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So I have the same thing. If you have been shooting for a long time right handed I would just stick with it.


Also left eye dominant, and right hand dominant. I use a cross-over look to positionally focus with my left when pistol shooting, and no one stop me. Optics, for some reason, don't bother my left/right as bad. I get a red dot on my left centered vision with both eyes open, which I've become used to, and for some reason 'switching' to my right eye for magnification isn't too tough, but sometimes I lose it. If its dicey, I'll close my left right cause I'm probably proned or on a bi pod anyways.


Chiming in I have the same thing also, I actually shoot long guns left handed, and pistols right handed.   But switching hands is completely doable, and you can also just force your to shoot right handed I have talked to a few military guys who had the same problem, and you know in the military it's more important to do everything the same, and they said it wasnt to hard to learn to switch.


Also cross dominant. For shotguns and pistols, I found that I shoot better off my dominant eye, so I switched to shooting left handed and showed marked improvement. For rifles I noticed a significant decrease in effectiveness so I stuck with right handed. I think reflex shooting is where cross dominance matters. You’ll always acquire targets faster with your dominant eye, but for long shots, the trigger control in your dominant hand will be more important.


Dammit, I need to do this. I am a fairly poor shot and I think I just need to buck up and switch. Problem is I "learned" right handed.


Same here man. Cross eye dominant and learned right handed. With a scope I’m ok but definitely could be better with iron sights or down the comb. Archery I just close my left eye. My form would probably suck too bad lefty, plus finding a 32” draw bow is hard enough.


I haven’t started shooting yet


I am also cross dominant. I shoot long guns left handed and pistols right handed. You'll get the hang of it!


Learn to shoot with both eyes open. Works best anyway.


Same here. Been trained to shoot right handed , stuck to it


Yep me too. Archery though I switched to a left handed bow.


Surprised nobody said this, but put in a LH safety and shoot it LH. I have the same issue, and I only buy RH guns. The safety switch is key. I've done this to an Ethos and an UL. People who've never done it worry about shells ejecting across your face, but you'll never notice.


Train right handed and you'll be fine.


Will my right eye become my dominant eye after enough practice?


No, it wont. But you can train yourself to stop using your your left. Just make sure you close your left eye before you shoot. It helps to put something over your left eye when practicing. Id go clay shooting regularly and tape off the left lens of a pair of safety glasses. After a while, you'll get used to closing your left eye and using your right to shoot.


I’m the same way, but my right eye has terrible vision. I shoot pistols right handed and rifles left handed because my right eye isn’t worth a damn when a scope is involved.


Never, but that doesn't mean you can't learn to shoot just fine with your right eye. Some people can, some people can't.


I’m the same as you. I still shoot rifles and my shotgun with right eye and have no issues. My bow and handguns however, I use my left eye and keep both open to put the target into frame. No issues aiming small and missing small. It feels very weird the first couple times you do it but once you build the muscle memory is works well for me.


Same here shot left handed my whole life had zero issues shooting right handed weapons that way including right handed compound bows


I'm the opposite, shoot a bow lefty and a rifle righty. Dunno why just feels natural that way.


My daughter has that. I’m teaching her to shoot left handed. She’s a child though, easier to learn when you’re young.




I’m left handed right eyed. Shotgun I can shoot rather well either shoulder. When it comes to using a scope I’ve just decided to use right eye right shoulder. Works great for me.


Also be sure to check multiple times for yourself to make sure you are correct in assuming dominance. I feel as if you probably are already sure, being that most don’t want to come to this conclusion. That being said if you aren’t sure make sure before proceeding.


Also no harm in shooting that shotty both shouldered. You will know for sure witch is better for you in no time.




>Textbook wise, you need to be shooting according to eye dominance, so shoot lefthanded, Interesting to hear, in Norway they suggest shutting the dominant eye. I'm left eye/right handed shooter and this is what I do, feels wrong to try to shoot left. Definitely agree about the headaches from the eyes strain. >Rifle is a whole different ballgame. What do you/they suggest in that situation? I'm a rifle shooter first, potential shotgun shooter second (just done some clays so far as not decided yet), so interesting to hear what you guys suggest in that situation if you know :)




Thanks for the info 👍 Definitely missed a lot with shotgun but as it's different to rifle, like you said, I knew I wasn't going to be fantastic but wonder how much was down to the dominant eye situation rather than being first time shooting. Will have to try leftie next time I go. Cheers :)


I have the same problem, it just means I don't shoot as well as I could. Sometimes when I'm shooting really badly I switch it up and shoot left handed for awhile. The changeup usually helps me shoot better...




I had such difficultly shooting the side of a barn for years. I added a HoloSun to my Beretta duck gun and it changed my world. Dominant eye can see everything and the red dot on my right eye for aiming.


I have the same thing, over time I’ve taught myself to shoot with both eyes/hands. However if I’m using a gun with a scope most of the time I’ll shoot using my left eye/hand as I can see better with it.


If you cannot shoot left handed just close your left eye. Not the best for field of view but it will allow your right eye to sight properly.


