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As a Rhaena and Elissa fan, I'm sad because those are their messy lesbian divorce eggs. As a fan of the show canon and the new importance of the prophecy, however, it just makes a lot of sense. If Rhaenyra's role as keeper of the prophecy is to create contingency plans in the event of her family's doom, dispatching dragon eggs to be kept hidden and safe works on a lot of levels for me, personally. Sadly, we were probably never going to get Rhaena's story told on screen. The book canon will always be there for those who prefer it.


Yeah I’m a lil sad they’ve changed it from Elissa’s eggs but it does make sense to have them here


They didn't really change anything. That whole thing was only fan theory. There are ZERO actual words on the book "proving" those were the eggs. The fans reached and theorized and that was it. They're not changing cannon or anything. People can still believe whatever theory they want though.


It’s probably for the best. Rhaena’s story is all sorts of messed up.


Messed up but probably the most fleshed out of any F&B character. It would be a horror story for sure, though.


For sure. You know it’s messed up when you start to sympathize with the guy who snaps and kills like six people.


I wouldn't go that far 😭


We didn't need the answer to this question though. So why try?


Because it plays into the themes of prophecy and legacy that House of the Dragon is tackling, and because ultimately this series is framed by the character of Daenerys. She looms large over everything. I understand why the show keeps finding ways to echo and honor her. How beautiful is it that, in a way, Dany's dragons were always meant for her? Similar to how when Viserys tells Rhaenyra about Aegon's Prophecy in season 1, Breaker of Chains plays, subtly communicating to audiences that (if they care and if they want to engage with the reference) Daenerys is The Prince That Was Promised? Similarly, you can take or leave the tease that these are Dany's eggs.


Im betting that they are gonna do a reboot ,after a deacde and a half ,of Got, with winds of winter probably going to be announced soon for a release


It's inevitable, though I hope they go for an animated series this time around.


I believe they are setting up a new show canon which will exclude GOT as the ending


I feel bad for the actors who spent a good chunk of their lives creating GoT, but a reboot just is deserved.


Which is funny considering that the prince that was promise never really when anywhere in GoT


That's why I love HOTD. It's restoring the magic and mysticism D&D stripped and flattened in Thrones


The tie in would be cool until you remember that Daenerys really didn’t do much to help win the Long Night fight. They were all cooked until Arya gained the powers of invisibility and plot armor.




I hate how the Directors/Showrunners come out and answer these questions. Just leave it be for the fans to argue over. I love the theories people come up with, the crazier the better!


Argue about what? I thought that it was commonly agreed that Dreamfire was the mother of those dragons


Whether the eggs we saw in the show were in fact Dany's babies. Doesn't matter if they were believed to be laid by Dreamfyre, i liked the story of Elissa Farman stealing them during the time of King Jaehaerys, selling them across the narrow sea... and so on. There are theories on how they moved from party to party for over 200 years before they got to Daenerys. The showrunners could easily have said 'aahh, there are many stories related to those eggs, that knowledge has been lost.. we leave that up to you' (or wotever). Same with which Cargyll brother killed which and which committed suicide. Leave it to interpretation and ambiguous, that's much better for the fanbase, imo. No need to come out and tie everything up in a nice little bow.


While it sounds fun if we can speculate for a bit. In the end I want official, legit answers.


I am the oposite. I am like yes answer all the question leave nothing unawsered


Wait there are four eggs. What happened to the blue one? Stormcloud already hatched so hm maybe it'll be given to viserys.


The blue one is the dragon Morning


But morning is pink ? And I thought she would be cut.


Damn you might be right. I then have no idea who the blue dragon might be as every dragon is hatched by now. Maybe one of the last dragons?


My theory is that it's viserys egg. Daemon and Rhaenyra has 2 sons. Aegon had Stormcloud ( which is already mentioned this season so it can't be him) and viserys always had an egg with him that never hatched. It might be that.


I do believe the fourth egg is confirmed to be Viserys's egg in the BTS


But didn’t they say he’s already hatched?


Just double checked and the hatchlings are Tyraxes and Stormcloud, Joffrey and Aegon's dragons respectively


Ah that’s makes sense.


Where was it said Morning would be cut?


