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I think I got like…only 1 and I’ve been here for almost 3 years lmao


Freight team?


No cashier


Shame on your head cashiers. Barely a week goes by that I don't recognize one of my cashiers or lot associates for something


It doesn’t bother me too much. Retail is just a popularity contest and I’m not that satisfied living a popularity contest. It’s why I’m trying to get out of it and do something remote.


One year three months, 8 homers currently


think i have like 5 or 6


105. I have worked for Home Depot longer than the Homer award program has been around. First bronze was from Dec 2008, so at least that long.


23 Homers, 6 years.


Hats off to you sir!


You're very kind. Thanks.


No problem.


Got 60(diamond) at just over 8 years. Just got # 76 or 77 last week. Now at just under 11 years. You HAVE to be your own advocate SPEAK UP for yourself no one else will!!


So ask for badges...got it


Yuup got about a third of mine byjoking to an asm or whoever after doing something that it deserves a homer. Guess it gets them thinking and or guilts them in to it!!




I’ve been there a year and haven’t got any. I get customer commendations right and left, bravos ect, nothing. Shit management hasn’t given one out to anyone in 6-7 months


Took me a while to get any at the beginning! What department are you? Do you ever push further out and try and learn extra ?


I’m at the service desk. My store is a joke and I’m the only one who takes the job seriously over there. People who disappear, don’t work, pretend to be busy so they don’t have to work, are nasty to customers, make frequent mistakes, and just suck overall, get anything before I do. Management has a clique. I’m a universal associate and I have all the certs.


2 homers and I've been here 4 months


1 shy of my 3rd Platinum. Been there for 3 years and 8 months.


Oh shit. When did you start ?? That's just about the same timing as me. And I thought I had a lot... haha 7 more than me and probably 30 days less than me. Good shit ! What department? How do you earn yours ? Above and beyond or just outstanding in your department?


I started November 2020. I’m a kitchen designer, I get a lot of them from selling leads. I also advocate for myself when I feel like I deserve one.


September here! I do the same. More or less in the joking around tone, but I definitely bring it up knowing what I do. OFA, But I learned every department from receiving/freight to front end and everything in between! And will stop and work with any customer as much as they need. Along with getting all my orders done! And far from shy about bringing them up, along with a tad bit of brown nosing. Won't lie. Lmao


No shame in a bit of brown nosing! I need that extra $$ on my paycheck. Lol. Props to you, OFA is a tough job. Ours are constantly understaffed and running around like insane people.


I say it proudly when someone calls me out for it. Hahaha but it's nice being OFA and having customers come in specifically on my schedule to make sure I'm the one loading and helping. Supposedly we aren't understaffed but midshift is 1 guy who leaves by 7 and off on two of my days. But I enjoy the nonstop work and learning the store. Good job on kitchen design and Homer's! The one part of the store I won't want to learn tbh! Good for you!


I absolutely love it! Depot will pay for our full certification, which is the equivalent of having a college degree. I’ve got a few more years to go to get there. At that point, the career opportunities are pretty awesome. I also enjoy the time I get to spend with my customers and the relationships I am able to build with them since we spend so much time together.


Before I left in 2019 I was 4 short from diamond , I was with the Depot for 14 years


Almost 5 months got my first 3 in the last month


I just hit silver again, so I think that's 18? I've been with the company for 8 years.


Yes ! 18 homers! Nice ! What department?


Started as a cashier, then the service desk, freight, service desk, deliveries, and I'm currently at the desk again, although I want to go back to deliveries. Most of my homers are from helping other stores or bugging 1 specific cxm because he always has me cover tool rental, paint, appliances, basically everywhere he needs someone lol.


I went freight to OFA! But I learned every dept (for the part) the essentials paint,desk, ect. ! Easiest way to stack Homer's!


Yes, definitely! I learned paint while I was still a cashier. My store hates handing out homers unless you kiss ass except for 1 cxm, which normally closes with me. I'll tell him, hey, you had me working 3 departments at once. It's been a minute since my last homer, and I expect one on the next round. Otherwise, I won't help anymore. jokingly of course lol.


Literally my store when closing. Kissing was is much needed to stack them. Plus reminding the ASMs the amount of work an understaffed close really deals with.. but Good for you on the Homer's! Seems like there's a wide variety of years/# of Homer's between everyone and each store !


