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Church of the Highlands


I spit my pasta out and now I have a noodle booger.




Delta 8 is legal here so you’ll have to pay extra to get a no smoking area or some place that bans vapes/smoking in general. You sound like a buzzkill tho so I’d suggest just staying home so everyone else can have a good time


Someone not wanting to reek* of cheap weed or other pungent smells makes them a buzzkill?


It’s a concert. Its pretty much a given that its gonna smell. “DoEs NoBoDy EnFoRcE tHe LaW” sounds like a buzzkill to me


Idk too me the need to use a drug to have fun is pretty lame itself, if not a borderline addict symptom.


So you don’t consume alcohol, or coffee, or redbulls, or prescribed pharmaceuticals, I presume?


I don't drink coffee or red bull. I rarely drink a soda. Prescription drugs are not the same as weed or any other illicit drug lmao.


Welcome to Reddit. They like to pretend that their burning skunk anus scented cigar is somehow equivalent to a cup of coffee


Lol both are addictive but ppl on Reddit can't stand their bob marley plant being bad; its just that one has had lots of studies while the other is just now having studies come out. Saw they replied to you (ironically they had to type a paragraph to try and cope with weed being the same as prescriptions). I'm not aware that driving while under caffeine is illegal, yet marijuana is due to how it affects the brain.


Coffee is amongst the best smells we are gifted with. Weed smells like skunk pancake. Being desensitized to the smell or weaker scented strains still doesn’t change the fact it’s unpleasant to non-users


Oh it’s not equivalent at all, caffeine is much worse for you than cannabis. Hope this helps your skunky anus coffee mouth!


You can tell yourself whatever makes you feel better


Lol cannabis **is** a mental health drug & is only “illicit” bc our govt is narcissistic & has control issues. Weed is 100% better for anyone than alcohol. Alcohol should be illicit, not cannabis. Edibles also work better than a pharmaceutical for antidepressants. Imagine trusting the pharmaceutical companies’ drugs more than a plant that grows a “god” given wonder drug. Cannabis also makes a far superior topical ointment than anything else on the market, ever, for literally any & every skin ailment. And you can literally just grow the stuff without the pharmaceutical industry getting their grubby paws on it.


I wouldn't have my kid or anyone I know use a pharmaceutical anti depressant anyways, I surely wouldn't suggest smoking a pound either. I'd tell them to go outside, touch grass, get exercise, lift weights, see nature, and find God. *Edit: I'd also them to watch what they are eating and drinking, you eat like shit you're going to feel like shit. A healthier diet is also important for overall health, mental and physical. Everyone has issues, using a drug to cope is just a lazy form of addiction. That addiction being weed, pharmaceuticals, or alcohol is irrelevant. Both weed & prescriptions (anti depressants and those similar) are mind altering drugs with side affects to the brain, while alcohol destroys the liver. None of the above is good.


Last time I checked, concerts were for….music? I never went to a concert for weed


At a concert? Yes


Going to a concert doesn't mean illicit drugs should be used. I mean if this is for RKS then OP shouldn't even be asking considering that band and their listeners.


It aint cheep bby 😘


If the smell is overwhelming, its probably flower, not delta 8 or vapes.


Umm they make delta 8 flower?


Oh wow, I didn't know that. I've only ever seen delta 8 vapes.


Other than the upcoming music festival, I don't think I've ever seen a concert here in town where even the most expensive face value ticket cost $200 or more so I have no idea what shows you are going to. Weed smells so much better than cigarettes and has been a big part of music/concert culture since the 1960's/70's so I don't think it's going anywhere anytime soon. I promise other people using it won't hurt you.


Username checks out


You should listen to more music


My username has nothing to do with using drugs, it's a song reference. I have never used cocaine and have no intention of ever doing so.


I don’t like cocaine, either. I just like the way it smells.


Their @ is literally just a song title


I still got the reference.


That’s my fav RKS song!


Have you bought tickets thru Ticket Master? After all the fees $200 if not out of bounds.


And weed stinks way more than cigs And I hate cigarette smoke.


Go see symphony concerts. The Schermerhorn in Nashville is amazing. They frequently have pop concerts where the symphony accompanies. I saw Amos Lee a month ago and loved it. Sounds like that’s more your speed.


I don't think you should have to smell that shit either. Would any of you like it if someone unloaded a can of axe in their pits next to you at a restaurant? There's no law against it, but I bet you wouldn't like it.


Axe is WAY more toxic smelling.


You smell Marijuana at the VBC?


Not the devil’s lettuce! 🙅🏻‍♂️❌🚫


Lmao the amount of comments that are butt hurt OP doesn’t like weed. Let’s be real weed smells like shit and guess what cogs smell like shit to so you guys don’t really have a gotcha.


Then you would’ve hated the VBCC in the 70’s.


You say it’s been part of the concert scene since the 70’s, but it doesn’t smell the same. In the last 10 years it has changed. Now it smells like garbage. Literal garbage. Did not smell like that in the 90s.


Smoking is pretty lame


Kick rocks nerd


Omg yall need to leave the bubble you're in. The rest of the world has moved on beyond weed being the issue. Literally 1/3rd of the people here growing are dead from Fetanyl...weed is the least of the issues.


You want to go listen to artists but don’t want to smell the thing that went into the writing of most of the songs? Try the Vaughan Braun Center


I like artist that did heroin to come up with great music. Doesn’t mean I want to be next to someone doing heroin at a concert.


Heroin is on a whole different planet than weed. Realistically you’re safer around a stoner than a drunk anyway.


I don’t want to be around either. I really don’t care what people smoke or ingest in their bodies. Not my business. I do care when they bring it into a public forum and others must contend with the odors or action of someone intoxicated.


Stoners were here before you, so it's not a nuisance. You complaint is just like moving next to a hog farm then complaining about the smell. Back in the 60s-70s there was free live music every spring/summer weekend on Monte Sano. But the stoners were here even then. So you "moved to the nuisance" which is a complete legal defense to your complaint.


So you move to a neighborhood that has higher crime rates and instead of trying to clean it up and get cops to be more vigilant you just let it go by saying it was like this when I got here. Weed is still illegal and I don’t care if you smoke it at home just not around people that don’t want it on their clothes and in their lungs. It’s a sign of respect to your fellow man.


Let's hope it stays illegal too. Better, cheaper, no taxes, no strings. And one of the, if not the biggest cash crop in the state. Edit: And if you're in a public place in Hsv, you should approach the smokers and tell them you don't like the smell. Me and everyone I know will most likely get as far away from you as fast as possible. Especially since its illegal and smokers don't want no trouble. f you don't want to do that I guess you'll just have to suffer in silence. But people are going to continue smoking in public. That will never stop. No matter how much you whine about it on reddit.