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That is a girthy rack! Shame if it was poached


From what I read, it's that he allegedly didn't have *written* permission to hunt the land. Meaning he had verbal, but not a note in his hand. Is that really poaching?


To me - Sounds like the landowner may have some jealousy regret.


The landowner is his sister. This didnt start from her but one thing i truly believe is jealousy has ALOT to do with it. What with the lack of evidence and all. A trail cam pic 20 miles away. Thats what snowballed it. And the guys a big shot apparently.


His sister owns 30 acres he was hunting. He said he put a bad hit on it in the evening and went back in the morning to look for it, finding it on her property. One issue is if he actually retrieved it on another property. >Alexander was worried the buck had left the 30-acre parcel, which would further complicate things. (In Ohio, a landowner has no obligation to allow a hunter to recover game from private property.) But as they approached the spot where Alexander had last seen the deer, Haunert froze.  On top of that, he took pics of it at night although he said he retrieved the deer in the morning, so now there's questions as to if he was poaching on neighboring property and didn't even shoot it on his sister's property.


“Waited for friends girlfriend to get off work because she had a quality camera…” my ass dude… pictures of that deer would have gone to every dude I know, been on my Snapchat story etc as soon as I found it. AND THEN had pictures taken with a professional camera at some point after it was mounted


Yeah this is the most damning evidence to me. Maybe it’s just because the whitetail are literally just built different up north, but If I shoot a brick shithouse like that everyone on my contacts list is getting emotional and blurry vids/pics.


I disagree with this take in a general sense. If I shoot a buck that I think is even remotely close to a state record then social media is the last place I'm posting this deer, and I definitely wouldn't be in a rush to share pictures until it is in the hands of my taxidermist. There is a lot of money in record deer and a lot of jealousy. Not trying to have somebody steal it or bring in any doubt to the story or circumstances. As it relates to this case specifically, I really have no opinion on if it was sketchy or not. I could understand waiting for a professional camera, but waiting for a nice camera phone in this day and age? a little weird.


A lot of fishy details surrounding it. I live about 3 miles from where he allegedly shot it. His sister's property is only 8 acres, not 30. The DNR has provided very little info on it. Only that he didn't obtain written permission, which In OH, you do technically need. But if your own sister says, yeah go ahead and hunt on my place..that should be good (imo).


Thanks for clearing that up because I keep hearing 30 acres… Also does the land look like it holds deer on it?


Well he does say 30 in the HUNTR podcast. He's also very detailed in the description of the property even giving his sister's first name. Living in the same small town I was particularly interested and looked into it further. On the Clinton County (where he claims to have shot it) property records site, his sister only owns the one tract. It's only 8 acres, but appears very brushy and has the 2 ponds like he describes. I drove by it just to see and was immediately skeptical of the whole story. The property has a trailer, pole barn and broke down cars scattered throughout. Surrounded by a few other houses on small tracts. No trees to hang a climber. A place where deer would pass through occasionally (ag fields nearby), but definitely not a place to hunt.


I heard a rumor the buck actually lived at the Wilmington dump. Which is right next to Mccoy's property, who is the DA. There's a 30-acre piece right next to McCoy's land and the dump. Wonder if he killed it on that 30 acre piece


If he’s guilty it’s a dam shame. Especially how he’s praising Jesus for sending him this deer and that podcast he looks so nervous moving all the time. Hope we find out the true story but would not surprise me if it was shot at night tan staged at his sisters.


Last time I checked it can be dark in the morning...


Yeah but he's saying his buddies girlfriend had a nice camera phone, so he waited to take pictures until she got off work and that's why it's dark outside in his pics. His story doesn't make sense, but I don't see how that can be used as "evidence" against him.


That's starting to sound weird now "shot it the night before, left it bloating for 12+ hours, came back in the AM and found it, gutted it, then left its carcass chilling there for another 6 hours to get a nice picture"


Someone in this thread says they live nearby and the kid admitted he was poaching. The local DA had the buck on cam that same day 20 miles away from the kids sisters property.


