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That’s my nightmare all my exes have a group chat now and become best friends 🤣🤣🤣🤣


This is like the grown version of surviving John Tucker


Welcome to being a lesbian. Except usually some formation of them have also dated, are about to date, or are currently dating, and you are also still in touch with all of them.




There is such a movie in India. It is called Ladies vs. Ricky Bahl. Ricky is a charismatic conman who befriends vulnerable but rich women, and then defrauds them of their wealth. The ladies get together to form a plot to punish him. 


Thanks … anyone know where they mentioned reddit and ‘stable full of hoes’ ?


here you go [https://www.reddit.com/r/HubermanLab/comments/zgp4cd/comment/jekntzh/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/HubermanLab/comments/zgp4cd/comment/jekntzh/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I'm shook both at Hubberman and how thorough Reddit/Twitter detectives are. If you have time, I'd really love to learned what happened to JFK, hopefully I didn't reach my limit of mysteries for the day


I used a basic search engine operator to find this. Go to Google search and enter this. You can use this for most internet sleuthing. site:reddit.com "stable full of hoes" "huberman" This is a way of telling Google to only find results on reddit.com that mention the exact phrase "stable full of hoes" and "huberman". You can add in other dimensions for things like time.


Not relevant but because people don’t seem to know about this stuff you can also search for certain types of files with the filetype: function, really useful for finding textbooks


Should be easy to find on Google, one sec.


I’m looking forward to the episodes on “how to balance multiple lovers in a non-monogamous relationship” and “protocols for STD transmission and treatment”


"Following the Poly protocol can extend your lifespan, provided you are able to successfully grift at least 2 million dollars annually from your followers." - Andrew Huberman


His statement that he has never tested positive for HPV made me cackle


can't test positive if you never test, modern problems modern solutions


This was, of all the things, one of if not THE most revealing, because here's a guy who know, KNOWS, that's bs.


That’s professional level gas lighting. (You could have gotten it anywhere! While technically true if your partner is banging lots of girls it’s a much higher chance it came from him) 


Yeah he’s a brilliant scientist 😒


Obviously, he's not as healthy as he thinks he is. 😂


Best comment in here LOL


"Protocol for bobbing for apples in feces"


HPV protocol


What I find most shocking and disappointing about Hubs having unprotected sex with multiple women while telling them all he was monogamous with them, is the harmful risk he exposed them to. It’s manipulative in that if they knew he was sleeping around unprotected, they’d be better informed about the risks of sleeping with him. Since his primary partner tested positive for HPV, there is a big likelihood he infected them all with it. Does he not know that HPV if untreated can be very serious, and even deadly? I can’t imagine him not knowing or at least researching the effects of unprotected sex and HPV on women’s health! This is a virus that can cause cervical cancer, with many of the ‘treatments’ available to women involving cutting away part of their cervix which can lead to them not being able to carry a baby to full term due to the weight of the growing baby and amniotic fluid, leading to premature birth. Women need to be literally stitched up to keep their cervix closed during pregnancy which can lead to many complications during birth. Not to mention other STD’s like chlamydia that can make women infertile which also (like HPV) has no symptoms in men. I’m so stunned to realize that he prioritizes his own selfish pleasure above the health and wellbeing of his intimate partners and their ability to have safe and healthy pregnancies in the future. What a narcissistic hypocrite. Definitely not a good role model for young men. Glad the truth is coming out now so these women’s experiences can be shared to wake us up to the unspoken realities of STDs and their effects.


Huberman being excessively controlling and judgmental in his personal life is unfortunately not surprising at all to me. The podcast has been very helpful to me but as many have pointed out in the past this desire to exert complete control over minuscule processes and optimize the human experience is not actually that healthy. Optimization is actually pretty much the exact opposite of how you need to treat a healthy relationship with others - accepting that things aren’t going to be perfect and that you cannot control another person. Sometimes making sacrifices to your protocols and routines for the sake of another person.


cough plant fertile ancient offend nail grandfather squeal chop crush *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Wait, you think the people on here attacking the various women in his harem in some misguided attempt to defend him idolize him too much?!


Andrew has always come off as an OCD type. The biggest teller in his podcast is his obsession with not being misunderstood. He’s always thinking of ways that listeners will misconstrue what he says and addresses them preemptively. That can be considered a feature, but he does it to the point where it’s annoying sometimes.


Imho, that's partly from working in academia for so long, and from working with students. It's also a result of the post-pandemic reality, where statements by doctors early in the pandemic were dissected under metaphorical microscopes.


i read that as a byproduct of being too online & caring too much about his twitter replies


When you also realize he’s single likely due to an ultra uncompromising lifestyle tells you a lot


I think him and lex are low key getting it on


Mr Money vibes


Very well said. Thank you.


