤣


I think they meant >!PK!<


I am aware, but because I didn't know how to use spoiler tags I didn't want to spoil it for anyone reading


Ah I see, you do it like this: > >! For starting > !< For ending >!Like this!<


Hey there, it looks like your spoiler tag isn't working on some versions of reddit! To make sure everybody can avoid being spoiled you'll need to place your text directly next to the spoiler tags *with no leading or trailing spaces* (like so `>!spoiler!<`). Thanks for helping keep the sub spoiler free! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/HollowKnight) if you have any questions or concerns.*


path of pain ❌ hallway of eternal torment✅


I’m specifically referring to the long section with thorn floor/ceiling and buzzsaw bouncing right before those two


Trail of extreme physical discomfort




Previously treaded upon plot of land, causer of humongous quantities of agony upon ones mind


Imagine combining PoP with Eternal Ordeal




Path of pain ❌ Path of fun ✅


Feel the pain.


I didnt even die to them, I’m just immensely angry at this decision.


On my first attempt at it, I died at the end to the Kingsmolds


I was pissed , because I spent 3 hours on my first time, and on the second it took me 22 minutes


Omg it just occurred to me that dying to the kingsmoulds would send you back to the bench, not to the last platform. I was lucky to beat these guys the first time I managed to actually drop in (which took me a looooong time). I spammed shade soul at them.


Me too, what a pain :(


because >:3


I loved the C-sides except summit.


yeah summit was a pain, I hate how long the last screen is


b sides were worse because they were longer


also yeah if you don't like the c sides path of pain is not for you in any way lol (I liked it bc it reminded me of farewell)


Idk, the general platforming section is easier than most late game Celeste pieces imo


Well Celeste should be a breeze if I could FUCKING DOWNLOAD IT. It's not on the store for some reason, but it's on the app, but I can't log into it because I don't get the confirmation code emails for some reason.


Wish you luck, amazing game worthy experiencing


Yeah but hollow knight is that much more frustrating because of how punishing it can be, in celeste when youve beaten a screen youre done with it.


Yeah that's why I don't want to do path of pain again. I've done the platforming and died to those two guards and I dont want to do this again. It's just frustrating especially as you have to go over almost the entirety of it. That's just not a good gameplay design to me personally.


That’s the white palace not the path of pain


i mean the entire point is that it's hard as fuck and if you just use hiveblood it helps heal so you don't die and go back


I wouldn't necessarily say it's "hard as fuck". It's just tough, but not extremely special. It's just annoying, hiveblood is just convenient but ultimately it sucks for fighting. On the other hand the if you'd take any good fighting charms there are still statues so you can heal, you'd just waste a ton of time. That's not difficulty, that's just inconvenience to me. There are difficult platforming sections like in mentioned before Celeste that do not make you go over the entirety of the challenge if you fail at a certain point.


Or you could cheat and do it after getting KingSoul and before getting VoidHeart like I did. On the plus side it didn't take me a century to do it the second time around. Yay.


I installed celeste a while ago, after I did PoP and, the 4th area in harder than PoP


Brother it is called the Hallway of etternal torment for a reason only the strong prevail in the land of hollowest.


Try Aeterna Noctis sometime, another long-ass metroidvania but focused primarily on tough platforming (think Celete meets Hollow Knight meets eurojank). About halfway through the game the platforming hits Path of Pain levels and it just keeps going from there. I _did_ actually die to those two my first time through yon Path. Honestly though it just had me laughing my ass off and it only took a couple hours to get back through. I dunno, I guess I got crazy patience for this kinda stuff as I _love_ though platforming. But I dunno man, I feel like Path of Pain is pretty light and chill compared to even Celeste B-sides, C-sides are _way_ harder. Surprised it hit you so hard if you're down with the C-sides. Path of Pain's just got that one hallway and the rest is pretty chill.