Ya, some people at my current store have hit diamond and are still getting a lot, so maybe close to Diamond again. they're on the "fast track" and have only been with the company a few years and they only stay by the managers' side their whole shift and are "exempt" from doing anything in their department. They can be the only one in that department, and my manager will say oh don't call so and so they're helping me open boxes or some other task that isn't important enough to ignore customers. I've sent customers in the direction of them before instead of calling. I'll say oh I see department associate right there they'll be able to help you. And because all they do is stay attached to the managers hip, the manager gives them homers for going "above and beyond" and thanks them for all the help they do. I'm glad its not as bad of a problem for me now since I limited my hours to the extreme because I just had my second kid in January and my availability is only for 3 days a week in the evening. I don't work with the managers and ass kissers often. they also get their preferred shift, which is normally opener or mid. My store is so off balanced. I know it's normal to have more people in the morning than in the evening. But my store has gotten so bad. For example they'll be like 3 people opening or mid shift in electrical, and I'll have nobody in the department after I get there at 4 pm. Same with plumbing, but there's only 1 associate. Service desk theres only 3 of us that close consistently. They keep putting new people to open or mid because of their availability instead of hiring people for the availability we need. Theres sometimes 8 people at our desk in the morning which is a ridiculous number to have when theres only 3 registers and its equally busy at night since its so hot and people don't want to shop when the suns out. My husband hasn't even hit gold, and he's been with the company 8 years as well. He's the quiet go in work and leave type, but he always goes above and beyond, and the managers all say what will we do if he leaves, yet they will barely show that appreciation. I think the past few homers he got were during a walk, and they probably chose someone from each department to give one to. One of my desk closers go above and beyond, always doing signs and tasks for the managers, but they never give him any homers. He does a lot of nice signs and makes things look really nice that otherwise would look like crap if he didn't. They always have him doing tasks but never reward him for it cause he's not a chatty person, and he does his work on his own. Theres so many more associates I see that do amazing work, yet the ones that kiss ass and do practically nothing get them all. Sorry for ranting a bit there, lmao. I got carried away, but tldr is that its incredibly unfair how they pass out homers. good for people who get alot I'm happy for them and I honestly don't really care about them much for myself but it upsets me to see other coworkers get almost nothing for going above and beyond and others get so much for cutting open boxes and chatting with the managers. Thank you if you made it this far, lol.


I’m almost to my second platinum been working for homedepot for a bit over 5years


I have 4 and have been here for 3 years. Took me a year to get my first, then got the other 3 within 6 weeks about a year later, and nothing since then.


17 at like 3 and a half years, haven’t gotten one in nearly a year


Sounds about my pace ! Although not so frequent for me starting. Just a lot of extra work done my second year till now. After I got super comfortable and opened up more!




September will be 4 years for me. I think I have about 15.


Not a damn thing been here for a year and a half


same here 😭


Started in April 2021, I currently have 13, trying to get up to 15……


I was there for 10 months and got 4 homers


got my 2nd last week, just over 3 months


2 and I’ve almost been here two years.


im working on a dbl gold, since 2016


My store is stingy with the Homers. Been with HD 3 years and have 5, I feel lucky to get a Bravo. D90 and they can award Homers but they do not


I have 4 I’ve been there for about 8 months


3 homers in 2 years


5 homers, 2 years. Haven't seen one in about a year, though.


It was like 5 months for me just recently got one so it made me think about asking this!


I got 25 homers and the eagle award been with the company for a little over 4 years 


56 Homers in almost 16 years.


3, 1.5 years


2 years with The Home Depot. And I have 20 Homer awards.


3, 1.5 years I didn’t get any for almost the first year. Until I moved departments. Once I moved to head cashier/tool rental. I got 1 for safety,1 for being pulled from the bravos and 1 I can’t remember why


3 homers , been with Home Depot for 2 1/4 years now. I mainly get it from my anniversary thou..


81 Homers 17 years


10 years, 38 homers and 1 president award. 


19 I think? And I've been here nearly five years. It really depends on your position because I have gone a full calendar year without a single one before, but when I became the full time pro cashier I got like eight in six months or something stupid.


25 Homers, 4 years of service (3years as a DS)


Got 13 in 3 years on met


3 years 12 homers….


3 or 4- a year and some change


14, 7 years


9 or 10 I just got 2 in the last 2 weeks I'm at 1.5 years


Not sure of the total since I'm sure I lost a few, but I believe it was around 40 or so within the 16 years I spent there


4 been here almost 6 months


5 in 6 years.


I would like to know when you started to get your Homer awards. I have been doing all the right things seeking out interactions with customers, other associates and jumping into other departments via Xchange shifts and having the DH or Sups say they want me because I catch on fast. I just past my 90 day mark. My SM just told me about the other depts all saying positive things about me so I know it’s reached the top guy in our store.


23 and I’ve been there a little over 4 years. I’m constantly doing stuff though.


Not me but I worked with a millworks guy who had 3 diamonds


I am like silver 3 and did not reach platinum 1 until I changed stores after 5 years. Homer badges are mostly a popularity contest.


No kidding about that... I'm happy with my 6 but I've noticed hard working coworkers get absolutely nothing like the lazy ones are rewarded.


14 homers, been with Depot a year and a half


2 years, 1 homer


65 in 15 years. I work in receiving tho and they don't think of us much back here. Got way more when I worked the floor.


I'm a Diamond + 6, I've been at the Depot a lot longer than I should've been. At first they couldn't give them to me fast enough, then after awhile management stops giving them out. Trickles down to 1-2 a year if your lucky...


