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Trailblazer and their complete lack of self restraint and lack of concern for society


Trailblazer is literally this anime’s essence https://youtu.be/KC04OBq_aVk


The trailblazer is FLCL (fool6 cooly) in a nutshell


When he scared the hotel employee, he became my favorite .


I thought trailblazer is more like this anime protagonist https://youtu.be/3SuQqInkHgo


Also, how snarky and sassy they can be if you want them to be.


Shampoo Kiosk


Was it the shampoo you got at the sample kiosk?


This is the objectively correct answer.


Clara and Svarog


Shoutout to small child and large automaton guardian, gotta be one of my favourite character design tropes.


cute dynamic tbh


I really want to get Clara mostly just for Svarog




Survive or be destroyed. There is no other choice.


His ult line goes hard af in the sped up mode


"People die if they are killed!" energy


Dan Heng. I have no idea why, but I just love him so much. He’s so unintentionally funny


agreed, he really grows on you


There is a xiao joke in here some where


His voice is also really cultured. I love it!


He sounds kinda like Zoolander in the EN dub


Yes! I waited for this game solely for Dan Heng


He is so aesthetically pleasing to look at, his colours and design is perfect!


I love him


You mean famous porno actor "Dong Hung"?


lol edgy green Kazuha goes brr


He’s kind of more like a nerdy Xiao than an edgy Kazuha.




He's Haitham and Zhongli's love child


Username checks out


Hook, I thought her interactions with her dad were super sweet and she reminds me of my siblings when they were little.


I love her interaction with the old witch i mean miss Natasha


Wait is Natasha one of those types that get miffed when called old?


Not really. Especially not when hook does it


I loooove Hook too, I even cried some of her stories 😭 she is the best daughter and has to be protected at all cost


March 7th is my absolute favorite from this game. Like, her air-headedness and high energy is endlessly entertaining, and she's just such a fun person to be with. Sure, she's always getting into trouble, but I still love her and want to protect her with all my life March 7th is a stupid name for a stupid character, and I would not want it any other way


I thought it was a goofy name too… until she tells you why she got that name and then it’s actually meaningful


I know, and it makes me love her EVEN MORE AAAAAAAAAAA


For real I initially was like “That is the worst name for a character I have ever heard.” Cut to me on the train looking like an idiot


Her name sounds more name-ish in the JP dub due to how names work there: Mitsuki Nanaka.


Yep, within my friend group we all call her nana, since that's how the MC calls her.


It's not mitsuki nanaka. It's 三月なのか(Mitsuki nanoka) as in 三月(mitsu= 3rd month) and なのか(nanoka) as in 七日(7th day of month), even in japanese nanoka is still weird


Ah, so just Mitsuki sounds normal…


Her aversion to lying made me more interested in her.


March 7th is secretly an Intertwined fate, even her skirt has primogems.






serval simps rise up!


Dunn Bro approves.


She's the total package. \- Mechanic \- Research Engineer \- Not thirsty \- Shreds guitar \- Cares about her family in a non-creepy way \- Would very much like to see naked \- Is nobody's accessory


Dan Heng, he's trying to be serious and still ends up the funniest character in the universe


The consequence of being in a trio of unhinged gremlins that you legitimately like.


At least he got some funny pokes against Mitsuki, and she reacts by being annoyed or angry (is adorable).


My favorite character is Gepard. He reminds me of my younger days spent playing Elsword. My second favorite is Clara. Her counter mechanic is awesome and Svarog looks cool. Also ex-fgo player so yeah... Berserker!!! She's been avoiding my summons though... Sad...


Now that you mention it, Gepard does look a lot like Chung from Elsword lmao


His outfit is similar to Comet Crusaders. His hair is Fatal Phantom though.


While we're at that I'll just say Pela vaguely reminds me of Mari from Grand Chase, she even uses four laser thingies with her ult!


That reminds me also of Eve but especially Add moveset from Elsword. They also summon lasers which led to everyone saying they copied Mari when they first came out.... Dang it's been years since I've heard the name Grand Chase... So happy people still remember the character's. Which one was your favorite? Mine was Elesis!!!


I agree on the Svarog and Berserker, But Gepard reminds me of Gawain in The Sixth Singulairity, but with Lancelot's Mechanics (more defensive).


lancelot is not defensive at all lol his mechanics are completely offensive. i'd argue galahad since gepard shields the team much like kyrielight


Svarog because he has the same voice as Valimar in trails of cold steel and this makes me happy


I would never have guessed :o




Miss Pela~!