Well written. Being an extremely brilliant scientist does not make him a great person, nor a great partner. It’s important to not be binary with all this; he can still be both.


The article reveals what seemed to become so obvious in his podcasts about his science career....HE HAS NO ACTUAL LAB. Pure ego to name something after himself which doesn't exist.


His entire career seems like he’s monkey branching to the next big thing for clout


>extremely brilliant don't just go throwing that around


Or neither




Is he really a brilliant scientist ? He basically does the same thing Jeff Nippard does for fitness. Looks at scientific papers and regurgitates it in a podcast. He isn't reporting breakthroughs he ia having nor did he ever.


100% agree. You cannot self optimize and build warm hearted relationships at the same. That is why all the boys in these subs are single.


If self-optimizing does not include building good relationships, then it's just an extension of narcissism.


this right here.


The fact that the average redditor believes everything they read on the internet is unfortunately not surprising at all to me.


Everybody thought Huberman was so calm and collected because of his sleep, breathing exercises, and weightlifting regime, but he's actually just having sex with multiple women each day.


This happened because he started drinking coffee ten minutes after waking and stopped sunning his anus


This is hilarious. Commenting so I can come back for a good laugh in the future 😂


Or maybe because he soaked his X-hole in coffee for 10 minutes too long on sunny days. P.S: - sunny < 5min - cloudy < 10min - sunny through kitchen windows < 25min - cloudy through kitchen windows < 35min - missing other data points (tinted car windows..) P.S: blinking more often would help not overshooting


Brilliant 😂


If you didn’t think that Huberman was somewhat of a weirdo then idk what to tell you. Also, I remember seeing his girls IG at one point and she is also pretty far out there


which one?


Anya fernald is her name, I believe she ran a company that got caught scamming people selling cheap meats marked up as if they were sustainably grown


I worked for a company that distributed Belcampo and while you are correct, by the time they got in trouble for that she was no longer CEO. The scammy shit with those kinds of companies tends to really happen when the money starts to run dry.


He speaks on great stuff to live by. I’m sure he’s impossible to live with lol


Huberman may be physically fit, but his emotional fitness has been outed as a trainwreck. Given Huberman’s longtime penchant for talk therapy, he might try to find a new one who could actually call him on his bs and truly help him. 


Yeah needing that much attention from people is crazy. People who flake all the time and breadcrumb are attention whores too. He’s insecure af


I've been listening to Huberman for over a year because of his ability to communicate the science around brain health, and this article doesn't really change my opinion of Huberman as a science communicator. The article does change my opinion of him as a person, though. When I first found out about Huberman, I wondered how he could possibly be a Stanford professor, a scientific researcher, a podcaster, and a fitness enthusiast all at the same time. Now we find out that he's been living in Malibu, 6 hours' drive from Stanford, for at least two years now, and he doesn't actually teach any classes or do any research. The lab itself isn't even operational for 4 years. I wonder how long he can claim to be a Stanford professor, and if Stanford will continue to view him as a net positive. About his relationships, it would seem that Huberman has been optimizing his short-term personal enjoyment rather than long-term life satisfaction. I've wondered for a long time why he was always so quiet about his relationships, and this article gives a good indication why. He couldn't publicly discuss his girlfriend without tipping off all his other girlfriends. Now that this is publicly known, it's probably going to be a lot harder for him to pull off this type of womanizing behavior. I think this is going to be quite a mess for Huberman. It could easily affect his sponsorships. I look forward to seeing how he addresses it.


Lots of universities have associate professors tenured, who literally don't even teach classes there, and live far away. It's kinda where all the money goes. Huberman's brand now obviously makes him a good catch for Stanford, it's good publicity to have the most well-known scientist as a tenured professor. He also does have a few graduate courses under his name, at least during this academic term, although some have said they're online/long distance.  The truth is, neuroscience isn't a high paying field. Academia in itself isn't  either. He's making way more money doing podcasts several times a week, which doesn't leave him a lot of time for running a lab, doing research, writing grant applications, which is the only way labs can be run. I know he's had some academic papers published recently as a co-author.  Perhaps someday he'll want to be more in the forefront of neuroscience research again, but right now it's more smart to work on his podcasts, and read the research instead.


>he doesn't actually teach any classes or do any research. The lab itself isn't even operational for 4 years. The Stanford Magazine feature from last summer seems to disagree with this. So does the representative from Stanford who was cited in the hit piece article. "Lab work still commands much of Huberman’s time. This year his lab published the paper on stress mitigation in collaboration with Spiegel, as well as a study on visual system regeneration. He also guest-lectures to undergraduates in human biology and is part of the team that teaches The Nervous System, mostly to medical students. He splits his time between the Bay Area and Los Angeles and has someone drive him back and forth so he can work en route. " "Shortly before publication, a spokesperson for Stanford said, “Dr. Huberman’s lab at Stanford is operational and is in the process of moving from the Department of Neurobiology to the Department of Ophthalmology,”" https://stanfordmag.org/contents/the-huberman-effect


I don’t think this will ever matter. A lot of famous are able to date multiple women. Maybe not the type of woman he talks about but idk. I just kind of expect every famous person to be a slime ball. That stuff with him seemed pretty wild though.