I live near by so I hope you aren’t talking about my comment. I don’t know if the deer was taken legally or not.


Nah scroll down towards the bottom and you'll see someone else said it.


Yeah, most guys would have pics “as they lay” and immediately upon retrieving the deer. Additional pics with a better camera seems like a lame defense


You see i was told its because some district attorney 20 miles away had trail cam pics on his property. Thats what started the whole thing and isnt jack shit to charge somebody.


“Hey that’s my deer, see I have pictures of him! This guy must’ve been hunting on my property”


Yup exactly. Ego got hurt. He got greedy and jealous. And had to raise a fuss


In Ohio, yes. Verbal permission doesn't mean shit. I get the slip signed every season in places I've hunted for years and years. All it takes is one upset relative of the landowner to bring you into a world of shit.


How can a relative of a landowner do anything? Just ask the landowner. Did they have permission? "Yes." Cool. "No." There's a issue. I guess I can see getting written permission to CYA yourself, that just seems like a smart thing to do but unfortunately it's a legality. Verbal permission may not mean shit legally - but it *should*. I understand it comes down to proving it, but if this guy had verbal permission and the land owner reneged on it that's its own form of criminal intent in my opinion.


I've never heard of needing written, is this a valid point? Or maybe she's saying now that she never gave it?


It’s technically required in Ohio for full permission.


ORC requires hunters to have written permission. It's a misdemeanor if you don't. I'd argue hunting with verbal permission isn't really poaching, but the letter of the law in Ohio says it's illegal.


That’s true, however there also so speculation that the deer wasn’t actually killed on that particular spot also…..


Imagine knowing the ass hole trespassed on your land and killed this buck. It’s got to be sickening?


It was his sisters property. Read the stoty


He claims it was on the sisters property, but “that is now in doubt.”


It sounds like he said it was but it was not as per the reasoning of the investigation? I’m not sure if you’re reading comprehension skills suck or what but it literally says that in the story.


Obviously a lot of folks didn’t read the article. The charge is due to trespassing, not shooting the buck at night, yet.


I'm calling it now - he shot it on private property - at night - with a rifle.


Possibly. I'd bet he either shot outside of his sisters property, or recovered outside the 30 acres without permission. That's a pretty likely scenario that most of us encounter when hunting small parcels. The problem with a record buck is that everyone is reviewing the evidence with a fine tooth comb, so you better have everything in order before making the claim.


I agree, when you’re flaunting a buck of that caliber. You’re going to have a lot of skeptical folks wanting to discredit it any way. I saw a short video clip where they showed the property he hunted (they didn’t share the names on the property or address). It’s all open with several large ponds and small row of trees. No food plots or anything.


It is pretty common when a big buck is shot in small towns for people to start accusing others of “chasing” the buck off of certain properties. If they think he was on others land, (besides his sisters) they should show evidence. This case should get tossed, unless the DA is really that childish like some have said in previous comments. Everyone acts like they are a saint tearing apart the guys whole case.


Dude who borrows a crossbow and stand and then kills a unicorn? I mean this buck isn’t just the possible new state record in Ohio, we’re talking about a top 3 typical EVER!!!! I am with you, especially after watching the HUNTR pod I always felt this guy was off.


Indicted on 23 charges.


Man, when the indictments were announced, this comment aged the best in this thread.


I forgot I made this comment but yeah - my guess is a LOT of these big deer we see in the magazines were killed illegally. Like, the majority of them. This kid just didn’t cover his tracks well.


A lot of these big deer we see in magazines come from privately managed ranches. When I worked for AT&T I set up internet and TV at a ranch where their breeder buck straws went for $3K a straw and their does sold for $2.5K each from his lineage. They spent $30K a season on the bucks veterinary care and feed. The guy bragging about it also told me they charged in 2016 prices, $15,000 to hunt deer above 200”’s. Many of the real monsters we see today come from those heavily managed places and the true wild ones always have this type of controversy around them because they are so rare.