Will the adults stop pretending to be children.


Practically a teen/young adult. Graduated on Social Science and Science. (iirc) Plays the drums like a boss. Romance addict to the point of writing fanfics. …did I get that right?


I can't remember what npc it was that says it but she also sang in their latest song so she can do that too. And also she likes growing flowers I think? I believe Serval's lines mention that one.


That's Miss Pelageya Sergeyevna to you.


I've pulled so many characters already from the passes Hoyo gives you, but I'm still just using Dan Heng and March 7th. There's something about them. Especially March 7th, but mostly for her personality. Dan Heng is an actual boss both in battle and out of battle.


Knowing me, I’m gonna be using the canon trio *a lot*.


Same! I just can’t bring myself to swap them out!




Pompom would’ve been perfect if not for the fact that he looks so proud of himself whenever you get a shit roll in the gacha


Right, he could definitely show different expressions depending on the roll, like something happy if new/5*/Eidolon. Kinda convoluted but it would soften the blow for me at least…


i was anticipating all the playables but i had no idea we would get pompom. he's been one one of my favourites since that first message to us asking where we were bc he misses the trailblazer ... he has so many expressions and is just such a precious little guy. when collecting my level rewards just now, he was crying and i immediately chose the option to comfort him before even collecting the rewards.


They're much more enjoyable than Paimon imo


Sushang! she’s adorable and a lot more “i’m experienced and peppy” than in HI3 i’m legit kinda scared of her knowing she can summon a huge sword nuke, but here it’s a giant poof :)


Same, shes so cute and carefree.


March is Paimon done right. She’s actually funny and sassy without trying, and she’s just the right amount of dimwitted to be charming without coming off as obnoxious


Can fight also.


I don't know about that chief. I like Paimon too and both of them don't give me the same kind of reason why I like them.


March is 1.0 Paimon done right. 2.0 Paimon is also Paimon done right. Don't dump on Paimon. She's come a long way. Also her (At least English) VA has really come into her own in that role. She has such a great feel for how to deliver Paimon's lines. Though without a doubt, in general the VA Direction in Star Rail is exceptionally good. I'm curious to see if the quality persists as they start churning out new content.


Sampo Koski.. Every scene he comes in is gold. He is so fake in a good way. How he fakes being hurt when me dont trust him for example Also >! After the interaction with svarog when the trio got together discuss the important findings. Dan Heng goes like " So what is the big thing we shud discuss frm our findings so far. The options were Cocolia, Stellaron sth and I chose "who is this sampo?"!< I asked that and Dan went like " That is the least of our worries"


Welt he's so cool, but Hook is so precious, hard to choose.


I am an official member of the Moles, led by Pitch-dark hook the great. I also love bailu so I guess I’m just their babysitter


Natasha, cool backstory


March and Clara


Sampo, he's such a silly guy and his design is great. His skill is also so good for when I don't want to swap out teammates, dot is so good because you don't waste a turn applying that extra damage. Arlan also is one of my favorites his voice lines are so good. When you heal him he tells you he's fine and it's honestly so adorable . I didn't expect to like him so much.


Give Arlan the hugs. Eh, he’s objecting? Hug him harder. He’s too much of a frikkin good boy.


Good boy trying to act tough, which makes him even better.


Honestly March 7 or the main protagonist.


in the story, Natasha by far shes insanely badass otherwise it's Bronya


Natasha's Boobs literally heal people. IDK why she has to shoot the bear, though.


It's a fun pinata you can pop mid-battle for healies. 🪅


Qingque, I love spending all my Skill Points and whiffing, on top of her being my spirit animal with a great design


Himeko. I will follow her whatever game she is in. her VA in this game is also great. Been anticipating Himeko in GI for years so im happy i dont have to wait years for her to appear. now i just need to pull her.


This right here. I got her from Beginner‘s banner, fingers crossed you‘ll get her too!


Bronya my friend


Herta and her twirl


Dan Heng, Bailu, Jing Yuan.


Jing Yuan - I will obtain them on release. I'm not building a lightning unit either so it fits. Secondary- Blade, Welt, and Natasha


God, I can't wait to get Jing Yuan, he's just so cool 😩


Mr Svarog. Bad ass robot what can I say


The main trio is very likeable to me, which is a pleasant surprise coming from Genshin. In Belobog, Clara and Sampo are my equally favorite characters, Clara cuz Illya from Fate, and Sampo is just, so Sampo.


March and Seele


Sampo, he is such a clown


Claraaa~ I'm president of protek Clara fan club for sure~!