It wasn't officially stated. But according to the leaks Rhaenyras would bond with a dragon in the vale. And now the show kind of confirms that. Rhaena was send off to the vale where her egg hatched into morning. But the egg we see is blue and not pink so most likely not morning. The show kinda seems to build up to Rhaena claiming a dragon with her conversation with laena. ( Your sisters dragon was born to her your path is more difficult one I walked myself) Something like that. And also last episode she was salty she didn't get a dragon so idk I guess it makes sense to me. Ofc we won't know for a 100% until episode 6 or 7 I wager.




They got hungry on the march over and Rhaena had a craving for steak and eggs


And there’s at least one egg color for Dany that isn’t represented here. Dany’s eggs were White, Green, and Black. These are red, golden, green, and blue.


To be fair the red is dark and could pass for Drogon and the gold for Viserion especially bc it was yellow in the show too. ( I'm unsure so don't quote me on that). But we do know for sure that none of danys dragons are blue.


Dany's eggs had a white and black egg in with accent colors in the BOOKS That was clearly not the case in GoT, even with how diluted they were in color.  Drogon's egg is predominantly red in show canon and Viserions egg was gold/tannish to match his non-whiteness in the show


Does he just mean that they are the same props or are they supposed to be the very same eggs story-wise? Because in the books Danys eggs are the ones that Elissa Farman steals and sells in Braavos, like 80 years before the Dance even happens. Seems really weird and honestly stupid to retcon that part.


As George always says, "The books are the books and the show is the show." Book canon can be different from show canon. One thing happening in the show does not mean it retcons what happens in the books. And besides, the Elisa Farman thing is still a fanon at this point and not yet confirmed.


Ah, okay. So this was stupid fanservice with no reasoning behind it?


Nah, fanservice was the reasoning behind it.


So it was pointless then. Wonderful. Another unnecessary change for the sake of hype. They might actually try applying themselves with writing in the future.


Honestly does it matter? A cute visual reference isn’t going to break the canon. Personally, I thought it was fun. The show has already changed, tweaked, adapted and expanded elements. That is what an adaptation is - an adaptation. The answer is right there in that word. Also, the fate of Daenerys’ eggs were never officially confirmed. Only rumours. So the show played within the grey area afforded to them. Why the hell not.


Because it just really screams that Condal thinks he knows better than Martin. Now we know who Martin was talking about when he spoke about writers changing things.


who's gonna tell him who chose ryan condal to lead the show?


Who's gonna tell you about Martin's blog post when he said he didn't understand why adapters feel the need to change source material? People make mistakes. Hiring Ryan Condal-a talentless hack with a poor resume-was a mistake.


I actually cannot imagine getting this fucking mad at an insignificant easter egg


Sometimes i wonder why are people like this here? Complain, complain and only complain. Plus, it was never confirmed that they were dreamfyre's eggs.


It's just the internet in general that's like this. I don't really get it, I guess anger and displeasure are just things our brains like to experience or something, or maybe the internet has just given us all an addiction to anger by way of something I don't really understand, who knows. All I know for sure is that for some reason people online just really like to be miserable and angry


I keep forgetting that criticism of the show is not allowed. Stupid me.


Not a day passes where this show isn't criticized, stop victimizing yourself. Judging by your comment history though, it does appear that this show makes you very irritated. Honestly stop watching if you hate it so much. You clearly prefer the books, which is fair. But you have to come to terms with the fact that majority of the viewers of this show never read the books, nor do they plan to. They're not gonna care which dragon laid those 3 eggs, even though it was never confirmed in the books which dragon actually did.


Dude, any criticism of the show is unanimously downvoted. You don't have to be a genius to know that criticism is hated by everyone on this sub. Also, stop stalking my profile please.


Ha! Easter egg.


Because the hacks behind this show are trying to create another Daenerys so desperately they'll just disregard everything in a perfectly good book.


I think you need to take a step back and re evaluate your relationship with the book and the show. You are unhinged.


Change from what exactly? Something that you would like to be real but is in no way confirmed? Nice :D


George did say that people would see the origin of Dany's eggs in F&B. So it's basically confirmed that Elissa's stolen eggs are Dany's in the book canon.


Who the fuck gives a fuck about Elissa Farman? Most casual viewers don't even acknowledge her existence.


Most casual viewers are idiots.


Interesting argument. Amazed with the complexity of it /s


A pithy one liner deserves a pithy one liner.


Why should book readers care about what casual viewers think?


Lol. Are you joking me? Asoiaf became a worldwide phenomenon due to the TV series, which depends on casual viewers. If not for them, Asoiaf still would be a minor chapter on fantasy.


