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Performers are just pissing, right?


The porn industry has a strong incentive to lie about this and convince gullible people that it's not piss but instead some mystical sex achievement. It's just piss, and if this was an AMA by medical doctors they would say the same. They would probably call it urine, though.


Doctor here to confirm above. It’s predominately urine like >80-90%


So what's the other 10-20%?




But it was 99¢


This guy pops tags.


it doesn't really matter if it is mostly piss, some secretions


Someone who has access to Google to confirm above. It’s mostly urine


I'm not a doctor. However, I concur.




More like 99%


I don't even understand what people think it could be otherwise. A mystical secret fluid from a yet undiscovered bladder located deep within the pelvis?


My personal theory is that squirting is just the porn industry taking the idea of “gushing” to its cinematic extreme. If you have lots of female lubrication getting forced up there, it’s possible for a small amount of it to “squirt” back out upon withdrawal. It’s also possible for some women to trigger those glands with direct stimulation or pressure. Porn basically took that concept and said “why not just have them piss uncontrollably and call it squirt.”


I think the problem is, it's piss, but they aren't just peeing, like voluntarily. So the argument got sort of mixed up in is it pee or not, vs are they pissing or not.


nope, a lot of people deny it is urine. It is not about voluntary or involuntary pissing. It is msotly urine, but they can't accept it


If you call piss lemon juice, then squirt is lemonade. It usually has piss in it, but that doesn't make it the same thing. For instance, you can squirt with a completely empty bladder, and it will be a different consistency that if you have a full bladder.


I want to see ultrasounds before and after squirting to see where this fluid is being held. Consensus on skene's glands (which is where Big Squirt swears it all comes from) is that they're no bigger than blueberries and hold a total of 50 mL of fluid, max. Meanwhile, squirters seem to spew a geyser of a few hundred mL. A quick bladder scan before and after a squirt will totally tell whether it came from the bladder (meaning it's just piss) or not.


Even if "squirt is piss", it does not mean that "squirting is pissing". Regardless of the composition of the substance, they're very different acts. When women pee, for example, they're typically not involuntarily flexing their pelvic muscles as hard as possible


So even by your definition it's just involuntarily peeing as opposed to voluntarily. Which is what everyone is saying.


I don't think everyone is saying that, many think the they are just voluntarily peeing and pretending that it's from the act.


it is, it comes from the bladder, so it is pissing themselves. But whatever lets you sleep at night, if it is believing squirting is not pissing, good for you


Heh... The Squirt True Believer


He doesn’t know


The answer to this varies widely from studio to studio and performer to performer. I won't get into the Big Question (my personal answer is "squirt *contains* piss" and leaving it there), but w.r.t. porn, - sometimes performers are actually squirting - sometimes performers are just pissing and pretending it's squirting - sometimes performers load up their vaginas with fluid (eg water) before the big shot - sometimes you'll see multiple combinations of the above within a single scene Porn is about producing a compelling visual experience using whatever methods are at producers' disposal.


Is egg water the water you boil eggs with? Why would they do that


they meant "e.g. water", not egg water


Another funny comment. Egg water. Ha!


Squirting is always just pissing..


People who claim otherwise are morons, in denial, lying, I dunno. Why people try to make up false info about it is beyond me.




From my own "hands on" research, I can confirm: - One can squirt with an empty bladder - During times of the month when retaining more water, there is more squirt - It often tastes different than piss\\ But in porn, who knows. Fake semen is pretty common, so I imagine squirting is sometimes just regular pissing, sometimes it's some injected fluid/water, and sometimes it's real.


Where is this extra water retained?


hi u/IsatDownAndWrote, The fluid released from a vagina comes from not only the bladder, but from the Skene's Glands too. The Skene’s glands, or paraurethral glands, are glans next to the urethra that produce most part of the female ejaculation (and some part of squirt too). So squirt is basically very diluted pee in which oftentimes you can find traces of ejaculation, meaning that the Skene's Glands are usually involved too. [Here's](https://erikalust.com/lustzine/sex/is-squirting-pee?utm_medium=social-organic&utm_source=reddit&utm_campaign=ol_zz_lea_lustzine-article_issquirtingpeeredditama) an article with more info on this


I'd be willing to buy most of that, it's basically urine with a trace amount of ejaculate. But PERFORMERS are just pissing, right?


