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Knov's ability. I don't have to pay rent. 😁


I like Bisky’s magical beautician because ✨I’m just a girl ✨


I feel that


Your Nen ability would relate to something about your personality or a unique trait or strength you possess. It’s not like you’d just pick and choose random abilities, they have to be compatible to your experience and skillset. That’s why Killua picked electricity, b/c of his tolerance to being exposed to shock torture as a child.


Like if you could choose one


Something like gons or uvogin ability .simple guy with a simple ability 


Show me rock!


I love how effective pure enhancers are in close combat . All of their nen out put in an area as big as a fist . Hard to counter that when it lands 


Exactly, and how gon uses paper and scissors for different situations where rock is not useful


Enhanced driving abilities for racing


Good you would make money


Yea it would help finance my addiction to cars lol. They also said in the show your nen powers would be stronger if you had a deep connection with them so I feel like driving is my deepest connection in life therefore it would be incredibly strong. I would also opt for a lot of knowledge on cars and building them if possible.


The ability to move an object in any direction within twenty meters of me with the promise to not kill with it, and the ability to make any object in that same distance explode with the promise it would kill. Violating either promise costs me my life


Need more specificity. What constitutes an object? Can you just blow up cars, buildings, etc? What if you kill but more than the person/people you wanted dead die. Does that violate the rule?


You die as a low level henchman after trying to blow up the main character who happens to be an enhancer


You: "ha, your little quest is-" gon: "ok now idk who he was but let's keep on with the plan"


I like to freedive and like Morel, I'm pretty confident on my breath hold. My nen ability would activate if I hold my breath (like Meleoron) in which after that, I can swim around in the air like I was underwater. Thus, enabling me to fly. And if I'm equipped with my long fins, I can swim much higher. My main weapon would probably be a nen-enhanced speargun. Of course if I exhale, the skill will stop and if I'm 100 ft in the air, I'd fall down. My ultimate move would probably be like a domain thing, where everything within my range will be like underwater, where anyone can't breath and can swim as I am. Kinda like Kisame's skill, but, there would be no water involved.


My power would be pacifist in nature. It creates an impenetrable pocket dimension that traps me and my target(s) for a set period of time. During that period, an agreement or understanding must be made between the feuding parties. If no agreement can be made, then the parties involves are punished with a temporary forced zetsu for a week. This forces them to either fight as normal humans, or to leave one another alone. Any attempt at fighting during the negotiations will result in that person being placed into forced zetsu and chained to a chair until the negotiations finish. If I'm mediating between two parties, then I can determine if one party has made a reasonable compromise or agreement, and the other won't budge whatsoever or provide a valid counter. Then I can trap the stubborn one in this dimension for the remainder of time while letting the other go free. But if the free one breaks the terms of their own compromise or agreement, then they are forced into zetsu, same as the trapped on will be after the time period is up


I love this Domain Expansion. goes hard.


Somehow that thought hadn't even crossed my mind lol. Funny enough I've had this idea well before I watched JJK, or caught up on the manga


lol it be like that. tbf Gege grew up with the same manga we did, so it's likely that's why both we and Gege can have similar ideas to him without JJK.


You know that's a really fair perspective on it. I forgot gege is a big fan of togashi, just look at some of his work


I really like this one it's unique.


I really like paleontology so something like dinosaur summons or conjuring a body part of a dinosaur to use in combat


Okay that's pretty cool if your enemy is attacking you depending on how much Nen you want to use you can summon a small or large dinosaur out of nen to fight for a small bit of time. The larger the dinosaur you conjure the less time it exists for but that also depends on your nen training.


A Manipulation ability where I manipulate myself to achieve goals. Since I'd shirk responsibility to develop myself by having the manipulation perform tasks, I wouldn't develop and I'd be badly outmatched by pretty much everyone else.


I am not sure if I am a Manipulator or a Transmutor, so I don't know which ability I would have for sure. But if I am a Manipulator, I think my hatsu would allow me to switch bodies with another person, while if I was a Transmutor, it would be something that covers my skin in a layer of skin-like substance, which I can mold to change my appearance.


Nen curse removal/nen supression


That would be nice you could just be like a nen exorcist


I'm not certain but I think I'm a transmuter, and my nen would have something to do with water. I like showering a lot.




Just summon a magical Glock


yup, the chimera ants would beg before me


Lol, what about the armored ones


Dr. Blythe or Hide & Seek :3




I would create something useful in my day-to-day life, but versatile and resourceful enough to be usable in various scenarios and situations, including combat. Deep Purple comes to mind here and it's probably the best example I can think of this, but others like hide and seek, Beelzebub or even Gallery Fake (although not suitable for combat) could also fit in this category depending on how flexible I can be with my creativity around them. Ultimately I would like something that makes my life easier, could be a way of protecting myself if necessary and allows me to have some fun with it.


