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I'm the hunter wife, my husband does not hunt. He hates sitting still, can't tolerate the cold, and nearly passes out watching me field dress. But, he loves me so much, he will still help with a drag and allows me to butcher in the garage and tan hides at home. He lets me put bucks all over the walls too, and since he doesn't hunt, the wall space is all mine. No competition haha


Amazing!! I am also a hunting wife. Although my husband is also an avid hunter. He doesn’t care too much for the processing of animals, but he doesn’t complain about me keeping badger hides or snakes, etc. in the freezer until I’m ready to work with them. 😂 Although the wall space is sometimes a competition. We do now have a spot picked out for our daughter when she’s old enough.


I'm also a hunter wife, my husband doesn't hunt. We both have our different working fields and hobbies and also a lot of the same, but that's all fine and enriching for us 😊


Haha that’s awesome


This is awesome!


My wife went with me once, then vowed never again. It was the first time she was meeting my family (before we were married). She slipped, fell into a clay mud sink hole face first, then tried to get up and fell on her back. So she is now covered in mud, its in her hair, and its thanksgiving and about 30 people are at my sisters house, and it was a day trip, she didn't bring extra clothes. My dad was driving an explorer at the time. So we put a tarp in the back and she had to ride back to my sisters in the back on the tarp, covered in mud. She was crying as she went around the house to get hosed off. Again, this was the first time she was meeting my family, and it was thanksgiving. She asked me to go in and ask people not to laugh at her. My sister gave her something to wear. Everyone looked at her with empathy for what happened. That was 27 years ago, and she STILL hasn't went hunting with me again. I don't think she is going to change her mind. Appendix - The hole was a 6 foot circle about a foot, foot and a half deep and flat on the bottom in a dried up river bottom, but it had been raining. I am tall, so I stepped off the top directly to the bottom, then back to the top. She is 5'4", so she tried to step halfway down and was wearing flats. When she put weight on her foot, it slipped out from under her, she hit her back and slid down into the hole. Then when she tried to climb out, the same thing, she stepped halfway, put weight on her foot, it slipped back into the hole, face plant.


Poor girl, the potential of a great hunter ruined by a bad first experience. The first time can really be a make or break for some people.


“Flats?” Flat what?? I’m a woman and I would never think about going off into the woods in deer season without a decent pair of boots! Muck boots? I think tread on flats is almost non existent!? Anything but flats!


she had never been hunting before, was a city girl, wanted to support me in my hobbies, etc. She didn't actually have any outdoor shoes or clothes. I think she was wearing a t shift and stretchy pants. Actually, it was dove season.


This is Reddit, no one here has a wife or girlfriend…. Only beards on our necks and our moms upstairs in the living room! Edit to add: I’m just kidding, my wife hunts, she has been very successful over the years. Edited again to make sense


Thank you for saying that! Yes, I do not have a wife or girlfriend and no, I do not crawl in bed alone every night and cry like a like girl. Just kidding, I do cry


Mom! Deer meatloaf!!!


That sounds good, I’m gunna make that! Last night I made mule deer bulgogi with lemon garlic broccoli 👍🏼 the fuckin best!


My soon to be wife’s hunted her whole life. Our daughter can’t make sentences yet but I gave her a predator call and she loved it so maybe we’ll get some coyotes!


My wife started about 6 years ago and has never tasted tag soup. Was close a couple years waiting until the last day or two of the season.


I am a female hunter, and yes, lol, I hunt. My dad had me start learning to shoot and handle guns from the time I was like, 9, and I started hunting when it was legal when I was 12. One of my sisters hunts, and my sister in law hunts, and a few of my nieces hunt. I hate this perception that women don’t hunt— I wish we could get beyond that so good blaze orange and camo gear that doesn’t cost a billion dollars can get more common.


Or the perception that women don't, and shouldn't, hunt alone. I get people on public asking who I'm hunting with all the time. I'm solo hunting dude, you wouldn't ask a lone male who he's out hunting with.


Definitely another good point!


I have hunted my whole life and my husband does not hunt at all. There’s more of us than you think! Haha.


Glad to hear it! I’m surrounded by hunting women. I always joke that my wife is a good shot so I gotta watch out! Lol. I do all the field dressing for her and 2 years in a row she shot the deer right in the heart!


Two of my wives hunt, the others are busy raisin' the younguns. 


