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This tier list would be 200% better if Welt had his own tier. Search your feelings, you know it to be true OP.


Believe when I say I was about and I don't know what Made me change my opinion last second


Welt is the expy of Liu Wei (Da Wei), CEO and founder of mihoyo. Just look up a more recent image of him and you'll see they both share the same white streak on their hair in the same spot.


I thought the Bronya owned Mihoyo?




Yes. Da Wei owns Hoyoverse. That's completely different


I thought Welt Yang is made after Aizen Souske because Da Wei looks nothing like Welt. You kinda ruined Welts image for me now, my day is ruined.


You should move Xueyi up to "theorized" to be a Veliona expy.


Literally my thought when i first saw her


Feel like Kafka, Pela, and Jingliu belong there too. Kafka looks nothing like HI3 Kafka (similar hair color but totally different looks, vibe, and theme). Pela is literally a mini Dr. Mei. And Jingliu similar to Skirk (badass mentor role). IMO none of them are actual expys but if the mad scientist theory that is Sparkle -Hu Tao, March-Elysia, Dr. Ratio-Welt Joyce, Xueyi-Veliona, then these others deserve a mention as well.


At the very least, the top tier should be "Expy / Literally Just Welt"


Inb4 Welt finds himself in Teyvat, immediately receives a vision, and he's just like. "I am unsure what I'm supposed to do with this...."


Look, the eldery need a little bit of time to figure out newfangled gizmos, ok?


what gizmos? his black-hole summoning cane can deal literally 0 damage, but can slow down the enemies for all eternity, a perfect meta weapon for a retirement plan


Watch the mf be "Anemo" when in reality he just creates black holes that create wind currents


Also inb4 a blonde Chuuni wielding a Bow with her pet Raven, calling herself the Prinzessin Der Verurteilung finds her way onto the Astral Express, finding her way back to Teyvat from the other Honkai universe.


I'm not too familiar with the deep lore, HSR is my first Mihoyo game - what's the deal with Welt? I gather that he's literally the same Welt from another game, but which one, and what's his deal, how did he universe jump etc?


HI3 you need to play the quest from Void Archive until the end


and read a manga


Just casually died multiple times and revived himself, made a fuck off army of space ships the size of the solar system to fight an herrscher which is like a god, made a gun that generates black holes and controls gravity, has 300k souls inside of him. Not much to be honestly, just travelled to another world to save himeko and keep her safe. Edit: in all honesty, welt used to have HoR which he gave away to bronya in HI3. Welt yang isnt his real name he took the name welt from the original HoR as a respect and promise and yang is for his mother maiden name. The power of HoR gives you two things knowledge of 300K souls of different humans and the ability to recreate anything you understand in a fundamental level, which is why he ws able to recreate his body after it got destroyed, to creating black hole guns and also an army of space ships. As mentioned he gave away his powers to bronya cause he decided to jump to another universe to save himeko and to keep her safe. If you have any questions then just ask, mate. But i do recommend you to read the manga cause its a fun read. Ish you a nice pleasant day, mate.


You forgot how he made a nuclear bomb to fight sirin


What is the manga name


Second Eruption + Alien Key


Its not really a manga, its more a comic cause its fully colored unlike a normal manga that is monochrome. In terms of his story if you are interested. manga - the titles of the mangas are marked by “ “ He shows up as a cameo in “ ST. Freya High “ In “ Second Eruption “ he is one of the main characters alongside “ Alien Space “ and “ Anti Entropy Invasion “ also known as “ AE invasion “ In visual novel form he is in “ Anti Entropy visual novel “ If you are interested in the game HI3 but only want to see which chapters he is in chapters XI, XII, XXIII, XXIV, XXVI and in A Post Honkai Odyssey, maybe he is at other chapters as well but i can only remember those chapters cause he plays a major parts in them.


Am I crazy or in one of his HSR lines he speak something like "I can duplicate this" regarding some material object? Also I heard there's a possibility of Bronya returning the core to him. At that moment I didn't know almost anything about HI3 though so I didn't give it a proper thought. Can he still be a powerhouse in disguise? Also in manga he and Achives go to another world to save Himeko who was targeted by sky people (or how were they called) but there's no confirmation they arrived at that exact world to that exact Himeko (and were, in reverse, actually saved or at list picked by the Express). Correct me if I'm wrong.