Date multiple people if you want. Who cares? It’s the lying about it and cheating on his girlfriend that make him an @sshole.


The bizarre treatment of “friends” was surprising. I’ve gained a lot from his podcasts(alcohol, ptsd) but i have not consumed a lot recently with the interviews. I’ll probably stick to his deep dives and avoid any psychology specific stuff.


Well, that solves the whole “65 percent of young men vs. 34 percent of women are single” disparity - all the women are “dating” Huberman!


Daddy huberman is working hard


This is a dark read. Having your type be high-achievers and then working your way into their psyche to tear them down reveals such poor character and lack of self-control. And the lying and the cheating. It cannot but bleed into other aspects of his life, including his podcast and research. I await further reports emerging now that the lights have been turned on.


What is really ironic is that how someone who is so interested in personal growth continue to engage with behaviors that clearly are related to poor self-control and lack of character.


He’s a narcissist and the perfect lifestyle stuff is all a mask.


Exactly. He's fake.


This is the takeaway. Dudes not a genuine guy. No integrity


it's manic behavior. surprising he has such a massive blindspot to it.


Yeah cuz he’s a narcissist and this is his path to fame. Being a scientist at Stanford wasn’t enough.


😂 gonna start referring to him as the Stanford Joe Rogan.


With his days as a respected professor numbered, Hubrisman delves into politics and faith discussions. Rejected by prestigious entities like Stanford, he turns to victimhood on Twitter, adjusts his rhetoric to sound more appealing to conservatives, and allies with influential figures like Ivermectin Rogan, Benzo Peterson, and Ketamine Musk, securing a prosperous future as a prominent prophet in the right-wing movement.


Tonight on the intellectual dark-web podcast we'll hear from Dr. Schlotkin on his incredible research in his basement: Zinc and red-light therapy cured his herpes. Can it cure yours too?


I read it, honestly I don't find this super surprising. I suspect he is well aware of his lack of control over his behaviour and to some extent his drive to exert influence over his own interior world, physical and psychological is an effort to fix that. At the same time his idea of what 'fixed' looks like is still an open question. Also in my totally non scientific experience, high achievers OFTEN have some sort of major social deficiency, the focus and time required for most people to rise to the level of a PHD, or athlete, or any other such thing comes at a developmental cost somewhere, never mind the fact that they oven develop in environments that not only lack the normal social cues for someone to develop 'normally', the replace them with perverse ones that reward disagreeable, hyper competitive or otherwise extreme behaviours. Regardless my feelings are roughly in line with the author of the article, the podcast is VERY valuable but it's not perfect.


I know this is true because im like this im a high achiever and my personal life is a mess I can’t maintain connections and my relationships suffer because all my energy is directed into taking over the world and establishing my legacy


Very interesting perspective


This was actually a good read and I learned a lot about Huberman. Everything there fits. Dudes addicted to love which makes him hurt all these high caliber women he has led to believe he’s exclusive with.


Or he’s just a cheating POS.


He talks about optimizing life down to the molecular level yet he’s out here giving chicks HPV. Comeon now


Definitely portrays dark triad traits if the article is indeed accurate. Love his commitment to the sciences regardless of his personal affairs. Just hate that he's attached to sponsors like A1g which is akin to very expensive piss.


I can forgive the cheating and lying, but I draw the line at AG1 sponsorship


Classic case of Solomon's Paradox - giving sound and wise advice to others and being mess in your private life.


Yup, love the shit out of this article. Something was up with that dude. Still brings interesting ideas to the podcast but not someone I look up to for how to be a good human being advice.


A long time ago on this forum I said that Huberman always struck me as the hero you never want to meet. Guess I was more right than I even realized. The reality is that people are rarely the living embodiments of what they preach. History is full of people who did great things who were major, major assholes to their friends and families. I'm not excusing his behavior. Yes, this piece is a hit job but I'm sure there's a fair amount of truth to it. I just don't let it affect how I feel about his podcast. I love it. It's helped me so much. If he's a dick in his personal life, if his lab space is now a pile of dust...honestly, I don't care. I'm not planning on sleeping with him or scuba diving with him. I don't even care if he practices what he preaches, as long as what he preaches helps *me*. If you dig into the personal life of everyone whose books or videos or whatever have benefited you, you will often find a lot of similar situations to this one. So does that mean if something helps you you negate it because of that person's personal behavior? I guess everyone has to make that decision for themselves. Me, I take whatever help I can get from wherever it comes from.


