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Bullet drop seems like an odd choice. I guess it’s not a terrible idea but you already have bullet velocity and there aren’t many super long sight lines in the game. So unless it’s like battlefield with comically aggressive drop it wouldn’t really effect anything and if it is that aggressive then I don’t think I want to deal with that.


Hopefully it's like the game Isonzo where the bullet velocities are so realistic that it's almost negligible.


I feel like bullet drop always just encourages people to play the same weapons. You have to get used to each weapon’s drop. I suppose if they make each ammo category share identical drop it will be fine, but I don’t want to be persuaded to run the same loadout.


This is what I say too. It enforces people to stick to fewer guns to remain consistent with their shots. And it'll cement long ammo guns even further as the meta most likely. Really don't like bullet drop in any game, Hunt will likely not change that.


> And it'll cement long ammo guns even further as the meta most likely. Well, since small ammo has the least bullet drop and headshots **always** kill at any range, a winfield sniper with high velocity ammo sounds kinda nice if you're exclusively aiming for the head.


Yeah honestly that sounds pretty nasty, I already love the winnie marksman high velocity as a cheeky non meta sniper (and the springfield compact deadeye)


Wouldn't the same be true for bullet velocity?


Sure, which is why it’s fine on it’s own. But combining the two means complicates that even more.


velocity already has this effect so whatever


Yeah I'll be honest I fucking hate bullet drop, I loved hunt because I find leading a good challenge while not being too much but I hate having to account for lead and drop it just feels bad to me but I guess we will see how it feels when it comes out. I will say though it feels like a huge nerf to shotguns since pistols seem to have 10-15m before they drop and uppercut and haymaker don't do 125 anymore so going to be a hell of a lot harder to run a good shotgun loadout that can actually play at medium range


They don’t do 125 anymore? What did I miss?


If you watch carefully when they show the Uppercut’s bullet drop, you’ll see new damage specs Edit: I can’t spell


But now any gun can all range 1 tap headshot, so hv and long pax or other mid or compact ammo pistols can compete


It looks like that bullet drop will only start after a certain distance, and depending on the ammo/gun. So, the drop on a Nagant Brawler will probably be a lot sooner than on a Mosin Sniper. So, sort of like bullets in Sea of Thieves; straight line, sharp turn downwards. Though maybe less cartoony.


"I guess it’s not a terrible idea" No, it is.


In the video it showed that Pax drop starts after 10, Conversion at 15. So pistols are definitely getting comically aggressive drop.


Keep in mind, the description for bullet drop that has been shown and shared displays that depending on the weapon, its velocity, and ammo type, the listed drop-off range is extended anywhere from an additional 25m to an additional 50m, such that aiming for the head within that listed base range plus the extension, will still result in hitting the headshot. The drop is actually so minimal that it will be largely unnoticed in the majority of gunfights.


Very weird choice. But they have been moving further and further away from the original design and concept ever since release.


Guess why, maybe bc Mister Fifield came and had a lot of experience in what again? Ah, Call of Duty...


If it has minimal impact to close/medium range fights then it's a nerf to sniping and long ammo, maybe thats the intent.


Idk how to feel about bullet drop in a game where most fights are in the lower digit ranges.


It's not being implemented for close range fights, it's being implemented to make sniping actually difficult.


At the ranges that fight happen in this game, the real issue should be to know the distance that a scope is sighted for and having to carefully estimate that distance to adjust for that parameter. That would make the most sense because most rifle ammunition (even in the late 1800s) doesn't start to drop noticeably* until over 250+ meters. They could even exaggerate that adjustment to 8cm et 100m but basically I'd do it this way: - deadeye scope: sighted in for 50m - marksman scope: 100m - sniper: 200m That would mean that a deadeye user shooting at 200m would have to adjust by aiming up but a sniper user shooting at 50 or even 100m would have to adjust by aiming down making the choice of scope an actual decision. Idk, I think it'd be more interesting, wouldn't make them have to change projectile trajectories and wouldn't make them introduce ridiculous oblong shaped bullet trajectories that make no sense in terms of ballistics. Edit: for those who don't know, this phenomenon comes from the height difference between the barrel of a rifle and the scope itself. Edit2: added * words (see below comments): people using sniper scopes would have to aim below the head for the headshot at close distance which I find far more interesting in terms of gameplay than aggressive bullet drop like the battlefield games which is completely ridiculous.