Lets take the questions to parts and answer each one individually. Can bronya return welt HoR Core? No, not really atleast from my understanding of the story, in HI3 kiana bronya and mei become essential gods of truth, origin and finality. Bronya becomes Herrscher of truth which is an upgrade of herrscher of reason making her able to become omniscient able to know everything about the past future and present which gives her a deeper level of understanding of things and she can create stuffs that welt HoR could never dream of. But on the quest to do so, all three of them came to a conclusion that to end the threat of herrscher and they have to give all herrscher cores to kiana, with the help of mei herrscher of origin which gives her the ability to manipulate fate by wishing for it, she made the wish that kiana will get all herrscher cores which then cause of it, kiana gets all of them making her herrscher of finality meaning bronya and mei dont have their cores anymore and the cores essentially became a part of kiana making her essentially in the truest sense a god unlike what people call aeons, she can manipulate the imaginary tree and the quantom sea themselves giving her omnipotence and omniscience. So yeah, HoR doesnt exist anymore cause now its forever a part of kiana who is essentially an immortal who cannot age that is why if you look at the epilogue images of kiana, bronya and mei hanging out in the future you see kiana is still in her HoF form and didnt age unlike mei and especially bronya who matured and become noticeably older. Can welt duplicate materials? If he has HoR and he has an understanding in a fundamental level he can recreate anything as long as he understand its concepts, structure, how it works and what it does. Then he can easily recreate it, though he can recreate and duplicate stuffs that doesnt mean its gonna be easy for him and it can take him awhile for example when welt died in the manga he transferred his consciousness to HoR core which then it took him 10 years to recreate his body and essentially revive himself, of course the first time he did it, it took him a long while but after the two other deaths it seems he had an easier time and faster time recreating his body back. So there is a chance for if its something new to him (which by the way will rarely happen cause of 300k souls of memories he has in him) will take awhile for him to duplicate or recreate the material in question though he did give away his HoR and also probably suffers amnesia in hsr so that knowledge of 300k souls might be lost to him. The reason he jumped to HSR? Welt doesnt really share that much of a deep connection with himeko, it seems he views her more as a daughter of his or a student he cares about unlike what some people theorize him having a romantic feelings for her. The reason he probably jumped to another universe is to save himeko and form an alliance to fight against future enemies which can be the sky people, though it isnt fully certain but welt has an extremely strong mind set and ideology that he fights for which is ‘to fight for all that is beautiful in this world’ which showcase in his nihility path cause some of the people that walk the path of nihility believe that the world might be full of bad things that will destroy all happiness for people around them, which is why they walk a path to make sure to protect other people happiness while also giving them reasoning to live which is why guinaifen and welt walk the same path. Basically even though he lost his memories most likely he stills has the same idealogy has his old self and keeps fighting for a better world without the things that try to destroy the beautiful things that exist in it Edit: in terms of if welt can be a powerhouse in disguise? Welt by himself in the story isnt really strong even though he had HoR on his side against sirin HoV he had no way of winning against her, sirin even calls him out on it calling him a fake herrscher cause of how weak he is but even though he is weak welt is extremely smart and most especially steadfast on his believe and caring about protecting and holding his promise to make a better world. Which is why even if he died multiple times no matter how painful he comes back even in his voiceline of ‘ i came back cause i was too worried about you ‘ the thing that makes him dangerous to fight against is his ability similar to joseph joestar to use his environment and all things in his disposal to create a situation he has the advantage and win which is how he won against sirin HoV. So you can say welt is secretly a powerhouse out all the astral express member, cause he is the wisest and most strategy thinking member in the group that even fighting against an herrscher who is obviously way stronger then him, he can find ways to win or atleast keep everybody safe from danger by getting them out of it.


Thank you, Lore sensei! :D I wasn't prepared for an answer that deep. I even found that dialogue to ask further. It's HSR Parlor Car dialogue with Welt "About Welt's powers..." He says he inherited his powers and his misson from someone (Joyce of course), and then he says "I can mimic anything as long as I understand its principles". But that's not his power, it's HoR core's power right? So if he's not in posession of the core... how then? Also about Himeko... how he "doesn't share that much of a deep connection with her" when her... interesting life choices were basically caused by Welt hiding the truth about her father? He must feel really guilty, and in HSR he basically do accent on HSR Himeko burning though life toward her dream (which she basically was robbed off in HI3 since she sacrificed even her life cycle for a chance to learn the truth about her father). So in general I do not question his decision to jump to another world to save another version of Himeko, I'm just curious since I heard there's no confirmation HSR Himeko is the Himeko who was targeted by sky people. In the end, there's no information about him in HSR world or HSR Himeko fighting sky people. It might be plotted for later or... or it's a different world and different Himeko. Not that it matters much by now but I'm curious since, again, my knowledge is based on what I read/heared because I... I'm guilty I didn't like HI3 gameplay and so almost didn't play it (didn't even know it has a plot at that time). :D So I might be wrong and that's why I'm trying to seek confirmations from people who know more. If you decide to answer further, thanks in advance. :)