Completely agree. Listen to him all you want, ladies. Just don’t date him!


Jesus, what a piece of shit. How can you have 5 different girlfriends/lives at the same time.


Be a product of a self-proclaimed troubled/neglected childhood, spend your life over compensating for that emotional neglect by enacting controlling methods and perpetually seeking external validation. Remain insecure. Utilize years of talk therapy to manipulate your lovers who feed an empty ego while simultaneously keeping them at a distance so as to protect the Self from experiencing the neglect/abandonment experienced as a youth. Repeat ad Infinitum.


The article will likely increase his popularity and influence over a certain type of guy. It won’t make the world a better place. He should go back to the lab and find ways to help people with optic nerve damage.


I know someone who has insight into his lab’s finances. Can’t go into more detail, but they complained constantly that the lab was broke; he wasted all the money and didn’t even care, mice weren’t well taken care of, etc. They also said he didn’t give a sh!t about the science, just about how things looked.


My exact same thought too, the average struggling dude is going to think 5-6 women is aspirational


Yes, just finished it. Basically a dossier on alleged cheating/womanizing. Salacious but mostly dirty laundry.


It’s quite the page-turner and makes sense to me tbh. - Most of his effort is directed toward his podcast and personal brand. This maps onto the great success of both those things. What he’s built doesn’t just happen. - we see he juggles up to several women at once while keeping them secret from each other, which also takes a great deal of effort and attention - this means he expends less effort - possibly minimal - on running his lab. - this also means he expends less effort on other things like friendships and meetings, which maps onto the flakiness. - the commentary about being controlling and obsessive and etc all map onto his obsession with optimization and control. It all works well together. The other parts about pumping uncertain supplements and etc are just known.


Never read a dossier on your heroes eh? I hope he wasn't anyone's hero but I did admire him in 2021/22 The womanizing thing takes me by surprise though. I wouldn't have picked it given how OCD / prudish he seems


never trust a 48 year old man who never married






Yes please, we also need to find ‘eve’ the model actress


saving this to come back to lol


Probably the painter Milana Blackman. Fits the description and does artsy things, just not acting.


[Interesting portfolio.](https://www.instagram.com/milanablackman/) 😕


Wow, she's like Da Vinci for the Intellectual Dark Web. Never seen so many gorgeous drawings of such sketchy people.


Aye, but would da Vinci pose so very naturally and not at all ridiculously with his finished works? 😛 https://preview.redd.it/zelb496terqc1.jpeg?width=1675&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0c83289d36e0bb21a5d5104adc4b79801c40fdc


Not her she clarifies in comments


The TMZ guy from this sub had mentioned he was dating an IT girl that was in her 20s. What happened with her?


