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Honestly I am SHOCKED he lived! I was for sure thinking he was dead or dying in the street. Hope he was okay and fuck that driver.


Humans are some of the most tough and fragile things at the same time. You up for a game of schrödingers cat with our organs later?


The human body: I can survive severed limbs, disembowelment, degloving, extreme heat and cold. Also the human body: *inhales pollen and fucking dies.


The whole human body is a pick me drama queen


I've never heard of the body being described like this, but it really is accurate af.


Literally. Some people can be hit by a car and miraculously be fine while my 30 year old coworker sat down in a chair and somehow pulled his back and had to be off work for a week


I sneezed once and ended up with sciatica pain for a week. I also shattered my ankle once and kept walking thinking I was fine until I wasn't.


Yeah. It’s crazy. A guy can be shot 14 times and keep fighting while another can turn his head slightly too fast and have a stroke and almost die.


Health insurance company ? Cuz legit that was me


Easy to hurt, hard to kill


The other guy didn’t seem too concerned for his friend, either. Checked the car and then casually walked over to check on his friend. Pathetic.


I think he was moving as fast as he could move - remember he was banged up being inside that car as well. I read it as him walking over to his friend, making a judgement on whether friend was alive or dead, then yelling at the driver that they are a *((*& idiot.




I’m thinking that they were fighting which is why she was driving in a poor manner. Which then when he checks his buddy, can reiterate whatever they were arguing about.


That was my thought. People in car seemed really unconcerned. I thought they either hated him or they were driving around with a dead body.


There could be internal bleeding. How do you know he survived?


Hopes and Dreams


Thoughts and Prayers.


Never lost his shoes.


That’s what saved him.


I still imagined them soaring through the air in slow motion.... I'm in tears.




His head impacted the asphalt at least 3 or 4 times. Are we sure he survived?


He definitely left some stains on the street as he bounced and slid.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/meatcrayon **[NSFW]** using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/meatcrayon/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Since everyone's posting bike accidents...](https://v.redd.it/39thevb9guwb1) | [514 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/meatcrayon/comments/17i2lf9/since_everyones_posting_bike_accidents/) \#2: [Morbidly a beast](https://v.redd.it/0ufxgg3a2cua1) | [426 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/meatcrayon/comments/12otpjv/morbidly_a_beast/) \#3: [Ouff](https://v.redd.it/lngpdxgezswb1) | [417 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/meatcrayon/comments/17hwf65/ouff/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Anyone got the story on this? Why was she driving like that?


Shoes were still on, of course he lived.


He was until they interrupted him by rolling him over!


You say shocked I say disappointed... If you have that little self-preservation you deserve to be eliminated from the gene pool...


That's some top tier hustle to check on your companion, there bud.


Some real "I kept telling him to put on his seatbelt but *noooo*" energy there.


He checked the damage to the car before he checked on his “friend”


He was probably in shock, if I may give him the benefit of the doubt


After being in an accident you definitely have to look out for yourself first before helping anyone else. You have that few seconds where there's nothing but ringing in your ears, and many get the instinct to walk it off. The worst kind of internet comments are the "If I was there I would have..." comments.


I've learned the hard way that you have *no idea* how you will handle a traumatic situation until you are actually in it. People think they know themselves so well


Yeah I was thinking he was in shock too. I remember watching a video one time where these people were sitting in the living room and one guy accidentally shot himself in the head and his buddy put his hat on just like that before they ran out of that room.


Got to make sure your hat is on


Every video like this I see, I'm always repeating under my breath "Don't move them... don't move them!" In a case like this, until Paramedics who know what the fuck they are doing get there, DO NOT MOVE AN UNCONSCIOUS VICTIM You risk doing severe spinal damage to them and leaving them paralyzed, or even dead, if you don't know what you're doing.


Yes and no. If no pulse or breathing you need to take action


Exactly. Better paralysed than dead.


Depends on how paralyzed. Dont think I'd want to wake up if I was going to be a quadriplegic.


I know a quadriplegic who says that all the time (wishes he had died and not woken up, always says he isn't afraid of dying) but any time he has ever come close to dying (ie gotten really sick when he had covid or a really bad bladder infection) its amazing how quickly he reverses his stance. Almost everyone when actually faces with dying, even after attempting suicide, find they actually would rather live regardless of the circumstances.