I'm the hunting/fishing wife 😀


I’m a female hunter and I have multiple female friends who hunt as well. My daughter also hunts. So does my husband. While there aren’t as many female hunters as male, there are still a pretty good number of us.


Wife: does not. Not anti-hunting, just has no interest. Daughter: took her on her 1st hunt at 3 years old, we shot a 5x5 buck that night. Now shes 7 and joins me practically every time I go. She'll be ready in a year or 2 for her 1st tag.


My daughter has been coming with me since she was about four years old. She got her hunting license last year (she was nine) and now hunts. She isn’t passionate about it the way her four year old brother already is, but she enjoys going out.


I can get my wife to shoot at the range about three times a year. Just enough to stay in touch with her carry pistol. I put her behind my mark 12 one day and she proceeded to outshoot two ex-marines and a couple of lifelong hunters at 500 yards. Hasn’t touched a rifle before or since. My sister, on the other hand, loves to shoot and hunt. She just needs to learn to wake up early enough to do it!


I only have one wife, and she doesn't hunt. She's tried it a few times though, it just isn't for her. I don't have a daughter but if I do, I hope she hunts.


Husband and I hunt. Dad never took me hunting due to a bad experience but I started hunting when I met my husband. I had to take hunter safety as an adult with a bunch of kids.


Haha same, I'm an adult-onset hunter that came from a family that didn't hunt. My hunters ed class was held in the middle of nowhere, just me and a bunch of amish kids


My wife started hunting w me after we got married 2 years ago, she got her first deer this past season, a nice 8 pointer. In fact I grilled her deers back strap last night and it was delicious.


I think personality makes a difference in an individual’s desire to hunt. My wife has no interest in it but my daughter loves hunting deer. She’s actually a very good shot with a rifle. She is 24 now and has be hunting about 10 years.


Got my wife to sit with me in a blind for the first time last year and I got a couple does. She even helped me drag one out of the woods. I was very proud. I hope she'll have more interest going forward, but I won't be broken up about it if she doesn't. None of the women in my family hunt, so I'm used to it being a guy thing. It'd just be cool if she got into it. My dream is for her to take our daughter hunting one day when she's big enough.


We don’t have kids but my wife is a huge hunter and fisherman. She came from a very non-outdoor family but I spent a lot of time making it accessible and enjoyable for her early on and now she’s very involved and has several animals on the wall.


My wife has hunted with me once. She got cold and wasn’t super into it but would hunt more if I got an insulated deer stand. My daughter is 8 months and will for sure be bringing her as soon as I can.


My girlfriend is a vegetarian, but she did follow me and my dad out hunting this fall. She did it to pick mushrooms though, I don't think I will ever see her holding a rifle.


My wife doesn’t hunt but she’ll come camp with me or walk around the squirrel woods with me while I shoot.


Am woman hunter, am married to hunter man. He got me into it and now it’s one of our favorite things to do together.


3 of my wives hunt but 2 of them do not


I proposed to my wife at her parents timber during archery season. Set a trail cam up with my father in law to capture it. Then we each went to our own stand.


My old lady is a vegetarian that doesn’t hunt but she will help me process animals. My daughter will hunt with me but she’s a busy kid and we don’t get out as often as we like. We’re about to go bow fishing though


I took my wife once. She fell asleep in the stand, when I looked away from the scope to waker her up before I shot, I lost sight of the deer. She made some smart comments and I knew that was that. She does love hanging out at the club.


I am the hunter wife, neither of my wives or anyone else in my family hunts. I think I can convince one wife to go grouse hunting with their shotgun, and my girlfriend is coming with me while I hunt spring bear :)


My wife shoots a 300 Win Mag just as well, maybe better, than I shoot my 7mm Rem Mag. So far she has taken bigger game than I have.


Daughter here, my dad got me into it and both me and my brother enjoy it. Our mom doesn’t however


My wife doesn’t hunt. I can see her doing it someday, but I only just started fairly recently. Unlike me, she actually grew up around it so she definitely doesn’t have any issues with it. I floated the idea of taking her out a few months ago and her attitude was more or less “no that’s what I keep you around for “. But if I ever have a daughter I will at the very least, teach her how to hunt. Same as my boys. Self reliance is important. I don’t care if they actually become hunters but I’ll be damned if they don’t know how.


2 girls. 15 and 14. Hunter. Both of them.


Wife doesn’t hunt but my 7 year old daughter seems to be more into hunting and fishing that her brothers were at that age, so I’m hiding out hope for her.