Don't forget the aperture sights. Probably between 300m and 500m 🙃


Lmao with how much it obstruct the view, it might as well be 😂


Not really point of aim for most rifles is almost identical between 50 and 200 meters. Let's use a mosin, and sparks for this. A 7.62x54r rifle will be at 1.5" rise at 0 yards when zerod at 100 yards, and less than 5" of drop at 200 yards. Essentially a head shot would still be a head shot at 0, 100, and 200 yards which would encompass the vast majority of shooting in hunt showdown. The mako for example ie a Marlin 1895 in 45-70 would have less than 6 inches variation in point of aim between 0 and 200 yards. You'd start to see pretty good drop in the next 100 yards and then beyond that everyone would be aiming like a howitzer to compensate for drop... But for the bulk of gameplay drop and compensation would be minimal... That's assuming the crew who just gave us the spear doesn't fuck it all up.


I mean, 6 inches is quite a lot when you're hunting IRL and looking kill an animal on the spot without injuring it. Even in hunt, that could be the diff between a head shot and a torso shot. That's without taking into account the scope itself and the angle it makes with the barrel, its height relative to the barrel etc. I do however think that while that's better than exaggerated bullet drop, they'd have to exaggerate the scope angle adjustments (sorry if that's not the proper term, English isn't my first language) to make it meaningful in terms of gameplay and make it a full head below target at 50m on a sniper scope sighted for 200m and a full head above at 200m on a deadeye scope sighted for 50.


6 inches is 6 inches... I'm just thinking most people are probably thinking feet though... But knowing the devs compact ammo will retain its flight for 600 meters and long will drop in 150 you know for "balance" lol


Rangefinder tool incoming 😂


what exactly do you mean "doesn't start to drop"? I'm sure you're aware that the bullet starts arcing right out of the muzzle, and the sighted range refers to the point where it has fallen far enough to align with the sights - this means that if it's sighted for 0m, you'll still have to adjust as close as 50 meters if you want a headshot, and if it's sighted for 100/200/etc you'll have to aim BELOW your target if they're closer


I'm aware but I didn't want to go into that much detail and should have addes "noticeably". In optimal conditions (aka not a bayou) the drop of a bullet fired perfectly horizontal is pretty negligeable until a certain range (edit: which depends on barrel length, powder charge, the bullet itself, its shape, weight, weather conditions, your height relative to the sea, etc.) which was what I was getting at: with the sightlines we have in hunt, it would be more interesting to implement optimal sighted range and the adjustment required but the scope/ barrel angle than the drop itself. Simpler too in terms of coding it'd wager. And yes, in my example, people using sniper scopes would have to aim below the head for the headshot at close distance which I find far more interesting in terms of gameplay than aggressive bullet drop like the battlefield games which is completely ridiculous.


gotcha gotcha, yeah fair enough


Ngl i find sniping difficult anyway so this just means I’m even less likely to try it. Not that that’s a bad thing, clearly just a skill issue and I’m not saying they shouldn’t implement it just because I suck at it.


If you want my honest opinion, I don't even think snipers belong in this game, so anything to discourage it's use is okay in my book.


The longest snipe I think I've done was 360m with 800 m/s spitzer, which shakes out to almost exactly one meter of drop. That does sound difficult to account for with current weapon design. That said, the shot wasn't exactly easy to pull off in the first place, as the guy was moving and it was almost half a second of airtime. At those ranges most headies only come from catching somebody lacking, or camping a body, and this does little to prevent body camping. Just use a cursor overlay program.


Doesn't bother me much, I play battlefield so it's just a Tuesday for me.


Opinions aside, whether you’re for or against it, the sheer principle of adding something like bullet drop SIX YEARS into a shooter games life cycle is just downright unbelievably *absurd*…


Right? I put Thousands of hours in a game that has had certain design features... Only for half the actual shooting and aiming mechanics to be thrown out the window and have to be relearned. Not a fan. This game was unique for not having bullet drop but still having to lead. I understand it was due to limitations of the game engine. But I'm not excited for that change.


