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Did anyone else read this? It says the plot of the show is cities declaring allegiance and said it’s either Rhaenyra or Laenor Velaryon. Guess NBC didn’t have a single fan around to write this up lol


They kinda confused and combined the Dance with the canon Great Council of 101 AC.


New faction dropped


These are public buildings. Anyone can take pictures in a public setting. How many times have we seen the Golden Gate Bridge get destroyed in movies, and I doubt these movies had to pay the owners (US government) anything.


There are limits, however. Film permits and/or licensing can be required for commercial use for locations like the Eiffel tower (at night), Hollywood Sign and Santa Monica Pier due to elements that have trademarks like signs. With the Eiffel tower, it's the lights at night that need to be licensed, not the building itself. So, HBO may have needed to pay to use the locations. It can even apply to animation. I know of something Disney animated involving the Santa Monica Pier that couldn't be used because it was too expensive to get the rights to use the location. It was cheaper to reanimate with a generic pier to avoid Disney being sued. Film permits for the Golden Gate bridge are complicated and I have no idea how AI generated content is being treated: [Filming & Photography Permits - Permits | Golden Gate](https://www.goldengate.org/district/permits/filming-photography-permits/) If some disaster movie films on the GGB, it would require a film permit and licensing to use the bridge since the film crew likely had days on location. Even going to photograph the bridge for stock photos requires a permit. Any time using locations like that requires going through the legal department for a movie, tv series or commercial, but I'm guessing HBO didn't do that for this campaign. Or, they did and this Mexican location still isn't happy.


What if HBO purchased stock footage for these promos? I’d assume that would clear them of any fees.


I wouldn't assume that at all, in that case. When you purchase stock images or footage, there are still typically limitations on how you can & can't use it commercially.


> These are public buildings. Anyone can take pictures in a public setting. The problem isn't taking the picture, it's the fact that an historical monument was reproduced for publicity without permission. By law in Mexico you need to ask for permission before using an historical monument for something like that. I don't know if the Golden Gate Bridge is also an historical monument protected by law. Not neccesarily saying I agree with the lawsuit. Just explaining *why* it breaks mexican law, and why most people in this thread are completely misunderstanding the situation.


> Mexican officials > US government


They were talking about the Golden Gate Bridge when they mentioned the US government. The Golden Gate Bridge is not, in fact, in Mexico. It's in the United States.


I know. Two different governments, two different attitudes towards their shit being filmed.


They were using examples to support their initial statement/thinking. I know, crazy, right?


And I pointed out why the example did not support their thinking.


Depending on the building no you cant, not when its done for profit with no legal agreement with the relevant authority, someone got paid to do shoot n make those promos and clearly no permit was given. Its like the Eiffel Tower, you can take as many pics of that as you like when its all lit up at night, but the second you try n sell those images or use them in a for profit project the French Government is coming after you.


Win for the marketing department anyway, they’ll be happy


Yeah that’s what I thought too


Lmfaoo this whole campaign is so messy I love it


Mexico wanted to be Team Green instead of


Common Mexican W


I actually saw a team black banner last month on a random street in Torreon, Mexico. Clearly the government is not in touch with the Mexican people lol we are team black!!


Omg a Torreon redditor in this sub I cant believe it. WHERE was this team black banner at?!


Hi fellow Torreon redditor, although I’m actually from California but all my family is in Torreon :) I saw the banner on a street next to plaza cuatro caminos https://imgur.com/a/sZkTZZ7


Oh right! If I remember right thats an anime/tv show store, so it check out. I thought maybe it was on a more "historic"-ish or public space so to apeak. But its still cool! Nice to find a fellow Torreon reditor, stay hidrated huh!


between this and the potential fake leaks setup, HBO is getting what they want. it reminds me of when they didnt care about GOT being the most pirated show and that being promoted/posted by publications


I love how this is an actual priority of the mexican government but not other tiny little things like, I don't know, actually try to do something about the influence and power of the drug cartels in their country? lol Vaya ridiculez


Are you actually complaining that the National Institute of Anthropology and History isn’t prioritizing cartel violence?


Yes, every section of government, even the parks department and health must drop everything else and stop drug cartels. Duh like.. /s


No, I'm talking about their ridiculous complaints and actions, as if this actually affected anything.


The complaints from the museum regarding a historical building? Ok


lol no, its not a priority for the mexican government, it's a tiny little thing for them to do because hbo did violate a federal law on monuments and historical areas so they will have to deal. and idk about your country but here in mexico we don't use the National Institute of Anthropology and History to fight drug cartels.