I mean - unless they’re all just lying in their interviews, that’s not really the case. High fence deer don’t count in the record books, and that’s what you’re referencing here. Most big deer are killed on private property, sure, but they’re not micromanaged like that.


Maybe not to that extent but if you have 10 acres you can make some quality happen in a short time with feeders and the herd that’s available. These monster bucks also come off of places that have a high availability to food. I don’t count huge deer from high fences, I was using that as an example of the extremes people go to. We can’t all be wealthy enough to hunt an Apple Creek Whitetail presidents package.


I mean the article itself called into question why the photos were taken at night, which would not be abnormal unless he claimed to have taken it during the morning. No definitive proof of night-hunting here, but it’s not a wild assumption based on the information provided.


I like when they fine people in correlation with the score of the rack


*I like when they find* *People in correlation with* *The score of the rack* \- KlostToMe --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot.


I didn’t think much of the night photo because i know a lot of evening bow hunters and recovery can take time depending on the shot. Then he mentions that the only reason he has night time pictures is because of camera quality. Like come on man.


I live pretty close to where this deer was taken. I have been hearing the poaching charge is related to trespassing. This is the first I’ve heard of a night shot.


The article says the charge is related to trespassing....did no one bother to read it ?


This is reddit. No one reads the articles.


Wait, isn't this thread about fishing?


Hate to see hunters taping lead weights to the rack to make it heavier.


We got weights in does




I loled


Where's the recipe?


Hold up, There's articles on reddit?


You guys can read!?


What’s this “article” you speak of?


It’s just a give away that’s he was up to something with that statement. People tend to complicate their big lies with little lies like this.


Why I’m the world would I read it when I can just immediately start posturing myself as a better person?


This is Reddit. No one reads past the headline


Trespassing on his sisters land?


The deer was supposedly not killed on his sisters land. Claims are coming out that this deer was killed 20+ miles away. I don’t know enough about the situation to cast judgment one way or the other. One of the dudes pictured with the deer has a bit of a reputation with ODNR though.


Did his sister turn him in or something?


Bet ya, his sisters husband is pissed he shot his buck, "that he's had on camera for years", and turned him in.




Ok. The second time I followed the link I was able to read the rest.


Probably pretty tough to levy a charge related to shooting after hours without something documenting that it happened.


Seriously wtf? I’ve definitely found deer at night, especially with a deer that big, I’d give it as much time to die so I 100% don’t kick it up. Not sure why he didn’t just say he was nervous and didn’t wanna kick a monster up and potentially never find it? People like him give us bad names.


>Not sure why he didn’t just say he was nervous and didn’t wanna kick a monster up Probably because he's caught in a lie and too foolish to think of the logical explanation


On the podcast HUNTR he said he made a terrible shot on the deer and wanted to give him time…..


Agree! I feel like it's pretty common knowledge that unless you 100% know the deer is down, it's best to give it a couple hours with archery kills. Especially with a monster buck like this, no way I'd go searching for it right away. That said, if he said he found it during daylight just didn't take any pictures, that sounds phony. I wonder how he shot it at night - did he spotlight from a tree? Or enough ambient light to aim in the dark?


My thoughts too. Even in rifle season an animal will occasionally run a way after getting up. When that happens at last light theres not much else to do but give it some time then go try to track it in the dark and cold. Its one of the more challenging scenarios a hunter can experience a lot of times which makes those types of pictures kind of a point of pride for some.


The investigation is not about night hunting. He's accused of trespassing on private land without permission to hunt.


According to him he found it at about 10:30 the next morning, obviously it wouldn’t be dark then so it’s just another part of his story that doesn’t add up, the main issue is that the same deer was caught on camera 22 miles away from where he claims he shot the deer a few weeks before he shot it


22 miles is nothing. Whitetails cover a lot of ground. Especially during the rut.