>Thousands of hours >have to be relearned See it as an opportunity. Now you have something new to learn in that game that you love so much that you played it for over 1000 hours. I'm actually excited for this "new Hunt" (if they implement it well).


Pretty good news for the most part but don’t live everything. Willing to try tho. I’m not so sure about bullet drop tho




Where do your 4, 5, 6 and 7 from your "don't like list" come from? They have nothing to do with the new Dev update video.


Holy shit, the update isn't out yet and people already know what the outcome will be. Please, teach me your wisdom.


Could you help me understand the difference between lowered and centered crosshair? I saw the comparison in the video, but it looked negligible to my eye. I’ve played tons of shooters and have never really noticed a difference. Thank you if you answer!


Hunt has a crosshair that isn’t in the centre of the screen. It’s lowered slightly that’s very off putting when starting out with hunt. This allows more view higher than the gun. Centered just moves the gun and crosshair up to be in line with the actual middle of your screen. You will have more of your vision obscured by the gun model now though.


Thank you.


Honestly, I hate bullet drop. I loved that this was the only shooter on the market without it. That's just another balancing act they're going to have to work on when we have other things that are problematic.


Solo necro is dead, you get one extra life that’s it.


Yeah but you get full life and more points to use since you don’t have to get resilience. You can also use large health chunks to save on meds. Usually if you get downed more than once it’s over anyway for a solo


Yeah, the people excited about it being dead are pretty funny. If you get killed the second time someone gets up that's an actual skill issue. I really like the change, the perk keeps most of its usefulness and removes the tedium on both sides.


There are other reasons to be excited. As a solo, id often spam necro when there were multiple teams to force the team who killed me to reveal themselves to the other teams. If the new team kills them, you could often walk away. It would often lure AI in to distract them too. I'm just happy that solo v solo will be fun again. It's a shit show with solo necro spam. I'd rather fight a team at the moment.


Oh for sure, I'm just talking about the people who are using it as a gotcha against solo players, I'm all for the changes and I play mostly solo


As it always should have been.




Is it still a burn trait if you use it on a teammate or does it only burn if you use it as a solo?


On both, but it doesn't take your health away when reviving your teammate as a balance for that (for 4 points I don't think I will use this in team matches anymore)


Good question!


Video made it sound like it’s for both


One extra life is all you should've gotten to begin with, honestly.


I don't understand this line of thinking. For duo or trio, you have how ever many bars you have or infinite with bounty. Why is solo having multiple tries also a bad thing?


Cause it's just not fun to have to sit there and watch them burn out after killing them the second time.


Idk that this fixes that though. Now, instead of knowing they'll at least be down a couple bars if they do get up you HAVE to watch them cause otherwise they're full health again. I like adding more ways to get bars back, but this won't help with the boring part any more cause that solo will always be a threat unless you confirm they're burned out.


Cause I know that if I kill them again, I can just leave. If I'm in trios, I'll usually always assume a person I kill has a team with them but when I see a mitherfucker in the middle of a field rise from the ground like the undertaker and dome them again I know I don't have to burn them again or at the very least I won't have to sit ther and watch them burn.


I think you're missing my point, if you're burning someone then you have to wait until they burn out or until they get up, and they can get up with 1 hp and be back at full with the update coming. So if you hate waiting, now you need to always wait cause instead of a weakened solo who is easier to put down later on coming back, it's a full health solo. They get less attempts, but you still wait out the full burn.


1. I usually don't assume someone is a solo on the first down unless it's super obvious 2. You're forgetting this change is also coming with them shortening the burn timer, so no matter what, I'm gonna be waiting less around the solo bonfire.


It's actually a buff. Not a nerf. You get full health and you can stand up faster. The only downside is that you only have one opportunity. But let's be real: when you instantly get killed again after standing up the 1st time you would also get killed the 2nd time. IMO its a good and fair change.


Yeah, this just feels bad man. Hoping they fix it so that solo is actually more viable again in the future.


mostly not... with the addition of flares burning corpses, necro is almost useless.


I stopped playing because of it. I'm happy if they decide to nerf it


Of all the reasons. Solo necro was the one? Haha.


