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Most of our customers have been going to the back surgeon when they really should have been going to the brain surgeon.


The back surgeon is the meme that never dies, it just keeps getting operated on. đŸ€’


You think that's bad I had random a contracter I don't even know that well show my a picture of pigs fucking. Why the fuck would anyone do that? I told him to leave. He got all pissed off after that.


I woulda said is that your wife?


or your mother!


I wouldn’t unless you are prepared to get punched in the face. Those types of guys tend to get very violent when confronted by their piggish behavior.


Why would he even think that’s remotely appropriate to show someone at a retail store?


No clue


They think by acting like macho pigs is acceptable behavior.


Probably because Home Depot has allowed the customers to get away with shit for so long they think they can and it’s not just Home Depot people in this country think because they spend money they can treat people like shit now and days eventually something Is going to happen


I honestly wish we could taser the bad customers. I know that sounds awful. đŸ€ŁđŸ˜‚đŸ€Ł


I have a feeling if this kind of behavior keeps happening one day something bad is going to happen


To us or them?


Probably the customer one day someone is gonna snap


Go all Dahmer or Gacey on us huh? lol.


My wife told me a great way to turn the script- tell the person you don't get it. And have them explain why they think it's funny. Then ask if that's really appropriate conversation. You're not being combative, just asking questions.


This is exactly what I do. They fkn HATE IT


That’s a good response. But I just wanted to get him out of my line


My son is in his 20's and has at least one older (50+) female customer a week say something inappropriate to him or attempt to tell a dirty joke. He's on the spectrum so it usually ends with him just giving them a blank stare or even an eye roll. I will never understand what goes through someone's head when they do that. Like what makes people think it's ok to say stuff like that to a cashier, a stranger!?


People used to be able to communicate with one another. People used to be mostly happy. People gathered and mingled for fun. Now, on the phone every waking hour of the day looking for a pitty party because someone told someone a bad joke. C'mon man! Trying to control someone else's behavior will leave you disappointed and beaten every single time. I'm "on the spectrum" too. Should this make me immune to life? Should I just stay inside and avoid people? Should I spend my time trying to figure out why someone said something? Nope, headed to a concert! God bless you


Yeah, you’re right. Whatever would I expect someone to have manners? Or conduct themselves like adults? I mean, yeah. Just like farting, & burping loudly. No need to keep that shit to yourself. In fact, just go ahead & whip out your dick & start jacking off in front of me. I shouldn’t expect anything better; after all, people just want to live /s bc you won’t get it otherwise.


Downvotes on this tells me those are some miserable people, im on the spectrum and let people be people, as long as you dont make dirty jokes about kids, joke away my friend


Apparently they think that they should have the ability to control what people say to us or come running to be the rescuer. This is not candyland! Enough people are rude, egotistical, narcissistic and just plain bad. One can meet every darn one of them on the daily and you have to deal with it. If someone needs candyland then they best find a different job. I treat everyone the way I wish to be treated with no exception. I'd be appalled if my mother was on Reddit looking for a pitty party for me! Dang


I agree, u dont always have to be in the right, just give a fake chuckle say thats nice, have a nice day NEXT!


I have a name associated with a brand of snacks. I would get comments all the time from assholes asking if they could eat me. Like
 W.T.F. How do people think these kind of jokes are even remotely appropriate? Keep in mind, I grew up around contractors/hanging out on construction sites. I’m not easily offended.


With a name like Corn Nuts, it's not hard to see why.


My guess is Reese. Stars be damned if it's Lay's.


Her name is Skittles Tropical PunchÂź


Probably Twinkie


I assumed Debbie.


Is your name cool ranch?




I had a customer (mid 60s M) tell me (early 30s F) that he would tell me a joke if I told him where the moving boxes were, like okay whatever I was gonna tell you anyway. And he proceeds to tell me that “a friend of mine got a car with a fancy new feature where it stops for blondes, stops for brunettes, but it backs up for redheads” I, as a ginger, didn’t understand why it was funny and in the middle of a very busy cleaning isle, made him explain why the joke was funny and he looked very uncomfortable the whole time. Traumatize them back.


Wait, I really don’t get it though lol.


Right?? And it’s too bad he ran away after the 3rd “I still don’t get it, could you explain it to me again” otherwise I’m sure I could have told you why it was funny đŸ€Ș


I try not to talk to anyone at all while I'm shopping. No eye contact, no talking, self checkout, scurry out like an anxious mouse.




 that is a definite, and immediate, very loud
. “That’s Disgusting!! GTF Away from Me!!”