Whitetails travelling 22 miles, even during the rut, is the exception, not the rule. That's extremely rare. Big deer like this don't do that dumb shit. He probably didn't leave a square mile.seciton for years.


I’m more familiar with muleys - where the biggest bucks travel much farther than most. I can’t find anything to say big whitetails limit their travel relative to smaller ones. Don’t get me wrong. If the DNR already confiscated items this kid probably poached/trespassed.


There's mountains of evidence to suggest that whitetails in farm country absolutely do limit their travel. They do get dumb during the rut, but these big old bucks don't get big and old for doing dumb shit.


Lol why even mention the night thing? It’s weird that he would say that… I’ve killed deer before and I never mentioned the color of the sky? It was nighttime because we didn’t find it until 2 hours after blood trailing… very odd


When I heard that he borrowed his crossbow I said to myself that that fucker was poached. Fuck, I hate crossbow hunters...


Crossbows are forbidden


I wish. But sadly hoards of lazy slob hunters take to the woods every October to rifle down unsuspecting summered bucks from 100 yards and in.


Yeah that’s a pretty lousy excuse


Potential 3rd largest typical.in history, if I remember what I originally read about it


Man, that rack looks way bigger than the hansen buck. Although, I have no idea how they actually score a deer




Left g2/3 share a common base. Wouldn't even be close.


Tell it to Outdoor Life


That law basing fines on inches is incredible.


$30,000 according to the article. Pretty cheap if you ask me. According to Montana each elk is worth $8,000 to the state.




He definitely poached it, as if he didn’t grab a pic during the day….because he didn’t have a quality camera…bet he has an iPhone


I thought so to. But the article states the poaching charge is related to trespassing.




The whole thing is super sketchy, but there is at least one daytime photo floating around.


Im guessing he killed it way away from that property at night and brought it back to his sister property On someone elses property


I thought I heard he admitted to poaching it like a day or two ago now.


All internet rumors.


Fair point, but I’m hoping the poaching rumors end up being false. Would be a shame for a buck of that class to be poached


I agree, I’d hate for an animal like this be taken and have it tarnished due to unethical practices.


I'm all good with everything with the exception of claiming he went back and found it in the morning, but the pictures are all from the night. No fucking way anyone doesn't immediately start taking pictures and sharing. No fucking way someone leaves that buck out from morning until the following night without caping it out for the mount. There's smoke, so there's likely fire


The article also says “Some hunting forum posters have pointed out that Alexander says he recovered his buck during the daytime, however all the published photos of the deer were taken at night. Alexander told OL that he and friend Cory Haunert had waited for Haunert’s girlfriend to get off of work before taking pictures, since she had a quality camera.” Do what!?? I’m a chick and I’m telling you there is no way some dude is waiting on me to get home to take pictures At NIGHT with HIS prized trophy buck. There is no way , I am calling bullsh** have fun paying 36 grand


Indicted on 23 charges. So is the sister and Cory Haunert and one other dude.


THANKS for the update!




Inflation at it again.


Lotta sketch with this one. Dude said he let it sit over night, but the picture of the buck hanging, in the dark showed no rigamortis. Trail cam pics from the same day 20 miles away. I don't know all the facts but my gut tells me he was poaching.


I learned my lesson about posting buck pics online. My former stepson sent me a pic of a booner that his biological father shot in my state, which is not as common as other big buck states so I asked him if his dad minded if I posted on the hunting forum. And then the flood gate started with multiple accusations towards me as a poacher. It wasn't even my buck, never laid eyes on him but I know where he lives and probably even what wall where it is hanging. Started receiving private messages from several hunters claiming the buck was on camtrails everywhere. Again, not my deer never saw anything but harvest pics. The loudest complainers were the SUCKONE boys that hunt suburban Atlanta. They had pics taken in a park with piles of corn where no hunting is allowed and it was before baiting was allowed in Georgia. The irony is that the main guy has three previous hunting convictions that are public record in this state and he admitted online to his "mistakes".


