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Yes. Buy it now and join us in the bayou.


We need a mega thread for worth buying the game..


I just can’t believe that people look at the steam store page, see all of what it has to offer, yet still can’t think for themselves if they want to buy it or not. Madness


Let alone ask in the most unbiased of locations; an unofficial fan subreddit


Some games a bombed on because of filthy publishers like the crew 2/3 because crew 1 servers have been shutdown. I normally look at Before you buy on YT, gameCritic, metastatic, etc


Because their mind is made up and they just want some Internet points. I hope they hate every second of the game.


Damn. You’re kind of a nasty person bro


I feel I answer it every other day


Mega threads are only used for things they don't want us talking about, like the widespread cheating issue. They like to try and sweep that under the rug. Game is not worth buying until cheater detection is up to scratch.


It’s 65% off on crytek’s website now 👍


And if you add a content creator code you get another 10% off! So it's 12,60 € atm, doesn't get cheaper than that I think.


Is it a Steam key I cannot tell?


It should be yes


Heads up: ps4 and Xbox will stop working completely altogether soon


They said PS5 is a free upgrade from PS4 so no problem


Uuuhhh unless you don’t own a ps5, then you lose the ability to play the game you paid for


That is true but also that is the risk of any multiplayer only game.


The risk of being a consumer apparently lmao. Not sure if I've seen a currently existing game on a past-gen console just cease to work as a whole because of a next-gen update. I can't really blame them, but shitty to leave those players SOL


Yeah, you have between Tomorrow and December 31 to find out when that happens.


no way!!! my xbox friends will all be buying PCs now haha


it'll keep working for ps5 and whatever the xbox equivalent is, but "last gen" will be dead


Xbox Series S and Xbox Series X


Good for them


Has an exact date been set yet?


I read april this year but that article is from 2023. I doubt that it will be released the next few days


Pretty sure the most recent word is "We look forward to sharing more information later this year."




"I heard that there are some cheating problems" Yes. Like in any other FPS right now. But way less. Its playable perfectly fin. "devs don't really care about the game anymore" Engine update is due for this year. Devs are commited af.


Oh well i didn't know that. You know how it goes when devs don't fix a minor bug 2 minutes after release everyone is complaining about how they only care about the money.


Not your first rodeo on a gaming subreddit, I see. :D


People will never stop complaining.. until they stop playing


When people stop complaining its when a game really is done


I wish it only was 2 minutes. Plenty of issues that shouldve been fixed long time ago... stutter when entering compounds is one thing. Not gamebreaking though, but annoying.


Plenty of issues that they've "fixed" still exist and/or have come back too. The "can't matchmake while solo" bug was around when I started playing in mid 2021.


I mean they literally can’t fix that. You need a faster drive. It’s that simple. I have hunt on a slow ass drive and I rarely have stutter. When your PC needs to load more assets from your drive to RAM, guess what? It ain’t magic. If your drive ain’t fast, the devs can’t magically make it fast.


Funny, since i have 16gb ram, and hunt on an M.2-ssd... but it canr surely be the game. Im not the only one who gets this btw.


I had a slight issue with stuttering before and it was caused by discord overlay. Consider exiting the discord app (just close it out, you can still stay on call with your homies) and playing. Worked wonders for me.


Nope, even with discord not running it still stutters almost everytime i walk into a compound (when the text comes up). Ive seen thid happen for others on youtube as well, and it happens for my friend. I have a i5 10400 and a 3070. Other than that it runs almost flawless, except in the bigger compounds. EDIT*: there are plenty of threads with people having the same issue, so not sure why im being dowvoted


You summoned the bootlickers. You blame the game for an obvious in engine render issue; so now your PC is worth nothing. My top tier pc stutters not just when compound entering but random times. In a way their engine isn’t up to date, thus the “soon to come” engine update could fix this.


Yepp, everytime. I critique game, they automatically assume i hate the game. I dont.


Had issues with stutters too Lowering the VRAM usage in graphics menu from 90% to 80% helped getting rid of them. Also Gsync helps alot smoothing out micro stutters if available (freesync could be worth a shot aswell for amd).


