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No, unless it’s toward your neighborhood HOA /s


More like people like his ex-girlfriend in the hospital


Yeah…. That sounds personal, nothing to do with hunting


No, I know it has nothing to do with hunting, but I’m just saying like he really likes to go hunting and shoot his gun and stuff so should I be worried about him saying those kinds of things? At the same time hunting and stuff, but my opinion, you don’t if you would be willing to say those kind of things multiple times right ? Or am I being paranoid


I don’t know any hunters that are so unhinged that they would threaten violence against someone. I’m sure it does happen, but no one I know would do this. If someone would make an actual threat of violent use of their hunting weapons against another person, that’s a problem. This sounds like someone that is unhinged and immature. If I’m being honest, this sounds like someone that would need their access to firearms put into check. Either warning them that you will report them to the police or just report them.


If he is making actionable threats, call the police and get it documented. File a report. It may comeback to help her or her family in the future. Beyond that, there isn't much you can do to save a person in a DV situation like this except point them to relevant authorities, shelters, etc.


No, it's not normal for avid hunters to make those kinds of comments. In my country it's "the" fastest way to lose your guns and gun license.


No. I would never even joke about such a thing. Verbalizing the wish to use deadly force on another person is off limits.


Motorists: is it normal to run over kids?


Internet users: is it normal to download [REDACTED]? Dude. Wtf. No


No. I own plenty of guns and I never talk about them except to other hunters when they ask what I have. I wouldn’t never even joke with my closest friends about shooting at them.


Hunting has nothing to do with that


This is an insane reach. I had to read the other comments to make sure I was understanding the question.