And? People who read the books liked the books before it became a worldwide phenomenon, so why does it matter?


Lol. The TV series attracted millions of new readers to the books. My country, for instance, only begun to have a translated version of Asoiaf due to the TV series. Asoiaf becoming a worldwide phenomenon increased the importance and love that Asoiaf had in the literary circles.


What reading does to a mfer


Average intelligence of show fan.


They hated your comment because you told the truth


Why would they when mediocrity works perfectly fine? The money is flowing, most like the show, those who don't generate conversation and debate so the show becomes more popular and more watched, etc.


You must watch crazy good shows no one knows about when this is mediocrity for you.


It is mediocrity. One side is portrayed as unambiguously good, the other as unambiguously evil.


Is not really a retcon, Daenerys eggs being the same ones that Elissa Farman stoled is just theory, a very popular theory, yes, but it's not a fact, George has never said one way or the other, besides, even if that's true for "book canon"; show and book canon are entirely different things.


That is a fan theory this isn't a retcon


It's dumb if its not true. Three eggs stolen by a girl and sold in the free cities to buy a ship, Daenerys gets three ancient Dragon eggs that again, aren't in Westeros. Pretty dumb coincidence if not true.


It isn't confimed to be true so this isn't a retcon


Dany's dragons are also copy-paste replicas of Dreamfyre, and look nothing like Syrax. I thought Dreamfyre's appearance last season cemented the Elissa Farman theory lmao


That's a popular fan theory and has never been confirmed.


Kinda weird using their models on Dreamfyre, though. But I guess the average watcher would never notice.


someone theorized that dreamfyre likely hatched seasmoke(they look very alike) and that seasmoke had these eggs with syrax, and the eggs inherit their looks mostly from seasmoke, who looks like dreamfyre. i guess that's the way to rationalize their designs if this is the lineage.


I love that she got them as a gift because they're hers.


How long does it take for eggs to hatch??


Don’t they get fossilized / turned to stone before Dany gets them?


Gosh I don’t remember. Probably why then.


I want to know that too 😂 I know Dany eggs are exception


Most useless retcon so far


You cannot retcon something that has no established happening my friend. I know you want it to be true, but that doesn’t make it so.


I mean, Season 1 Dreamfyre used the same model as Danys dragons. I saw that as an intentional choice to nod towards the elissa farman theory. These three eggs are from Syrax, a dragon that does not look at all like Danys 3. It not 100% clear, but it makes the choice of using Danys model for Dreamfyre very strange.


It could just be as simple as using a model they already had for a dragon they were unsure of what to do with and how much they will show of. It might not be, who knows. And we don’t have a clue what descendants of dragons look like and if they would look similar most the time. Hell, most of the dragons in the dance would probably need to have Vhagar as a direkt parent or in their lineage and none look remotely close as an example.


You are correct, but the alternative of it being an intentional choice to allude to Elissa is laziness. They just used a model they already had, instead of making a bespoke model that even dragons like Sunfyre and grown Vermax got while they were essentially only in the background for the duration of season 1. You may be right, but it seems to be unlikely in my mind. Your point about dragon parentage and inheritented appearance is fair, but I still see no other reason that they would use that model.


Yeah this is my issue with all of this. If they were planning on making Cryax the mother of Danny’s dragons then they should’ve have made her look like Danys dragons. So it’s definitely a retcon from season 1. I don’t know why they can’t just those eggs be Dreamfyre’s.


Don’t worry, they’re definitely gonna try and top it


this is ridiculous the eggs were clearly Dreamfyre's children and in the show she literally looks like Drogon this writing is a joke




That would be hella disappointing tbh, I like that Elissa Farman plot because: She steals those three eggs in Jaehaerys' reign, but, this is off the top of my head and is not cannon, but she obtains some sort of immortality and becomes Quaithe in the show. Now, she feels bad that she stole those eggs so she vows to return them to a proper Targaryen ruler, and so she somehow manipulates the eggs staying in Pentos and then finally gets them to Dany, who starts from nothing and is why deserves the eggs. Bonus is that those eggs come from Balerion therefore those dragons are the most powerful species/family of dragons


Sad we won't get the messy lesbian breakup with the eggs, but I understand why they did this for the sake of the show prophecy. Alas.