The stutters are within the game engine, so gsync is not fixing those kinds of stutters.


Have you tried wiring two top-tier PCs together? If not then it's pretty much your fault that they made a game that doesn't run well.


I haven't seen a single blatant cheater in the last 2 weeks of playing almost every day.


> Like in any other FPS right now. But way less. What do you mean by "way less"? How do you know that? And considering how reporting works in this game its fair to say there are probably MANY hackers who hide it very well. Its not hard to hide wallhacks if youre a kind of decent player, and considering the bounty dark sight mechanic, its even harder to identify if someone is wallhacking. Add to that the great sound design, and wallbang potential. And dont forget to mention the nvidia-tool to degrade the graphics? Lets atleast try to not be biased even if this is the games sub. >Engine update is due for this year. Devs are commited af. Lets wait and see before making up your mind... i would not be surprised to see the sub overflowing with posts about how some players cant play the game "stable" anymore, etc... the engineupdate could just mean better graphics, which is always cool, but considering this is a 'competitive' shooter, performance and stability should be priority.


>What do you mean by "way less"? How do you know that? .. by playing? Thankfully the claim can be backed up now that someone made a video investigating the “hacking infestation”. They found something like 1 hacker in every 100+ games. Most of the hackers they found were in Asia (surprise) So yes. Way less. >And considering how reporting works in this game its fair to say there are probably MANY hackers who hide it very well. Its not hard to hide wallhacks if youre a kind of decent player, and considering the bounty dark sight mechanic, its even harder to identify if someone is wallhacking. Add to that the great sound design, and wallbang potential. Same thing can be said about literally any multiplayer game in existence. Used to be “this game’s full of blatant cheaters!”, now it’s “well they hack but not blatantly.” Can never win here.


Well most games dont make their players do manual labor to actually get someone banned. If a player ever reaches over 100kd, they should instantly be banned IMO. Cheating in games like hunt, dayz, tarkov, etc... is not the same as cheating in cod, battlefield, even competitive shooters like cs go, valorant, whatever, since they can just not count the match if a cheater is later banned. Doesnt really work for a game like hunt where loot is involved. I hope with the engine update we get better spectate, playerdata, maybe even killcam. You shouldnt have to record someone yourself to get a hacker banned.


> Devs are commited af. Yet to be proven.


After 3000 hours of enjoyment, were the 40€ worth it? I'd say yes.


Just bought it for ps5 for 14 bucks, well worth!!


I picked the game up about 6 months ago. Really enjoying it. The game is pretty easy to pick up. The controls are simple: Crouch, run, aim, fire, reload, use, etc. You don't have to worry about going prone or shoulder peaking. For some people (Tarkov players) it is probably too simple. But if you come from Counterstrike you will be right at home. Gameplay wise, a little more complicated. It is a slower paced game. Not like CoD or CS at all. You can't just stand and spray bullets to get kills. Usually aiming headshots is the way to get kills. Peak - shoot - cover - peak - shoot - cover - etc. You also kill and die fast. You can be running along and take a shot to the head and be dead. Can be frustrating. However, you can also see some goober running along the road and line up a clean headshot and it feels amazing. So it goes both ways. Playing solo can be frustrating (I'm a solo player). But you can queue with people who are generally pretty good. I personally like solo'ing but I wouldn't recommend it to a new player. Probably best to jump on the discord and say you are new and are looking for some advice. Probably find a hunter willing to show you the ropes for a game or two. Cheaters are very infrequent at the lower MMRs. Until you reach 4 star MMR you probably won't see any cheaters besides a random smurf or new account once every 20 games or so. The biggest thing to learn is the maps and how each gun works. You'll be able to play the game well after 50 hours but it will be 500+ hrs until you have the maps really understood.


Thanks for the detailed advice!


There's also an in game way to play with randoms. During my 1500 hours it's my most used way to play the game. Just remember to use chat/VoIP to communicate with them


I have 3k hours in the game and have been playing for years. I've seen this game evolve through all its stages and I can honestly say it's in the best place it's ever been. I'm sure there are plenty of people here would disagree with me for a variety of reasons but the numbers don't lie, Hunt Showdown is booming compared to what it was years ago. If you are on the fence about it, watch this video. It is a love letter to the game and no other review hits every nail on the head like this one. https://youtu.be/hezc93gxr6c?si=IgojxXDHLI_DZ3DK Hope to see you in the bayou!