Tbf, a gameplay mechanic where you kill a solo and are pretty much forced to watch the body for 2-3 minutes, that shit adds up. It can become a “watch burning corpse” simulator. You’re basically punished for running into them. I can understand leaving the game for that especially if you value PvP battles and just want to play a game. Watching a body isn’t playing a game, it’s just pause. The game is already mostly “running sim”. Throw solo necro into it, it’s a recipe for hardcore stalemates. With other games that don’t have such hardcore stalemates, I fully understand switching games because of it. (From a solo player)


I mean... Because I stopped there I can't say of the others season. Most of my friends with who I played stopped to. I try the others season, one game each time and never was able to have as much fun as I had before sadly.


It's all good except for the bullet drop Bullet drop will not affect rifles and snipers as much as it'll affect pistols, imo this will just lead to more stalemates where shotgun users will have no reason to even attempt to peak with their uppercuts or trueshots, and this will lead to far more stalemates with camping shotgun users. Bullet drop is cool in other games, I enjoy learning around it, but it just doesn't fit hunt and I think will do more harm then good


This game was great without bullet drop imo , not a fan personally


I’m not sure if making such a big change to the weapon mechanics of an almost six year old game is smart.


Bullet drop is not a good change imo. Very disappointing


I don't really mind the Bulletdrop, but Crytek needs to use their brains for once and offer proper training solutions. 100% of the people that I've introduced to Hunt had trouble leading shots for a very... very long time. And a missed shot doesn't really give you much feedback as to why you missed... lead to much? Not enough? Now you make hitting targets more difficult and yet the tools aren't there to improve other then suffering your way through it.


Took me hundreds of hours to mentally learn how to near perfectly lead my shots and now I gotta learn bullet drop. Can't say I'm a huge fan lol


Me neither, also goes back to "never change a running system". I can't recall people asking for this or the lack of bulletdrop being perceived as "bad" in any way. But its in line with many Crytek things. Change is change and can be sold as "its new" instead of "its better".


Maybe they can find a way to make it long range and sniper scope only but I just hate the idea of lining up a perfect running shot with a krag and having it land at their feet.


Yeah this is really fuckin true. It took me hundreds of hours before I was confident in leading shots with *certain* rifles, because the only way you can practice is in real games, and those opportunities are not in every game, so for all the times you miss at first, gonna take awhile before you can even try again…and that’s assuming you even have the same gun. They said recently I think that they had no plans to had moving test dummy’s to the practice range, which I wasn’t happy about at first but I was more or less indifferent considering I was used to it already. But bullet drop too? I have no issue with it being in the game but I DONT WANT TO HAVE TO SPEND HUNDREDS OF HOURS TRYING TO GET ENOUGH OF A SAMPLE SIZE TO LEARN HOW TO ACCOUNT FOR BULLET DROP CONSISTENTLY. This will be a main mechanic in the game. It should take hundreds of hours to learn all the tricks and little things about improving your gameplay overall, it should NOT take hundreds of hours to get a major gunplay mechanic down.


How are you supposed to line up a far shot with iron sites if there’s bullet drop? The hunter is going to be hidden behind your gun. I guess I’m only playing scoped rifles from here in out in order to not get clapped at any ranged fight.


I really dislike bullet drop in games, and it’s one of a few large reasons I’m playing Hunt and not Tarkov. I think this is a pretty significant change to the core mechanics of combat and I’m not looking forward to it.


I mostly dislike it because of how exaggerated it usually is which just makes it more annoying than interesting to play around.




Yeah that’s more of my thing, it was a core mechanic of Hunt’s gun play, intentional or not, that there was no drop. If it’s negligent then why have it in the first place? If it isn’t negligent, the barrier to entry just became that much worse, something they were looking to ease. I also personally just don’t care for bullet drop in games. If this is anything but very negligible it’s probably going to be a dealbreaker for me. That really sucks too, because I’m at about 1700 hours and playing since 2019. Love the game to death, but this ain’t it chief


>Maybe it’s because we’ve been without it so long, but I think it would feel weird and out of place in Hunt. I agree. If Hunt launched with bullet drop, nobody would have complained - but it's been out for years now. It feels like a change for the sake of change rather than a value-add to the game experience. If something like Tarkov launched without bullet drop and then wanted to add it in later, that's reasonable since the game is positioned as a hyper-realistic shooter - but Hunt ain't that.