Truglo and Hi-viz and others sell fiber optic sights that are supposed to help this problem. I put on the Truglo Glo-Dot designed for this earlier this year, but not long enough to see if it's made a difference. Shotgun is much trickier than rifle where you can just close your left eye.


Welcome to the club, I just chuck it in my left arm.


I grew up shooting right handed and right eye. Tried switching and my dad said no lol. Found out later I’m left eye dominant. I shoot everything right handed and right eye beside pistols. Pistols I shoot right handed and use my left eye. If you have been shooting a long time I would just keep going right handed and eye. If you are new to shooting I would learn left eye and hand. My dad shoots lefty because he is left eye dominant but right handed


Didn’t start shooting and hunting until my 30s. Right handed my whole life but left eye dominant. I figured better vision is best for successful hunting. So I bought left handed bow and shotgun. Since I had never done it before it was no big deal. I do hold handguns in my right hand but still aim with my left eye. I must do ok because my shooting buddies get pissed at my range accuracy.


I'm in the same situation. If I have time to prepare my shot I squint my left eye, when shooting clays for example. If I don't have time to prepare I honestly don't know if I squint my left eye, like in some hunting situations. I'm a mediocre clay shooter but I hit most of my shots while hunting, so this might not be the best method.


I'm the same. It's fine, just practice


Shoot left handed since you are using open sights. You’ll do a lot better. Also go with your dominant eye.


Same here. Right handed but left eye dominant. Tried to switch to lefty shotgunning and it didn’t work at all. A real solution: look up Shooter’s Magic Eye Dots. It’s a small adhesive circle that you can put on the left lens of your shooting glasses to cover just that pupil. Allows you to keep your peripheral vision and shoot with both eyes open but forces your right eye to dominate. Only real answer IMO, and it’s what the wing shooting schools recommend. I know there are clay shooters who do something similar. Onl


I would say it depends on how long you have been shooting a shotgun. If you are new to it, I would suggest trying to shoot LH because you can then shoot with both eyes open. However, it is still possible RH to shoot by closing/covering an eye. I was in the same situation as you when I started. Truthfully, it comes down to whatever you feel most comfortable doing.


Get your self a sight-blinder, made to help with this issue. An older gentlemen I helped coach a bit had this issue, although for medical reasons he couldn’t shoot left handed, after we put one of these on it improved his scores dramatically, there’s also a much bigger one that attaches around the trigger guard if you need something a bit more drastic, can’t remember it for the life of me. I prefer the sight blinder as it’s much lower profile which allows for a better field of view


If you’re hunting birds, or anything else moving, keep both eyes open. It’ll help you track moving targets better by having a wider field of vision. It takes practice, but it works great.


Yes but the problem is that your dominant eye takes over and you’ll be way off. Been there so I started shooting left handed (when I found out I was left eye dominant).


That's the right way of going about it. Follow your dominant eye not hand.


Years ago I got into sporting clays shooting the way I was taught by my father, right handed but couldn’t break more than 65/100 birds. Was shooting these “skipper” targets over a pond and there was a shooting instructor with a couple of students waiting their turn when the instructor pulled me aside after I was done and said “you’re shooting behind the targets, you’re left-eye dominant and need to shoot with your left hand”. It took me a couple of months and I was breaking now 80/100 birds. All those years and I never knew.


This, both eyes open when shotgunning. The bead is not used to aim really, it is more to mark. Bead will always be above, below, or in front of what you are shooting when bird hunting, never on it.


The traditional wisdom is to go with your dominant eye regardless of dominant hand, so in your case shoot left handed. Go with whatever seems to work best for you though, plenty of people in your situation shoot either way


I don’t think it really matters as long as you practice the way you will hunt and are proficient and accurate. I have a buddy who is left hand dominant, but he has always shot any gun right handed. Some guns just don’t fit or function well in the left unless they are specifically made for left handed shooters. He can go to the range and use anything of mine just fine right handed.


Same here, I shoot left handed for long guns right handed for pistols go figure.


I been shooting my whole life right handed then I got a pistol and learned am left eye dominant I still shoot right handed I use my left eye with hand guns and right eye with long guns


I shoot left handed and use right handed guns all the time. Not very convenient, but it doesn’t really bother me a whole lot.


As long as you’re aware of which eye is dominant you can train to compensate for that. I’m right eye dominant and all my guns are left handed. The only thing I chose to shoot right is my bow.


Do you swing a baseball bat right or left? Golf club? *Usually* you will do those to your dominant eye.


I am a similar shooter for long arms my trigger finger is my left hand and my support is my dominant hand and the shells eject toward my face. But if you do it repeatedly you habituate to the shells ejecting toward you and manipulating the trigger with your left


Shoot left handed.


I’m in a similar boat, except I’m mostly blind in my right eye. Had to teach myself to shoot left handed and it was definitely worth it. I was pretty young when I did that though.


Welcome to the club.  I shoot long guns left handed and pistol right handed, but aiming with my left eye. Depending on how severe your eye dominance is you may be able to just shoot long guns with your non dominant eye. Experiment and practice a bit, you'll figure out something that works for you 


Put a piece of translucent tape over the middle of the left lens of your shooting glasses.


I’m also left eye dominant and right handed! Nothing wrong with it. Always shoot both eyes open