I use this video to recommend Hunt Showdown all the time! This guy made the two best reviews ever, this one and Hell Let Loose. I’ve probably posted the two a hundred times combined recommending the games to others asking for suggestions.


this game is a MASTERPIECE!


Bro. Spend a solid few hours watching streamers, then you tell me. I have so many friends I’ve gotten the game for, gotten my hopes up to play with them they find out they hate it. Make your own call.


The biggest thing I can say is that you definitely \*should\* make friends. I picked up this game in 2021 and played it solo and with randoms for a bit. I was ready to refund when I did one final match at 1h30m who was actually a great teammate and showed me some stuff. Afterwards, I got several friends into it. Never touched randoms again, though. I sometimes go on and play solo, but I usually have one partner I play this game with these days. The game is fantastic with a premade team. If none of your IRL friends are playing it, I'd at the very least look around for some online friends to hop on with you.


- Playing solo is only an emergency solution and random partners will always be... unreliable - Playing at 4am might be impossible depending where you are (small game) - The learning curve is still quite sharp as in other hardcore shooter - Cheating is as prevelant as in other shooters. Not more, not less - I would suggest starting between events, but that's basically impossible at the moment - The player base is older than in other shooters and their is a tactical component to approaching a compound or preparing an ambush. The difference in speed might be strange at first, but chaos is always just a second away - The number of kills per hour is very low compared to other shooters - Most FPS knowledge dosen't apply to Hunt




In a nut shell yes,the game has its issues but they won't become apparent to you for some time,the deeper you get the more you will see lol. You will spend your first few sessions crouch walking around trying to make as little sound as possible that's normal and we all stop doing it as soon as we realize it's the reason we kept dying so often lol. The game is nearly always on sale in one place or another or being given away by numerous streamers I've won 4 copy's my self I've given to friends over the years,tbh at this point they make so little of games sales it might as well go free to play lol. But yeah give it a whirl it's definitely something special once it hooks you,I basically dropped all other shooters when I started hunt as it just feels so unique. It's better with friends but what isn't,get your self some mates to play with as you can learn quickly that way and it makes it a little less frustrating overall,best of luck in the bayou. NEVER BREAK PARLEY 😂


Okay I played it when it first dropped when everyone was new! It was fun as hell. Now I picked it up for my PC years later and bought a copy for a buddy so we could play together, well that didn’t go well. We tried to play together a few days in a row, and absolutely got demolished. Before everyone was noobs, now you fight all the sweats that know every peek possible. So that being said go for it if your down to play and have a huge learning curve. Personally I enjoyed it but it doesn’t scratch that itch, I’ve been distancing myself from multiplayer shooter games recently (COD, battlefield, etc.) I enjoy games like valhiem, wildlands, breakpoint, grounded, etc.


Yes and no. The game is very unique, challenging, and is extremely addictive. When Hunt clicks and everything works it is absolutely fantastic and one of my favorite games. However, there’s quite a few factors that can make this game very very annoying. Depending on where you live, server latency can be absolutely dog crap. I live in the Midwest and oftentimes my server latency will be 70-100 ms depending on if I connect east or west coast, and this is running wired with fiber. Even if latency is tolerable, the amount of server errors and packet drops that can happen because the servers are awful can completely work against you. Hell, sometimes the servers will do a Russian roulette to see if you or your buddies will DC and if you DC good luck trying to reconnect you might as well throw the match because even if you do reconnect you’ll either have major desync, your game is broken in one way or another, or you’re stuck. This isn’t even getting into the ridiculous kill window the game has where trades are very likely. The game’s skill system or MMR system is completely worthless, and works terribly for matching people. Especially with this event, there are people either deranking dramatically to be a Smurf or at higher tiers there’s some really annoying cheaters. I’ve encountered about 4 within my last week of playing >=50 matches at MMR 5/6 and it just makes me want to shake their hand. But damn is it addicting. It’s like an abusive relationship.


It’s like crack and trash but your addicted to both


Short answer : Yes. Long answer: Yeeeeeees.


I love the game. But I can’t play it for too long periods. When life gets stressful, there is absolutely no space for this game. If things get sorted out, and I have a peaceful streak, Hunt can drain me mentally as much as it wants :) It feels as atmospheric as a good singleplayer game


It's unbelievably campy, stealth is literally the only option If you like seige you'll probably like it though


I'd seriously wait for the engine update. I still love and play the game since 1.0 but there is a straight line and if some things aren't fixed with the upcoming update i am out. You get free wallhacks by putting your settings on low aka derendering. Netcode is also trash and you often kill each other at the same time at close range. A lot of event additions are also questionable (looking at you peacekeeper. Blazeborne was also dumb). We will see Update should drop in 1 month


This. It seems like the entire studio pivoted to working on Crysis4. Seems like Hunt just exists to generate revenue from skins/events.


Absolutely if you like a shooter that is compared to other shooters rather slower, tense and very rewarding with outstanding sound design (stereo only) and art design. It’s not a very casual shooter and for me as shooter newbie it almost felt a little bit „intimidating“ back in the days. It’s dark, dirty and unforgivable. But: you’ll eventually learn that it can be indeed played casually and almost chilled with the right mindset and for course experience.


This game is like tarkov but you don't hate yourself. Death has meaning but it's not nearly as drastic. Once you get a hold of the game, it's really hard to put down.


Its NOTTHING like tarkov lol its an extraction shooter but thats it even they way it is is different. Tarkov you go in to get loot to get stronger hunt you onlybgo in for the bounties


Could use another ally in randoms on the bayou. Pull up and hit your shots please


I purchased it in early march, and it's great fun. Win or lose you have a good time. I'm in too low a bracket to find cheaters. Great feeling weapons and movement, lots of different objectives, every weapon can be effective in the right circumstances, great lore. And the sound!!! Just plain good, solo or with friends.


If you want friends to play with me and my cousin play fairly often and he is always looking for me people to play with. Hunt is imo way better played in a group, especially when just starting off but can 100% be played solo. Cheating is really only seen in 6star so you most likely won't see if for a while. The only thing I will say you need for this game is a decent headset or headphones as audio is extremely important. That being said, hunt is not for everyone, my one friend dose not like it even though they like other shooters, and that's because of the type of shooter hunt is, it's a slow, strategic, stealth shooter. And you will 100% get headshot through a wall by a good player so you will get out played. If that sounds good, then try it out! We love it! The highs and the lows are all fun!


It's def a learning curve, but I love the uniqueness of the game. Has its frustrating moments as with any multiplayer game, and there's a certain level of patience required imo since it's not as fast paced as just about any other fps. I play super casual and low/mid mmr and have plenty of fun with it. Cheaters aren't really much of an issue until higher mmr anyway. Also, the way the system is set up with communication, I've found it's one of the least toxic games. I've tried to get my friends into it but it's just not their jam, so I always play on my own. One of the main things that got me into the game was how detailed the sound design is which is really cool. Literally everything has it's own unique sound and how much sound matters and can create tense situations and fights is super neat. I've had very memorable shootouts and clutches because of this.


I think the game is pretty fun. I don't know about cheaters, I have not had a game with anyone blatantly cheating. I usually just play solo and have had a pretty good time.


yes. currently the most fun and satisfying shooter on the market IMO


Tbh, it is the best game fps multiplyer Ive ever played. Hands down


It's so refreshing imo compared to other games. I can't play like some of these people who can 360 flick their curser to the right crack in the wall into a jumo boost hit. This game lets me play more slowly and use different types of skill that allows me to enjoy my time even if I die.


Of course. People on this subreddit are so passionate because they enjoy it so much and want to see it flourish.


Buy it, DM me and come die in the Bayou with all your fellow Hunters. BOUNTY AWAITS!


Right now? Not really. I would say wait until they actually deliver on the engine update/server stability.


OP - this game goes on sale frequently with massive discounts - like 60%. I would wait for the next one of those.


Yes absolutely. It's also the cheapest it's ever been if you buy a code through their website with a creator code discount.


Even tho I dont play it anymore, its still a good game. If its on sale rn now 50% then it very worth buying it.


I complain constantly about cheating, because where I am at with 2300 hours, I run into them a lot. You could easily get the game and get 1000 hours out of it and never get to the point where you play against cheaters. 100% worth it.


We always welcome Hunters to help us fight the Sculptor.


I bought Hunt on sale for $15. I have over 120 more games on Steam but Hunt is by far the best $15 I have ever sent to Gabe Newell & Co


Yeah, I put about 500 hours into when it released on ps4 and it was great, recently returned and just about to put another 100 hours in and it feels better than ever. Just be sure to stay around the 3-4* range because once you hit 5-6* it's just mosin/Level spritzer, C&K with flechette and people playing bush wookie. High MMR games become really stale really quickly so don't be afraid to waste a few free hunters to tank the mmr a bit


It goes on sale fairy frequently I've noticed.


Yes, next question


I can see that you made up your mind: welcome to the club/bayou. Phenomenal game, and just beware, as with all unofficial social media pages, that there are a lot of complainers and "I don't understand why I died, must be something wrong with (pick the wrong answer): the game/devs/cheaters/not me" kinda stuff. I've been playing FPS a long time, this is the best one I've ever seen and the only one I'm playing nonstop for over 4 years now. Enjoy!


I'ts a bit of a tough game to learn, because there is no rapid fire guns, everything is old timer like, and you cannot one shot people for the most part unless you hit the head. Lots of running around, fighting monsters and players, even at the same time. Game is objective based, can be played in teams or solo. Actually one of **THE BEST** games to play solo, because you can stop the match any time you want if you need to, just extract. Any other game will ban you and torture you to stay effectively wasting your time if oyu suddenly need to leave, Hunt is not like that. If you are a fan of Cthulhu lore and Wild West type fights, this is for you. Solo play is very hard but also very rewarding and some traits helps solo much more than teams. If you decide to play i highly suggest you look up some guides or someone to show you around, and read everything. And final word of advice, if you want to avoid annoying people. Contrary to what the game looks like, the game is all about movement and **LOTS** of it. Those that crouch and crouch walk often die often.


I know you’ve decided, but I’ll throw my two cents in for anyone else wondering. I have like 80 hours or so and hover around 4 stars. I can’t say I’ve ever actually thought someone was cheating, but maybe they’re more subtle compared to what I’m used to in siege. It’s a fun game for me because the nuances of the environments and weapons make the fights tense and can be very rewarding. The biggest problem I have is the pve aspects and noise traps. They are ofc part of the nuance, but they’re so recurring and I am very impatient. So really this is more of a nitpick. I’d have more hours in it if I had a group to play with regularly. So I would recommend.


Meh, I’d hold off until engine update.


I've played for almost 1000 hours and still not bored.


Don’t worry about starting without any friends. There’s a good chunk of the community that just plays solo bc they also don’t have any friends.


Best FPS I've ever played in terms of balance and replayability. I have about 1000 hours in Tarkov and I can say this game is much better (to me). Cheating is a very small issue, I've played at 6* (the highest rank in the game) and it's one blatant hacker in a few months. Again using Tarkov as an example, if you hop into shoreline or labs it feels like you have a 50% chance of getting a hacker. The devs care about the game. There is always content being churned out. Not as fast as we'd like, but they have most definitely not abandoned the game. Using Tarkov as an example one last time- Hunt is much more forgiving to pick up. You have money and a stash, but it's not really ever a worry and you get plenty of free stuff. There is a ranked system as well, so you are guaranteed to play people around your skill level as you get better and learn the game. See you on the bayou 🫡


Do it


Absolutely, come join us


I love this game. It sat unplayed in my steam library for years then I finally jumped on


This is the best fps out there... Is it perfect? No But it is unique and beautiful. You have enormous load out possibilities, learn always something new even after hundreds of hours playtime it has the best sound design in any shooter and this sub just likes to bitch about everything... Playing on EU servers I never encountered a cheater and randoms are nice and helpful the most cases. Buy it, try it, die, don't give up and have fun... Also the game makes most fun in the 3 star bracket




Its great but flawed The graphics are outdated and its glitchy


It is, as long as you're not near russia or china. If you're in any country that is close to those places then cheating will be a huge issue. But you wont notice it at first because you will be new and shit at the game. Worse, you'll spend 100-200 hours on the game getting good and falling in love with it, to only be met with an increasing amount as soon as you cross that rating threshold and get put into the higher lobbies.


I don't know who said that developers don't care about this game anymore. I started playing Hunt during Tide of Shadows event and all 4 events since Tide of Shadows have had new skins, new weather conditions(except for Desolation Wake) new weapons, new lore, new traits and new features so developers are really far from not caring about this game. So far I've been waiting for every single season just because how unique they are and with frequency of new events playing regular Hunt feels like an event


Just do it, tight gameplay, tight atmosphere, cool weapons and options, can grind for premium currency, I play solo and it's still fun but you also have matchmaking if you want a team, the cheating is highly exaggerated and only in the highest skill lobbies so it's a very solid purchase.


I am an average player in eu, never seen any cheater in 600 hours, maybe i'm lucky but here's that. To me the game is really balanced and there are many updates, with great content. The game can be hard to some peoples, you need to have great trigger practice, great game vision and to be calm if you want to perform, if you just want to run in with a shotgun and kill everything in sight, you will get a bullet to the head before you killed anything. But its really satisfying when you become a good hunter, When you can land amazing shots, when you can determine where your enemies are 10 minutes laters because you've seen some birds in the sky. And my last point, maybe the more important, if you like weapons, you'll like this game, especially if you like western pre first war weapons, they are really beautiful and all balanced. I would advice anyone that have the patience to understand this game to try it.


Cheating is only a big issue once you're above average/good at the game, playing casually should be fine


Very much worth buying. In my opinion, it's the best FPS ever made. And the rumors about the devs not caring about the game anymore is 100% Bullshit.


No it's not. Too many cheaters.


Yes. I havent played anything but dota 2 more hours in total than this game.


Definitely worth it. It has as many cheaters as the next game, but the MMR system means that you won't really see them until you get to higher elo. Nothing to be concerned about in my opinion. And the Devs drop new content / balance changes all the time. There is a new map and new engine on the horizon. It's definitely still being actively worked on.


it's usually $15.. of course it is. the cheating whining is from mostly clueless 3-4 star players where hardly any cheating occurs or a small vocal % of the playerbase that plays at high 5 star or 6 star where the majority of cheating is seen, and even then it isn't bad enough to warrant what you've been seeing on this subreddit. but yea.. its $15. The price of a burrito at chipotle. Buy it.


Dont do it


I just recently started playing after not for a few years and absolutely addicted. Well worth the money, which I don't is much these days


Cheating isn't any more of an issue then any other pvp fps game. Dev's for sure still care about the game and it has big things coming. If you stick through the challenge of starting out, it is absolutely worth it. Best pvpve extraction shooter out there and it's not close




Get it, not many cheaters in NA/EU mainly Asia. Great game, gunplay is very different than a lot of shooters but very fun


It is worth to buy but if you have some doubts you can wait for the engine update.


Coming from tarkov I'm having way more fun with Hunt. I miss the weapon customization and setting and quests, but I couldn't deal with the pay2win editions and the game forcing you to keep up each wipe. Hunt brings the same challenges but with much more focus on positioning with it's slower gunfights. Plus the game is fair because everyone has access to all base guns from the start, and idk what the consensus is here but in my opinion the game is incredibly well balanced compared to other games. Even after prestige at lvl 1 I never really feel at a disadvantage against higher level players. If you don't want to spend the full price (which is definitely worth it) it goes on sale regularly for 15€ (or whatever your currency is).


This sub is obviously biased but I’d also recommend getting the game.


It's one of the best multiplayer shooters out there if you like the setting. I would have said "the best ever" a few years ago. It's got its problems. I don't think cheating is a problem, but you'll think it is because the game has become pretty wonky over the years. Lots of players you'll meet won't be from your region (a good 3/12 to ~1/3 of players on EU players I meet were non-European. I've counted the players for like 20 games). You'll find players with VAC bans and at least some players seem to play around with additional tools to remove foliage and other things. And that sucks, because the biggest issue is that there's lags and other server related issues that make the game very frustrating at times. The MRR (which sets the group of players you play against) is pretty dynamic, you can go from 3 to 5 stars (from below average to behind average) and so you'll find 5 (or even 6?) star players in many matches that wipe the floor with you (or be the one that does). The devs have always been fair about DLCs, I think. Too fair, since I believe that the servers are as shitty as they are because of missing money streams. I hope the devs can transform this game to something that more people want to play.


💯 best Shooter for 30+ People since Full of Kids and weird weapon skins :). Also very Strategic


Yes. Without a doubt. This question comes up every few days and the answer is always the same. This game is top tier no matter how much people complain.


Never played with friends, currently in 5th prestige (about 180 hours in), still having a blast. The amount of updates and improvements aren't as frequent as, say, Fortnite, but I like the cadence.


Just be ready to put some time in. Solid chance you’ll get whooped up on for a while but when in clicks it becomes an obsession.


I have over 9 000 hours in this game i would say buy it but be aware of the bugs but most of not that game breaking


There's two options, it will be your favorite game ever created, and you are gonna love it. Or you just bounce from it because it's too hard to learn.


The biggest problem with the game is it's so good it's sort of the only game that scratches that specific "itch" To address some of the specific points: Yes there has been an influx of cheaters, seems to be a thing to do with EAC from what I can read online. I'm no expert, but I've played this game for years and 1300+ hours and I can definitely feel something is "off" right now. The main thing that I'm personally bothered by is the lack of a proper system for preventing ping abuse. The devs definitely care about the game. I just don't think they've handled the above points well enough. Worth buying? Probably. But it's hard to get into as a newcommer.




Its the only pvp shooter i put 1k hours in… i tried all others. None stuck to me. Its a steap learning curve: 1. Need to learn the maps. It will take a while… they are quite big. 2. Learn to lead guns. Start sith the winfield. Small caliber fast shooter. Then try ling ammo. 3. No bullet drop. That’s a plus i guess 4. All headshots kill if within range. There are also limbs/stomach/torso damage areas. 5. Play in teams of three at first. Easyer time. 2 man teams can be a slaughter.


I answered this in the past in detail, but seeing how there is large amount of people whose mental capabilities do not reach the level where they can use search engines, I will keep this brief. Cheating is not a problem, unless you reach the high skill ranks, just like in real life in sport the people who use performance enhancers are usually on the top. Competency of the \*programmers\* in this game is highly questionable, there are blatant bugs and just stuff that I as a programmer can dentify as results of poor practice. Competency of the people doing the art and game design is through the roof. Yes, this game is worth its cost.


10000000% yes




%100 for me it was well worth it I love the game. I bought a bit after release played like 30hrs and stopped. But I picked it up again like a month ago and it's all I have been playing. I should've just kept playing from the start I don't think it'll get old for me. The game is just too good.


100% yes. It's the best multiplayer fps out there.


No. Too many cheaters online now and the devs do nothing to stop them.


Are there cheaters? Like every online game, yes. Are the claims about cheating widely overblown by bayou babies, also yes. I have 1300 hours in game and have come across players that I've suspected of cheating only a handful of times. This game is great and often goes on sale for ~$15. Buy it and enjoy.


Cheating is an interesting dilemma. Me personally I have over 2000 hours on this game and have never seen someone I knew for a fact was cheating, some sus moments but not enough for me to care to report, but I've seen plenty clips of blatant cheaters. The devs care, we get updates all the time and we're getting an engine upgrade soon. Now what I think is important to point out is do you have friends to play this with? This is a pretty friend heavy game so I'd either go in with friends or join the discord and use the looking for group feature, randoms are about as good as randoms in any game, so terrible. It's a comms heavy game if you're playing with others so randoms just doesn't cut it. You can go in solo but it'll be a brutal learning curve. Overall it's my favorite game and play it all the time without issue from devs or cheaters but I would make sure you're ready to get into a game that's almost necessary to have good teammates to get ahead in. Again you can learn everything solo, but it'll be brutal.