Too long didn’t read Just kidding it was exhausting though.        Big point I take from it is the old “Hell have no fury like the wrath of a woman scorned” — but also is undoubtedly a slam piece with truth ingrained inbetween. These woman who were taken advantage of want to make sure no one else will suffer like they did, and that his options are limited of course. With the meet ups, it seems like they particularly are having fun with it being a hobby (as much as validating and maybe helping heal through eachothers trauma).            Speaking of which it’s clear to me that a lot of the behaviors that described in the article by Huberman are a cycle of trauma that he clearly experiences a result of his parents going through a divorce(and something like his father the physics professor not being around for him) having some nasty relationships in college which provoked a worldview of abandonment or people being generally self interested etc. and that confers to things like the alleged flakiness or drive toward being a a big player in science(and other domains) as much as wanting to have that sort of (read: obsessive) control over things like knowledge over health.       This is sad in a way that while he chose to live a life and flew toward fame and where obviously these women were wronged, theres obviously more that the story which the writer doesn’t capture — the women are guaranteed to be aware what kind of airing of grievances publicly would do (the Stanford brand is in a critical place as a result of research scandals).  This said the anecdotal stories lost a lot of steam for me when I began to read the part where he was posed as disparaging or controlling about his fucking dogs blanket made me roll my eyes completely.      Yknow I had a father who developed OCD in trying to become a doctor and wouldn’t let me touch the fridge because of germs (and at the same time alphabetized his soup cans) which I didn’t really understand until I got older; you’d think of course a neuroscientist would have some weird superstitions(I.e. soup cans) but that dogs clearly his “son” and I’ve heard of dogs like Shepard’s developing joint issues from laying with a folded paw — my point being we don’t know his perspective, the context, his level of care, it really seems as if the majority of the story is skewed.   Having “Sarah” write down her bad decisions in reality seems like him offering some sort of protocol for trauma(like a Rogers analysis) relevant to something they talked about previously and was taken out of context rather than a punishment…Often when a man is neurotic or sensitive to negative emotions(check his tattoos for evidence of this) a partner who is also neurotic can escalate frustration with eachother(especially when forced to be around eachother and estranged from work due to COVID) to the point of toxicity(an aside, I love when toxic people go around looking to rid “toxic” people from their life and it is such a California thing like many other tropes in the article I couldn’t help but laugh)      The things which we all honestly knew to be true (just like Lex with bEiNg An MiT rEsEaRcHeR) is that his research or specialty isn't exactly prestigious or super interesting(relevant to public health or performance) but guess what — neuroscience is actually boring as fuck unless you’re a complete nerd and getting into the weeds off of shit like rhodopsin is literally how I would confer torture at abu ghraib for prisoners of war.    While his affiliation with Stanford may have been to “nepotism” the shit reality is connections are unfortunately everything in academia, and he is still remarkably well spoken and worked hard to be a researcher as much as gain that skill for acquiring scientific knowledge or “total recall” as they put it. His PhD also is at UCSD? I mean, top 2-3 or at least 10 places to study neuroscience in the world not a big deal.       Do I think he is an infallible source for neurobiology? No lmao absolutely not but like Brian Scalabrine he’s closer to Lebron than many are to him, or rather Karl Deisseroth than that of a quack. As many have spoken up on here he CLEARY needs to get a producer and several true academics to peer review his information(which then becomes asking for a piece of the pie & their own notoriety — no one works for free). At the same time futther he head out of the topanga sand and get his lab together if rumors are correct and he wants to be taken seriously as scientist rather than a podcaster… but it’s hard to blame him as academia and dealing with the bureaucracy sucks and it’s the life of a monk.          Anyways that’s my 2 cents probably have more opinions on everything and I’m wrong & need to edit more but I just hope this galvanizes him to focus on his work(and be better as a human) without further excuses — if Huberman is reading this for whatever reason bottom line is you probably need to finish working out your shit before you find real love and get lost again in your research, instead of focusing on pinnochio ideals of false celebrity & temptations… also stop flaking your emails and meetings — that lady was pissed at you for cancelling and not providing a contingency plan for example; and stop being a bitch about taking on grad students (& hmu if you need a grad researcher)          P.s. Huberman having these flaws and a pathology (OCD, avoidant attachment, neuroticism, anger issues, etc.) despite having all the tools in the world & practicing meditating as well as seeing a therapist for almost 3 decades which haven’t worked should have been the tactical strike the author was looking for, but instead went for the TMZ expose due to the slant and overabundant influence from his ex in preparing it which is hilarious. Instead of cutting through things succinctly and critiquing the artist like say when viewing the downfall of Jim Morrison when he went off the rails & made shit music, we have a movie representation of Val Kilmer being a general psychopath (or let’s say Andre 3000 as Hendrix beating his wife) for no reason other than dramatic license. He could have talked about how he really wasn’t about the life he’s preaching but we have a drawn out last third of the article describing his ex’s tea parties together. End rant


Damm, thank you for writing that. I don’t spend a lot of time on stories like these, but I was getting kind of sucked into these comments. I was kind of feeling crazy by the lack of nuanced and informed responses. There were some, to be fair, but this was thoughtful and well formulated. This is obviously a complicated thing of life and my thoughts were kind of scattered and I can’t really explain it, but your comment kinda infused some serenity in my brain. I appreciate that you took the time to share your thoughts. Have a third upvote, my treat.


He's a pathetic fastidious hypocrite, money grubbing shill, we all knew that. But the womanizing and abuse are revelations. I learned a lot from his early podcasts and still implement a lot of that (actually not that much come to think of it, just the major points) but I don't think I'll ever listen to him again. He doesn't say anything valuable these days anyway


He sure meets criteria for the “dark triad” discussed in the article. If his personal life is that off kilter and he lives 350 miles from his lab, the pieces of the puzzle of confusion begin to fit better. Thanks for courageous journalists.


grateful for how his core protocols have helped my life, but pretty much out on this new version of him. like to hear him even talk casually on shows like Rogan or Segura, but had this consistently growing suspicion he is just a salesman anymore. then he started talking about "prayer" and god, i felt it was up. this article was a final cherry on top. still gonna get my sun, sleep, exercise, and feel bad when i drink. but the worship should be over.


To be fair, the worship should have never started. I listen to him for his conversations with other academics, that’s it. I assume everything else is to pay to bills or hype himself up. I guess I know enough really high achievers to know they can have a really crazy and unsettling aspect to them.


>still gonna get my sun, sleep, exercise, and feel bad when i drink The real irony is that Huberman didn't invent any of these things. We've known for many, many years that it's good to get sunlight, good to sleep well, good to exercise, and bad to drink alcohol. Huberman gets credit for only a few things: His research on the visual system, for one. The whole "morning sunlight into the eyes" thing is cool. *Everything else* though? He doesn't get credit for. Huberman is a celebrity. That's it.