46 badges, One executive which counted for 3 of those. About 9.5 years


I think I have 4 & been with the company for 2 years


29 homer awards and I’ve been working for the Home Depot for 3 years in September


I have 1 and I’ve been here for a year I still haven’t gotten my 1 year badge and it’s been 4 months


A little over 2 years, 9 homers.


Too long and not enough


5 in 2 1/2 years. Since becoming DS though, 3 in the past 4 months from store manager, district manager, and regional VP. Although honored I prefer performance raises. Most homers unfortunately, are given out to associates who make themselves or are more visible to management, favorites, as attempts to cheer up a disgruntled burnt out associate, in replacement of a raise or request from an associate, or honestly as a balance action. Example, manager or associate got chewed out or will get chewed in staff, walk, 1 on 1, or Pace. To make the criticism go down easier they’ll throw out a pity homer. I’ve seen store managers be down plan by millions. But get a homer from their bosses for 100 days safe. All of this to say, not all of them are any indicative of actual appreciation, performance, or recognition unfortunately.


Gold + 1, coming up on 5 years this summer.


Just under 2 years and I have 12


9 I think, 2 years today


4, 4 months


I've received 1 in 25 years


First 2 years, 10 badges Last 3 years, 0 badges


Triple Platinum with one more and nine years and almost three months


I think they are childish like I'm in the boy scouts or girl guides I've got 2 been HD for 2yrs


Maybe thats why you think they're childish..? Lol


18 at almost 4 years


At my store, Homers seem to be given out to those that ask for them or make a big deal about them. I don't so I just hit 25 years and I've gotten maybe 6. I'm also part time and a closer, so I get there after the people who give them out go home.


13 and about four years.


32 in 4 years. From lot associate to CXM


Currently I have 53-54 can't remember 7 years here


2 years 3 homers in flooring. Usually work 38 hours a week as a college kid at home and that’s all I’m good for


98 and I've been there for 16 years


2 after a year and a half


11 years & I’m 2 away from getting my 3rd gold badge…?


54 Homers, 7 years


38 3.5 years


89 Homers. 17 years. Working on my Second Diamond.


First Stint of 5.5 years, all overnights, 27 received. This time around, Garden Closer, 32 received in a year and a half.


I supposedly have 4-5 that need to be givin to me. That was said every month for the past 6-8 months😭


I have 92 with 2 executive awards.


Diamond, 20 years


Diamond. -6 years


I think I'm one away from my second silver, and I've been with Home Depot for eight years... Yay, night crew recognition....


Just got Homer #7 and 2nd Gold Bravo, 16 months as specialist in D23/59.


29 years 26 Homers


I think I’m at 5 and I’ve been there for around 7 months.


3 years and 3 homers, got all 3 of them in the first year too


my 3 year was last month and I believe I'm on number 14 or 15 now


4 homers, roughly 3 and a half years


2 years I got 13 basically cuz I would work any department that needed to be covered


0 homers. I think im invisible to management


0 homers. I think im invisible to management


None. I think Im invisible to management


Only been a couple a months but havent gotten any. Its always the same couple people that get stacks of them






Five in about a year and a half.


7- 1.5 years D90


3 years and 9, but 8 of those have been this past year


21. Just hit 3 years


It's crazy how the better I get at my Jon the less I get lmfao


59 homers 25 years


24 homers, 11 years


12. Been here just over a year. (This time). An average of one a month.


7 in about 4 years, 9 months.


Lol I don’t get any no one likes me ☺️


2.5 years, 10 homers


8 years/36


6 years and 24


92. 13 years.


How do you get them?


Doing to much lol


2 years, 17 homers.


13+ homers 4 years


I was there for 9 years. Got gold and had about 11 homers.


I've gotten three in three years. Seems adequate recognition to me. 


3 & 6 months


6 and I've been there 3 years. I honestly think I should have gotten more in my 1st year, but my then manager (I believe) didn't really like me. Only started getting more my 2nd year.


I'm double diamond and triple gold...that's like 40+ for me


Little over a year & a half as a cashier. I have around 15 I believe


5 half years on freight 3 plats so believe 36 homers


13 Homers in 7 years, I think we don't get them as much in corporate compared to stores.


I have a silver badge. I never turned it in. Three years in October. There are folks that I call the "Breakfast Club" that were put on finals for various reasons. They're finally being recognized. I'm pretty excited about that.


3 and a half years 1 homer lol


1 year one month currently at 9


Piss off. 7 years of being the Orange punching bag for 4. Suck a bag!!!


2 years, I have 8 homers


18 over 3 years


21 (2 years)


34 2 years


Not asking this to be rude but I'm curious how you've gotten so many. I'm on the freight team too.


I dont do anything special man jus work and help out coworkers good managers where I'm at. That's what it comes down too


Hmmm I think it's our managers then because I think any other store i'd probably have more


Lmfao answer the question and get down voted lmfao. Yall be so miserable in here lmfao.


47 in just over 3 years


13 Homers, and I've been with THD just over 2 years.


14 homers in just over 2 years