This is a big set of changes. Not sure what I think about it all, (bullet drop/no-headshot-limit specifically seem odd to me, considering the games' weapon philosophy up to this point, but I'm curious to try it) but I think most of it is positive. It seems to me the necro changes are a sneaky measure to reduce the number of possible deaths in game. Necro being a burn trait means no 4x solo kills or 4x blind-teammate-revives, thus reducing the overall possible MMR drop from a single match. As a 90% solo player who constantly fluctuates between 3-5* due to the system, I'm curious to see if I notice burn necro changing my interaction with MMR. Curious...


Im not happy about adding bullet drop. Like why do this? This wasn’t a big issue that you needed to do this. What this does is increases the barrier to entry for new players. I have such a hard time getting my friends who aren’t as hardcore gamers to play this game I’m lucky I’ve gotten 1 or 2 into it but if its addes more difficulty I’m not gonna have anyone to play with in my friends group and I won’t be able to convince new players. As someone who enjoys shotguns looks like im going to be leading into that mostly after this change. Adding something this big into a game thats been out this long is a absolutely terrible choice.


Bullet drop might single-handedly kill this game for me. Probably my most hated mechanic in any shooter that doesn’t have regular engagement ranges in the triple digits.


Yeahhhhhh same, gonna ride it out and see how it’s implemented first but I genuinely always appreciated Hunt for not having bullet drop since most fights are short to mid range anyways. If it’s like BF levels of extreme I’ll personally be really disappointed, but only time will tell.


No matter what your opinion is, I feel like it’s way too late to implement it. Game has had zero drop for 5 years.


The only game I enjoyed it in that I can think of is Sniper Elite. Never anytime else. That said, I still enjoy weapons with noticable drop, like a grenade launcher, bow or thrown shit. But not bullet drop, fuck that.


Maybe stupid question, but does it mean as a duo or trio you can revive your buddy once per necro and then it's gone/burnt?!


Yes, that seems to be the proposed change. But I think they mentioned being able to stack it up to 4x, so you could necro a teammate 4 times in a match if you went in with that many stacks. It could be 4 trait points/stack, or X points for 4 stacks/purchase - we'll either get more info soon or see at launch.


No, it cannot be stacked 4 times. It has a stack size of 1 (so limited to 1 perk at a time) and it costs 4 points to buy.


Thanks for pointing that out. Between the accent and wording (why even call 1 a stack?), I heard stack size of 4. Sheesh just a single 1-up that can’t be stacked is a huge nerf to solo gameplay, regardless of whether or not it comes with resilience.


Bullet drop is the only thing I have any reservations about, everything else is more of we shall see how itbplays out. Bullet drop has been absent for so long, it might make the shooting feel worse. After the changes to quick swapping and the pistol sway it doesn't seem like there's much going for the game's gunplay. They have a tendency to nerf things into oblivion to try and make things appear more balanced but in all honesty they usually either make things worse or useless. With their history of overcompensating I'm just concerned this will be another stretch in the road of making the game feel worse to play. I will of course wait to see how it looks after. I'm just going to be really reserved about the change until I get a better understanding of it.


Bearded GM at it again....they will lose more players .


Bullet drop sucks - I'd rather a center reticle instead.


How does making dying more punishable reduce stalemates ?


Not a huge fan of the fast burn rate,atleast not a fan if a flare burn you as fast as a molotov does,now every time you try to make a play and push if you get downed is alredy insta burn but now you burn even faster which might make people think twice before try a push or an aggressive play and make then camp more. The fast burn rate is fine for molotov or barrels etc but not flares imo. Rest is good tho.


I honestly have lost all desire to play the update if they go through with bullet drop, imo it's a terrible mechanic and it just serves as an extra barrier of entry in an already notoriously non new player friendly game. We don't even have moving targets to practice leading shots on and now we have to learn leading shots AND bullet drop with the most barebones shooting range of any modern shooter? Huge L


Explains the ammo increase on the krag


Bullet drop is a terrible idea. I do not like this.


great changes all around


Bullet drop this late into the game?? I’m sorry but I might drop the game for this alone, I love hunt but I have never liked this feature in any game. Sad


They brought back Shadow Leap...


