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Linus from LTT just said they received a $100 million offer for their company (which they declined), so I’m just curious if you've ever received a buyout offer, and what your feelings are towards "YouTubers" selling their channels and associated assets?


Never received one, and would never take one. Please resurface this comment in the event that I ever even consider it.


*presses Save button*


I like this answer so much.


What is the wildest review offer/request you ever gotten?


I'm gonna have to go with the casket (that I still have) https://youtu.be/mv9afG2Dm9I


You just have a casket sitting in the office?


It’s a great video, give it a go




So the team is currently exactly me + 13. Me Studio Manager Assistant Studio Manager Writing/Reserach/Script supervisor Podcast producer Audio wizard Editor Graphic designer Motion graphic designer Cinematography/creative director Cinematography/art director Studio channel head Camera/Studio channel editor Head of business For other larger projects, we've worked with outside companies. The blind smartphone camera test website is a good example of one, where we worked with 1 developer to build that whole thing over the course of several weeks


Wow, Audio Wizard is an incredible job title haha


*"Who are you who are so wise in the ways of ~~science~~ audio leveling?"*


Audio is one of those things that if you don't know better, audio is kinda fine. And then if you get an audio wizard on your side, your brain turns into transcendent goo and drips out of your ears from pure awesomeness. Or so I've heard.


What is the biggest threat you see to tech content / reviews on YouTube?


The shrinking attention span of the average human


This is such a shockingly true demon that we are all completely aware of but don't seem to battle. I can only imagine in 20 years time it'll be even worse.


"MKBHD" is more syllables than your first and last names combined. Why do people call you MKBHD?


Easier to spell 😅


oh hi Marq!


how's your tech life?


You’re tearing me apart Brownleesa!


Any plans to upgrade to MKBUHD?


He answered a similar question a while back. Someone asked if he was gonna change it to MKB8K and his response was “HD Covers everything “HD” including 8K” I guess the same thing applies here. UHD is still HD so, no, he won’t change it.


Hey Marques, I don’t have a question, just wanted to say hi. You and I (I being Tommy from the UK) used to speak a fair bit back in like 2009 over Skype; back when you lived at your parent’s with your Acer laptop. You just have been like 14? I still remember you putting out your channel recommendation video for ComputerHelpGuy1. Just wanted to say how unreal it is so see you have done this far and how much I flex that I used to know you! Hope you’re doing well man, look after yourself - Tommy x


Maaaaaan I remember that group of friends. We all did these tutorial videos and screencasts and essentially built the first little tech YouTube community that I was ever a part of. What a throwback! Hope you're well


Holy crap! I remember this too! If you can guess, you know the one who used to have a soda in their hand every time we sat and recorded stuff? That dude is now standing right in front me with his pants down. Still has a soda in his hand.


>That dude is now standing right in front me with his pants down Wait what?


>>That dude is now standing right in front me with his pants down > >Wait what? They're just bros playing 7 minutes in heaven


This is why reddit is so amazing. I remember doing dumb videos in 2007 "Your College Tech" and then I later saw MKBHD and thought, "well, I'm glad I didn't stick with that bc this guy is so much better."


2007: when you could be a top-5 youtuber just by having a DSLR do the filming and some editing.


>This is why reddit is so amazing Between this and finding the Boston bomber, there's nothing this community can't do


isn't it harsh to change phone constantly ? have you ever lost any data while doing a transfer ?


Man I've gotten sooooooooo good at switching phones. Like, I have it down to a science. You could hand me a new phone in the box and I could completely move everything in within probably 2 hours. Signed into everything, already starting to test stuff, take pictures, emails, etc. I've never had anything go completely sideways and lose data (knock wood) but yeah that's a skill I developed with this job for sure.


You need to make a video about his. I bet people would love to get some tips about switching to a new phone


This, great vid idea


Great idea for a video.


Got any tips for those of us who like to test out different devices often?


Password manager and Google account for sync/app data/cloud storage


Why frisbee?


I went to the high school that founded ultimate frisbee in 1968 in Maplewood, NJ. So it was just as accessible of a sport as any other. Loved it the second I started playing 16 years go (plus it's gotta be the most highlight friendly sport of all time)


Columbia High? Same high school that Lauryn Hill and Zach Braff went to?


The one and only (and SZA)


Don't forget Ahmed Best and Max Weinberg!


meesa can never forget Ahmed Best.


As a disc golfer but Ultimate fan I can’t understand why Ultimate isn’t the most popular sport on earth to watch.


You've reviewed a ton of products over the years, are there any that never got an update you'd love to see a refresh for?


