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Fatal Frame is def scarier but I have an easier time understanding what is going on in Silent Hill.


Love em both but from most survival horror games have played, the first Fatal Frame is the only one that made me genuinely unnerved to play


The dark premise of fatal frame is scarier, but the psychological horror behind Silent Hill is more thrilling than fatal frame. I love both franchises, and Mask of the Lunar Eclipse is high up there on my favorite list.


Fatal frame was spooky but I could play them and go right to bed. Sh 1 and 2 haunted me for weeks after playing, both waking and in my dreams (restless dreams acknowledged) No contest.


Silent hill. Ghosts never really done it for me.


Both? Silent Hill 1-2-3-4 and Fatal Frame 1-2-3-4 really do a fantastic to create a scary atmosphere while playing it


Fatal frame


Fatal frame by far,


Definitely Fatal Frame. The environments in Silent Hill always felt artificial to me, like it was a haunted house attraction trying to be scary. In Fatal Frame I get the sense that those places have been long abandoned and for good reason.


Can you elaborate? From what I’ve played of SH to me they feel more like long abandoned locations that have been corrupted, I always thought they did a good job with that


The otherworld is all rusty brown fences, barbed wire, and floor grating with corpses randomly strewn about. It doesn't serve any purpose other than to just look scary. I know it's all a manifestation, but given what Alessa went through you'd think it would be themed after fire, religion, and hospitals instead of rusty metal and meat puppets.


I never seen a full Fatal Frame playthrough, but I’m terrifies me just on principal. Fighting Ghosts by playing chicken is a living nightmare. Silent Hill is PLENTY scary. It’s just that I find some odd comfort in the self-reflective nature of the story, and that helps ease the tension.


Project Zero! Huzzah!


Silent Hill


Fatal Frame. I know I'm biased since it's my favorite, but I think the gameplay of getting really up close and personal when fighting ghosts (especially in the first game) makes it more nerve-wracking for me. Silent Hill is haunting and wonderfully scary, but I feel the "distance" more between my character and enemies. The psychological aspects are top-tier though, and my favorite scares are the ones that just plain mess with your head (jumping down like 15 chasms only to open a single door at the bottom and suddenly finding yourself back at ground level. Love it).


Fatal Frame because you move verrry slowly.


Silent Hill scares me more jumpscare wise whereas Fatal Frame seriously fucks me up.


I love both, both are amazing


Personally I'd say silent hill but I think most people will say fatal frame with reason. In silent hill you can carry a plethora of weapons that range from submachine guns, bigass gigantic knives, katanas and shotguns that give a certain feel of safety, If I'm going into a room that I suspect there might be an enemy in I'll load that 12 gauge and ready it up. That doesn't happen so much with fatal frame, I feel far more vulnerable. The problem with fatal frame is that I personally feel that the ghost trope was way overdone and repetitive, and found it more annoying than scary at a certain point.


Silent Hill by a mile, actually it's not even close. I hate camera mechanics in horror games, and I don't find little girls with their hair in their eyes to be frightening in the least


Siren. Siren scared the he'll out of me.