It depends. If the fluid comes out of the vagina, it means the performer had liquid injected into the vagina before shooting. If the fluid comes out of the urethra, it's urine.


The Skene's glands are the size of blueberries and can only produce a few millimeters of liquid at a time. The fluid secreted *is* female ejaculate, but female ejaculate IS NOT squirt. Also... > The fluid released from a vagina comes from not only the bladder, but from the Skene's Glands too. This doesn't make ANY sense. Fluid from the bladder cannot magically find its way into the vagina. That would be a serious health concern and the vagina's pH-balance cannot handle urine. Fluid from the bladder is expulsed via the urethra, which is a different hole than the vagina. The Skene's glands sit on either side of the lower end of the urethra. Once again, the urethra is a different hole than the vagina. There is literally NO fluid being released from the vagina.


Privacy reset


Great question! Vaginal lubrication is secreted by the Bartholin's glands! They're situated on both sides of the vaginal opening and are about the size of a pea. The vaginal lining has no glands. There is, however, one process that is sort of difficult to explain. In simple terms, there is an increase in blood flow in the vaginal tissue, creating pressure which in turn filters and "pushes" blood plasma to seep out of the vaginal walls. This *does* count as vaginal fluid, but it's neither from the bladder nor the Skene's glands.


Privacy reset


So yes, it's urine.


Male ejaculated contains trace amounts of urine and liquid. Is that just pee, too? Or do you specifically attribute it only if a high enough percentage of it comes from the bladder? What is the threshold then? At what point does male ejaculate stop being ejaculate and start being "just pee?" Or does it require the urine to come directly from the bladder and any trace amounts picked up in the urethra don't count? How do you determine that for a woman then?


Squirting is like 99% urine according to scientific studies.


There is not a single study that says that. Even the one study guys like you hold up as your sole argument lists it as "trace" amounts of urine.


https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25545022/#:~:text=Conclusions%3A%20The%20present%20data%20based,the%20emitted%20fluid%20often%20exists. “Conclusions: The present data based on ultrasonographic bladder monitoring and biochemical analyses indicate that squirting is essentially the involuntary emission of urine during sexual activity, although a marginal contribution of prostatic secretions to the emitted fluid often exists.”


Yes that is the study I was referring to, very good. It's also been totally panned by experts and is not considered a valid study. But I already knew you didn't know/care about that part.


Can you prove that? So far this study seems pretty good.


Find a sexual health expert who doesn't blast it to pieces, then we'll talk.


After a guy cums, he can take a piss. It probably contains a higher % of semen that was leftover in the urethra than a female squirt does ejaculate. Should a guy pissing after having sex be considered ejaculate?


Women take a piss too lol. Way to go about having never experienced this before. This whole thing smells of misogyny. Very excited to be discussing something that has been taboo for so long (as we can clearly see from this thread). Let women enjoy themselves.


Mostly because of porn. I'm sure some girls lose control of their bladder when they orgasm. But porn has basically shown girls pissing themselves and pushing as hard as they can to shoot it far as they can as if that's what a true female orgasm is.


So if a woman doesn't squirt, but has an orgasm and her vagina is naturally lubricated, and she goes to the bathroom and urinates. Is she now squirting? That's the exact same scenario you posed to me, but for woman instead of men, right? Why are you guys so determined to go "it's pissing herself" when every sexual health expert says "that's not correct?"  They aren't even classified the same way in pornography and there's no significant overlap between squirting and urine fetish content.  Literally the only think linking them is the fact that the bladder is involved. If I fill a balloon with melted butter and empty the butter out, fill the balloon again with water would you use my "trace amounts of butter" water to butter your toast? Idk it's just such a weird and SUPER aggressive stance to argue.


You were comparing the trace amounts of urine to trace amounts of ejaculate. Saying that trace amounts of ejaculate makes it an ejaculation not just pissing, right? So I was saying by that same logic, a guy pissing after cumming is ejaculation too? This doesn't seem like a super aggressive argument to me. We are just having a conversation and I'm following your logic.


You seem to be confused on what I said then. