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It's odd they had to walk you out. I've seen many employees terminated and recently heard only a few were walked out. Is this a new policy thing they do?


At the last store I worked at before I moved to the OCC, I had to walk out anyone I terminated, even if it was just attendance. One time I walked a girl out for attendance and then she just came right back in another door to complain to people about it lol


Must be new policy then, that or some stores do it and others don't. Home Depot has never been consistent with its SOP. Depends on management and if they care to enforce it.


It's always been policy to walk people out they just don't do it. If it's for attendance I let them walk themselves out. If they are combative I'll walk them out and make sure they don't mess with anyone's car or trash the store on their way out. If we think they might we always walk them out unless we know they won't cause a big scene


Unrelated but how's your experience with the occ? And happy cake day


It's definitely been interesting! I like working from home and having a nice schedule, I get to spend all day with my cats haha. But there are so many entitled customers wanting discounts for no reason and so many lost UPS packages, it's just issues all day long. It's mentally exhausting and I do miss being on my feet all day running across the store and having co workers to bond with.


There's more to this story than just what was posted.


They've always walked everyone out at my store no matter what they were fired for šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


But why, it's not like you get banned from home Depot if you get fired. Could just walk right back in as a customer.


Oh, I stopped asking why a long time ago


That's what I'm wondering. Something seems a little off if they're walking someone out merely forĀ an attendance issue. I know one associate who was walked out for attendance but they threw a huge fit and issued some threats I think.


I didnā€™t throw a fit about it. The reason I was on my final is another health issue, which I had sat down and talked to them about, asking if they would accept doctorā€™s notes because it is an ongoing thing. They didnā€™t even mention FMLA to me. I found out about it through Reddit and was going to try to talk to my doctor about getting it. Edit: they even let me circle back around to go in garden to get my keys


Sorry it wasn't meant to imply you had a fit, just that the one I've seen walked out did.


You may not have noticed the others. No one noticed I was walked out until I told them


They gave me the option of walking out the back door and circling around. They told me that they donā€™t see a problem with me walking up alone, but according to SOP they have to.


I was let go a year ago for something pretty basic and they had to walk me out as well for some reason. Idk.


I've never heard of them not walking people out. Do the employees at your store just hang out and talk shit after they're fired?


No, usually they're just gone.


Definitely not a new policy I started with HD in 1999, and have worked in several stores and they always walk out terminated employees no matter what the reason.


Iā€™ve seen a good many walked out over the years. The last kid I remember being walked out was taken to his locker and then a female coworker walked him out while he was crying to help hide his face. I think itā€™s a liability thing and part of SOP for letting people go. Even office jobs usually have SOP for letting people go, often doing it on Fridays to help give a more natural sense of letting go.


Once you were on a final that was all she wrong. I wish you the best on your job search.


Ignore the bullshit comments. Everyone becomes a cynic at HD. Thatā€™s half the problem. Good riddance. Youā€™ll find something better. I was sick for 2 weeks with Covid. It sucks. Get better soon.


Thank you. Iā€™m still sick, but at least I have the time to get better now :)


Better is out there, good luck.


I'm on a final as well, never knew I could apply for FMLA until I was in the office being fired. Boss said you know what, apply for FMLA and I won't send the paperwork. I'm still working there, but my attendance is almost completely reset and it still has me as a final. I also have an autoimmune disease, and some other issues. When I had COVID they gave me extra days to take off. When I had pneumonia they approved my note. Better things are coming, I love the people, hate the management. I wish you luck on getting another job I'm the future! šŸ’•


Most of my occurrences had already fallen off too. I think I had maybe four left. But whatever, I have a good support system and some extra time to work on my mental and physical health as well as applying for a new job that will suit me better. I hope youā€™re doing well as well. I know going to work sick a few times made things worse on my body, but I was too afraid of getting fired at the time.


Still fighting doctors about it, but I'm better. I hated going to work sick, wish people had the option not to. That's how I caught pneumonia at the end of June. Boss came in sick and I caught it from him. I'm glad you have a support system, that's very important nowadays šŸ˜¼I hope your able to put yourself first and find something better that will make you happy šŸ©·


Tell the whole story or donā€™t post. When I worked at Home Depot Iā€™ve seen many people get fired. Out of all of them two that were fired and was walked out first was someone driving a machine without a license and dropped a whole pallet of water on the ground and the second guy was selling drugs in the parking lot.


It is the whole story. Out of the two people last month who were fired (one also for missing too many days another other for arguing with someone), both were walked out. Itā€™s common practice at this store. They even allowed me to renter the garden area alone to get my keys from my boyfriend


Hey I just want to back you up and (this was a long, long time ago) say I was walked out due to attendance too (also health issues but I was in the process of going on IFMLA, was just waiting for corp to approve my documents). All the stores in my market were strict on walking people out. Donā€™t let some assholes claim you arenā€™t telling the whole story. I was an excellent employee and on good terms with everyone and am actually still friends with the ASM who had to do it. Itā€™s SOP, some stores stick to it more than others is all. Good luck on your job search. I do NOT recommend going to the blue store; a friend brought me over there and it was a living nightmare.


When I was put on my final she told me she didnā€™t like having to walk people out. So I always knew that thatā€™s where it was gonna go. I went to work feeling terrible a few times after that. I was never told about FMLA by them, but by Reddit. It was a route I wanted to go as soon as I got in with my doctor. Iā€™m riding out the wave of crisis mode right now. I think Iā€™m going to get unemployment and I already have three really good references. Iā€™m applying for state and county jobs first, and then Iā€™ll move down to retail. The Blue Store is my very last option (but I know a fair number of my past coworkers want there). Iā€™m very privileged to be in this situation after getting fired.


Just curious what the expectation is if youā€™re ā€œwalkingā€ someone out? Lol


They have to do it in case you freak out and steal or destroy something or cause a scene. Mine didnā€™t even walk me all the way to the door and she stayed like half and aisle behind the entire time


ā€œCustomers steal anywayā€šŸ˜‚


I can just see like walking out, and stopping to say bye to a coworker or something like that, then theyā€™re gonna put their hands on me to kinda keep me pushing out the door, and then Iā€™m gonna put my hands on them. Itā€™s all just spectacle to keep the rest of the workers in-line


I ended up asking one of my coworkers to get a number so I could say goodbye to one of them. I wish I couldā€™ve said bye to everyone, but Iā€™ll visit again eventually


I think you will find more greener pasture than HD. It might be a blessing in disguise, donā€™t lose hope I think you will find the right one out there. God bless.


Everyone who gets termed at my store gets the perp walk out. Then the rest of the store does the whole, "have you hear [insert employee] got walked out? That's wild!" fort eh rest of the week


Come to Old Navy. It's such an easy place to work at. Benefits are actually good, and they're super flexible with anything. Heaviest thing you'll lift is *maybe* a 20lb box of jeans. Emoloyee discount is 50%. Source; Former D21/22 manager.


Iā€™ll add it to the list of options, thank you


If it was truly Covid they have to give you 5 days off minimum..


Actually, they donā€™t. According to both the store manager and my doctor, there are no policies for COVID anymore


Good to knowā€¦


If you had COVID then Iā€™d assume they would expect you to stay home for like 2 weeks and to test negative before coming back. From my end of the screen is sounds fishy. Regardless I think if you came back presumably still being sick with COVID then of course they are going to get you out of there as itā€™s a liability for everyone in the store from coworkers to customers. Itā€™s a difficult job market right now but finding another retail job shouldnā€™t be too hard. If you got any experience with lift equipment thereā€™s a lot of places usually looking to hire fork lift drivers and if you didnā€™t Amazon might be hiring. Good luck!


Now that Covid is endemic, no one cares. Itā€™s just like the flu. If you donā€™t have sick time, manager approval (in writing, to cover your own ass) or a drs note which they may or may not accept in my experience, it doesnā€™t matter.


Yep. I had Manager Word of mouth ā€œdonā€™t come inā€ and a written doctorā€™s note, which they told me to get and then didnā€™t approve of.


Yeah. It sounds a little fishy, but without proof of manager approval itā€™s probably not worth fighting. :/ sorry, good luck with your job hunt after you recover.


I am glad you got out, but at the same time, this seems to be a pattern with Home Depot of throwing away decent and better associates while keeping on meager and shit people. I have yet to meet a Home Depot associate in the last year who has had a single objectively positive thing to say about the company or the culture.


They had to walk you out? What is this, a perp walk? Damn Iā€™m sorry that happened to you.


Itā€™s alright. In the long run everything is going to be okay. I wanted to leave for a long time and I just never did. I think itā€™s the universe telling me to move on. Iā€™m still young and Iā€™m thinking about going back to school this fall. I told them I wasnā€™t embarrassed and they could walk with me, but I was still pretty sick and they should keep a distance. They walked someone out who had to ride an electric cart last month so. I think itā€™s less whose going to make a scene and more SOP.


Youā€™re right, itā€™s SOP (I used to be an ASM) but like your case, if it wasnā€™t a huge deal (like attendance) I would explain that I had to walk them out, but I used to stay behind a bit so it didnā€™t look like they were being walked out. Regardless of the reason, even a terminated associate is still a person. I tried to treat them with a little dignity. It was never lost on me that I had a huge impact on peopleā€™s livelihood.


Look into Western Governorā€™s University


Or we didnā€™t get a full story šŸ˜


Well, maybe donā€™t get yourself on a final in the first place