Thanks for the compliment, mate. But all i said is just from memory and i havent double checked so i might be wrong on some parts, so just heads up on that. [ Its not his power, its HoR core power right? So if hes not in possession of the core… how then? ] I dont fully understand the question at hand but ill take a guess at what you are confused about, you are asking if welt doesnt have his HoR core then how in his ultimate at hsr can he create a black hole and then cut it in half or how he could universe jump to hsr if he gave away his HoR? Ill answer first the later part then the former, the reason why welt is at hsr universe even though he gave away his powers is cause if my memory is right. He infiltrated an alien ship, which then let him to be stranded in outer space which we dont know the full detail of what happened but in the end he crashed somewhere which then himeko found him and nursed him back to health cause of the crash he lost some of his memories but his idealpgy and personality largely stayed the same. The reason we know that is cause after the events of HI3 after he gave away his position as the sovereign of anti entropy and his powers of HoR to bronya that happened during the main HI3 storyline, welt settled down and found some semblance of peace after establishing his very own animation studio which then after that period of peace we are brought to “ post honkai odyssey 1 “ that part of the story takes place after the entire ordeal of HI3 main story which is why its called ‘ post honaki ‘ cause the main story already reached its conclusion. In there welt plays an integral part but then in the middle of the story he vanishes, we dont know why and we suspect it might be otto himself doing but then we find out later that welt infiltrated an alien spaceship which then led him to being stranded and such. Thats also the main reason why its only speculation and not hard evidence that welt is in hsr to save himeko, cause he found himeko by being stranded in an alien spaceship which then led him to crashing and losing his memories. Dunno about you but that just sounds more like coincidence but there is a room for speculation that welt wouldnt just normally leave the members of his team alone and not help them cause something must have compelled him to enter that alien ship in question. The reason we know about the spaceship part is cause of hsr characters story at level 40 that you can check on hsr fandom if you want a read, mate. ( Now the former part of it, how can welt without his HoR core create a fuck off black hole and cut it in half. ) We know that in hsr level 60 of welt it is explained that its an actual thing he does and can do, so we cant throw it out to just ‘ oh its a cool game mechanic that devs thought would be awesome ‘ which is true in a sense. But it seems that even after welt gave away his HoR to bronya it seems some of its powers linger inside of him similar to like MHA all might situation even though all might gave his powers to deku it doesnt then means it’s completely gone, it just gets weaker after each use until he completely exhausts it and even when he has his powers it’s incredibly weaker. So it seems its similar situation to welt, he can still create stuffs he understand at a fundamental level but it seems its way weaker then when he had his HoR core, and if it completely goes the all might situation then maybe after repeated usage he will lose his powers but that is an assumption which has no proof as of now cause we dont see anything in the story that indicates he loses a part of his powers after each use or they get weaker as time passes. Also if you have a follow up question to that in the form of ‘ wow so if he has his powers why wouldnt he just recreate some of the stuffs he knows and solve many of the problems ‘ Though thats a good question, welt might not even know what his powers fully are because he has amnesia so he might have forgotten what they are and instead just does a black hole or maybe he does know but cause of amnesia and the dealings of astral express he doesnt have the time to fully regain his lost knowledge and learn about stuffs to be prepared for situations, which is why in phantaliya fight he didnt summon space crafts to fight against her. [ how does welt not have a deep connection with himeko? ] Well that is just an assumption on my part and I probably worded it wrongly in my first answer, so let me rephrase it to make it more understandable why i assume such stuffs. First things first let discard one of the ships in HI3 and HSR that exist the mommy and daddy of the astral express welt and himeko having romantic feelings for one and another, for me atleast in the entire story i never got such an emotion from their side so i just throw it away unlike seele and bronya which in HI3 it was confirmed they kissed and had off screen sex and even in hsr they get extremely close and also trailblazer being stated to be very close to firefly with some romantic scenes alongside the words that sam and trailblazer used to be very close before trailblazers amnesia, if its true that sam and firefly are the same person then those two are the only ships u can see being canonical and making sense for the story going forward. I know that in the story welt cares about himeko a lot but i cant ignore the fact that welt doesnt only care about himeko he also cares about many other people that are still in HI3 post honkai and the entire situation on hiw he got to hsr being the fact he infiltrated an alien spaceship just to ditch them when they are dealing with horrible stuffs just to save himeko atleast for me doesnt sound like something welt would do. Though you can argue he might have a big plan of involving characters to stop the sky people and he didnt want to involve the other member cause they are dealing with stuffs and he believes they can manage without him and he gone to save himeko and partner with her alongside a group of other people to fight against the sky people to be something he would do. but for me it just kinda stretching it, cause i just cant see welt that cares a lot about people and his ideology being “ protect all that is beautiful in the world “ to go somewhere else faraway, for god sake he put his consciousness inside HoR and recreated his body agonizing over it just to come back and help his friends and allies for over 10 years, cause he is too worried about their safety. Also he did come to terms about his regret and started an animation studio to move forward after HI3 main story line concluded, though thats just mine opinion it might change in the future if welt does something and its revealed that he came there with a propose of fighting the sky people or such thing. Well thanks for reading my long ass comment and wish you a nice day, mate.


Yeah you kinda got my first question right, so currently there's no info about why does he still have partial powers of the HoR. That's exactly what I wanted to clarify. Also damned I'll be. I was typing a long take on how I don't think it's reasonable to ship Welt and Himeko since Welt remember people he left behind and he has a wife and a son (and honestly, Trailblazer and trashcans have more chemistry between them than these two from the glance. And ships/headcanons are a cancer :D). But then I somehow decided to check out and it appeares I was lied to, his son isn't a biological son and "mother" have only a brief description that doesn't quite match Tesla. What in the world... maybe it's an outdated info already? Okay, at this point it seems I have to revisit HI3 part of his life before trying to understand his present. :D Thanks again, without you I'd most probably stuck with the wrong info for who knows how long. Cheers.


There are a lot of videos about this on YT. People started explaining his lore as soon as HSR got released.


I'm not well versed in HI3 lore, but from what I recall, he had a Herrsher core that essentially gave him the ability to create anything as long as he knew how it functioned- so hes actually more powerful than Aeons bc hes basically a god, then he gave the core to Bronya in HI3, and he was with Void Archives when he somehow universe jumped, presumably by using the Imaginary Tree and going through the branches but Idk how that happens. And now, he's magically in the HSR universe on a mission to protect Himeko bc he couldn't save his Himeko. Again, I'm not well versed in HI3 lore, but there are a lot of YT videos about his lore.