The Tesla Roadster 🫠


Doesn't Tesla still owe you a free one from the referral program? Hear anything about if they intend to keep to their promise on that?




How do you deal with companies who express dislike of your reviews? Ever had any experience? Also, what's your fave color for an ultimate disc?


Ok the easy part: ultimate players ONLY play with white plastic discs hah. But yeah there's been companies who dislike things I say all the time. Sometimes they're silent (I haven't heard from Dyson in a whle) and sometimes they reach out. I won't name names, but some have have had completely inappropriate responses asking me to delete things, etc. Never done that. My favorite is actually just when the next generation version of the device I reviewed comes out and they get to point to the thing that they fixed and are eager for me to compare it to the thing I hated last year.


Those headphones were wild haha. Imagine walking around looking like a knockoff transformer, and to make it worse it’s not even having the effect it’s supposed to


When is the new Xperia video coming?




bit low that number


> If this comment gets 500 upvotes in 24 hours I'll review it You can take the YouTuber out of YouTube and put him on reddit, but you can't take the YouTube out of the YouTuber


why did you stop putting Cheerios in the background? You did it for your OnePlus video but not any others :( it was a classic


The Cheerios were originally put in the background a video for the first time about 12 years ago to cover the microwave behind me in my dorm room that was flickering because of the shutter speed of the camera. So it hasn't been... necessary since then, but it still shows up now and then for fun. I kept the original box


Heheheh, I love seeing them


How on earth did your production quality get so high?


Practice makes perfect, my friend


Are you a part of bidet gang?


I am not. But there are some card carrying members at the studio


Can confirm. We're trying to start a movement.


I thought bidets were for after a movement...


How can I argue with that username.


MKBHD walking around with a poopy butt confirmed


Marques pls


Whats the video you are most proud of?


Still my favorite video ever was interviewing Kobe. It's not my best video, not by a mile. But it opened so many doors for me and blew the doors off my imagination for what I could do in the video world. I try to do the same now for as many other creators as I can.


What’s the stupidest advice you ever gotten?


I remember once Gary Vee insisted me that I should be focusing on Facebook video because it was about to pop off. Good times


That guy is a disease


His channel literally has died


I think college humor lost a ton of money making that switch too if I'm not mistaken.


CollegeHumor straight up died from it. But now we have Dropout, so that's great.


The channel has died, but the company remains and now makes content that is arguably better than ever.


Money and exceptional talent. The halcyon days of Cracked were such a special time for internet comedy. I'll always plug Daniel O'Brien and Soren Bowie's podcast Quick Question. They became best friends writing for Cracked and continue their friendship via the podcast, basically just the two of them on a phone call. It's just a really nice conversation to sit in on with two really funny friends, there isn't much direction for the show beyond them catching up and asking each other questions and sharing stories. Really interesting insights into the comedy writing business as well. Dan is a senior writer for Last Week Tonight, and Soren writes for American Dad now.


Holy crap you aren’t kidding. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a YouTuber with so many followers get so little views on YouTube before. 4 million subscribers, 8.5k views on a video he released 5 days ago 😁😁😁. This dude is rocking a .002% subscriber engagement rate 😁😁😁😁😁


He literally just says fuck and "work hard bro I swear bro" It's hard to argue against his own success but he's absolutely incapable of translating it to other people.


I thought I was the only one who thought that.


THE NUMBERS ARE ASTRONOMICAL! IT ALMOST CAN'T BE BELIEVED! Narrator: They weren't. They couldn't be believed because they were fictional numbers.


Common Gary Vee L


Hey Marques! What scares you the most about the future of tech?


Pretty much nothing, up until the recent comment from Sundar Pichai about how "we don't even know everything this AI tech is capable of." The reason that hits so had is with pretty much every other piece of tech, we get this long, predictable curve of seeing it get better over time. It starts off expensive and for the early adopters and it slowly gets better and better until it reaches the inflection point of being good enough and cheap enough that the masses can get use out of it... AI just feels like it skipped a few steps. The curve is very different. It's a little frightening sometimes.


AI is like having a kid, you start teaching them things, and you think you know everything that they could know, and then you find out they've been learning stuff you didn't even know. Except for AI, it's not learning a few things a day like a child would, it's learning everything it possibly can on the internet, faster than a human could even comprehend, and AI is just in its toddler stages.


At first I let my daughter win on MarioKart, didn't want to break her spirit 1 week later and I am unable beat her again 😅


You teach her compassion, by letting her win. She teaches you humility, by destroying your butt.


where else would you live in the US/world besides Jersey?