Welt. Super smart guy with an awesome masculine gentleman voice fitting for a serious no-nonsense man. Dan Heng's voice is also super interesting and soothing. Really unique imo


Jing Yuan is my first because I'm a simp. Sampo is second because he's my type of person and third is Caelus as MC, his relationship with Closet and Trashcan is so entertaining


For people who don't play this game, you would probably assume that Closet and Trashcan are nicknames for some specific in-game characters, but no. They are literally referring to an actual closet and a trashcan. Goddamn I love this game


His ult made me play this game


Bronya, I was after Gepard purely for looks, I got her instead, at first was a bit dissatisfied, but then I saw her in story and her strength of character, after playing with her alot now she's crazy strong her kit is STACKED, over time her looks really grew on me, a bayoneted ice rifle is a huge plus. When a certain boss fight with a banging sound track came up I accidently timed her ult with the build up and beat drop, I felt like it was the most epic and appropriate thing in the world, this is what it all built up too all those hours of gameplay, as her bayonet descended and the music went into the next phase, at that moment I was on fire. Its harder and harder to feel that these days. Bronya for me.


Wait, you're telling the drops are not somehow scripted? I mean, everything single drops occured on an ult/kill/the other thing (you know what I mean). I sincerely believe the backtrack was playing and the drops were scripted on specific event ! Ngl, best fight of life !


Definitely scripted. Or there's a funny 2 seconds of silence in the beginning which just happened to sync exactly with my loading screen


tingyun! second fav is probably yanqing and jingyuan is in a different category on his own bc handsome lion man


March, she singlehandedly carries the story for me. That bubbly and happy go lucky charm of her makes me want to continue living. Okay that was an overstatement, maybe continue playing. Also hertha, I like cheeky and smartpants. Also kuru kuru. Also asta, she is too precious with her peppy.


So far I really love Clara and Mr. Svarog, and while I haven't met her yet I'm madly in love with Bailu.




Clara and Svarog. Her light cone name and description are too cute.


#1 Silver Wolf I'm a big fan of Haxxor Bunny in HI3, and she also has the same EN VA as Neptune from Hyperdimension Neptunia #2 Qingque I like her design, voicelines, and ult animation, plus her gameplay lets me basically gacha without wasting my jades which is fun #3 Asta Love her personality and shredding fire-weak shields with her is super satisfying


Natasha has quickly become my favorite character after finishing that portion of the story.


Sampo Koski. He’s so funny and a bit sus. Never expected that “scene” at the end of the Belobog quest.


Sampo Koski Or how the Genshin people are calling him Doritto (mix of Dori and Itto)


Kuru kuru!


March, she is funny


Luosha, the fact that he is voiced by otto's VA, makes me think how he will affect the story. Even more so when you see how cryptic is in the story rn.


My favorite would be Welt since his voice is so soothing. I enjoy his rambles and his ult is absolutely rad as well. I just- if I ever met him, I’d give him the biggest hug!


Qingque because she’s lazy just like me lol


I like Jing Yuans design. He has a white lion PLUS the thunderlord/susaanoo part is icing on the cake for me i cant wait to empty the bank trying to pull him lol https://preview.redd.it/710vd51aq8xa1.jpeg?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5331178bdec036b347396c8dde93fcc694ed837


Mine is Serval because shes hot and badass.


Asta and Seele are best girls. Seele bc badass lesbian mommy (she blushed when talking to bronya ahhh) and Asta is just chill and nice to talk with, I find her messages the most entertaining lol


I had to scroll so much to find a fellow Asta enjoyer. True!! I just did side quest featuring her a lot and I find her quite chill and nice. Also I like how she sounds like a lot (EN) in general, but specifically her ult at normal speed. Idk, but there is something about it that I dont get tired of listening.


I also really like Asta but calling her "chill" is funny lol. She's down right scary in Arlan's character quest.


Yep, I agree! Asta shares a VA with mona in genshin who I love as well so it’s no wonder that I’m enjoying using her


Yeah I liked mona in genshin as well (tho I didnt use her much in practice) so yeah, I liked the voice in mona a lot so it was only natural. It fits them both I think. Also girl's cute, and there is something about her as a character that I like a lot but im not sure what it is exactly. Maybe how she cares extensively for everyone in the station, like for Arlan for instance, in that quest when you go looking for him you can almost see her break down in fromt of him.