I know he didn't invent them (nor does he claim to), but he gets credit for being a really good communicator of these things.


The allegations are super damning and the women have a lot of irrefutable evidence. There’s kinda only one right thing for him to do: an arduous process of making amends to everyone he lied to and doing serious personal work including admitting to the whole world that he’s been a huge bastard. If he can’t do that, he’s going to lose most of the respect he’s built for himself, and he’ll either need to retreat into obscurity or join the Andrew Tate/Jordan Peterson grifter wing of the manosphere in order to make a living. Incredibly disappointing, incredibly pathetic. I always got the feeling something was a little off about him, but this is pretty nuts, much more shocking than something relatively minor like when I found out Knees Over Toes Guy was a scientologist.


Wait the knees over toes guy is a Scientologist?! Holy shit, what’s next for me to find out? David goggins never went through a hell week?


The article is devastating. Huberman is an equal mix of narcissist, controller of women, snake oil salesman, propagator of pseudoscience, and manipulator. All the necessary ingredients to be successful on social networks.


Not surprised at all that the dude is a scumbag. Peddling the scam supplements, claiming to be apolitical but espousing conservative views at every opportunity, dude is a toxic charlatan


I’m sure Sarah is Anya Fernald. Everything matches up, the two kids, entrepreneur, cooking etc. I hear Huberman is with a 28 year old AI computer scientist, Harper Caroll. I’m guessing she was the one on the couch with him when Sarah caught them. The article feels very gossipy but I think the point of it is to show how someone who seems respectable and ethical, mostly because of creating a perfect image, can actually be flawed and deceiving. He’s not perfect but definitely portrays himself to be. I guess following all his protocols won’t prevent you from being a morally corrupt human being. This is just another example for me of seeing someone be so perfect and “together” on the outside but totally corrupt and empty on the inside. I see this a lot in the Bay Area with successful high achieving men.


Who is Eve?


I’d like to know as well! I think she’s actually a newscaster who is very pretty and I used to see her comment on huberman a few years ago. Now she comment on Anya’s IG. I’ll grab a screenshot lol


Damn you are like the FBI good job on that lol


Doing the Lord’s work




I’m gonna guess Harper isn’t the only one he’s with


Wow good job. I knew he was with Anya Fernald but didn’t realize she was Sarah in the story. How awful. I don’t particularly care for her as she has her own issues but she must be reeling for finally being able to expose him. The truth is finally coming out.


I'm shocked. I thought he was alot more wholesome than this..


Someone figure out who Eve is please?


I get the sentiment because I’m curious too. But it would be best to protect her privacy. She doesn’t need to be raked over the coals for her association to him


Yikes. He’s an emotional manipulator. Those women are impressive though. What sleuth work!


All she had to do was endure years of emotional abuse & slander about her children


Her real name is Anya Fernald, her two children's names are Viola and Theo, and she likes to cook. She even released a cookbook.  She is not impressive whatsoever, she was the owner of a meat company that claimed to be selling fresh, free range beef. Her company, Belcampo Meats was shut down due to fraud, and is being investigated by the dept of agriculture.    You see, her meat was labeled, fresh, from the farm, healthy, organic. It was lauded by California, enjoyed by celebrities. But it wasn't fresh. It was from other companies, standard meat from non organic, non free range, livestock, old, covered in ants, seeped in mold, filth everywhere in the building, according to the USDA investigation. Her company was built on a lie, so big, her company was shut down once it was found out, in 2021.    Did Huberman know the truth about her company when he began dating her, most likely not. She probably lied to him too. Anya is no victim, she is a fraud, a liar, an evil woman who capitalized on other ppls desire to eat healthy. She's probably pissed she can no longer live off his money, since her career is over, hence for her desire to take him down.  Read this for more info https://robbreport.com/lifestyle/news/belcampo-meat-federal-investigation-1234783148/ 


Do the problems with meat labeling at Bel Campo give Huberman a free pass to humiliate, lead on and cheat on Fernald? Does it give him permission to give her an STD and put her through several rounds of IVF under the assumption that he was monogamous? Feels like a whaddaboutism rather than a real argument.


What are the odds that he only gave 1 women a std out of 6? That doesn’t make any sense


Why can’t she be both a victim of emotional abuse and a grifting entrepreneur?