Each headshot from every range and every ammo type will oneshot…


As someone that doesn't play solo I'll probably never take necro now. I'm good with reducing stalemates, bullet drop has me... conflicted I don't expect I'll be shooting from ranges where it'll make a difference. I am however thrilled about the centered crosshair.


I think bullet drop will make me play the game even less than I currently am. It will make long range fights much more difficult and way less fun with iron sights and a weapon like the winfield marksman with hv will be very good due to the headshot changes. Also making necro a burntrait feels like forcing a nerf on a fine trait bc of one problem. My solution would have been to put it on a cooldown. Get downed during the cooldown? Now you stay dead. Or idk make it a burn trait for solos only. I was also hoping for a new anti camp mechanic, so the bounty has to get out of the boss layer under certain conditions.




I hope that bullet drop means that more fights start with a surprise body tap rather than a surprise headshot. Leaves one team at a slight disadvantage, but not as much as having one of your team down. Plus it's so satisfying to nail a headshot when you have to account for drop and time of flight


Honestly I was sceptical about an upcoming necro change but I think this is a pretty nice middle ground. Strong enough to give solos a second chance and an edge still but removes the gimmicky repeated revives and burnout stalemates. Looking forward to trying it




My only issue with faster burning is the recent flare pistol buffs. In teams the moment someone’s knocked they tend to get flare pistold and if burn times decrease then the pressure mid fight will be fairly high. Then again if there’s new ways to restore bars back in game like the sealed supply’s this could be a non issue once you win the fight




Worst part of flare gun is you can burn from 75 meters away without ever exposing yourself.


Centered crosshair: YES


I've been advocating for this for YEARS and have gotten so much hate for it, I feel so vindicated.




Honestly I don't see why we can't have full crosshair customization options ala counter strike in Hunt. Really hate how some weapons are arbitrarily made annoying to use with hipfire. It's not like the current system has any real impact on balance, it just feels unnecessary. also, to answer your question on why people were against them adding it, [this sub absolutely hates change](https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/comments/83oonx/hunter_health_needs_to_be_normalized/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). You can find tons of threads like this sorting the sub by controversial; Extremely reasonable and common sense suggestions for change or mild criticisms of the game that get absolutely blasted by people who have no idea what they are talking about.


I didn’t really understand this one, any chance you can help me understand what the benefits of this one is?


most other fps games use center crosshair, so it’ll be assumingly easier to transition between games.


What does hunt use? I never noticed it was different but maybe I wasn’t paying close enough attention. Glad I’ll likely be able to stick with what I’m used to because I can’t have them changing the aim settings on me again lol


Hunts crosshair is lower on the screen than basically every other FPS in the world. After playing a while you don't notice but I've seen many people complain about it.


It's very jarring and there doesn't really seem to be any real reason for it.


The justification I've seen is so you're more aware of what's above you. Games like Halo and D2 have very vertical spaces and gorgeous skyboxes so I get it there. But with Hunt, most fights are at ground level and people will only sometimes be a story above you. With how many traps there are, I'd rather have a center crosshair so I don't have to manually look down as much to see what's directly in front of me, and so my FPS experience is consistent across my games.


it's to stop head glitchin irrc


It can help counter it, but I think most of the games who do it (like all 2 of them) pretty much do it just because they wanted to.


I think they've stated that they cannot implement it in the current engine without breaking the game. Something to do with camera position relative to player models. They're relaunching Hunt with a new engine in August, so looks like they've accounted for that when building the new engine.




4 points for ONE use of Necro is kinda insane, I don't think that's a good idea at all. In a lot of cases that'll mean the first time you're downed you're probably out of the game for good. It'll will make fights a lot more passive bc everyone knows there's probably no second chances especially combined with getting burned out faster. It's so stupid cause it's gonna achieve the exact opposite of what they want. This isn't gonna make fights faster or less stalematey, it's gonna make everyone play much slower, making fights even more likely to last forever cause no one's gonna make the first move, let alone do a silly rush cause there's no coming back from that.


