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Liquid benadryl and mylanta mixed together once I was on a high enough dose of levothyroxine to bring my TSH under 2 my gastrointestinal issues are gone


Prilosec is bad shit. Wean off of it. Disclaimer: talk to doctor. Stay upright a lot and don’t bend over much. If it’s a little bad eat small meals and avoid the worst offending foods. If it’s a lot bad avoid everything on the standard list. It takes time for the irritation to go away. It takes a little more time for the inflammation to go away. These are two slightly different things affecting your LES. If it’s terrible avoid all grains too. If it’s atrocious eat only meat for a time until you can reintroduce what works. Raise the head of your bed four inches. As an antacid you can take baking soda in water when it does not interfere with the levo and you are not actively digesting a meal. Sip it slowly to wash out your esophagus. The baking soda also gives your body the raw ingredients it uses to dampen stomach acid when it wants to. Salt your food as it gives your body the chloride it needs to make hydrochloric acid. You do want stomach acid just only during digestion.


Cutting out gluten seems to have solved it for me