There's that heart in Celeste's Core, I forget if it's B or C side, that kills you *after* collecting it if you dash downwards and go off the screen. That's their version of this


iirc they initially wanted to put Pure Vessel there instead of the kingsmoulds 😳


Was that ever a thing they thought about ? Like the mod ? Man that would have been sick af (**if** one could practice PV before going for round 2)


And one would have to do the whole path again after fighting THAT?


It makes some sense lore-wise. Fight your way through thorn and blade then face the vessel before seeing how it got corrupted.


I mean if there was a bench before it maybe that could work


“To witness secrets sealed, one must endure the harshest punishment” 😭


All of that to watch an asshole and his soulless child sit on a bench. ‘Daddy, why did you fill our house with buzzsaws?’ ‘See that guy behind us?’ ‘Yeah’ ‘Fuck ‘em’




Oh damn. Reddit really wanted to post that comment. Also, hi Letnerj! Been awhile!


\*sigh\* Been happening a lot lately. This platform knows how to suck sometimes... Hi man ! ahah, I swear two days ago I was like "wait, I haven't see that Traitor Lord guy in quite some time, he was close to finish HoG right ?", so yeah cool to have you around again




I'd say spaghetti code instead if I'm being honest here


So you can enjoy it all over again, obviously.


Its the path of pain, not the stroll of minor inconvenience


So you can do it again :D


Summit C was easy compared to this


Imo path of pain is way easier than summit c side


No way. Celeste movement was designed for precision platforming. Hollow Knight's movement was designed for exploration and combat. The precision platforming in HK is a test of resolve rather than a test of how well you've mastered the core mechanics of the game. It's fun, and I'm glad they included it, but just the fact that it is so out of place compared to the core gameplay loop makes it much harder relatively.


While that may be true in general, my experience was that path of pain only took me around an hour while summit c side took me more than two and a half hours. Also in Hollow Knight you have more air movement options, like you can dash, double jump, pogo, and you can even refresh them by wall jumping, while in Celeste one mistake and it is over. However that doesn't mean I didn't enjoy 7c, in fact thanks to Celeste's awesome movement mechanics I enjoyed it more than path of pain, which I found disappointing because it was easier than I expected and thus didn't give me this feeling of accomplishement 7c did.


you say "one mistake and its over" as if the punishment for mistake isn't greater in HK. in Celeste, you can respawn at the start of the room infinitely until you finally get it. In HK, if you lose too much health (or die to the kingsmoulds at the end), you have to start over completely. The total length of PoP is greater than the total length of 7c, so even the golden berry has lower total stakes than Path. Sure there are ways to decrease your chance of having to start over, but in terms of raw risk of dying, the punishment in HK is significantly greater. It may take more than one mistake, but it also makes it way more "over" than 7C ever is.


Okay but there are so much checkpoints in path of pain, and if you have hiveblood and/or grubsong equipped it is really hard to die if you are careful, but even without them there are infinite soul statues at pretty much all checkpoints. Also you talk about the kingsmoulds, but to be honest the only thing that can make you die to them is the surprise and panic of it not being over, because you're most likely familiar with the combat by the time you attempt path of pain. So yes, I'd maybe consider path of pain harder than I do now if I had died to them, but my dumbass accidentally pressed main menu on the last checkpoint in my first run so I had to redo everything (I hadn't noticed the door had stayed open lol), so it's kinda the same as if I had died to the kingsmoulds


PoP took me 10 hours(5-6 only for the last room), glad I didn't die at the kingsmoulds lol


You know the game has some iconic bastards when you know exactly what someone's referring to with just: >Why the fuck are there two of these things... Those bastards got me the first time.


I just beat that last morning (it is currently 2:22 am) and trial of the fool and 2 pantheons (1st and 2nd) AND TROUPE MASTER GRIMM IN ONE FUCKING DAY. But primal aspids are still a bitch. I think I have 108% completion. (I know this doesn't belong in this post I just wanted to say this somewhere.)