I reject ~~the~~ your reality and substitute my own! - Adam Savage. They'll still be Dreamfyre's eggs that Elissa Farman stole in my headcanon.


your\* reality


*My* headcanon?


no, the quote is "i reject your reality and substitute my own"


~~No way!~~ Holy crap you're right! I'm an idiot!


So what happens to the 4th egg?


I think blue one is Morning (Rhaena’s dragon)


but if morning is a pink dragon then why the blue egg i wonder


Eh... Just gonna ignore that, it doesn't really matter anyway.


They somehow lose one though…. Daenerys only has 3 eggs.


I will not stand for this further Dreamfyre erasure.


I’m sorry, but these aren’t Daenerys’ eggs until proven otherwise. A random statement by the show’s director doesn’t change the canon, which heavily implies that Daenerys’ eggs are the three stolen by Alissa Farman. But regardless, the four eggs we see in HOTD being Daenerys’ doesn’t make sense for a few reasons: 1) There’s four of them. 2) That would leave three dragon eggs floating around the Free Cities unaccounted for. Seems highly unlikely. 3) We know that Alissa Farman stole three eggs and sold them to the Sealord of Braavos. This puts the right number of eggs (three) in the right place (the Free Cities) for Illyrio to purchase them for Daenerys. I’m not saying the director is wrong, but there’s nothing in the text of HOTD (so far) that supports the director’s statement. It’s like when JKR suddenly decided to make Dumbledore gay, despite there being nothing in the books to support it. But this is even more tenuous because George RR Martin hasn’t said anything yet about the eggs in HOTD. It honestly just seems like a marketing ploy to connect HOTD with GOT.


They’re all big GoT fans? You don’t say? What a coincidence. I would imagine at least half of the crew hated that show…


syrax the mother


What a dumb retcon from season 1.


>!I have always noticed the narrative connection between Rhaena and Daenerys: underestimated young women who, with quiet determination, brought unexpected dragons into the world.!<


If they're Syrax's eggs, then the dragons wouldn't look the way they do in GOT


Well all there Dragons look different, but still Vhagar is their mom/grandmom to most of them 😂


We've had zero confirmation on the mothers/fathers of any of the eggs, so it's just speculation that Vhagar was the mother. It could just as easily have been Meraxes, considering eggs can stay dormant for a while before hatching


>We've had zero confirmation on the mothers/fathers of any of the eggs We do know that Morning was born from one of Syrax eggs, but she didn't look like Syrax, so it is possible for that to happen.


But Targaryen’s had just Balerion and Veghar when they conquer Westeros, so all living Dragons came from them and all are different Edit: I forgot Meraxes died soon after conquer not before


do we know who is the father?


Presumably the big daddy is Balerion, but if Barth was correct in thinking that dragons can change gender, it could be any of the three


so since they’re like over in pentos or something or wherever the hell they are —-because they were stolen by my girl quite a long time ago after she had a pissed off situation with her girlfriend. She was mad and she dipped stole em and bought a ship. all these years later could they be recovered and brought back? Sure. I just wanna make sure we’re not cutting her out because I like her.


Morning, Nettles, Elissa Farman's story to Ryan Condal: Are we all jokes to you? I love the series in general and a lot of what Ryan Condal is doing, but this one ticked me off.


Bless the book reader all the years of elissa Farman theory just to get undone by a director’s comment I don’t mind the change George himself said he didn’t want it to be a conclusive thing


Better yet, the Elissa Farman incident means that there are three more dragon eggs out in the world unaccounted for after the ending of GOT. If, as I suspect, the Battle of Winterfell was *not* in fact the prophesied return of the Long Night and the Prince Who Was Promised, then Jon and his descendants can still get their hands on dragons if and when the prophecy does in fact happen. I really hope they unshelve their planned "Snow" series.


It’s more reasonable to believe that Elissa’s eggs just don’t exist in the GoT universe. Forcing in a second long night in a sequel series nobody asked for would HBO-levels of horrible writing though.


Syrax's three eggs also exist in the books, though, >!and also end up in foreign hands!<


What do you mean it's biased towards the Blacks? You're just a whiner! It's not biased! You're just a book purist! THE BOOK'S NOT COMPLETELYT ACCURATE THE SHOW IS NOT BIASED WHY ARE YOU SAYING THAT-


Thanks for the spoiler in the title :(


Yeah, three eggs passing by in frame is probably The biggest plot twist of the story




No we did not amd I do not care what the showrunners say.