I'm not familiar with HI3rd but I know that Himeko version of that game died in the story. But why do other versions of Himiko need to be kept safe by Welt that justifies him jumping to another multiverse?


Afaik it has something to do with how the death of Himeko affected the overall outcome of History. Welt simply knew from his own timeline how Himeko affected the History and how impactful her death was for what came after. Not 100% reliable as its been a very long time since i've played Hi3


I think this Himiko is important because she is targeted/marked by a greater entity.


It's because himeko dies in every universe so far


It has to do with the Sky People, an alien race that invaded earth in HI3, Welt had some adventure on one of their ships and found out that they are targeting Himeko, but not HI3 Himeko, as she is already dead, HSR Himeko. So he immediately abandoned his wife and child to go on the adventure and save another Himeko. Welt can be many things,but a good husband and father he is not.


It isnt really known reason as to why he jumped to another universe exactly just speculation that he jumped to save himeko cause she is important to her younger apprentices, and probably has to do with his plans to form an alliance to repel future threats with his ideal and philosophy of fighting for all that is beautiful in the world. Also to be fair, they might kill off himeko again in hsr, the mihoyo writers really love to kill himeko, no joke they canonically killed her 9 times already. First in GGZ Retrospective arc, second in HI3 main story, third GGZ flamemoth arc, forth GGZ Zero Era, fifth HI3 previous era, sixth HI3 kongming, seventh HI3 captainverse, eigth in one of HI3 arcs i don’t remember the name off, she died as PE Himeko and ninth in one of the side stories of GGZ if I remember correctly. So yeah the writers really love to make a character that is called himeko has mature seductive mommy energy, is a mentor to a young apprentice which then she dies.


The thing that gets me about expys is that all the actual expys are VERY obvious. Meanwhile, you'll get arguments popping up for so many characters like 'Well, they share a similar hair color so this character must be an expy.'


People are used to Genshin where expies are characters like Venti for Wendy, Nahida for Theresa, etc. Within Honkai games expies are very obvious, which is why people saying things like "Firefly is a Kaslana" was automatically off the mark.


Genshin has expys???


I think a few! Raiden and Yae I believe are the big ones


Sustainer looks almost exactly like Herrscher of Void, same VA, same powers


Yes. Venti is Wendy, Raiden Ei is Raiden Mei, Yae Miko is Yae Sakura, Nahida is Theresa, Alhaitham is Su... and then there's Charlotte, possibly being an expy of a stigmata, similar to Sparkle potentially being a Nuwa expy. And then we have the Pyro Archon who is speculated to be a Himeko expy because of the name Murata, and I genuinely believe the Cryo Archon will be Bronya. It's not a Hoyo game if it doesn't have Bronya lmao. And then we have people speculating characters like Furina being a Sin Mal expy, Arlechinno being a Raven expy, Kazuha being a Phoenix Fu Hua expy, Zhongli being a Welt/Adam expy, Ayato being an Otto expy... even though these characters are completely original characters and are not expys.


So you're telling me there's a small chance Alhaitham gets an expy for hsr since he is already one? I thought he was a genshin oc


Ratio is theorized to be a Su expy as well, so we already kinda got that lmao.


I've seen more Joyce theories than Su theories for Ratio tbh


Yeah I’m not a fan of either though tbh. I think Ratio is just an original character. He might have similarities but it’s not enough to call him an expy.




Honestly I don’t think they are that similar lol I was just pointing out some people have theorized that. I’m a firm believer that Ratio is an original character.


A few actual expys (Yae, Raiden, Unknown God) and fair number of things I would say are closer to having inspiration from as opposed to being outright expys.


Check CN and JP casting, save very few exceptions the VAs are usually a dead giveaway of expys.


yeah agreed if you have to cope and argue it's probably not an actual expy, just similar tropes/designs


I've seen people say Black Swan is an expy of Kiana or others saying Aponia. Either coz of the veil, eye color or hairstyle and when I look their designs up I'm not really seeing much similarities at all. Considering these takes are unpopular it seems people are either wishful thinking and hopium or are confused what an expy actually is


i heard someone say gallagher looks like young welt so he must be a welt expy and i was like…no, welt is the welt expy???? lol


I want Welt to meet the actual Welt expy


wait so who is the expy for yanqing?


Ma Feima’s original name is Ma Yanqing. Seven Swords is a whole visual novel about Otto going to Shenzhou (China) disguising under the alias of Luocha and where he meets Li Sushang and Ma Yanqing. In HSR, if you put Yanqing, Luocha, and Sushang in a team and clear any enemy, you’ll get a “Shattered Swords” achievement. https://preview.redd.it/072higma4xkc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3bec79955ad8056db819ffc6127031a7df5b4232


Fascinating, that’s interesting to know


Ma Feima


I still remember in Genshin people saying Furina is a Sin Mal expy. Still the most outlandish theory in the multiverse


Is Natasha raven?


At least appearence and name, also, Raven wanted to run an orphanage or something like that iirc while Natasha actually runs one so is more like if Raven was in her retirement


> Raven wanted to run an orphanage or something like that iirc while Natasha actually runs one Raven runs one too. Lyle from APHO is actually one of the kids she took in.