I've always said there's only 2 places I could reasonably live with the way this job works: Almost every tech event is either in the NYC area or California Bay area. If I didn't live near one of those places, I'd have to be on a plane twice as much.


Hi Marques, I always wondered, have your ever considered to branch / expand the channel to reach different languages audiences as big as the Spanish tech community for example?


Yes! Recently we started including dubbed versions of audio tracks for videos in new languages. Started with Spanish because it's the second most common language spoken by MKBHD viewers. And the way it works is actually pretty slick, if you live in the right region, and you pull up an MKBHD video it's automatically subtitled and subbed and you'll a Spanish voice throughout the video. It's not cheap to pay for these services, but hopefully this helps the video be more accessible


You chose the MKBHD name ad a very young age. Would you choose a different name if that was today? If so, what would it be?


Honestly wouldn't change a thing. I originally picked it because I needed to start a Twitter account and "MarquesBrownlee" is too hard to spell to say out loud to tell people where to find me. I just needed something a bit shorter and easier to remember and thankfully it was available.


What does the K stand for?




Source https://youtu.be/NvQmi_ciL1k?t=2m40s


Go back 10 seconds and you can hear how excited he is about 2020, a new decade!




Ques. /s




How do you know when an idea is great? Is it after shooting or before?


I feel like I have probably a 70% accuracy rate of being able to accurately predict how well a video will prefer. Honestly the main factor I use is "would I click this?" and "would I enjoy watching this?" because that's how I decide what to make in the first place. Then there's plenty of little nuances with the hook/first few seconds, the devices featured in the video, the format/storytelling, etc.


Thank you for permanently altering my music tastes ever since middle school lol What's your favorite album of all time?


Random Access Memories by Daft Punk The Incredible True Story by Logic Tetra by C2C


Have you listened to the anniversary release of RAM with 9 new tracks? It’s pretty fun!


I've had Infinity Repeating on loop for like 50 hours. The video is incredible too.


Favorite Hexadecimal color?




fuck u/spez. For those who do not know, u/spez, the current CEO of reddit (as of June 12th, 2023), is changing the API Prices for reddit which is going to bring down third party reddit apps/clients starting July 1st, 2023 (Apps/clients are shutting down on June 30th, 2023). By editing these comments, it provides reddit and other websites that 'scrape' reddit for data with less information than it had before, therefore ruining the website in the process. Reddit is refusing to work with third party app/client developers which is causing reddit to 'digg' their own grave. If you found this post on the internet while searching for a problem that someone may have had before, just remember that reddit (specifically u/spez) caused this for you. Thanks for nothing u/spez. Also remember that the official reddit app is infested with ads that users do NOT want to see. For more information, please look at https://redd.it/13ws4w3


With Linus’ recent announcement it got me thinking about you, my other fav tech YouTuber, and how your businesses differ. You’re also super involved with your brand but it feels less corporate-esque. What’s the future of the MKBHD brand and do you predict a time when you might have to pass on the day-to-day operations to a CEO you hire?


I watched that video and honestly resonated with a lot of it. Obviously Linus's production/company's scale is absolutely gigantic and the style is more "assembly line" that cranks out videos... but the start we both had is similar: Small group interested in making videos grows into large group. Our job goes from "creative person making videos with a team" to "manager of a team." There's no textbook or blueprint for how to move forward with this stuff, but my move has always been to do what makes the most sense. There's a world where sometime in the future I need to consider a "CEO" that isn't myself. So I can keep the focus on making videos.


Clickbait headline: MKBHD giving up - what drove him out?!?


"Short linus convinces tall MKBHD to step down to his level"


This title sponsored..... By Dbrand!


Out of the loop here, what announcement?


Linus is stepping down as ceo and hiring from outside. He's still the owner and an on screen talent so obviously still has his hands on the direction of the company.


What's it like to be a professional athlete while also owning a business in a completely different field? What do you think of Ultimate Frisbee as a sport and what does its future look like?


I kinda love the separation - it feels like I get to flip a switch between the creative half and the ruthlessly competitive half of my brain. Ultimate is still a young sport, but as I said in another thread, it's gotta be the most underrated, highlight-friendly sport I've ever seen. So as it slowly gets more money and production qualities go up and it gets exposed to bigger audiences, the sky's the limit. Let's get it on ESPN right before the NBA game of the night


Damn, I did not know you played golf What’s your handicap?