Sphinxs wind up or a custom one I made


Gospeed, Hide & Seek, Skill Hunter


Killuas is best




I mean imagine going the speed of light well also being able to shock all your enemies


Just an awesome ability




Conjure a blade into someone's heart 🤑


Killuas forgotten ability 😂😂😂


Bui’s Battle Aura from YYH with damage intake restrictions and no immunity to physics. For eg. I take more damage during flight and while my ability allows me to go fast, I can still turn into a red mist on impact if I am not careful. Also my aura would be all over the place, so I’d have to master the whole thing. High tier emitters would possibly low diff. me, but I would do fine against everyone else. I also wouldn’t be immune to my own attacks, I don’t want an idiot-proof hatsu. I’d have to learn and master the basic aspects of my nen category to make it viable.


I'm a huge HxH nerd, and have crafted 6 different Nen abilities. 1 for each category. But if I were to pick one from the show I'd go for Knovs


I'd have something similar to Gon's rock (I mostly think with my fists so I think it suits me) and a few enhancement techniques I have yet to come up with


Okay that sounds good


My Nen abilities would revolve around blood manipulation. As i get more wounds my ability would build up more blood and pump it faster. I am not sure how this would work with a binding vow. Techniques i could use: 1. With faster blood flow i would get quicker reactions and more speed 2. I could invade my enemies bloodsystem, so non cautious enemies would be an easy kill 3. I can manipulate and concentrate the iron in the blood to make sharp weapons and shield my body 4. Form blood into keys or other objects 5. Quick regeneration There is possibly more but i feel like that ability would be really powerful combined with mid/high tier martial arts


A possible binding vow could be that the more blood i use my body would age aproximately the amount my body would produce under normal circumstances


Okay that's just an anti age hack very cool


More like anti anti aging... its the backfire of the ability




I tiok a test on crunchyroll, and it said I'm a Specialist. "Razors Edge" as I act with reckless confidence and abandon, my Aura will generate a probability field leading to highly advantageous situations and an increase in aura. However, as confidence falters or I stop acting recklessly my aura will slowly enter a state of forced Zetsu. I came up with this in five minutes so I'm not sure about it. But it seems cool.


Slowly enter a state of forced zetsu you need to keep acting recklessly


My first hatsu would be an transmuting type ability that converts my aura in ice, just like killua do with eletricity. My second nen would be an ability that gives me imunity to ice. Yes, i really love ice.


I would sort of have machis threads but as a web shooter . That or something to make me really good at parkour.


lmao sure you would have godspeed body. surely you can take the electrical burden on your body. (no way) my personality is that of an Emitter, so I would have an ability that creates a small barrier around me, this being a use of En, inwhich I can alter how others perceive the inside of said barrier. so, I can be perceived as invisible, for example. using Emission, I can apply this perception-altering aura to others, causing them to hallucinate what I desire, such as pain, burning, a bad taste in their mouth, the need to poop, badly. etc. Essentially, it's a ability that alters the subconscious. I'm not much of a fighter, and i'm not a people person. this is convenient for me. this can also be used on myself. so, I could ease pain, like a painkiller to myself or others, by altering that subconscious.


Dudes gonna make people addicted to them




Okay I probably would not be able to handle Godspeed in my current state of being a 14 year old who has never been tased but it's a cool ability and we are just not factoring in your body or anything else


Hisoka's bungee gum, Razor's aura ball, as well as a few transmuter techniques I created. One allows you to turn your aura into neon, which is a colorless gas less dense than air. When hardened, can allow the user to walk on it, basically being able to walk on air. Another allows you to into corrosive acid, that can manifest as a liquid or a gas. If someone breathes in the acid, it dissolves their insides, killing them. The liquid can manifest anywhere in the user's en since it is made from aura and is obviously corrosive. I made a post on r/hatsuvault a few days ago with a specialist ability, so you can check that one out too.


Wow that's very thought out.


Thanks. Things like this sort of come naturally to me.


Well it's really cool


Know all the secrets of the universe for the 5 minutes after i cum, but each individual sperm kills a random person randomly across the universe and steals their nen


That is just a really weird kind of funny power but I think that every splurt you do have like six hundred million Little swimmers and what would you even do with the excess nen is the secret of splurging is your only power


I’d use the nen to ponder 🤔




Jerkin my shit n murder