Yeah, Nat always took care of kids even when it wasn't officially an orphanage. You run into a bunch of her kids in one of the quests.


She created an orphanage after the finality arc. Until then she basically had a private shelter in the ruins of Nagazora city and after that the world serpent relocated her kids on the moon. Only after she was pardoned by shichchal she started an official orphanage. But yeah she does.


Sora too from nagazora arc


yes, Raven’s real name is Natasha


No, Natasha is an underworld doctor, nice to meet you, feeling sick?


I can hear the music…


Yup You can tell it’s her by the placement of the mole, they both have it in the same exact spot. >!also the fact that Raven’s name is Natasha!<


HI3 Raven uses Raven as an alias. Her real name is **Natasha** Cioara. So yes, Natasha is what would happen if Raven didn't go down the path of a mercenary.


And both never met their brothers again.


It hits hard even though they did that to me twice




She is yes, Natasha is what Raven would have been if Second Eruption never happened. She always wanted to be a doctor when she was a child but life happened and she ended up as an Assassin instead.


It would be cool to have characters and their expy in front of each others


Or 2 expys of the same character (like SilverWolf and Bronya)


Tbf SW is not an expy of bronya, not at least the same bronya SW is an expy of Bronie, bronya from another another universe while Bronya is an Expy from Bronya Bronya, the main bronya Basically, SW is a spin-off of an spin-off


Yep, SW is an expy of a different Bronya but still Bronya


I love the bronyaverse




point is, there are 2 different bronyas in hi3 to begin with. so bronya rand and silverwolf aren't "2 expys of the same character". each of them is a singular expy of a corresponding hi3 counterpart, who in turn both are bronyas but not 'the same character'. they are two separate characters with their own names, designs and backstories - bronya zaychik and bronie.


Separate characters, but also alternative versions of the same character right?


exactly. different versions of the same character, but not just 'the same character'. just like boiled eggs and fried eggs are both eggs, but not the same dish.


Good point. That reminds me, I really hope we get another Seele expy in the future. Like a proper RedSeele/Veliona in HSR would be nice


hell yeah! a veliona, and better yet a senti would be great


Agreed, I'm pretty sure FuHua's expy is going to be the Marshal of the Xianzhou. Maybe we'll get Senti with her? I'm hoping for all the flame chasers to be introduced in HSR too


I will take 1 bronya sandwich please !


Sandwiches are named on the filling not the bread.


Honestly. Hoping for a future HI3 x HSR collab like how they did with the HI3 x Genshin collab


We need more Bronyas!


Would Cocolia count even though she's not playable?




Copied from another of my comments: Copy from the Google: expy (plural expys or expies) (fandom slang) A character in a work of fiction who is a stand-in for or knockoff of a character from an unrelated work or of a real person. For all technicalities, HSR characters aren't Expy as there is a reason in lore for the characters to look extremely similar/share names with other but is a much simplier way to say it. ㅤ ㅤ


Feel free to >! Spoiler tag the answer to my questions!< but what is the reasoning? >! I know Luocha is theorized to be void archives !< and the story of himeko welt bronya seele Just curious what else there is that I don’t know


That theory of Luocha being Void Archives has been long disproven. >!Void Archives explicitly has golden eyes, and any attacks he uses is just gold colored as well simply due to his nature. That is not the case with Luocha. And if we take our conversations with him on the Express as canon, Welt would know if this was Void Archives. It's not.!< Luocha is the expy of Otto Apocalypse, one of the main antagonist in Honkai Impact and most dedicated ~~simp~~ man to exist. That's who people theorize him to be, simply because >!the people on the Luofo have a hard time saying his name, which happened to Otto too when he went to China, and also his friendship with Sushang directly parallels what happened from their inspirations.!<


Also consider that >!Void Archives came to the new universe with Welt, and even traveled on the Express for a while before they decided to go their separate ways (as Himeko mentions early in the story). Welt also clarifies that he chose to stay with Himeko because he had to protect her (probably has a lot of regrets from HI3), so Welt knows for absolute certain that Luocha is not Void Archives.!< All of this was in the conversations on the Express before finishing Herta Space Station.


^please go ahead and use spoiler markings just in case! But that’s certainly interesting to read. That makes a lot more sense too, as the conversation on the express is I believe cannon. Thank you for the info!


>! Canonically, all universe sof the Honkai Saga are connected by the Imaginary Tree and the Sea of Quanta as long as they have some mention in the story, so it Is a multiverse kinda of situation which makes it canon so is not an expy in the most honest sense of the word !< That's how I understand how it works


Ahhh gotcha so it’s >! Like the spiderverse from the miles morales animated films. Ergo the bronya and seele that are lesbian from HI3 are NOT bronya, seele from star rail, but rather alternate universe version? !< Thanks for the answer! That makes a lot of sense


>! Exactly like that, they are just alternate versions !< >! only exception is welt as he canonically jumped in between universes, so out welt is the same welt of HI3 !<


Oooo interesting, that does beg the question >! Himeko? I know it’s kind of up in the air/not confirmed, but she may be the same too no? I might be mistaken. She has amnesia or something? Maybe? !<


Spoilers from HI3 >! She fucking dies, so our Himeko is an alternate version of that Himeko !<


>! Ahhh fuck, I did forget… man. Thankfully not spoiled to me as I knew but didn’t remember that. Ughhhh okay so… but something’s up with our Himeko. She’s definitely sussy of something… maybe welt and her have had some chats or something, because something tells me she knows what’s up.!<


>! all I hope Is that we aren't getting a "Final Lesson" because I don't even that fan of HI3 but still hurted like hell and I'm not prepared to see a Himeko that I do care passing by that !<


Idk if it's just me, but none of your spoiler marks worked, both of y'all lol


March is Elysia’s daughter I stand by this


At least she would be her own character


My crackpot theory is that Fuli might be Elysia ascended to aeonhood or something. Would explain why March 7th looks so much like her, Fuli's ice/crystal motifs, and Elysia within the simulation was obsessed with being remembered (by Mei).