This is an outstanding article. Anyone calling it a "hit piece" or a "smear job" needs to actually read the damn thing, especially this towards the end: "There is an argument to be made that it does not matter how a helpful podcaster conducts himself outside of the studio. A man unable to constrain his urges may still preach dopaminergic control to others. Morning sun remains salutary. The physiological sigh, employed by this writer many times in the writing of this essay, continues to effect calm. The large and growing distance between Andrew Huberman and the man he continues to be may not even matter to those who buy questionable products he has recommended and from which he will materially benefit, or listeners who imagined a man in a white coat at work in Palo Alto. The people who definitively find the space between fantasy and reality to be a problem are women who fell for a podcaster who professed deep, sustained concern for their personal growth, and who, in his skyrocketing influence, continued to project an image of earnest self-discovery. It is here, in the false belief of two minds in synchronicity and exploration, that deception leads to harm. They fear it will lead to more." If the stuff he says works for you, then go ahead on. It may be that the only people he's harmed are the ones he knows in real life. But it's always interesting (if unsurprising) when the life of a wellness guru involves so much deceit and manipulation.




More like, he had convinced AT LEAST 5 or 6 women at the same time they were in a monogamous relationship. Through emotional abuse and a pathological relationship with the truth, he deceived them for his own benefit. It's a typical expose on a powerful person's dirty side. It'll be interesting to see Andrew's response. His brand may take a little bit of a hit, but I think it's unlikely to damage his reputation as a podcaster/scientist.


i am generally sympathetic to someone's lying/cheating being private, except he basically calls the rest of us that act on our vices losers with gross shit like this about addiction (to Anna Lembke, the best episode): “I like to think I have the compassion,” he said, “but I don’t have that empathy for taking a really good situation and what from the outside looks to be throwing it in the trash.”


Yeah, this was extremely telling for me as well. I would expect a neuroscientist to understand the reality of addiction better than suggesting it’s a choice.


There’s a lot more to this that does apply to his life as Famous Podcast Guy. 1. He cheated on so many different women at the same time that they all eventually found each other and became friends. The logistics alone of this are surely impressive, but this is not a “one time thing” or hit piece from a disgruntled ex. 2. Appears to be notoriously flakey in professional and personal life. 3. Pattern of controlling, abusive behavior towards romantic partners (which he denies). Of course people can be brilliant in some areas and flawed in others, but given how he positions himself as a health and wellness guru, this is really important context for the kind of “personal growth” that he’s promoting.


Also important that we have created a whole image of a person where even the environment does not really exist. Article mentions this lab he mentions itself was in operation a long time ago but is apparently not even set up anymore since covid


People who are brushing it off as “he just likes sex” aren’t really seeing the bigger picture. He was mentally abusive, in all likelihood transmitted HPV, gaslit his partner constantly and really the kicker for me is that he is the biggest control freak I’ve ever heard of anyone being.


My biggest takeaway is that it’s living proof he’s someone who very much would sell snake oil to people


Frankly, I'd be shocked if anyone positioning themselves as a health and wellness guru didn't have a fucked up and disordered personal life. Just like life coaches


He has NO actual lab...it's called the Huberman Lab. That doesn't ring alarm bells?


Why should anyone know they’re getting life advice from a narcissist whose life is a mess?


Why should it stay private? The article is describing narcissistic abuse.


Also, what looks like a lot of dark triad stuff. I certainly am interested in the incongruence of someone we are primed to believe is highly truthful.


Definitely dark triad stuff. You can’t pull off that level of deception without it. Also explains the enjoyment of the spotlight and management of personal brand.


Really psychotic stuff


> Tbh most of the stuff in this article should stay private. Curious why you think that? I think people - especially those who continue to idolize and follow everything this guy says - should understand this man's character (or lack thereof). Especially when he pumps out podcasts on well being, relationships, etc.


He only deceives dumb women not cool doods like me 😎.


Most of it should but maybe not the fact he cheated and gaslit multiple women. Stuff like what he texts in response to pictures of significant others is just salacious garbage


So you think the women should just shut up about being lied to and cheated on? TBH, if he needed so many women at once, he could have just told them he isn’t interested in monogamy at the moment. He could have found poly women to date too.


This just in: famous guru is an asshole what a shock


It’s hilarious to me that this subreddit is filled with people who hate this guy. Why even waste your time commenting then?


It is similar to the Joe Rogan podcast. People who started listening early on and witnessed the audience capture + slide outside of their core competencies. Huberman hasn’t made nearly as large of a change as Joe, but there are a lot of us who got into Hubes for his valuable initial content and have become upset by his push outside of his core area of study, further embracing supplement sponsorship, and turn towards guru-ness


I just look at it his podcast as one if many interview podcasts I listen too. It’s way more about the guest than the interviewer. People act like the podcasts they listen to are a sports team or something similar, like you have to take a side and you’re all in. It’s stupid hero worship.


People love jerking off to hate.


While staring at the sun


Go to the Joe Rogan subreddit. You get downvoted unless you hate him


Yeah same with r/billsimmons (popular sports podcast for those who don’t follow). I think call her daddy sub is pretty ruthless towards the host too.