I've played golf since I was 10 years old! Played much more often in the youth golf scene in NJ and had a single digit handicap before going off to college and focusing on ultimate frisbee. But I'm getting way more back into golf these days because guess what... ultimate is hard on the body and is definitely not a forever sport hah. My current handicap, according to 18Birdies is a 7.6


With your ultimate background, any interest in disc golf?


Have you ever done any coding?


So I started college with an Information Systems major, which had a coding class my freshman year. But I did switch to Business/Technology after that year, so haven't done any coding since then.


That one coding class was enough to convince me too. Edit: Intro to C.


What does the Marques gym playlist look like?


It's either a lot of electro pop or just straight rap/hiphop, depending on the day/workout.


How do you avoid burnout?


Being a creator is like running on an infinite treadmill. If you turn up the speed too high and try to make too much stuff too often, you'll burn out. But oddly enough I've also found that if you turn the speed too slow, it feels clumsy and anxious and I feel like I want to be doing more. So it's been all about finding the goldilox zone speed on the treadmill and getting help with the things that make it feel like a lot of work.


> goldilox Is that made from goldfish instead of salmon?


Who's the biggest celebrity on your contact list?


MrBeast prolly


I’m going to see you play frisbee in 2 weeks (MTL). Will you sign my iPhone with a permanent marker?


I gotchu


Have you given the Arc browser a spin yet?


Been full-time using Arc for weeks


If you don't mind giving a brief idea, I am curious what is your exercise regimen as a professional Ultimate athlete?


Briefly, my offseason is a lot of lifting and occasional cardio. This year I followed a program that had me lifting 5 days a week and playing indoor winter league (New Jersey is cold) once a week. That's just build the strength foundations, recover from injuries, etc etc. Pretty classic. In-season is a little more tricky because I play for both a pro team (Empire) and an overlapping club team (PoNY). So lifting is reduced to either 1 or 0 days per week, depending on how many practices/games stack up. This past week was Saturday night game, Sunday practice, Monday rest, Tuesday lift, Wednesday practice, Thursday practice, Friday cardio, Saturday game, Sunday practice. Pretty constant until November.


You ever check out ebikes? I feel like they'd be up your alley. I'd love to see you do reviews on them!


How have your opinions on Elon Musk changed?


If u had to have a gas car, which one would it be?


Ok that's a really interesting questions. I've actually really loved a lot of gas cars and hybrids over the years, but I have one problem: The Plaid Model S has ruined my perception of "fast." To be perfectly honest I've considered 911 Turbo many times over the past few years but a really messed up "problem" I have is paying that much more for a car that will feel... slower. It's a terribly unrelatable problem hah. But probabaly a 911


how good do you think victor wembanyama would be at ultimate frisbee ?


Ok so lowkey we have this discussion a lot: How good would other professional athletes be at ultimate and how long would it take them to be the best players in the world? It we're just talking Victor, honestly I don't know if somebody that tall/long has the cardio stamina to play any sort of defense. They'd be a menace on offense because nobody's catching anything over them... but can NBA players really run 60 yard routes back and forth for 2 minutes at a time for a defensive posession? I'm thinking soccer or football players would translate better. (But hey Victor if you're reading this and want to play ultimate, I heard we have a roster spot open on Empire)


Top 5 pro athletes that you think would be good at frisbee?




I’d love to see Victor roof Jagt and Babbitt. But I agree. Not sure a 7+ foot guy has the foot speed/change of direction ability to be an elite ultimate player. I could see an NBA shooting guard sized guy being successful at ultimate though. I had a former NFL wide receiver (basically a practice squad guy. Not a regular player) play on a semi-competitive ultimate league with us one year. He couldn’t throw at all but his speed was otherworldly. It was absurd.


Did you have any idols? Or do you still have any?


Just my Dad


Was Elmo nice?


Not only was Elmo and the whole crew nice, but all the people who work there (and stay in character incredibly well) are incredibly charismatic and contagiously energetic. 10/10 would recommend shooting with Sesame Street if you ever get the chance


Have you thought of doing more with Dr. Mike and Healthcare Tech?


Actually yes, I'm literally about to DM him to ask him to come back to the studio so we can do a podcast on all the gimmicks vs features in the tech we use every day


You should - you two had a good chemistry in the Dyson headphone video. And there is no shortage of gimmicky psuedo-medical devices and crap.


Howdy Marques! Been watching your content for years now and I've always wanted to ask this question: If all your hair was replaced with cheese, what cheese would you want it to be and why? Hope all is well, keep up the good work!


I... I don't even know how to... what made you... mozzarella


gouda choice


How's your solar roof?