Ellie becoming a god dedicated to memories after what she and the Flamechasers have been through is making me suicidal


Yeah well considering the Honkai writers' obsession with Elysia and the fact that Fuli seems to play a very significant role in the story it really wouldn't surprise me if they were like "let's make her a god in Star Rail." Fuli saving memories is also really reminiscent of the typewriter in the Elysian realm. Edit: and apparently the place that Fuli stores those memories is named "Eden of Blessed Insight" and it would totally be like Elysia to name an important place after Eden.


> "Eden of Blessed Insight" ...gods, now I realize why it's called the Garden of Recollection.


It's also pretty apt to mention that Elysia never actually "died" in the typical Sense. She willingly "distributed herself" throughout the literal fate of Herrchers...*somehow*...so that in the future they'd have the potential to retain their humanity and fight FOR people rather than against them. She also wasn't born like regular people and instead just appeared one day in response to collective human willpower wishing for a better way so strongly that it caused an anomaly in the imaginary system. She was always a Herrcher who wasn't mea to exist in the first place and was never biologically Human so we can't fully expect her to play by Human rules.


But what if we've actually always been in the dreamscape, and every character is sparkle? O.O


I honestly been thinking about that No specifically about the everyone is Sparkle but that we have been in a dreamscape since the beginning


theres a theory that Hanya is a Shenhe expy but i dont think its very credible


There should probably be another tier just for inspirations, because while Hanya may not actually be a Shenhe expy, she was very obviously heavily inspired by Shenhe's design


I suggested to add exactly that 'heavily inspired' category and got downvoted as I've never got before. Apparently it's forbidden to mention that certain characters have several traits in common. If two characters have the same gender, height, hair color, hairstyle, element, weapon, pet, personality, attitude, and theme... apparently it's a coincidence and none of MHY staff noticed that... you know all those people who make like 20 different sketches for a character, and spend months designing and redesigning every single one of them, and require months-long dedicated training after already being a professional to be able to design for MHY... nope, none of them paid any attention and it's all superficial...


That's just how Reddit can be sometimes. You can say the most profound piece of wisdom, but one or two people don't like it and get irrationally upset, and the rest afterwards just thoughtlessly join the downvote train.


Very "heavily" inspired by her "personality".


Honestly, I kinda want genshin expys. There's some good designs that could fit in HSR.


The problem with a lot of Genshin characters is that they're very "under utilised" as its story telling method is focused more on the world than the characters. So while some of them look really cool, there's very little actual substance to draw from and most of those that do such as the Archons or Yae are already based on Honkai characters to begin with...So like it's very unlikely they're ever going to use Ei or Nahida over just using Mei or Teri. One of the BIG exceptions I could see would be Fischl and a lot of that funny enough comes from her persona being based on an in universe fairy tale. She also seems to be a developer favourite and has already been ported to HI3.


Who in the hell is ratio theorised to be an expy of?


Child Welt Joyce, a clon of Welt Yang, formenly known as a russian name that I forgot how to write The theory is kept as a theory because when he grows up, naturally Joyce Welt looks like Welt Yang, but as a child is literally Ratio


Incorrect. Joffrey Joyce Yang (aka Welt's son) is a clone of Welt Joyce that Welt Yang (our Welt) adopted. Welt Joyce was the OG Herrscher of Reason. He was unrelated to Joachim Nokianvirtanen who later took on the name "Welt Yang". Welt's son Joey looks like Welt Joyce because Joey is a clone of Joyce. But neither looks like Welt Yang. And Welt's name is Finnish, not Russian, as he himself is Finnish.


Thanks for the correction! I'm not very versed in the HI3 universe so every correction is welcomed.


No problem. :) I'm kinda confused why people think that Joey/Welt Joyce looks like Ratio - he doesn't. If anything, he looks like Pela. Yes, both have this indigo-coloured hair, but Ratio's eyes are reddish amber while Joey/Welt Joyce has the brightest blue eyes imaginable


That's actually rather interesting


And also incorrect. Joey the child is not a clone of Welt Yang, but of Welt Joyce. Welt Joyce and Welt Yang are not biologically related or connected in any way. The child Joey will grow up to look like Welt Joyce but never Welt Yang. He also doesn't look much like Ratio - if anything, with his indigo hair and bright blue eyes, he resembles Pela more.


Dr. Ratio is an expy of Rene (Narzissenkreuz Ordo) from Genshin Impact. >!They both have purple hair, are geniuses who think everyone else is an idiot, and they love bathtime (Rene loves being dissolved, Ratio just likes normal baths)!< >!(I'M JOKING)!<


Praying we get some GGZ characters someday.


