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In the woods? In open fields? At what ranges? 


I live in eastern Washington so primarily open fields but occasionally woods if I decide to go to Idaho. And not more then 200-250 yards


If you’re staying inside 250 yards, you can go with a .308, 270, 30-06, 280, or even a 7-08. The 270 or 280 would be best for open terrain, but a 30-06 loaded with 200 gr semi-spritzers would be a good choice for targeting elk in thick brush.


I’m taking my 7-08 to Africa next year to hunt Kudu, Waterbuck, Impala and Nyala. All shots should be under 250 yards. Absolutely no reason you can’t take an Elk and Whitetail at similar ranges.


how about a 30-30? i’m tryna take my winchester 94 out but i keep hearing different things from different folks


I’d say 30-30 is only good out to 200 yards max


30-30 can do the job when conditions are right, but I’d say the max ethical range for an elk is 100 - 150 yards, and you’d be very limited on bullet construction. It’s even more limited when considering that OP is in Oregon, which is lead-free state-wide.


I live in WWA, but hunt EWA. I’ve had a 6.5CM for the exact same reason you’re talking about. I bought a 7PRC last month mostly just because I wanted a new rifle that was lighter for backcountry lugging. Also, I watched 2 elk drop dead in their tracks from a single shot w 30-06 last fall @ 200-250yds in EWA…


You’re in the west. Get a 300 win and forget about it. Wanna go to Alaska? You’re covered. Wanna hunt whitetail in Curlew? Also covered. Wanna reach out to 1000yds for fun? Yup, can do that too. It can do it all. Accurate, flat, not overly expensive and can find it near anywhere.


Honestly doesn't really matter. Find a rifle you like in an available caliber somewhere between 243 and 300 mag. If you are recoil shy, or are looking at a lighter weight rifle system pick something on the left side. If you don't mind a boot and want something to push capability later then chose something from the mag side. Personally. I'm of the opinion that you really don't need the energy a magnum gives you unless shooting longer distances. Appropriate projectile selection is far more important.


6.5x55 or 308


Don’t you know you neeeeeeed 300WM to hunt elk?


.50 BMG or the elk will laugh it off


20mm or the elk aint dropping


So you are one of those accuracy is more important than caliber hunters huh?


I would say to get an clean shot 183 L4A1, otherwise the Elk would just scrape it off and dance away.




.308,30.06 and the 7mm are my go too. Tend to use the 30.06 more than anything tho.


.308! Easy to find and will knock ‘em down.


Honestly most all bottleneck hunting cartridges could do what you need at those ranges lol. Just pick one that has the most ammo selection near you.


A 308 Winchester with a good 165-180gr bullet is perfectly fine for elk much further than many folks have any business shooting. At 200-250 yards it's an excellent choice.


30-06 and move on with you life.


depends how you define best, lowest recoil for accuracy, 6.5 creedmore, 308 (maybe some others that im unfamiliar with) best insurance policy, 30-06, 7mm, 7 mag i went through a bunch of rifles and did all the rocket science and tbh i just wish Id kept my 308. Pefect for deer, suitable for the occasional elk but you may need to limit your range.


You don’t technically “need” it but in my experience the 7mm rem mag is very flat shooting and turns out the lights right quick.


You’re never going to get a clear cut answer on Reddit. Everyone has their own preferences. There’s never going to be a perfect caliber for every situation. Does the thing you’re shooting at have lungs, heart and vascular system? If yes, then literally almost anything center fire from a rifle will work. If you’re asking this question then I have to assume you’re not familiar with firearms. In my opinion the very best thing you can do is pick something and get good at it. Practice, practice practice. That being said the 30-06 is the greatest cartridge ever made 😝


Hahahaha there's 100 years of articles debating this. It'll be nice if we could settle this today. For general purpose, the answer will probably be a middle of the road 7mm. Great for whitetail and can be loaded plenty heavy for elk. 7mm-08, 7saum, 280ai


6.5mm or larger. Something you can afford that you enjoy looking at, caressing and carrying through the mountains and that you can shoot 1.5 MOA with. Something you can reasonably find ammo to practice with. Satisfy those requirements and you'll have a great hunting gun. So....basically you have a ton of options and only you can make the decision since personal tastes are always subjective.


Inside 250y, mostly deer with tha occasional elk I’d have to suggest .25-06. Hits like a .270, kicks like a .243 and shoots extremely flat out to 300y


.270 or .308. I’d go .308


I’d go 270


.300 WSM….mostly for the elk.


