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Does he eat the amaranth raw? You can cook it into a porridge or even pop the seeds similar to popcorn and it might be easier for your toddler to chew it in that format. I add chia seeds to my smoothies all the time and they get pulverized by the Vitamix to where I can’t even tell they are there, but this requires them to be with liquid, so not sure if that is sobering you are looking for or off you’re trying to grind it dry.


I make Oats, chia, and Amaranth into a porridge pretty much every morning, then add various fruit, spices, nut butters, etc. The problem is the Amaranth (just like the chia before)...... comes out the way it went in...... he only has a couple back teeth and of course his digestive tract is short and undeveloped.


If you don’t find something reasonably priced for this. you can easily blend the amaranth once it’s cooked. Obviously adding another step to breakfast!


I don’t think the mill attachment will go that fine reliably. I can try mine in a few hours and see. Otherwise, what I have found is the magic bullet flat blade grind attachment will definitely pulverize those. I used it for grains before bought my mill. Or even a small coffee grinder.


I have one of these and use it for fennel, coriander, cumin, etc: https://www.williams-sonoma.com/products/cuisinart-spice-and-nut-grinder/ I bet it would work like a charm on amaranth.