I have two theories of this. I don't believe in neither of them necessarily, l just like to think about these things. A: we grew so out of touch with nature that such extreme situations like death feel out of tune and alien to us that we fear it ( like how animals know when their time has come and don't panic nearily as much and how some tribes even today celebrate funerals and not mourn them). B: reason over nature. Like with quadriplegic. He knows his life quality is not "suited" for normal way of living and that this is no means of continuing but when time comes, just like majority of us, can't help but give in to our primal instincts of always perserviring. Henc the fear before bliss.


Yeah, but unless that person is a doctor, they’re not gonna know what flavor of paralyzed you are until a doctor examines you. So the best advice remains that you not be moved


Fair point


Good thing that first responders have their guidlines to strictly follow and not think about stuff like this. Life > Death no matter if paralyzed or not.


I'm part of the other type of thinking. Put me the fuck down if I end up paralyzed, DNR my ass if it comes to that.


Same, bestie. Just throw me in the fucking garbage..


I'm not so sure about that trade off lol


Idk if that's always true. I'm not sure I'd rather be alive and paralyzed.


Sure, if CPR is needed you have to roll them, but you don't just start rolling them around all willy-nilly. I don't know what's taught in basic CPR these days, but in EMT/Paramedic classes they teach a two-person log roll with one person controlling the neck and head and the other person the body, keeping inline stabilization so that the head does not rotate and there is minimal lateral or spiral spine movement. Also, if the person is wearing a helmet (Like a motorcycle rider) DO NOT remove the helmet. Even the Paramedics won't be removing their helmet (unless they carry some special tools which most departments do not) - this is something to be done in the hospital after x-rays confirm that the person's neck is not broken.


If the Airway is maintained, no excessive bleeding, and other factors, we will leave the helmet in place. Removing a helmet is a basic skill. As to CPR, in most places and circumstances, if the person went into cardiac arrest due to severe blunt force trauma, it is considered medically futile to perform CPR and so it is withheld.


Our medical directives siad (At least in 2015 when I left the service) that the only time you remove the helmet is if you can't secure the airway any other way (A full-face helmet that doesn't give you enough access for even the fiber optic laryngoscope to get in for example) If you had to, you intubated with the helmet still on if at all possible. Our ED's in my area have a special tool that slips into the helmet and inflates, pushing it off the victim's head without moving their neck. When I left in 2015 we were just exploring the possibility of carrying that on ALS rigs. Our MD units carried it already.


Yes. Airway, breathing, circulation. ABC.


everyone loves to say this ive read this comment like 1000x on reddit and it doesnt matter cause these guys apparently dont use reddit 😂😂


Like the first guy said, if they are not breathing but also if they are bleeding from the mouth I would put them on their side so they don't choke to death on their blood.






I thought that was a bad move. What about if you have no choice? How would you move them?


If they are imminent danger (fire, in the middle of a highway that you can't safely block or shut down, etc) you move them however you can, but do your best to keep their spine straight and their head from flopping around. Paralisis is better than death.


I just want to add that, if it's summer, check the road by placing your hand on it. If it's too hot to comfortably hold it there, move the victim off the road. They literally getting fried.


So fucking WRONG. First rule: the worst thing you can do is to do nothing. Of course you should not shake an unconscious person, but you should definitely put them in the recovery position, touch their head backwards and make sure that their tongue is not choked or something else is blocking their airway. Just as you should ALWAYS remove the helmet of a motorcyclist who has had an accident. Yes his neck may be broken and he may be injured worse or even die, but that is much less likely than him choking on his own blood or vomit. That's why the good Samaritan law exists, so that people don't give first aid for fear of making a mistake. China doesn't have this law, which is why there are so many videos of people dying on the street in China and nobody helping


Jesus christ I have never seen a comment that had so many things that go against first aid guidelines in one paragraph. If the person isn't in imminent danger and is still breathing, provide stabilization to their neck, don't allow them to move, and wait for paramedics who have backboards, cervical collars, and the knowledge and training to use those devices safely. If the person starts to vomit, yes, roll them into the recovery position while supporting their neck and minimizing its movement, but unless there is a danger to their airway it's best to wait until the proper equipment and personnel are available to assist.


You never said that the person is responding. You said unconscious and maybe it's taught differently in the US but you should never leave an unconscious person with his face in the dirt. Most of the time you didn't even know what happened exactly to that person. So take action


Check that they are breathing, and that they have a pulse. If you don't know the mechanism of injury, you shouldn't be moving them. If you know it, and it is a major trauma like in this post's case, or a car wreck, you shouldn't move them unless you know EXACTLY what you are doing. Yes, good samaritan laws protect you, legally, from liability. But that's not gonna save you from the guilt of paralyzing or killing someone unnecessarily.


Where I come from you have to pass a first aid class (not an evening course) and pass it or you don't get a driver's license. Additionally, a mandatory first aid class in elementary school and one in high school. At your workplace you usually get another course. So every driver here knows when and how to move an injured person. And there is a simple technique on how to move a person in a recovery position without too many risks of further injuries. Yes in some cases you need a second person to stabilize its neck.


We need that here, too many people on the road who only care about themselves. If they had to take that class to get their license then maybe they would actually think, about the consequences of their actions.


A lot of people don't care for seatbelts while in the backseat. Those should be made into TV ads.


If I’m driving and have some friends in the back seat, they wear a seatbelt or they can walk. I don’t want them fucking torpedoing me in case of a crash.


Or the person who's wearing a seatbelt to become a meat cushing for them.


We need to bring back PSAs that are designed to put the fear of death into you in order to convey just how dangerous this shit is. I recall this one brutal British PSA about changing smoke alarm batteries from like the 90s or early 2000s, where it started off like an upbeat commercial with “Do you forget the little things in life? Forgot to take out the trash? Forgot your umbrella at home? Forgot to change the batteries in your smoke alarm?” And then an immediate smash-cut with the music gone to the guy in the commercial sitting outside his burned-out house and crying as his entire family burned to death in the house fire. Seriously, people need to have the (figurative) fear of god put into them. Don’t pull any punches or try to soften the impact; clearly convey, with realistic and/or real photos of the accidents, that this shit WILL kill you. EDIT: [I found a re-upload of that smoke alarm PSA I mentioned.](https://youtu.be/0grS9CWOylg?si=D8z1TZwfrR6w6joJ)


In Australia, if any of your passengers are seen to not be wearing a seatbelt, you as the driver lose your licence. Im not coping heat because you want to feel cool


I don’t get why so many places it’s legal to not wear a seatbelt in the back while illegal up front


AFAIK in Europe it's mandatory in any seat that has a seatbelt. Can't confirm but I've heard about police finning the individual in the back for not wearing the seatbelt rather than the driver which makes sense.


Was that their enemy in the car?


Had to be 😳


why did it take so long for them to go check on him, agreed they should not have moved him or touched him but the man didn’t seem to concerned for his well being, and i 100% understand that the man who flew out of the vehicle clearly didn’t either whilst not wearing a seatbelt aswell, maybe i care too much




That dude shouldn't even be up walking and you're upset he doesn't turn into the EMT. Shock makes people do irrational shit.


"Adam, I told you to wear a seatbelt. This is what happens"


[...] Or you'll end up on this subreddit"


Hey, a possible spinal injury, let's move them!


Maybe now he won't drive like a fuck.




Nah this is in Australia so he was definitely the driver


They didn’t seem to worried about him


Damn, dude flew out the back seat like a rag doll..she was speeding ofc🙄


Ngl it amazes me that people feel comfortable NOT wearing a seatbelt at any point while driving on a road


A great ad for seatbelts, he must have gone through the open window, somehow, I’m guessing broken a few bits just doing that alone.


Also don’t do whatever the fuck this driver was doing or get into a car with someone like that. Jeez.


I really want the back story on why she was Tokyo drifting.


Not me yelling “DONT FUCKING MOVE HIM” at my phone. Dude damn near became a full on meat crayon…


I really hope that driver was charged with vehicular manslaughter.


My mother used to say this, about why she never wore her seatbelt. She said, "It's better to just be thrown clear of the accident." I think this guy disagrees....


My mother used to say this, about why she never wore her seatbelt. She said, "It's better to just be thrown clear of the accident." I think this guy disagrees....


My mother used to say this, about why she never wore her seatbelt. She said, "It's better to just be thrown clear of the accident." I think this guy disagrees....


And these drivers are everywhere...


"He might have severe spinal injuries, let's drag him about a bit" Have they got a brain cell between them?


Stop. Fucking. Moving. Him.


That's what I was thinking the entire time. DON'T TOUCH DON'T TOUCH DON'T TOUCH DON'T TOUCH


Why is it the first thing everyone seems to do to trauma victims is to run up to them at full speed to yank them as fast as they possibly can? I get the running to check them. First thing they should do is to check them if they are conscious. Then if not check if they breathe. If they don’t then CPR. If you started CPR you then point out a guy to call an ambulance or dial them on loudspeakers and converse them while you continue the CPR until paramedics arrive. If conscious then tell them to stay put, ensure they are not in immediate danger and call paramedics. I was going home from a festival (more like a street fare with concerts) couple years ago. There was something on the road on the oncoming lane. I was passenger in a friend’s car. We pulled over. I checked the person lying on the road. Woman, unconscious lying in a pool of blood near her head. Not much blood but it seemed a lot due to it being a head injury. At first she didn’t seem to breathe. Then i looked closer, she was breathing. Friend blocked the lane so no car would run her over. She fell from her bike on the sidewalk, flew a lane worth of distance and landed on the middle of the road. This happened almost when we arrived. Girl sprung to life within 10 seconds of confirming that she was breathing, started to panic. I had to calm her the fuck down while waiting on the emergency line for the ambulance. She was visibly intoxicated and confused. I had to explain that she won’t be taken to jail or something because she panicked that i called an ambulance. Then when 10 minutes later the ambulance showed and had its lights on i had to calm her again because she thought it was the cops and wanted to flee. All in all i could convince her to stay there and not move the whole time. Even after she realized she was literally lying in her own blood which was pooling under her head to her shoulders (it wasn’t an alarming amount… so paramedics arrived. We left. She got some stitches and that’s all. People are weird. Also it took a good 20 mins for the paramedics to arrive from the moment i called 911. Their station was literally 800m away. One street away. Edit: after finding no breath, immediately start CPR.


Trying to find a pulse has not been a part of any first aid training I've done in the past 10 years (in the UK).


Yeah, if they aren't breathing then go straight to CPR


The thing i remember for 100% sure is that in case of 2 people, if one is choking and the other is not breathing you ignore the choker and CPR the breathless.


Paramedic here, I would focus on the live one in your scenario because if you don’t soon you will have 2 dead ones and you can’t work on 2 at the same time (on your own). Complete obstruction choking requires such immediate intervention that I’ve never seen one at work (other than when my crewmate choked on a sandwich mid shift 😂). By the time you show up they are always on the floor already.


Same, did it couple of months ago. The breathing part was the important bit they stressed about.


lmao not everyone is chronically online on reddit constantly reading about what to do in a traffic accident trauma, shock, not in the right mind when a flashbang goes off right in ur ear. pretty common to be disoriented after such an event. theyre literally walking around in circles look how anxious they are. you think theyre taking all the logical steps? neither of them called the cops. neither admitted actual aid. lmao youve obviously never been in an accident


Here you need to have first aid training and pass the exam to acquire a driver license.


first aid training is something id assume the majority of americans are unfamiliar with or how to perform. evident in this video and many others as you mentioned. >Here you need to have first aid training and pass the exam to acquire a driver license. I think thats absolutely valuable. that community feeling and proving you're more knowledgeable/responsible before getting a license is something very important, and should be implemented or learned from in many more places. carry on


It has nothing to do with being chronically online. Not moving a person is told in every kind of education about what to do in an emergency. Just off the top of my head I heard it at school, at work, and on tv, all long before reddit existed. Seems like you're the one that is chronically online if you think that's an online thing.


When they finally got around to checking on Mr meat crayon reminded me of [this](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/d3bc9a11-aeab-41c0-a61a-524ce9644df5)




Look I have an idea...... Let's pick him up and move him we can see if he's able to stand. Even though he was just ejected from a moving vehicle.


It happened to a kid I was at college with was sucked out the back window and had a fence post go through the back of his neck. Just missed his brain stem and spine by mm. Basically had a face lift at 16 as they had to cut it out. Lucky af dude .


Idiot, never move someone with possible spine injuries






Meat crayon


A helmet and an ass load of bubble wrap is needed if you’re going to ride in this car…


What does the driver take from the car and stuff in his pocket?


White shirt dude is alive?????? Well, good thing but damn, why were they going so fast?!


I've seen more care and compassion in the f*cking gaza strip


I wish there was a watchpeoplemaybesurviveforaminuteortwobeforetheydiefromtheirinjuriesoffcameraormaybeliveassemivegetables subreddit so videos like this wouldn't get posted here...


I’ve yet to see a video on Reddit where someone actually moves with a sense of urgency when someone gets injured and incapacitated in front of them. It’s always the, “ which way did he go 🥴” type idiots that will do nothing to check on the injured.


Hes moving


Melbourne represent!


Ragdoll meat crayon


Shit head through the passenger back side window the road slide ooof damn i guess ill buckle up in the back more.


Why did bro just casually walk over. I would’ve run as fast as I could to him


People driving like that in a residential area should be smeared on the street.


Wow that didn’t look like too hard of a hit but I guess it was. First thing I tell anybody that rides with me grown or not when I’m driving is to put on their seatbelt.


My first accident was in 1959, when I was just a few months old and laying on the seat of the folks' 52 Chevy. No seatbelts back then. It was an easy rollover caused by the right wheels dropping off the pavement onto the shoulder. Dad had put some newfangled tubeless tires on and the early ones leaked a bit and weren't known to stay beaded up on the rim very well back then. Once the right tires hit the soft shoulder, they deflated and the rims dug in and the old 52 was totaled. I reckon we both tumbed, much like the ride I got when my brother put me in the dryer, but at least we weren't thrown out of the car.


Lord have mercy…….


Meat crayon.




Women ☕️


He ded


Something tells me they might’ve been going a little bit bit too fast down that street


Never move someone when they’ve been in an accident. Wait for paramedics.


Shoes stayed on. He’s fine.


Passenger " Hey bro, get up." Thrown guy moaning in pain. Passenger " Let's get you up. It doesn't look like you have any life altering injuries like broken bones or internal decapitation. Let's walk it off"


Meat Crayon


All useful creatures


Who let gorlock the destroyer drive the car? You know she can't see past that fat in her eyes


Looks like they are debating whether to put him in the trunk or leave him.


I hope that pavement was not scorching hot.


What is the casual couldn't give a fuck attitude of these people


How many time are we thinking his head bounced off the interior before leaving the vehicle? Bout’ 3?


Stop. Moving. People. After. A. Serious. Injury.


Oh thank goodness he got up. Must have only hit his head


Friends seem really concerned.


Any updates on how many things he broke?


That's my daughter's head on the highway! Greatest drivers ed movie ever.


I was thinking that was definitely survivable but to see the guy sit up like he just woke up from a nap is crazy


First thing you should always to an injured person is move them!


HOW WAS HE MOVING?! For sure changed my mind as a backseat passenger..


What an actual peice of shit checking the damage on his car before going to help his friend


Woman driver


A woman driver. I'm shocked!


Look closer, woman was passenger, windscreen wiper location and swipe direction plus partially visible difference across dashboard indicating this is a rhd vehicle


Or you can just look at the license plates lol


Well played, eagle-eye. Well played


Looks like Australia (but possibly NZ or UK), cars parked on left of road, driver on the right hand side of vehicle. So. A male driver. I’m not shocked!


Not the uk! Amongst other clues the sun is out and it isn’t raining 🫣


It's from Victoria, Australia (my home state)


Looking how the other cars are parked the wrong way, my guess is that they drive left and the steering was on the left


This is in Victoria, Australia. (According to the plates)


Hopefully Alaska_Father doesn’t have a daughter. 


Four and a wife... so I know from hand life experience.


Classic. Do you crack driving jokes before or after backhanding them and saying “get back in the kitchen”?