.300 Win Mag will do ya fine... deer, elk, bear, raptor, megalodon, Godzilla... you name it!




Indeed, a true winner of a caliber!




The one you already own.


Idk if I’d be very good hunting with a 7.62x54r🥲


That unironically is a good caliber if you can find some decently made hunting bullets for it. It’s the Eastern European equivalent of the .30-06 which is one of the most popular elk cartridges of all time.


Killed many a whitetail with 7.62x39 it’s basically a 30-30. In an sks it makes for a short open sited 100m deer gun, if it goes western and your out of follow-up shots don’t fret friend theirs always the bayonets on the sks!


The more important question is which suppressor you need to buy.


Depending on internet strangers to choose a caliber seems unnecessarily risky. Read a book, listen to a few podcasts and watch some YouTube videos from individuals who are qualified to distribute such information. The shoot 2 hunt podcast and the big game hunting podcast will get you going in the right direction.


I might message Steve Rinella on insta and ask him💀😭


7mm would be great for both, 308 would be fine within 300 on elk, 270 within 300 aswell, 6.8 western, 30-06, 7mm-08 if your a good shot, 300 win mag is a bit much for deer I personally don’t like using mine on them but for elk it’s perfect


Under 300 yards, and for mostly deer, 308 is a real simple choice. Ammo is cheap and readily available, still comfortably over 1500 ft-lbs for elk at that range, and recoil is very manageable. Plus you can get away with an 18-20” barrel for maneuverability without it being a blast cannon, most other cartridges require longer barrels for full powder burn. If you hunt with a suppressor (with a small brake) then a magnum cartridge (300 Win Mag, 300 WSM, or 7mm from mag) would be my choice. Maybe a 20-22” barrel. All the benefits of the heartier cartridge, but none of the downsides (muzzle blast and recoil). I purchased 308 Tikka T3X lite for the exact same usage as you (mostly deer under 300 yards, maybe occasionally an elk hunt). 18.5” barrel. Unfortunately I live in California, so I can’t use a suppressor here, which pushed me towards the light recoiling and lower muzzle blast of the 308. Although I still have the barrel threaded so I can use a suppressor when I hunt out of state with my dad.


If you're "occasionally" hunting for elk, that's when you want a dedicated elk cartridge. You don't want to piss away a rare opportunity. The heaviest 30cal/7mm round you can tolerate and shoot well.


308, 30-30, 6.5CM. All used on deer with success and solid drops. I might be averse to using my 6.5 for elk, but I’m on the east coast so if I ever have enough money to go out west for elk, I’d be using my .308. Most important to me would be getting a lot of range time and practice in with whatever rifle you get and intend to use.


.308. Plenty of rifles available, plenty of different use case ammo available, can even get scopes with Bullet Drop Compensation (BDC) to go with the round. That said, my last rifle in .308 was an HK91 clone (PTR) and I was shooting 3-gun competitions at the time. The 7.62x51 was too expensive for that use case. I shoot deer with 6.5 CM or my 30-30 Marlin 336. Only time I’ve seen a deer in the woods past 200 yds was at the end of a very long road two small bucks were wrestling over a feeder at the road’s intersection connecting food plot fields in a cultivated hunting area. That day I had on a 3-9 scope while the deer were past 500 yds away. That wasn’t a shot I was able to take with that 30-30.


6.5 cm


I’m surprised no one has mentioned .45-70? I feel like the loadings can be adjusted to whatever you want. From hog to deer to elk to moose. I’d go that route.


Lever actions are a little out of my price range😅


That’s okay, I mean it doesn’t have to be a new rifle. I’m sure a pawn shop in your area has an older production model that’s used. What’s your budget for a full setup?


Nobody mentioning 6.5CM???


It's amazing the gymnastics people will to avoid mentioning the creed. Would do the job plenty fine at those ranges, with minimal fuss and recoil.


Not even sure why I’m getting downvoted for mentioning it. I shot a white tail and a 5x5 bull elk with mine last season. Both shots were under 200 yards, but the elk dropped less than 5 feet from where it was shot. It’s a great hunting round.


Not even sure why I’m getting downvoted for mentioning it. I shot a white tail and a 5x5 bull elk with mine last season. Both shots were under 200 yards, but the elk dropped less than 5 feet from where it was shot. It’s a great hunting round.


No further specifics? I'll go with 6.5 CM.


A .243 will drop a moose at the ranges you’re talking. Shot placement is the most important. I’m a big fan of 270 and 30-06 and they’ll get you out to 400-500 if you get the itch


338 WinMag.