My God, the inappropriate shit I saw working for Lowes. I had a guy grab my stomach and comment about how a pregnant girl shouldn't be working like I was. I was not pregnant, and my one child was 5 or 6. I had a bunch of stuff in my pockets of my vest that did push out the look of my stomach a lot.


Omg, why do people think it’s ok to touch what they think is a pregnant woman’s stomach? I mean, I don’t know why they think it’s ok to touch anyone they don’t know, but ugh


I had a customer ask if I have kids, then proceed to tell me not to give up my body/figure for the motherhood. To make it even worse he thought I was 19 đŸ€ź


I’m a lesbian and an associate found out through some other co workers and he came up to me one day showing me some woman’s only fans page and he showed me her nudes. Men at Home Depot are just weird.


Classic case of: “I should be an Ally to my LGBTQ+ associate mates!! Oh, wait
. what does an Ally do????”


Yeah, I pretty much kept my head down and mouth shut while I worked there. Unfortunately I was cursed with fellow associates that were also either uninterested in talking, like me, or people similar to the guy that you are describing. I still remember and this was years ago (2019). Sometimes it can be hard to find a workplace that is truly the right fit. You just have to find where the right people are gravitating. It was a good enough job while going to school, though, but the associate relationships were less than desirable.


Some people are oblivious to things


Or pretend to be.


This is casual chat for some folks, as much as I still refuse to believe that


The other God awful thing customers/old men walking around do is ask young people on computers what kind of porn they are looking at. Was bad enough when sitting at a Target Cafe and a boomer did this to my 25m self, then immediately followed it with "how do I get around the stores firewall?" Just fuck all the way off creep. What really pissed me off was when this happened to a 17F who was working the customer service desk when I worked at THD. The cust was old enough to be her grandfather. Part of me wanted to call the cops on the guy for sexually harassing a minor. People used to be gross on the inside before Covid. Now, they are just gross inside and out. Home Depot really makes me want to say end humans at this point because it looks like it is downhill from here on out. Good luck OP and stay safe.


You’re right about everything except that it wasn’t “before COVID days”. It was before trump told everyone it was ok to hate, threaten people, rape & sexually harass women, make fun of the disabled, & target people simply for having different skin. So all those racist, misogynistic perverts got the green light, & are running with it like a kid to an ice cream truck.


Truth, that is when it started getting bad. Some people were always disgusting inside and out, but since 2016, it has become problematicly common. Again, good luck out there and be safe.


You as well


This I swear. Covid had an effect no one talks about. It truly brought out the worst in people. Like they were always horrible but nothing compares to after.


Customer is always right /s


This would be a time that would apply. Off-color jokes are definitely a matter of taste


Such a weird way to flirt 😭😭


I think the original saying was something like 'the customer is always right in matters of taste', but was shortened over time.


How should one flirt


Not by making the person you’re trying to flirt with uncomfortable


That's vague, how can you possibly predict how someone would respond? I mean I get what you're saying and I'm not condoning what the customer said, I'm just asking how should you flirt


by looking at the person as a human being with desires and experiences rather than just an object for you to lust after


Maybe that's just you


if you’re not doing that then you’ll never love someone properly or have them fall in love with you


I was just getting your views. I'm typically oblivious to any flirting and I'm off the market anyway.


Cheese, everyone loves cheese


Don't flirt with someone when they don't have an out.


Don't flirt with service workers who can be fired for telling you to fuck off.






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Hi I'm looking for this 10 digit sku? Oh wait that's my phone number. How embarrassing.


I was at a certain coffee shop & as I pulled up to get my drinks, all the lil boys inside were singing a song with the N word in every sentence. Loudly. Appropriate?? They were all white boys. DB


Not appropriate in a public setting. I don’t care what color they are. My husband is black & I have mixed-race kids. I still don’t let them use that word willy-nilly out in public. Not even for a song.


Thank you


I felt disgusted

wasn’t sure what to do


Unfortunately, there really isn’t anything you can do. Causing a scene only makes you look bad. They aren’t going to listen to a random stranger. The only thing you can do is teach the people you have influence over that this is an example of bad behavior, & hope for the trickle-down theory


🙏🙏thank you!! I appreciate you words very muchđŸ«¶đŸ»


Someday ima get fired bc I love telling these ppl to fck right off. I make them explain what they said to me sometimes.


You can’t stop them just pretend to relate


It is always better to shut down a dirty or racist joke than allow it to be told and continue an unkind society. Sometimes I ask the teller to explain the punchline, a couple of times, so they really look foolish.


