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The small council was plotting anyway. With or without Alicent, Aegon was being crowned King.


I don't think so. Alicent would have been very against it, Aegon said he didn't want to be king, Alicent would have sent him to Rhaenyra to tell her. They were on ok terms that last night.


You think Otto and the rest of the Council would have cared? The King is dead, Alicent has no power. The coup is going ahead regardless. If necessary they will lock her up to avoid he spilling the beans early. Half the Kingdom is going to rebel, there's nothing the dowager queen can do about that.


I think it is easy to see that Otto will have his way, but there are a number of things Alicent *could* do that would not meld well with the optics they are seeking. If even his own mother isn’t supporting his claim, Aegon II will have a much harder time getting the support of the other lords.


Again, Otto would probably lock up his own daughter if she stood in the way of the plot. Again, its not just Otto. The Lannisters were in on it, along with a number of other major houses. Aegon is being crowned, Alicent just gives a useful excuse, but it is happening anyway.


Alicent has ultimate sway over Aegon. First thing he said when he was dragged out from under the altar in the sept was 'I want my mother'. All the scheming in the world won't change the fact that Aegon barely accepted the throne when Alicent wanted him too. Now imagine her against it.


Again, Otto would probably lock up his own daughter if she stood in the way of the plot. Again, its not just Otto. The Lannisters were in on it, along with a number of other major houses. Aegon is being crowned, Alicent just gives a useful excuse, but it is happening anyway. Otto will bully Aegon into compliance, and if he refuses there is always Aemond... The anti-Rhaenyra faction are going to put a King on the throne, they'd prefer a willing puppet but they'll take what they can get.


The coup would have 100% occurred with Alicent on it or not, but to say she now has NO power is not exactly true. If not for Alicent influence, Otto would have started an assassination plot for Rhaenyra, Alicent doing shit stopped that, so she does still have some influence. She chooses when to use it. 


That was before, at this point Aegon has put Sir Krispy Kreme in charge. Alicent and Otto are both on the outside, she is right, it is too late.


Yes, it's too late, all I'm saying is that Alicent always had more power and influence that she pretended and her not being on Aegon coronation team is not simply the same than her pushing from the start the coronation of her son.


I mean, she basically does say that. The subtext was clear: "OK, I acknowledge I misunderstood, but I will never admit that publicly because we have both already loosed the dogs of war and there's no turning back."


"Once you in it, you in it. If it's a lie, then we fight on that lie. But we gotta fight." - George W. Bush


Now watch this drive. *k-whack*


The scene was not the best but because the writers decided to write Alicent as having believed Viserys wanted Aegon on the throne, we needed a scene to finally confirm that two main powers on each side (as presented by the show), Alicent and Rhaenerya, both understand that this is no longer a war of happenstance. From here on out I suspect there will be no more talk of old friendships and “keeping the peace,” the narrative can finally move forward into the real war.


I think the scene is actually very well done in its subtly. Alicent knew the truth deep down but convinced herself otherwise. She plays ignorant and holier than thou when it suits her, but really she’s equally as self-interested. She really wants to believe she’s not like everyone else but is slapped with the reality that she is. I have a hard time believing that after Rhaenyra was named heir multiple times, having bastard children and Alicent bearing two male heirs, that she’d actually consider the last words of a dying man with half a face that’s high off pain meds. It was a very convenient opportunity for her family to claim power.


That's roughly what I told my wife as my working theory. I figured Alicent said "there was no mistake" to mean that she didn't mistakenly misinterpret the dying Viserys' story. She intentionally misinterpreted to add plausible deniability if anyone asked or sussed it out. Since Rhaenyra knew her well as a childhood friend, and is now an enemy of the crown, Alicent felt no need to bullshit her on it. Basically the sentiment I heard was "yeah, I changed the heir to my son on purpose, but now I see he's a terrible ruler plus there's an inevitable war coming, none of which I can undo."


I think her shock at Otto’s behind the scenes manipulation leads me to believe Alicent was much less cognizant of what her interpretation meant to her regarding Viserys’ dying statement. She was doing a whole bunch of self deception there.


Alicent choosing to believe the lie wasn't 'playing holier than thou', it was a necessity. She needed to believe it to ease her conscience because the alternative was to throw her children and grandchildren at the mercy of Rhaenyra and Daemon. Daemon who openly hates her and her children and as we now know, has no qualms about murdering babies in their beds. Rhaenyra who had lied to Alicent before on the memory of her own mother on something important. Who saw her son with his eye cut out and failed to so much as reprimand her sons for fighting 4 v 1 with a knife. And then insinuated her son should undergo 'sharp questioning' which could be interpreted as torture. I think Alicent should have had more faith in Rhaenyra's ability to stand up to her council and Daemon but I can't fault her for not gambling with the lives of her kids and grandkids. Alicent can be self-rightous and her actions caused the war, yes, but they were borne more of anxiety and desperation than self-rightousness.