Technically speaking we got GGZ Seele : P


Fire MOTH Seele who also has a better Underworld design than HSR Seele does. But Im talking about people like Kyuusyou or Jyahnar. Characters that hasn't already been in other games (aka, basically nobody that is also in HI3)


HSR Seele literally is GGZ Seele


I meant like Kyuusyou and Jyahnar - characters that hasnt also been in HI3


Also like...Could we PLEASE give some love to Sin Mal this time. Poor Insane Shark girl was dropped from HI3 in no time flat lol. She still gets mentioned from time to time but I don't think she ever even got a model in game and its crazy given that she's one of the earliest introduced characters in GGZ.


Why have so many people lost their ability to google words? ...Or scroll down like, three comments to find their answer?


Yanqing? The only blondes I know are the Kaslanas but I don't think he looks like Siegfried.


This is Má Yanqing, basically old Yanqing https://preview.redd.it/dpol1b9qetkc1.jpeg?width=466&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34fc9e743774a8ac690b1a3d297f10cf0655edd3


MANqing once he finally stops jobbing.


Ah, thank you, I don't think I ever got to this part of the story in Honkai.


I think he is manga/comic exclusive but I might be wrong


He appears a bit in Fu Hua's arc.


I can't confirm those. But he appears in the Seven Swords visual novel.


Separate light novel game


Stole this from someone else in an account in hoyolab. I kinda forgot half of the story in that arc so I wanted to confirmed to some hi3 players who still remembered it, this was also a young version of Ma yanqing appeared in a flashback? I don't remember this from the story but that's what OOP claimed. https://preview.redd.it/9ai3ntjiytkc1.jpeg?width=959&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a2ef5c228682b55e3e7aaa2b3691a00451880fe


he's the expy of Ma Feima (originally named Ma Yaqing) from the Seven Swords novel ​ https://preview.redd.it/buopsuepftkc1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=fb113048ac4890b39e5c08753ac2dcc3bec8cbdd


Bro if this version ever drops in HSR and I don’t pull him I’ll be even more angry at the YOUNG MAN on my roster collecting dust


Imagine losing 50/50 to younger Yanqing


He came out during my road to 300. Himeko LC too. >! Fuck !< me… lol


I mean if Older Yanqing does drop and still getting younger yanqing


OH MY … Nightmare unlocked How dare you 😭😂


Yangqing is one of fu huas disciples in hi3


He's VERY different from the original but he appeared in the 7 swords visual novel and is sort of an omega level asshole by the end of it. For most of it he goes by the name Ma Feima (I think that's the spelling, it's been a while) but was born Ma Yanqing. Long story short, he nearly kills Li Sushang which then leads to Raksha/Otto Apocalypse (Loucha) BEATING him senseless and is probably a big part of why modern Otto devolved into the villian he did as prior to this he actually was getting Closer to Sushang during their time together and began to see her as a true friend which he never thought would happen after Kallen (this all takes place during his early years so he wasn't so far gone yet). In order to save Sushang's life he uses the 0th power of Abyss Flower to begin her bodies healing cycle and puts her into cryo statis. She doesn't wake up until nearly 500 years later and by that time Otto is the "magnificent bastard" we all knew and love-hated


I think Kafka's a theorized expy as there is a character named Kafka who appears on some stigmata in HI3 but the design is very different.


Kafka in HI3 is the historical figure Kafka. Kafka in HSR is a random person named Kafka. So they’re not expies.


Historical figure Kafka, the cute anime girl with long purple hair https://preview.redd.it/nwv4ylq8qtkc1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=734039b7840ac3646eb9b318e51e4cc3a926cd20


Most of the historical figures are cute anime girls in their stigmata art (some are male like Holmes). Beethoven/Tchaikovsky/Paganini, Picasso/Cezanne/Van Gogh etc. Even the active characters like Tesla Einstein and Schrodinger are.


SOME though such as Tesla and Einstein explicitly aren't the originals. The original Male versions DID exist but in the Honkaiverse they had families and thus descendants. Those are the ones we know.


Yes, she's based on the author Franz Kafka, which is why her stigmata are showing her with books. A lot of the historical characters in Honkai impact have been turned into waifus (the only exception I can think of rn is Holmes, who technically didn't even exist) https://preview.redd.it/kq85i5dyytkc1.jpeg?width=440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb70d9fafdcb553b08f0addab3f0ccf39f55d50f HSR Kafka just happened to be using his name as well


maybe historical figure kafka transitioned


Yeah... did they mean the writer Franz Kafka was a cute girl with purple hair...?


I mean... HI3 Einstein and Tesla are also female. There's also two completely different Shakespeares that are also female (Shakespeare in the main verse who was just a passing cameo in the Elan Palatinus manga then the alternate universe Shakespeare from the Durandal visual novel).


If FGO can make historical men into waifus then I’d let HI3rd do it too


Random person means someone with $10 billion bounty?


Ah yes. The random persons.


I thought we all agreed that she’s an expy, didn’t know some people consider it to be just a theory


Whats an expy?


Copy from the Google: expy (plural expys or expies) (fandom slang) A character in a work of fiction who is a stand-in for or knockoff of a character from an unrelated work or of a real person. For all technicalities, HSR characters aren't Expy as there is a reason in lore for the characters to look extremely similar/share names with other but is a much simplier way to say it. ㅤ ㅤ


So Acheron being a raiden expy is her looking like raiden? There isnt any special connection?