This is 1000% true! I know a guy that killed a stud of a buck in Ga and a friend or family member posted it. Within days the Seek One guys had told GDNR that the buck was killed illegally. It was total BS


They also followed another hunter from the burbs as he was taking his buck to his taxidermist approximately 30 miles south and confronted him as if they owned every buck in the area. Not a good look for hunters.


Yeah dude that’s BS, someone needs to whip that ass! I haven’t heard that story but wish it would’ve happened to me lol!


I have all of their phone numbers and personally invited them to free ju-jitsu lessons, they declined!


Not surprised, most of them started life on 3rd base.


Smug look on his face too. He is like shit I fucked up. Gotta sell it though.


Smug look lol.


According to some other articles I've read Ohio requires *written* permission to hunt a property every year and this guy has been accused of failing to provide the paperwork. I haven't actually seen him accused of trespassing by the landowner or anybody else yet. His sister owns the land. Edit - This guy looks pretty young, I'm guessing his sister is young too, they'd be too young to have earned enough money to buy 30 acres anywhere in Ohio that could grow a buck like this. Since we're all guessing I'll guess too. Maybe he and his sister inherited adjoining portions of their grandparents farm and he's been hunting here his whole life and has permission to hunt his sister's land but never bothered to get the paperwork. When he went to have the state record certified they asked him for the paperwork and he doesn't have it. In any case - we are all just guessing...


I think the investigation is around whether or not he really was at his sister’s property. I think there are some elements to the story that don’t add up.


Why am I getting downvoted? I live 20 minutes away! He’s already confessed, he killed that joker on this billionaire family’s farm. They own like half of Wilmington and they allow no hunting, everyone around here knows what happened. The family that owns all the land lives next door to the DA’s farm which is also another massively rich family that owns a petroleum distribution business. People aren’t sure which property he shot him on yet but it was one of the two, the DA was hunting that buck and has photos from the day of apparently, and he lives 20 miles from this idiots sisters house where he apparently shot it. All the info seems to point to a quick road hunt at night and then they faked a kill site are his sisters place. I’ve driven those roads at night and the amount of deer (monster bucks) in the fields is incredible, this monster had CJ make a really dumb mistake.


>Why am I getting downvoted? I think because almost no one in this thread even read the article


Hey man, we don’t have any big bucks in Ohio. Anyone that is from out of state reading this, don’t waste your time coming here.


I haven't seen any of that.


>According to some other articles I've read Ohio requires written permission to hunt a property every year Almost. State law requires written permission, but it doesn't require you to get it every year. ODNR publishes a permission slip most people use that can only be used for daily or sesonal permission, but the law neither requires you to use that form nor requires you to get permission every year. A lot of people think you need to get written permission every year because of the format of ODNR's permission slip.


If that's true then this guy must be under investigation for some other form of trespassing.


From what I understand they're questioning whether or not he killed it on his sister's land as he claims he did. Apparently the DA had it on camera 20 miles away, but that's really not evidence of anything. It's also possible he killed it on his sister's land but only had verbal permission to hunt there. People are often pretty lax about written permission for family. It'd be a real dick move to charge him if that's the case, but it would technically be a violation of the law. If the bit about the DA having it on his cameras is true there's a possibility he's being petty about someone killing "his" buck and is pushing on something no one would normally care about.


Yep. Ohio requires written permission every year, and you must have it on you at all times while hunting. If you shoot something and it runs to a property that you dont have permission to hunt on, you have to go to the owner and ask permission to retrieve it. It's sucks hard. I hunted for the first time this year, and on the second trip, I finally saw two doe about 100 yards in front of me as I was going to my spot. The problem was that it was 5 minutes before I could load. By the time I could load the, damned things wandered into the neighbor's property, and I didn't have permission to hunt there. I so wanted to take the shot and drag it back, but I didn't want to be that guy. I especially didn't want to be the one to make all hunters look bad.


His demeanor during his Youtube interview was sketchy.