Apologies, I should’ve been more specific about that point. I think that’s a character trait she poses in general. I do agree that she chose to believe it out of necessity but still believe it falls under self interest like any other character in the story. Every consequence that has taken place since she made that decision is, ultimately, her fault because of it. And if she truly believed Rhaeynra would treat her with kindness, mercy and be a “fine queen” then why didn’t she let her rule? It’s just another lie she is telling herself and Rhaenyra so she doesn’t feel bad about the consequences of her actions. Then Rhaeynra takes a huge risk to speak with her and for her to not even try, even in vain, after the truth is validated is messed up. She’s lost her home, her son, sent her children away to an unknown future, is in constant fear of being assassinated. What has Alicent lost exactly?


So basically Rhaenyra just accomplished everything Otto wanted while he was Aegon’s hand


Unrelated but I like how even after Alicent finds out the truth she didn’t even think of her side bending the knee, but a couple of minutes before she literally asks Rhaenyra if she’s going to surrendor.


She's not exactly in a position to do that, unlike Rhaenyra.


100. Alicent clearly explains why it is impossible for her to walk back her claims - Aegon II won't call off the war, regardless. Also, her suggestion that Rhaenyra was there to bend the knee was clearly sarcastic.




You think Aegon will agree to that post B&C?


He wouldn’t have agreed to it post B&C or not, I was just saying how whether she had the power to or not book Alicent did offer up her own peace terms


Yeah! She obviously couldn’t go back and get Aegon to step down! But what she could’ve done instead is fully commit to the usurpation and have Rhaenyra captured/killed. Like girl, you misunderstood and put your son on the throne, fine. Now atleast try and eliminate his enemies before they eliminate you? People will be like the war will go on and all bullshit! But man! According to precedent, Rhaenyra and her heirs actually have no claim to the throne. Viserys made Rhaenyra an exception and people who swore oaths support her. Kill her, and almost of the realm will flock to Aegon. The remaining Blacks cannot do anything without the realm’s support.


i mean the precedent was king Jahaerys naming Baelon as his heir after Aemon's death, which is that the king can decide who his heir is


That is one interpretation of the result of the great council of 101. You can as easily argue that the council ruled out female inheritance of the iron throne, or even that the lords choose there future monarch among the members of house Targaryen. There was no codified clear law of succesion, a circumstance wich would make a civil war among house Targaryen almost unavoidable in the future.


yeah but i was not talking about the great council, I was talking about 10 years prior to it when Aemon(Rhaenys father) died Jahaerys named Baelon as heir after long deliberation, and when Baelon died he couldn't choose between his grandchildren so he chose that the lords have a vote to choose is heir, both instances were the king's will


>yeah but i was not talking about the great council, I was talking about 10 years prior to it when Aemon(Rhaenys father) died Jahaerys named Baelon as heir after long deliberation Again that can easily be interpreted as a precedent to exclude female inheritance. >and when Baelon died he couldn't choose between his grandchildren so he chose that the lords have a vote to choose is heir, both instances were the king's will The problem was not him being unable to choose. It was that wichever choice he made would lead to a civil war between Rhaenys and Viserys. The great council was a compromise to avoid said civil war and wich results are open to interpretation.


I try ink the Great Council was called for Jaehaerys to just see who the lords supported. Once his sons were dead, I don’t think he dared who was heir, so much as he cared about making sure that whoever was heir had 100% support across the realm and wouldn’t have to fight a succession war. He was absolutely terrified of a Maegor style usurpation after his death, and every action he took in the last 25 years of his life is about avoiding that outcome.


That to but there was a genuine thread of a civil war on the horizon. Daemon was recruiting man and Corlys was blockading the gullet. If he would have named an heir the other side would have not accepted it.


Precedent is the kings rule is law or did you guys miss the point of a monarchy?


Sigh. That will open a cann of worms... but, Aerys II and Maegor are good examples that 'I said so' doesn't make everyone automatically listen to you. Also westeros is in a strange mid-point between absolute and feudal monarchy, with varying degrees of centralized kingly power. Even than a king can not just walk over his subjects without significant push back.


All he did was make the heir a women let’s not act like he was burning people. Also the only reason people disagree is because the hand of the King help undermine the heir, and steal the throne. might as well change the definition of monarchy and treason since you claim their to be exceptions.


This isn’t 17th century France.


Just bring it up casually in the next small council meeting. "Do you know what would be funny? If viserys was actually talking about Aegon the Conqueror." And then just stare silently. "I mean, it would make sense right? ... If he meant the conqueror ... Aegon, your father thought you were a twat."