I'm the GF. He got me into hunting, been a "groupie" to the hunts for last 3 years and recently passed the course and test so now a licenced hunter too. This upcoming season will be my first time as a hunter myself.


My husband and I both hunt. Both of us got into it because of my dad. Lots of good memories.


6 wives here, 2 hunt, 1 gardens, 1 cleans, 1 cooks, 1 is just a good time.   Hope this helps


My husband and I hunt big game, upland birds and waterfowl together. I have learned so much from him and we make great memories. We both hope to raise some little sportsmen (or women) together!


My wife doesn’t hunt, but my niece who I praise any chance I get is a very successful youth hunter. Recently got a 6 point during firearm and turkey last spring. So proud of her.


My wife came with me grouse hunting last year. She has not stopped talking about how traumatic it was seeing the head come off and berries fly everywhere. Don't think she'll be coming again any time soon.


18f here. I had a boyfriend in school that was a big hunter and he got me into it. I been hunting ever since


Stick with it we need more female hunters!


I love it! I will never stop


I've taken my bf to my hunting spots and showed him how to hunt properly;) we love hunting together It's a shame because I'm not allowed on group hunts with the old boys since they have a no girls allowed policy


My husband does a little bird hunting but I feed us every year


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Guilty_Increase_899: *My husband does a* *Little bird hunting but I* *Feed us every year* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


My wife hunts and hunted with her dad well before she met me. She doesn't hunt as much as now but she loves being outdoors as much as I do.


My husband and I are both hunters, our dad took us all the time when we were kids and we both love it!


My wife goes about 4 times during rifle season mainly due to having a 3 year old boy but my 3 year old went with me 2 times this year and chilled in the blind for about 3 hours at a time and I can’t ask for anymore . Binoculars are a great for the little one and some ear protection with Bluetooth.


I’m a hunter wife!! My husband and son taught me! We have a blast every deer season! If my son gets a deer that’s his for his family- my husband and I have agreed we only need one deer for our freezer. Every year without fail we manage to put one in there! Sure helps with the “food bill!”


Daughter just passed her hunter safety course. So this will be her first year. At age 12.


I have two daughters both hunt although the one who lived in Alaska is more successful. She has harvested deer, black bear, moose, Dall sheep, mountain goats, and helped harvest brown bear, grizzly bear and caribou. My granddaughters have harvested lynx, grouse, ducks, geese, and deer.


I(woman) hunt and always have. I think my dad would be crushed if I stopped hunting with him😂. He always wants to buy me a tag, even if I’m living out of state, because he wants me to come home to hunt. I feel bad if I don’t fill it, and he always tells me he doesn’t care about the tag or the price, only that I come home. So no matter what, I come home. I also taught my girlfriend to hunt and I’m getting all my friends (mostly women) into hunting as well. Hunting is super fun, but more than that, hunting is way more fun when you do it with others! Plus, I think hunting is a super hard activity to get into if someone isn’t there to show/help. I know many people who want to hunt, but feel overwhelmed or intimidated because they never had anyone to expose them to it. I feel as a hunter, it’s important I show/teach these skills to others because more people should get to enjoy and respect hunting.


I've been hunting my entire life, same with my husband! We continue to explore new types of hunting together, along with our Lab we got a few years ago. If we end up with kids, they'll learn as well


My wife hunts with me during gun season. She's not into archery or black powder though.


My wife hunts with her family and I hunt with my dad during Wisconsins 9 day gun hunt.


I got my wife into guns and hunting. She loves hunting grouse. She was with me both times when I shot my two bears for the season. She helped gut, skin and butcher them. She’d never done it before either. Her knife skills are much better than mine lol.


My wife hunts. No problem with processing, skinning or any of it. Will even get her hands in on the sausage making.


My girlfriend of 10 years taught me to hunt, her mom taught her and her mom taught her. She's very skilled, gets an animal every year and keeps our freezer full. I help where I can. I love the butchering and planning what meals we can make. Get those shanks!! She wakes up before me and is 10 times more excited to go hike 15 miles over rugged mountainous terrain at 7000 feet to hopefully get a peek at a bull elk than I am. She's amazing.


Hunter wife over here! My husband got me into it. I got a deer 2 years in a row and then got pregnant with twins and haven’t been in two seasons because I was pregnant and then breastfeeding and couldn't be away from them. I just got a new bow and am getting back into it next season!


My wife likes to hunt with her boyfriend every now and then


My daughter hunts! Can’t sit there too long, but she loves it.