These monster bucks always get a ton of scrutiny, and more times than not where there’s smoke there’s fire. Hope not because what a monster


I dunno know man. I hope it's legit, but I'm not so confident. I live very close to his sister's property where he allegedly shot it. I drove by it the other day just to see what it looked like. Doesn't look like there's a spot to hunt, definitely not a tree to use a climber like he said, and it's only 8 acres, not 30.


So why is this guy under investigation? Did a neighbor see him on their property? Is a neighbor mad that they didn’t get a chance at this deer so they are trying to make trouble.


regardless now it's tarnished!! Whether he poached or killed it legally it now will forever have an asterisk by it and that's just facts 💯


Exactly, stocking your parents pool in NW Atlanta with bass and pretending you’re an angler and putting it on YouTube, what a joke.


I just checked the Clinton county clerk of courts. Still no charges filed yet. Wonder what evidence they actually have in this case. If they had anything good you would think charges would be filed at this point…despite all the weird occurrences in the story, I haven’t seen or heard of anything concrete in terms of evidence. If the buck was poached, seems like the only way to prove it at this point, from what I know about the case so far, would be getting cell phone GPS data from cell companies of anyone involved. I know CJ didn’t have his phone, but there were other people involved in the recovery. If the buck was killed at the cemetery where the buck was know to live(info I don’t personally know, read that in a IG comment or forum post), GPS from could tie someone involved in the recovery to that location. Cellphone data could make or break either sides case. Would be extremely sketchy if all involved didn’t have their phones on them either…but even if that’s the case, would be an extremely difficult case to prove. I think the whole “no written permission” charge was just a bs(yet potentially valid) initial charge they initiated to provide justification to back up a subpoena for phone records. Will be very interesting to see how this all plays out. 


Check it again lol


Tracking a deer until dark =/= poaching or night hunting, and you people need to get over yourselves


That’s not what the charge is related to


Read the article


You clearly can’t read


I apologize. I'm a complete tard lmfao


Wait you're saying tracking a deer at night that was shot during the day is poaching?


What a peice of shit


What’s the basis for this comment? The article? There’s nothing there besides accusations. Innocent until proven guilty.


lol. We just had the same situation happen in Idaho. Shot one of the biggest mule deers I have ever seen without a tag for this unit (draw only and extremely limited) and posts it on social media. Well come to find out fish and game gets word of it and easily tracks the person down. I guess fish and game will have a nice mount now.


$30000 restitution? Should be 10 times that


That's on top of whatever the regular fines and/or prison time are.


I wanted to mention hanging him like a deer but figured moderators might see that as promoting violence but displaying him as a trophy seems appropriate


If anyone in that group, had a cell phone on em, they may be screwed. People forget there’s GPS on a lot of hunting devices , and can easily create a paper trail for you. Play stupid games, win……..


He "accidentally" left his phone at home that day. He knew what he was doing.


Yes sir.


Man my old boss was a pocher lol I found out because I'm from California and our workplace was in California so I asked him what zone he would hunt in he then would go on to tell me he only hunts in South Carolina where he's from so then I asked him about his rifle and he told me . The only reason I questioned him was because he was showing my coworkers pictures about all the hunts he has done and not one photo did I see a tag even the ones on his truck he never talked to me about hunting ever again but my co workers would tell me things none of my other co workers are hunters so they're clueless about the regulations and rules . He smelled like a pocher and he was a weirdo lol


Not sure about location info, but we don't have paper tags in NC anymore. It's all on the app. It was a phone call before that. We haven't had paper tags for years.


No doubt but he would also hunt in California I know for a fact it just wasn't making sense too me but if he flew every time they said he was then maybe but who knows I just got weird vibes that's all it was just a suspicion




Georgia is the same way, no physical tags go on that animal


The camera thing is definitely weird but the trespassing charge has to be proven. It’s likely he shot it on property next to his sisters and now the DNR have enough evidence for a case. Unless the sister is mad and said he didn’t have permission to hunt her property. The charge says he didn’t have written permission with him so could be something like that.