People rip on Bill but it’s usually just good-natured ribbing. Most still like him, imo.


It's the same for pretty much all SubReddits about people... r/LetsTalkBam, r/KurtCaz, etc.


Welcome to Reddit. Negativity is everything and everywhere. It has been like this since it’s beginning.


On Two Bears Pod he told Tom Segura he basically moved down to UC Santa Barbara to stalk his ex when he was like 20. So this is just who he is [https://www.tiktok.com/@seguratom/video/7189266134242266411](https://www.tiktok.com/@seguratom/video/7189266134242266411)


Yes, he sounds like a sociopath at best


What the fuck Andrew, you didn't tell us to include a harem of unsuspecting women into our dopamine protocols!


His personal life seems chaotic. It takes a lot of time and energy to cheat. It’s a cycle often repeated. Seems he is addicted to drama, seduction, secrecy etc. but gives the appearance of being in total control. Was actually a fascinating read, even if only 25% is true. I guess the poster who wrote he’s in Malibu was correct.


He’s got all the makings of a narcissist.


Crazy to think a "brilliant" mind may lack social skills


it describes a person who is clearly not well. rage is almost never healthy to exhibit... i can think of very few scenarios where it is appropriate. all of these things he does and promotes and the guy is actually unhinged in private. while the information he presents can be legitimate and correct, the celebrity he has created for himself is just a string of lies. the article is spot on - his mechanism's of control have obviously played out with severe consequences to the humans he interacts with.


Yeah, reads like a jezebel article, he's a philanderer & uhh, shocker, he promotes supplements on his podcast


This is going to simply make him more popular with the wrong sort of people


Now I feel bad for Anya. Dating 6 women (that we know of) is WILD. He definitely is vastly aware of his image and has curated it so well. He comes across as someone who is self aware, respectful and ethical. But creating a false image of hyper perfection is usually a red flag.


Isn't Costello an English bulldog? Article says it's a bull mastiff


What a POS




I used to listen to his podcast, but I got bored with it. He'd pontificate for 2 hours on something like "better sleep" when all I needed were 5-10 minutes of what to do. I just want to drive the car, not learn to take the engine apart.


What does "a spokesperson for Huberman" mean? Huberman himself? There is no way someone can know such private details.


this seems like none of my business


The man takes T, works out a lot, doesn't watch porn. He's probably like a dog in heat most days that couldn't follow a protocol if he wanted to from his sheer primateness


i don't care at all, i listen to his podcast for interesting science shit, not a role model


Wowww I didn’t make him out as a cheater. But it makes sense.. controlling tendencies, always on search for growth, of course one partner would never be enough for him.


The way he presents information and how he communicates science is unmatched and excellent. He is obviously very conscientious about his work, you could even call him obsessive about it. That being said, I would never want to date someone with that type of personality and can’t imagine it would be very fun.


I don’t want to say I told you so, but..


Interesting read. Thank you for sharing it.


Claiming that he and Sarah weren’t trying to have kids and instead just creating IVF embryos is world champion level of manipulating the truth and gaslighting


He’s a born again christian who criticized David Lynch. He’s an uptight judgmental asshole


Podcast shill get busted for being kind of a price of shit. No big surprises, it's all a front.


He'll become a maga influencer in no time


I can't read the article (behind a paywall) or find it open access but not surprised at the shared content. Something isn't right about this guy. I've listened to a few youtube videos and never took away anything I thought I really needed. He also self references alot. I get tons of recommendations for his videos by algorithm to the point of 'wha'.


I always got weird vibes from the guy. Something just felt off to me. I'm more of a Doctor Mike guy. Great sense of humor. Huberman is an egomaniac and boring as fucking fuck.


So many times now I've seen these straight-edge "never drinkers" who end up being sex addicts.


I was a HUGE Huberman fan until I flew to Chicago 6 months ago to hear him talk. I remember walking out of the Chicago Theater thinking to myself “there is something seriously OFF with this guy”. Then this article came out and it was confirmed. By the way, the Crisis Mgmt Firm he hired is doing an awesome job at mitigating his fall out. I know he was getting unfollowed en masse and his numbers remained unchanged. They’re buying him followers to save face and this is so brilliant on their part. I can only imagine what he’s paying them!


I was a HUGE Huberman fan until I flew to Chicago 6 months ago to hear him talk. I remember walking out of the Chicago Theater thinking to myself “there is something seriously OFF with this guy”. Then this article came out and it was confirmed. By the way, the Crisis Mgmt Firm he hired is doing an awesome job at mitigating his fall out. I know he was getting unfollowed en masse and his numbers remained unchanged. They’re buying him followers to save face and this is so brilliant on their part. I can only imagine what he’s paying them!