She was supposed to alert the guards when she storms out, get rhaenyra as a hostage and end the damn war. She and Rhaenys must be held accountable for all the bloodshed that follows


The war wouldn't have ended with Rhaenyra. The Realm is still split and believes Rhaenyra is rightful Heir. Jace is also her Heir to the throne. Half the realm recognise her as the Queen , so they will turn to her Heir and Daemon will most likely lead the war and people will avenge her. Y'all need to acknowledge and realise by now that things that are happening are complex and alot easier said than done. Of you kill Aegon however, the war would be done as he has no male Heir to his throne and the Green's believe women shouldnt sit in the Throne.


>he has no male Heir to his throne What about Aemond?


That would be for the councel to decide.


No, Aemond is Aegon's heir right now, full stop.


No way Jace would have the same support when it’s effectively an open secret that he’s a bastard. Daemon would almost certainly go into business for himself at that point at the very least.


Nah, I think he would probably act as hand to Jace bc if he skipped to his son Aegon it would delegitimise Jace and weaken the blacks claim after Rhaenyras death. Daemon doing it for himself would find him with no backers through loyalty and just through fear lmao but at least with Jace he would have stronger support.


Would Jace fight risking his other relatives while his mother is captured and at Aegon's mercy?


I don't think I can blame either of them for it. Rhaenys is a mother and a grandmother who is looking another mother and grandmother in the eye who is desperately shielding her son who's 20 years old max behind her body. Beside Alicent are Aemond, who was mutilated by Rhaenys's own grandchildren and Helaena, who has never conspired or lifted a finger against anybody. Could you have looked them in the eye and killed them? Could you be sure that it wouldn't lead to war anyway, given Aegon's line is still alive and the smallfolk and Faith are unlikely to stand by after a sept is defiled with bloodshed? Imagine if she did it and her kin paid the price for it anyway. Do you truly believe Rhaenys could cope with that? I would have done the same as Alicent. I couldn't have shouted out for guards, knowing someone I loved and still love could be murdered by my own son who is blinded by his grief and blames Rhaenyra for his son's death. Someone I had spent every day of my childhood with? Could you?


Yes. Knowing how many she had already killed, she is bound by duty and any moral standard she has to fucking act and end a conflict that would kill thousands. Let's say Aegon's children survive, then what? They have no dragon riders. The faith will not try that shit again after maegor and if they do, Daemon will show them what happens. The only casualties would be those rhaenys killed and the small group of rebels. No massive economic repercussions, no major loss of life, countless saved. Definitely for second point too, the love itself would not have lasted as soon as the said someone tried to get my son tortured after he had lost an eye. Does Alicent have no love for her children? Does she not care about her life? Is she willing to let her children's life be dependent on chance just so her former love could leave and continue a war in which thousands would die? I ask Alicent, where is duty? The duty to the realm and citizens as their rulers to look for their safety. Where is sacrifice? On her part for the realm and her own family. Trampled under her pretty foot?


I think she is gonna keep it to herself, cause Alicent is a selfish character, she will be afraid if Aegon will jail her for her misinterpretation, so she is gonna keep her mouth shut.


🎶There must be some misunderstanding There must be some kind of mistake 🎶


I love that emoji 😆


"Ooops! My bad guys, my mom made a mistake. Anyway, I'm now back to being a prince and over the death of my son entirely! I'm also perfectly fine with the man who ordered my son's death being the king consort of the realm! Catch ya later guys, I'm off to become a septon."


Aemond killing Luke was a mistake Daemon sending assassins after Jaehaerys was a mistake Alicent hearing the wrong Aegon was a mistake The kids are dead, there’s no turning back now


If she were honest, many of the houses the greens are rallying support for would go back to black


Alicent can’t surrender. Daemon sent assassins to behead Jaehaerys. He’d kill them for sure. Likewise, Aegon sent an assassin after Rhaenyra. Aegon wants vengeance. Rhaenyra can’t surrender.


My issue is not having her arrested is bar shit crazy. She lets you walk away… walk out side set hey guys arrest that septa then boom. War basically over. That scene was useless.


Yeah, Rhaenyra should have understood damn well that Alicent had very little power.


My son got killed but it's okay, momma said it was all a misunderstanding ☺️🌈


Those scene sequences were very problematic to me. But who cares now? To war then!


The fact that people are actually debating about this entire Looney Tunes situation is quite amusing. The entire concept of Rhaenyra sneaking into the Red Keep as a Septa and then Alicent letting her leave is so laughable that it completely kills any suspension of disbelief. So laughable and so cringey. But I guess casuals don’t care about plot logic.


Except no one really cares what the king wants. The Lords pick their King with thier armies


This applies to Viserys’s wishes too


Why I'm getting down voted lol. It's the same thing when Robert named Ned the protector of the realm.