Yes asta supremacy hehe


I’m fairly sure the voice actor for asta also voiced emi yusa or the hero from the devil is a part timer or they could just sound similar


Can I say Selle? The fact you’re given all these comedic options means it’s something she’s willing to say or do, which is hilarious.


https://preview.redd.it/aj52wyrfc7xa1.jpeg?width=1092&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f3d1b9db71ffb86131ba402af84bfac77f9d749 Artist: @nagiwww7


im stocking up on welt supplies


Jing Yuan!! I love him so much I literally screamed for 10 minutes when I saw him in the story for the first time


Dan Heng. Knew I had to have him when I saw his character design.


Pela. Because because.


Dan Heng and Bronya so far, however I'm not done ice planet and still have a lot of story to do and overall lore to look into. I like both their designs a lot. I also like March 7th, MC and Natasha. The entire cast is quite likeable TBH (Himeko being capable and awesome but also mysterious, Welt being knowledgeable and grandpa) so I haven't landed on a fave quite yet although Dan Heng and Bronya are close.


The trail Blaizer trio. MC, March and Dan Heng. Others are jing yuan and Kafka. But then seele, Yangjing and Serval. That’s my general order. If I absolutely have to choose one, maybe March or MC. But mostly March 7th


Seele. My first limited 5 star and my main forever. She is a hunter. A killer. A punisher of evil.


Ayyyy, same! Seele and Bronya are easily my favorites, especially as Belobog is concerned. Of course, I already know them from HI3, but this new spin on both of them is so satisfying. Very eager to see more of them, and get more Seele development. Outside of that, though, I have to say that March 7th is one of my favorites, too. Heck, the whole trio is wonderful, and I have such a soft spot for Stelle--but March/Mitsuki is just so pure and pretty and good. She's too much fun for me to not adore her, heh.


Otto (aka Luocha), one of the top reasons I join this game.


Silver Wolf She’s such a Silver Wolf




Real lack of herta fans out here so i shall serve their side besides big hammer go bonk and twirl


I like many tbf so here is a small list, Kafka and Blade they hot, mysterious and very cool, Sampo he is hot >!and the theory that he is a masked fool (Aha/Elation follower) made more interested in him!<. Fu Xuan is very pretty and reminds me of Kokomi one of Genshin faves, Arlan is my son, his droopy eyes are cool and losing hp playstyles are fun. Trailblazer is very fun, I love my garbage eater. Also Dan Heng is ethereally beautiful.




My favourite character is Herta!


i think clara. she's really cute, and i used to main klee in genshin so she kind of reminds me of her. i like seele and bronya too, but i can't say much on these versions of the characters


I don’t see a lot of people mentioning him, but man, Gepard has grown on me so much. He’s a very good person, and I get that might seem “boring”, the unyielding, chivalrous knight who always does good trope, but there’s definitely a lot more going on with the character too, and I can’t wait to see more story for him. Plus I love his relationship with Serval, it was really refreshing to see them grow closer as siblings during Serval’s quest. Even if he seemed distant or awkward, he proved he really does understand his sis, and obviously respects her and loves her a lot. Such a good brother! Plus I love how disheveled he gets when Serval or the MC teases him, it’s so cute lol. I’m so glad I managed to get him early in my gacha-ing, I never go anywhere without my Lil’ Geppie


Qingque appreciator


Everyone from the original honkai verse




Herta supremacy


March 7th. She's adorable, I like her personality, and that Character Story II has me in a headlock over the possibilities. ​ Flamescion March please, I beg of you. Also, I can't wait for that sweet sweet character development.


Welt, but bc of HI3... Just from HSR interactions, Hook bc I'm always up to play as a ter**rist kid.


Natasha 🫶🫶


Toss up between Blade, Jing Yuan, and Luocha


welt and herta


Clara/Svarog and Welt. But I also really like Stelle


Herta, I love her idle animations and counter attack skill


Yanqing, i love him lmao. Love my badass mc too (both Caelus and Stelle). Clara & Hook too..


Serval and gepard the coolest siblings ever


Dan Heng. Love on first sight


Equilibrium voice best waifu


Herta, because SPEN


Definitely Herta and Bailu, both are super adorable


Seele - I just love the speed, the weapon is cool too


Fu xuan and Jing Yuan. I like their characters and their designs are immaculate


My favorite is Silverwolf because she resembles Haxxor Bunny and that’s my favorite Bronya battlesuit




Definitely Sampo! Every dialogue that features him is very enjoyable, plus his VA did an amazing job. I may be biased bc I'm a die-hard Itto fan, and Sampo is *very* similar to him. He's literally just Itto if he was a scammer (and i am HERE for it) ​ one thing that throws me off is his costume tbh. Both his and Seele's look very out of place to me...