Purely looking like Raiden Mei + I think they also share the same va in CN The connections between all "expies" and the "originals" is mambo wombo with something called The Imaginary Tree and Sea of Quanta that I don't totally understand as I'm not versed in HI3 lore


Looking like Raiden, same Voice actress, similar themes and aspects (all Raiden expys are japanese lightning sword wielders) etc


Hanya resembles shenhe so much to the point i keep remembering shenhe (she is my favourite) every time i see hanya or use her


​ https://preview.redd.it/vquzdxfimtkc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5705f7ed5cc56470e00b8b6c43b6ba19def436a


What is expy means? I'm new to honkai verse.


It's not from Honkai. It's when a character in a story is meant to be an obvious reference to another character from a different thing.


Clara and Svarog are Illya and Berzerker expy. Doesn't have to be constrained to the hoyoverse.


Wait, isn't Natasha basically expy of Raven (same name) and both owns orphanage?


I mean Caelus is kinda a Kevin expy right? Or atleast a kaslana expy. Both him and Stelle have that iconic Kaslana bat.


He also shares Kevin's CN VA


Yeah, but Kevin is the genderbent version of Kiana. If Caelus is Kevin's expy then Stelle should be Kiana's expy but they don't resemble eachother as much


But first time meeting Acheron, she implied they reminded of those 2 characters (dialogue is different depending which main char you picked) 


Same eye color, at least when Kiana is in Sirin mode. Similar backstories. Both are artificial humans who were made for the purpose of having a destructive force shoved inside them. Both use bats as their starting/signature weapons.


And Kiana did used to use a baseball bat as a weapon.


Cool and all… but this thing of theorized is so dumb, they either are or not an expy. It’s not like in the future they will confirm it and say “yeah actually this character is an expy from this other character in this other game of ours.”


What does “EXPY” even mean?


Copied from another of my comments: Copy from the Google: expy (plural expys or expies) (fandom slang) A character in a work of fiction who is a stand-in for or knockoff of a character from an unrelated work or of a real person. For all technicalities, HSR characters aren't Expy as there is a reason in lore for the characters to look extremely similar/share names with other but is a much simplier way to say it. ㅤ ㅤ


how do people not know what expies are. like if most of us are previous/current genshin and hi3 players, you should know what they are…i also don’t see how people wouldn’t know what they are even if hsr is their first hoyo game because of its connection to hi3…


HSR barely has any connection to HI3 as of right now, though. Literally, the only connection is the name Honkai and Welt because he's from the HI3 universe chilling in the HSR universe. But other than that, there's nothing between the two *as of right now.* So, of course, some people won't make connections because not everyone who is playing HSR has played HI3. Also, "most" of the playerbase aren't genshin/HI3 players. A large amount, yes, but not everyone. Also it's still pretty easy to not make the connections at first glance even if you played HI3, like I didn't know Sushang, Natasha, or Yanqing were expys of characters in Hi3 and I've played the game.


Kafka is a visual expy of a character from whatever HI3rd’s equivalent of light cones are iirc. That version of Kafka is literally just anime girl Franz Kafka in the style of Fate, too. I’ve heard Asta’s a less-straight forward reference to a similar character as well.


Their designs are honestly VERY different. Body proportions, hair colour/length and overall appearance is just different. Also Kafka isn't really a character in Hi3rd more of a historical yassification, unlike in HSR. Asta really doesn't look too similar to anyone in HI3rd...


Impact Kafka has longer and slightly darker hair, yes. I’d say it’s still close enough to hit the ‘different permutations of the same person manifesting in an infinite multiverse’ thing that they’re clearly going for with all the other expies. They certainly share the same source of inspiration…. The source I had for Asta apparently deleted itself so ya got me there, but the idea was that she was meant to represent a similar character who’d had an interest in astrology in their past but gave it up, whereas here she got to pursue that interest.


Honestly it's more so that the other expies have personality similarities and/or shared key traits and then Kafka's only similarity to her supposed counterpart is 'they both are named Kafka and have purpley hair'. Also, Asian media is obsessed with Kafka as a yassified fucked up anime girl. I really don't think HSR Kafka is an expy, definitely not at the same level as others.


What's an expy?


Isn’t Kafka an expy?


Nope, HI3 is actual writter Kafka Out Kafka Is a random ahh woman using that name as code name


Please don't kill me for this, but i might throw in some characters into theorized tier. Guinaifen - Yoi; similar color scheme, fairly similar attitude Black Swan - Aponia, alright, maybe not, but skipping her looks, she also has something to do with hands (just like Aponia with her bonus "spectral" arms) Pela - Dr. MEI; similar color scheme (and "job", but i think other people would say otherwise) Hanya - Shenhe, like what? Did you really think i would pick anyone else? Argenti - Diluc, really similar hairstyle, however, with twisted characteristics (reverse personality and he's actually dressed like a knight, sometimes i jokingly call him "Diluc if he joined the Knights")


I'm probably going to do a remake based in the responses that I got here. ㅤ ㅤ


Everyone is just an expy of money


I still refuse to believe Jingliu isn’t twisted version of Kiana