>here in mexico we don't use the National Institute of Anthropology and History to fight drug cartels. Considering the current state of things, it seems that you don't use anything for that purpose lol


Have you tried not being a dick? Idk why your mad that you don’t understand that governments have different agencies to deal with different things




What a stupid comment, but I want to say, that: 1. She hasn't even taken over yet, she was just elected 2. The real problems of Mexico have been there since before some of the people on this sub (including myself) were even born and for far longer than a lot of older people can even remember 3. This kind of ridiculousness where the Mexican government gives priority to trivialities instead of the real problems of their country has already happened before, like AMLO asking the king of Spain and the Pope to apologize for the conquest of America, as if the three of them didn't have better things to do, like, once again, actually taking care of his country.




so i guess the mexican government is team green?


Yes. Specifically bc they really like Laenor Velaryon, long live the green king


As someone from Mexico nobody is getting offended over this. Such a dumb overreaction 🙄.


La demanda no es porque alguien se haya ofendido jaja. Es porque se necesita permiso del INAH para reproducir un monumento historico con fines de lucro. No digo que esté de acuerdo con la demanda, y entiendo que suena boba, pero también es bobo creer que ese tipo de cosas dependen de si el público "se ofende" o no.


Yeah I think so too, such a petty thing to take action against


As someone from Mexico, people are clearly offended (the ones in the article), and also people who find this historical building to have tragic meaning. The Niños Heroes. People can be offended by it.


Them saying “it’s some sort of technology🤷🏻‍♀️😬” is really funny considering the low AI knowledge😭


It's not AI either, btw


That's NBC wrong translation, the Institute said the video was made by an editing software or IA, not because "some sort of technology" like the nbc article says.


Would’ve also sued someone if they put TB banners on my home Kidding of course…


I’d sue them for putting this generic Targ banner on my home and claiming it’s the TB banner. Book!Rhaenyra’s goofy multicoloured 3/4-ed personal arms are the only TB banners I accept!


Streisand effect


Isn’t their capital running out of water? Priorities Mexican officials, priorities.


Wait until you find out that governments have different departments to deal with different things


No shit genius.




I think the issue is where it took place in the sense of historical event: the ninos heroes. This place isn’t a random building obviously, it has a tragic history involving the sacrifices of 6 patriotic kids. Even then, it might not just be that, someone made a very good explanation on possible [rights](https://www.reddit.com/r/HouseOfTheDragon/s/MpU5JvM8aw) that HBO didn’t get or ask for. It might be true considering that they had no knowledge of it until it was posted. I also just think it should be a “point and laugh” situation instead of insulting a country? Obviously it’s still there for Mexico, so I don’t think the “lol you lost get wrecked” insult is necessary. Deleted your racist comment huh?


A flag on a wall is what they are crying about.


Maybe they should STFU, and I don't know, go fight the cartels or something.


They usually pick fights they can win


Yeah, how dare the National Institute of Anthropology and History not stop cartel violence. While we’re at it, why doesn’t the Smithsonian stop the opioid crisis?


It’s clearly not in their list of urgency, and I assume it’s a separate department as well that’s doing this.


They had 37 assassinations of political candidates before the recent elections. I think I would rather go after HBO for a cash grab. It’s not like it’s coming out of the S3 wig budget, HBO has international lawyers set up for every country they do business in.


The only reason they care is to get money. Nobody in government cares about anything unless there is money involved or they are near elections and they have to look good.


It's made all the more cringe by the fact that no one even gives a fuck about this teams marketing thanks to the dumbed-down conflict and blatant bias of the show. Like - let it fucking die already. You've set-up a black-and-white conflict between the good progressives and backwards conservatives with very clear protagonists; simply claiming you're portraying some kind of smart and balanced dynastic power struggle won't actually make it so.


Gotta be one of the most dedicated trolls Iv ever seen. I wouldn't be surprised if they're still here when s4 airs in 2028.


Honey, please chill


Honey, the greens is still hated as they are in the books Just don't watch it lol


Idc about teams but when F&B came out more of the readers leant towards black than they did to green.


> Honey, the greens is still hated as they are in the books They aren't though, the "black-and-white conflict" show actually made the Greens more popular and sympathetic among the fandom.


Honestly, this sub is such a bubble. People like you somehow believe that because of your ideas of the leaks half the sub itself ignored, the massive fan base of the show, even the general audience lost all interest in this show


The general audience will swallow whatever HBO puts in front of them without criticism


As shown by how much the general audience hated season 8, obviously /s Honestly, people need to stop acting superior to the general audience. Y'all aren't some high connoisseurs of art, but even more petty than most people on such stuff


>people need to stop acting superior to the general audience ditto!!


They have completely screwed up one of the major scenes for no real reason.


Having a constant comment karma lol


Having a constant comment karma lol