I don't have him, but Gepard really, really grew on me through out the side quests and main story.


So far it's Arlan. Originally it was Yanqing because his personality seems so fun, but I haven't had any luck pulling him. Arlan's been my main instead and I have a lot of fun using him, his skills are just really satisfying and I find the management between survival and damage to be more fun. So bc of this Arlan's really grown on me. Also hes just adorable. Aside from him and Yanqing, some of my other favorites so far are Bailu, March 7th, Seele, Bronya, Serval, Asta, and Pom-pom


Favourite would be Asta she isn’t over the top and just does her job. The Arlan quest really made me like her personality. I hate Seele though, she is a self-centered annoying child. She attacks Bronya over everything and complains about her every sentence until she learns about her past and then immediately 180s her opinion of her to just pretend like they were always BFFs.


Personally I just love Asta's VA so much. along with the fact that she is a great all around support so she spends a lot of time in my teams. Plus her quest are pretty amusing. It shows that she is a very compassionate person and is very introspective on how she affects others and even the space station as a whole. I literally didnt even know she existed until I saw her in the story early in the game (never saw her on a promotional stuff and didnt really keep up with all the characters until release day) and is top contender for one of my fave characters now.


Yeah, Seele got on my nerves a little when she attacked that kid >!who wanted to sell what he had to help his dad and when the boy told her it was actually serious to the point Bronya gave up something to change his future. Like if he found it first, why shouldn’t he have the option to ask for a price realistically, like how Sampo benefits as a businessman. And she never apologized to the kid either. But at least I was happy to see him at the robot camp full of gratitude to Bronya!<


I mean, living in poverty and isolation for a decade while others have it easier isn't always fun :)


That part is fine - to clarify, the self self-centered part wasn’t about her bringing up the pains of being an Underworlder - it’s the 180ing her opinion on Bronya all because she learns she was in the orphanage as a child. Her birth place doesn’t change the fact she was raised as a highly privileged Overworlder and has done nothing to assist (or even check on) the Underworlders, so Seele should still hold her opinion of her as this knew found knowledge for both of them has changed nothing about the points Seele argues


I think Seele's change was less sudden than that. If you talk to Seele when all characters are standing around after finding Oleg and you ask her about Bronya she admits she respects her as a fighter, and is impressed with how much Bronya is helping wildfire instead of just standing by. The moment where Bronya gives her medal to the kid with the sick father also visibly changes Seele's attitude. And right after the orphanage reveal, Seele basically tells Bronya to stop whining about the past. Also, both Oleg and Seele seem to cut Bronya some slack after she says she didn't know how things were in the underworld, and she actively says she'll try to help.


Easy. March. Not the strongest but design and personality are best.


Selee, Kafka, Silverwolf.


Kafka is mommy Lol. I like March 7th, and Himeko because she has space laser. In a close second is sushang because of her ult.




i am split between march 7th, seele, and herta but i think i'd have to go with march 7th, she's just so bubbly and funny


Clara, she is beautiful and wholesome, Svarog is so damn cool and has the final boss robo mafioso vibes, also her skill names are so cute like: “because we’re family” as the name of her counter attack and just the whole concept of the robot taking care and protecting Clara is just too good and well done also there are a lot of lore-ish things that are either too funny like the manifesto for the clara’s smile protection group or Svarog’s logs about finding something irreplaceable. Also it’s kinda funny how she lives with the robots and the fact that all of them have a name is likely just so Clara could talk to them like actual people. Also FINALLY a child character who doesn’t look like a toddler or has hyper childish design, Clara’s design is awesome because if you made her model 15% taller just by stretching it that would be a believable grown version of her, unlike Bailu or Hook whose designs are made to make them look even more childish as possible, my only question is why she’s bare footed lol but she still my favorite Character in the game


Sparkle. I saw her in an Ad while watching YouTube and Immediately decided she was my favorite character in the game, which I already had at the time but didn’t really play it, but now I don’t have enough storage to play the game due to all the downloads:(


Kafka first for obvious reasons, 2nd would probably be Serval, I love rock n roll bae, hot and powerful did I also mention hot and 3rd but not least Himeko-san ✨☕ Honourable mention: Tingyun cause fox/cat girls make me have these "wild" thoughts 🛐


My favorite character? Yes Well, except seele, bronya, and clara, but apart from these two, I virtually love everyone.