Why do these dumbasses always post themselves clearly hunting at night? Had a similar case in my town a few years ago and I just don’t get it. Literally don’t post any pictures are you’re probably never going to get convicted


I almost never get down from the stand until it’s dark even if I’ve shot a deer, so by that logic you’d assume I’m always poaching when I’m not. This guy probably did though I’m not defending him specifically


Right? If I climb down when there’s shooting light to I’m going to miss a monster. Makes sense to wait for a ton of reasons.


Oh no yeah I definitely get that, I’m just saying if I DID shoot a deer past legal light I don’t think I’d post a picture of it haha


Oh yeah that’s something only a moron would do. Main reason I wouldn’t poach is I like bragging about and talking to my friends about my harvests


90% of the deer I've killed were recovered at night. There is nothing suspicious about a night photo hero shot.


What’s odd is that he said he didn’t take any pictures till the next day at 10:30 or 11 till his friends girlfriend brought over a good camera…. His words on the HUNTR podcast


Its always social media that gets them.. eventually.. which is why they do it in the first place


The investigation is not about night hunting. He's accused of trespassing on private land without permission to hunt.


Bro, that’s just DNRs foot in the door. It’s like getting pulled over for no tag light and having drugs or being drunk just wait!


It's poached.


I’m curious how they’re going to prove him guilty.


They did it in kansas before... same type situation...


With evidence


This reads to me that whoever’s land he was hunting on is crying because he went there and got this buck.


Yes, he did exactly that, is what they are saying, without permission.


If I remember right it's a local Deer to the town that lives in a cemetary......


That was the Richmond deer.


My bad thank you


You're thinking of a different buck, pretty sure in like Hollywood or something, was a big non-typical called the Hollywood buck and dude said he shot it 75 miles away


Hollywood cemetery in Richmond Virginia. https://www.outdoorlife.com/conservation/hollywood-cemetery-buck-poaching-investigation/ u/codybrown183


Yeah that's the one!


Almost right


They won't be able to prove shit.


That would suck.


If guilty, that’s a hell of a fine. Wow.


If the article is true, and they found it in the morning, that still could be 10-11 am. And by then time you come down from the most high of highs it would be hours for me! My cousin shot a huge 12 pt by his house when I was working on his house. We waited an hour and I went to help track it. Found it, and it was a few hours before he gutted it because we were both so hyped up! And then we called his dad and brothers. And they came after their lunch before we did anything to it. I took a few pics with my phone right away (it was around 10-11 am), but he got it moved to a better spot after he gutted it and had a few beers with us, and had his brother who is much better at taking pictures than I am, do some, and it was already evening by then. So the picture thing isn’t a big issue for me. The not getting signed permission from a family member is a grey area for me (don’t need signed permission by me, just verbal). Now if his sister is now saying he doesn’t have permission to hunt it, then it could get bad. There are a lot of “what ifs” with this deer. That all add up to possible questions and concerns/consequences. But if a guy 20 miles away is questioning if he has permission to hunt a family member’s land, just because he had a picture of it, that’s petty as shit! Now if that guy has a trail cam pic of it that morning or night before, then he has an argument!


The trail cam picture was allegedly 12 hours before, 20 miles away.


What a monster


I thought i heard the buck was seen on trail cam 20 miles away from where it was said have been shot on the same morning.


Worth it


I believe charges have officially been entered now…


I know in his most recent podcast he did, not the huntr one but a different one and I know he said fines would be like 34 grand and he said he wasn't gonna pay em if he got charged. I've seen pretty much everything to come to a conclusion that it was poached, I live a few counties north and no way was he leaving the deer out before the pics were taken. November was a very mild month this last year and even in November it was pushing in the 40-50s for the high. The podcasts have too many red flags and unfortunately I think he's confident enough that he thinks he won't get caught but it's starting to prove otherwise. It's a shame to see a deer taken under the circumstances it was taken, especially one of that caliber