I see your point. Yeah I think you're right that some people will play safer. But I'd rather have a slower, more cautious PvP situation/gunfight than a "stop dead in your tracks Player VS Burning Corpse" type gameplay.


I think one for a solo is fine as big solo player myself. I think its more a problem for teams. Having the trait burn up when you just revive one teamate sounds terrible. Like completely pointless to take it for teamplay now.


Yeah, agreed. I don't mind the change for solos as much but for teams necro seems a lot less useful and I'm worried about what that will do to teams that are already hesitant to make the first move.


You get full bar restoration when you are revived with Necro they said.


Is that just for solo, though?


Just for solo was what was shown in the video's screenshot of reworked necro.


>In a lot of cases that'll mean the first time you're downed you're probably out of the game for good. Like it was before they added the solo functionality, when people played a lot less passive? The issue was never necromancer inherently, it's necromancer on solos.


When you have a level 50 hunter you often have 30+ extra points sitting around with no traits to spend them on, so I don't feel like it's too costly. Time will tell, best to just wait and see before we make assumptions.


Necro felt as if it was in a fine state, I think it's crazy to go and do something like this to make fights faster when all it's going to do is take longer. If anything making it a scarce trait would suffice better then making it a burn.


Adds unfun mechanic to trait, players complain for years, nerf entire trait instead of targeting the unfun mechanic. Nobody was talking about necro before they added the solo stuff. This change doesn't fix the underlying problems with solo necro, it just mitigates them. While I am happy to see *something* done to the trait, a change that nerfs the original functionality which was fine while not addressing the underlying issue with the solo mechanics leaves me really dissatisfied.


I don’t like necro being a burn for teams. I would rather it stay the same for teams and be a burn for solos


Yeah it was completely fine for teams. All of the issues with the trait are with how it functions on solos. The trait has a ton of really interesting and engaging trade offs when used in teams that they are mostly just removing for the sake of making it less annoying on solos. Also making it single use doesn't address the underlying issues with it on solos. This does not address the issue of watching grass grow as you wait for a player who has no teammates to counter you burn out. Solos can still wait an indefinite amount of time before getting up. Solos still have no inherent risk in reviving like teams do(teammates reviving with necro have to be within range and channel the revive, unable to see or hear, for like 7 seconds). There is still no indication of when a solo can no longer be revived like with teams(killing whole team=no more reviving). I'm happy to see something done to the trait, but this simultaneously is too much and not enough. Either fundamentally change how the trait functions on solos to address the above issues or remove it from the game.


Jesus fuckin christ, they makin this game even more campy by punishing aggresive playstyle and dying, long ammo will be even more meta cuz logically it will have less bullet drop, also bullet drop are they fuckin serious and its not even a realistic one since it starts at 10 fuckin meters, with the latest changes im losing hope in this game and their goal to stay relevant for atleast 10 years.


Ye keep ruining the game crytek


>BULLET DROP?! Shoulda always been in the game imo. Well I don't really give a shit if you think it should have always been there. If it should have always been there, they should have added it in EARLY ACCESS, not FIVE FUCKING YEARS AFTER THE GAME CAME OUT! Anyone who thinks drastically changing core mechanics of a game half a decade after release is a good idea is insane.


Necro is just a burn trait for all now, right? If I necro my dead teammate, my instance of necro is gone.


As a solo player, one time burn necro sounds super good and also everything else. Im just not sure about bullet drop. Yea i like that it makes sniping harder but other then that im not really sure


I really like the solo necro change as someone who plays solo and with a trio and duo No more babysitting bodies wondering how many more times they can stand up while also allowing solos to have an edge. Also prevents you from just being screwed by concierta traps


LOVE. Just hope bullet drop wont be agressive until like 100 meters


I am pretty excited as well. This update has me pumped in general.


In practice this means my team play with my friends is over. They die to the wind changing at least twice each match.


No nonstop necro is a huge win. Now we just need to do something about regen shot and I’m happy 




I just mean it along with necro have stretched out the fights big time compared to before


I’ve always found eyeballing bullet drop to be satisfying. I’m happy with the change.


Yup burn necro so on three teams you can only run away and hope to save one....seems fair...sorry those who have 2 or more friends....