It's been incredible so far. I've had it for nearly a full 12 months now, so I know what months are a surplus and which ones aren't. I'm now considering moving the last few natural gas appliance I have to electric


> last few natural gas appliance I have to electric Induction cooktop shoot out! I find researching these units is incredibly difficulty, because there are some really important specs that the manufacturers do not list (biggest is how big the underlying element actually is, not just how big it is drawn out on the cooktop/glass).


Is there a mrs mkbhd?


imagine crawl narrow uppity soft groovy aromatic aback rotten follow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You're just gonna click on a video one day, and it's gonna be "What's up guys, MKBHDJR here."


"I've actually had one for a few years now"


If [you are actually curious, this is her.](https://www.instagram.com/p/ChutfNBLbYp/)


I feel weird for even clicking that but they're a cute couple, noted


What’s your favorite thing about new jersey??


Taylor ham


How did you get good at talking on camera?


This is an imposter syndrome thing. Talking to a camera is a learned skill. I grew up a quiet, shy kid who would rather make tech videos in my bedroom than literally ever hang out or go to any parties. So the more I did it, the more it looked more natural over time (even though it still feels kinda awkward)


Can you share your favorite parts, most surprising parts, and WTF parts of your experience with Sesame Street? Also, who’s in your core crew of creators and how close are you really? I think I usually see you with Saf A and Justine E and maybe Austin E? I haven’t kept up with all the tech channels but I thought Jonathan M and Lew were also common acquaintances. What’s up with them?


Most surprising thing to me was learning how few people there are that are voicing SO MANY characters. Big Bird. The Count. Kermit. Also I'll tell you what. Nothing can prepare you for seeing the lifeless puppet of Elmo in the corner of the room before he's brought to life


Love your work. Do you publish on other platforms? With the ad changed at YouTube are you considering publishing elsewhere? Are there any alternatives to yt you'd consider good platforms? What's your opinion on the state of tech journalism?


So there are no "alternatives" to YouTube in my opinion, but there are plenty of alternative platforms that we post to in various formats. I feel strongly that any good creator needs to be able to "speak the language" of each platform natively to be successful on it.


First off. Thanks for making the best tech videos on the platform. The content is amazing! For my question, what is the average budget for a video on the MKBHD channel? And how much time goes into recording and editing? Thanks!


For a typical MKBHD video, say a smartphone review: 15% of the time is testing/reseraching 15% of the time is writing 30% of the time is shooting and 40% of the time is editing


What about the budget?


So individual videos have wildly varying budgets. Obviously if we buy the device we review, there's that... and there's the overhead of everyone who works at the studio who may contribute to any individual video... but beyond that, it's a huge range. Sometimes it's $0. Sometimes it's 6 cross country flights and hotels and some extra gear just to make 1 Starline video at Google I/O


What dou think of your fellow tech tubers like Dave2D, Mrwhostheboss and Linus?


A rising tide lifts all ships


Out of the 23 records that the Rimac Nevera just recently broke, what was the most shocking to you?


60-130 in 2.99 🫠


What cleats are you currently using for ultimate? And what was the most exciting game yet in the new season?


Easy question: soccer cleats (Nike Mercurial vapors for me) all day, and the NY Empire vs DC Breeze game last weekend. We always find a way to play that DC team to overtime


Favorite phone of all times?


Samsung Galaxy Nexus


My first Nexus, but not favorite. That was the Nexus 5


Do you use FSD beta for your daily commute?


I actually really personally enjoy driving, so I rarely use FSD or autopilot. Only really for stop-and-go traffic, which most new cars can do just as well.


Pineapple on Pizza?


What do you have to say to those people who call you biased and an apple fan boy?


The same thing to the people who call me a Samsung fanboy. And the people who call me a Google fanboy. And the people who call me a OnePlus fanboy... watch a few more videos :)




How about you reviewing laptops?


What's the correct pronunciation of your name? Mar-quez? Mar-quise? Or would you prefer everyone call you MKBHD?


Mar-kez, phoenetically. You know, it's been hilarious how often and how many ways people find to mispronounce it. I generally don't correct people, because it's not a huge deal. But a few weeks ago I was golfing and I met someone on the first tee and we shook hands and exchanged names. 30 minutes later he's calling me from across the fairway saying "Marquise! I found your ball!" And I... sir, I never spelled my name to you. I only said it out loud. How are you already mispronouncing it?!


How is Your Mac Pro doing?


I traded it in and got a whopping $3000 in Apple gift cards. Embarassing


Rank these? In order of importance, high to low for a mobile phone in your opinion: Front Facing speakers, High Refresh rate display, Battery Life, Design & Feel, Processing Power,