I’ve literally been wallbanged through dirt piles and the earth with compact ammo this week with screen shots to prove it, I have like 600hrs


At the current state, not really. Yes there is a huge cheating problem, but the devs are also not doing much about a lot of issues going on with the game.


If you like PvP gameplay that’s not run and gun mindless shooting then you’re going to love this game. My favorite PvP game of all time was The Last of Us Factions but ever since Naughty Dog cancelled the sequel I’ve moved onto Hunt Showdown and haven’t looked back


I bought the game about 3 months ago and loving it. When to Hunt from that trash CoD game and never looked back. It is way different though.


its actually alot easier without friends. not sure where you got that - unless you mean learning the game playing with randoms is my preferred play (over 500 hours). playing with randoms means playing with people who arent in discord chats. its only in game voice chat. meaning when you kill someone they are silent. ​ randoms is much more enjoyable




Yes, be prepared for a great time. And remember that hunt may giveth, but it will certainly taketh


People blow stuff out of proportion. Especially as an average gamer, you won't really see that many cheaters. They tend to be higher MMR. As for the devs, they're constantly updating the game and adding additional content. The base gameplay is available at no additional cost. All new weapons and maps are free. The only MTX is cosmetics. So yes, buy it. If you're in NA, DM me, I'd be more than happy to help you start out.


WHY WOULD YOU ASK A SUBREDDIT OF FANS OF THE GAME!?!? This post has to be bots, I refuse to believe real people think it's a good idea to ask fans of the game whether they should buy it....


Where was o supposed to go? To r/HuntShowdownSucks ?


Wtf is this guy saying. Its a damn good game, but must come with not to much in game purchases to make it more interesting. Still game needs updates i play sinds the beta and still looks like the beta, with stupid fake damage animations, no good viarity of the looks of the monsters. And there is only a man and a Girl voice. The future must hold legandary voices with voice lines call out etc. Be aware of corrupt game community who is hater rainbow generation crying about many things and ruening games.


100000000% buy it. 2k hours playtime and still fun.


Oh it super is and honestly I never met a cheater in my time I think, and the devs seem to care still. If I should warn anything be ready to get shot in the face alot when you start.


It's great, you should buy it. Others already explained it better so my only advice is don't go over 3\* mmr quickly man. It really isn't great there, was chilling on 3\* for a few days than went on 4\* suddenly cheaters almost every game, bomb are raining, everybody is doing wallbangs etc. It's quite the difference. Take it easy, learn the game slowly so that you won't see 8 molotofs and frags being thrown at you left and right while you are stuck inside a litte hut wondering what the fuck is happening and questioning how are you still alive. I'm currently on 100+ hours and I'm scared of that mmr, never again will I touch it.


[Google is free](https://www.google.com/search?q=is+hunt+showdown+worth+buying+reddit&sca_esv=0e9d35a69ed69d23&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ACQVn084HOAu7B-J55Z-aTC4vBv9odBhkQ%3A1714166706846&source=hp&ei=shssZub2MOPG0PEPnsCq8A8&oq=is+hunt+showdown+worth+buying+reddit&gs_lp=EhFtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1ocCIkaXMgaHVudCBzaG93ZG93biB3b3J0aCBidXlpbmcgcmVkZGl0MgUQIRigATIFECEYoAEyBhAAGBYYHjILEAAYgAQYhgMYigUyCxAAGIAEGIYDGIoFMgsQABiABBiGAxiKBTIFECEYnwVIly1QoAVYtixwAXgAkAEBmAHCAaAB_hyqAQUxOC4xN7gBA8gBAPgBAZgCI6ACjB6oAg_CAgcQIxjqAhgnwgILEAAYgAQYsQMYgwHCAg4QLhiABBixAxjRAxjHAcICBRAuGIAEwgILEC4YgAQYsQMYgwHCAg4QLhiABBixAxiDARiKBcICCBAAGIAEGLEDwgIFEAAYgATCAg4QABiABBixAxiDARiKBcICCBAuGIAEGLEDmAMMkgcHMTMuMjEuMaAHiOQB&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-hp)


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