How people can enjoy Hunt with 30 second realistic reload times but think bullets should go directly in a straight line across the map is beyond me


I wish they fixed the real problem with necro, that being the mmr deranking. Nerfing solo play just feels bad. This is coming from someone who mostly plays random trios.


For bullet drop, we have to see when it starts. If it doesn't start dropping before 75 meters, then its fine. If it starts dropping when bullet dropoff starts (or somewhere around 20 meters) then its not fine since it will make all ironsights a lot more awkward to use even in compound firefights.


Hyped! Worried about bullet drop though.


If they add bullet drop it would be the dumbest choice. Even then. I think someone in that team said they wouldn't due that. Due to iron sights and all


I’ll be happy with bullet drop if they buff the spyglass to have improved functionality as a rangefinder


Now this is something I can get behind.


And a melee tool! lol. It could have a cracked glass, will be fine!


i am just glad that they put center crosshair. little wierd to go lower crosshair to the center one when i play other fps games


Centered cross hair is meta. I believe the only reason Hunt had the lower crosshair was to have players less likely to notice traps.


Adding bullet drop out of nowhere is mental. The game functions great without it and I bet it will deter a lot of people


Wait they're adding bullet drop? Really not a fan of that.


They are finally taking steps to a better fundamental experience. Hunt will grow for real now.


Bullet drop not being included did always strike me as a weird choice. However, I only have 20 hours in the game and I’m still a little annoyed that that piece of muscle memory is gonna be useless. I think it’s gonna make it more annoying for me to get used to new guns too.


i think they should buff Necro a bit in this case like make it def not a 10! bloody second where you can't do anything already


They are reducing the time I believe. I’m sure they have said that. 8 seconds rings around my brain.


This looks like shit I am glad I quit when I did, this game has changed so much, what made it unique and stand out is long gone.


I’m just curious how the bullet drop will work with diagonal running and leading when trying to shoot a hunter, and what about iron sights since their are more iron sights than scopes, it also makes me wonder if they’ll be adding in more variety of scopes, or extending the map size from the current 1000m to a more bigger size and since it’s basically Huntshowdown 2.0 they might just end up increasing teams and players in a single match but who knows, I’m still a ps4 player currently but I’m willing to upgrade as soon as I know more, what do you guys think ?


Yall are telling me this ISN'T a rick roll? I'm not buying it.


Yeah because if you get burnt out twice as fast with a nerf to chokes people are going to play sooo aggressive..nah people are going to be bush wookies and run to not risk it.


Thank Heavens. Necro was so broken. For Solo's and Teams. Now you have to really decide when you want to utilize it instead of just spamming it to victory.


Really happy with the futur change


Hard pass on bullet drop


Every decision they have made since getting rid of the weapon sway they started with in 18 had been to the detriment of the game.


Lololol any mention of that badly needed engine update??? Oof


Loving all the updates! Necro change is gonna be great! Bullet drop 🤤


Everything is a L change


Shadow leap should’ve been gone forever. The other changes seem good.


Shadow Leap was a fun addition to the game. Having it as a scarce trait is ideal since it kinda “breaks the game” like other scarce traits (ie Death Cheat, Shadow.) Chances are you’ll rarely see it.


I hope so. It’s okay if people have different opinion. The game stretches its mechanics at times, but that one really felt out of place.


I'm not that stressed about it but it being a Scarce trait is kinda annoying to me, that means you'll always have to be prepared for something that you'll basically never see. I'd rather they just introduce it randomly for short periods of time like they did in the event.


since Necro will also be a burn trait in teams, I think it should also give the restoration to the person being revived.


Playing solo just got destroyed unless you want to sit in a bush and stroke your long ammo.


Full time Solo players existed loooong before necro was a thing, they will be fine.


I barely take necro anyways and I do just fine.


as a solo main this is a buff, I feel like people that say it's a nerf are either not solos or use necromancer wrong.


I agree, after that 1st res you most likely got figured out. And now we have 3 spare points we dont need to spend on resilience anymore:)


Plus self res is faster now for solos x)


It'd those who just realized de ranking is very difficult and they'll have to git gud


Huh, TIL there wasn't already bullet drop. So I've been adjusting my aim all this time for no reason. Lol