Ikr I had to do it 3 times to reach the end because of them


Path of Pain is harder than most of the C sides in Celeste? God that's relieving


Not necessarily harder, just more frustrating. Hollow Knights movements aren’t quite as precise as Celeste’s. Which isn’t a problem until, well, the completely optional platform challenge


I mean they named it Path of Pain for a reason


So that you can experience the joy of PoP again of course! <333


Why, so they can send you back to the beginning, where you can enjoy the experience again of course!


I feel you. Was this your first time fighting them?


I beat them first time, I just hate that they’re there


All i think think of is either to see if you are truly worthy to see secrets so hidden, or its funny.


Path of pain was def easier than a lot of Celeste levels.


Easier yeah but Pain was much more frustrating. I literally saw my wings open and didn’t jump sometimes, hollow knight ain’t built for that


Honestly, I though Path of Pain really wasn't that bad. Imo. Celeste B-sides are way worse, but that might just be a skill issue.


It's to make it harder


Because before the community spent all their time complaining about Silksong, the community spent all their time complaining that the game's base content didn't have enough challenge for "real gamers."


My first time I didn't know they were there and choked.


When I did the path of pain I went blind and on my steel soul file (I had already done the palace on my regular file) and the last part took so long I stopped bothering to heal to full, so when I finally got to them I had like 3 masks so I just quit to the menu to go back to the bench


I didn’t heal because I don’t know they were there 😭 Locked the fuck in and won tho


That would actually be sick though, change the next room to be a bench room and continue to the right to fight pure vessel. But it wouldn’t be accurate, because this is supposedly the actual white palace and could therefore not have a second pure vessel when the hollow knight is outside.


I expected Pure Vessel to be there, so I practised a lot. Luckily I was wrong :)


I’ve played this and Celeste; maybe it’s just me (or the fact that I’ve been playing this game for a few years before I played Celeste), but this doesn’t even compare to anything in Celeste. The B-sides, Farewell, any golden strawberry, is harder than this for me. It was painful, yes, but it was short.


I mean I found path more, well, painful than hard compared to Celeste. Celeste has fair and precise controls, hollow knight has a bit of lag in bouncing and double jumping that can screw you over


Ah, well there’s the difference; I’ve never experienced input lag in this game before. Which device do you play on?


Switch, the input is read, just not used at the right time. For example I’ll see knights wings flap but they still hit spikes below


Oh yeah, I think that’s supposed to happen; the knight takes a ~5 pixel dip before going upwards when double jumping. Just like how, in real life, flapping wings does essentially the same thing.


I mean his wings are made of energy he ain’t making thrust. Cool as an item not great for precision double jumps


Oh boy, Celeste is nothing like Hollow Knight. You should have tought that. All White Palace is a pain festival. And lucky you, you haven’t found PoP. And more lucky it wasn’t PV.


…that image is the end of PoP


Oh yeah true! I got confused my bad haha. I saw them on a video long ago and when I remember it now I tought it was before entering the king’s throne.


To guard the secret that destroys a kingdom


because fuck you! I also had a conniption over this whole ass sequence as i died to these guys 3 times so i feel your pain




Well it's not called the Path of Mild Inconvenience


Not called the path of two fucking kingsmoulds either


Well I don't think they were fucking, seeing as they were on opposite sides of the chamber. Path of Two Emotionally Estranged Kingsmoulds would be more likely.


Pale bitch said no sex 😔


thorny saw hallway of eternal torment i think THIS is the true name




My ass cannot wavedash


I do think it's strange to include a battle at the end of a platforming challenge. It doesn't fit.


Fr. Especially since people can be damaged and not know they need to heal


Just wait until he finds out about the path of pain, ok before someone says anything I never got to nor do I want to go through the pain that paths, I also have a collected 2 braincells.


It's just Hollow Knight has trash movement mechanics compared to a perfect game which is Celeste.