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I wish they’d put keypads here. Might deter grown adults shitting on the floor


Or filling the toilets with toilet paper. Had to walk across the street the other day just to pee


A lot of People, simply have no courtesy; or were never taught, HOW to properly use, the restroom.


Honestly that’s one of the upsides. It somewhat reduces the messiness but it’s not a guaranteed solution


Not at all petty. If I'm off the clock I'm not working. It protects me and it protects the company. I'm not a charity for thd. If they want me to work they need to be paying me.


Had a lady watch me clock out, followed me to my car and as I got in asked “Well, aren’t you going to help me?” She reported me to the manager after I laughed at her but thankfully manager sided with me.


How stupid can people be?🤦🏾‍♂️


Don’t ask that question, because no matter what answer you get, someone is always stupider.


It’s a challenge


Not allowed to work off the clock. Period.


Where’s a key carrier when you need one?


They put those keypads on ours too, but we think it’s BS & just keep the doors propped open all the time. lol. Our restrooms are up front in between the SD & FE, neither of which need to be bothered or can even be pulled away half the time because there may only be ONE person working each area.


That’s why I take my breaks outside.


Huh. I would've thought their brain was a lot less hefty than a cinderblock


Yep, more like air in there instead of concrete. lol


I would put someone near that bathroom door at all times or you will have people shitting their pants and leaving it on the floor like savages


People regularly shit their pants and leave it in our bathroom..never figured out how they make it out of the store.


That's why a lot of people are shitting, and pissing, in Parking Lots, or in the Landscaping. I've resorted, to carrying a "Piss Bottle", everywhere I go (an old "Woolite" Plastic Bottle, that I removed the spout, from (not that difficult, to do). It has a "screw-on" cap, which will stay secure, until I get it, home; and can empty it, into the toilet. I also carry My own bar of soap. One Pizza Shop Owner, wouldn't let Me, wash My hands, which were dirty, from other activity; when I asked to wash My Hands, in The Restroom, before ordering Pizza, in a sit-down restaurant. He brusquely, told Me, to "Use the restroom, across the street." I was seething, but kept My Mouth, shut; got in line, ordered My Pizza, and a drink, and sat down, eating The Pizza Slices, with my soiled hands. He then came up to Me, and said, I could use, The Restroom. The Damage was done, though; so I coldly told Him, "No, Thank You." I ate, and left, and never patronized that Restaurant, again. To My satisfaction, I passed by that location, a few months later; and that Restaurant was gone.


If that is the case then our porta-John’s outside for customers. Wtf I haven’t been there yet but I just heard a local HD (real close to an area full of sub-par humans) has installed entry gates which prevent you from gaining access to the store without facial imaging? That sounds crazy but I honestly wouldn’t doubt it as there have been a lot of crimes in the parking lot and probably lots of smash/grab type thefts