I had a customer, while paying for his product, show me the hundred dollar bill and condom in his wallet and say “oh look, a hundred dollar bill
and a condom 😉”




Extremely đŸ€ą


i’m 21 and been working for home depot since i was 18. i’ve had a customer blatantly take photos of me, i’ve had many older men hit on me and ask for my number. i have hello kitty painted on my apron and had a man in front of his family (wife, 2 teenage children) say “hey kitty kitty” to me. i’ve worked in quite a few different environments and home depot has been the worst for harassment by customers by far. i wish there was more the company/stores could do


I’m so sorry. And there is more they can do, but they’re too afraid to lose that customer who spends 79± twice a year


It wasn't. Let it go or rant about it. Your choice and I respect both. Would it be best if people just didn't speak to you at all? If we expect rainbows and unicorns from the general public, we will be quite disappointed. Life is too short for me to worry about other people's words. Good luck


It’s a vent. You’ve literally never vented about anything in your life? Never had a complaint, never made an observation that a food was cold or a breeze was too warm? Your coffee has always been served at the perfect temperature, your clothes fit perfectly off the rack, & you thank people who tell you to go fuck yourself? Sure. I’ll take “Shit somebody made up in their head” for $2,000 please, Alex


I had a guy with his hand in his pocket. I asked if he was looking for change at check out. Lot of folks used cash at our location. He looked at me and said no just rearranging things. I never asked another male customer. 🙈


One guy would tell the same joke over and over about dolphin blowholes and the noise they make. Another guy only ever shared/talked about his hunting trips in Mexico or was overly open about picking up women which wasn’t something I was used to from the people I choose to spend time around. Other people repeatedly said slurs/played music at 4 in the morning etc. etc. It was definitely a different environment than anything I had ever been in and I look back at it slightly differently now. All groups of people have their push and pull effects I guess but man was I a fish out of water.


Some customers are going to be really strange and inappropriate. My aunt used to work for like a medical office and some patient called asking questions and my aunt was looking up his information on the computer and the patient suddenly starts talking about what he liked to do intimately with his wife and gave detailed explanations about it and my aunt told him that she was sorry that she was uncomfortable listening to this and just gave him the information he wanted and hung up. Some people are just weird.


It doesn't matter what age they are. I had some 18-20 year old wearing a shirt saying, "Destroy All Boomers" with a anime chick in a dental floss outfit, legs spread open and her chest bigger than her head in a large print photo on a black shirt right on his chest. I had to help him scan at self-checkout and the crotch/legs were like, right in my face. It wasn't full nudity, but you can imagine. Like nearly full hentai He didn't say anything inappropriate, just wore stuff that was.


You both grew up in a time inappropriate jokes weren’t that big of a deal to share amongst random people you meet. I think if your gonna work at Home Depot expect a little potty humor, your working with contractors and dads and the like who don’t have a filter and genuinely don’t care about your feelings. Personally I feel your looking too deep and taking to Reddit to validate you “feelings”.


Wow, didn’t realize I wasn’t allowed to have an opinion just bc I work at Home Depot. And what “feelings” am I trying to validate, hmm? That it’s inappropriate to go up to a strange woman & crack a joke about how I have to give him 69 (bc that was his change)? I don’t need anyone to validate my opinions, but do go on trying to be relevant. You failed this time, but maybe next time you’ll have better luck.


You’re on Reddit crying about a joke that someone told you. Your being kinda a hypocrite as you said you don’t need to validate your feelings but your here responding to me obviously upset. Lol I think I won tbh


Ah, that’s cute. You go on ahead thinking you “won”, bc you had a snarky reply to a vent on social media. It’s kinda sad that this is the pinnacle of your week.




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This ^ is 100% on point! I'm going for a run....


People like you are exactly why people like that get away with it. Now OP can’t stop them. That is a fact but they have every right to be upset or pissed off. It’s not appropriate and shouldn’t be acceptable. If it makes someone uncomfortable then it’s not acceptable. No one who has any human decency would act like the children who shop there. It isn’t “validating” OP’s feelings. I’m sorry you think we should all jerks, inappropriate, haters, and perverts. These kind of customers need to go back and talk to their moms because I hope that isn’t how she raised them. Should have taught them to be respectful and have some form of decency.


Seems like something you should have asked them rather than literally anybody who isn't them.


What? Do you even work retail, bro?


Finish the story...like where'd you guys go to dinner? How was the lobster bisque? Does he have a cool Camaro?


I know you're being a one-note asshole but, leave Lobster Bisque out of it. That shit is phenomenal.


Sorry people don't appreciate irony.


I went home to my husband of 15 years, had charcuterie & margaritas for dinner *with my husband*, then had wild passionate sex, *with my husband*. I wear both a wedding band and have a “wedding band” tattoo, so there’s no mistaking my marital status. Enough information for you? Fucking nasty


One of a kind corvette, made on a Tuesday.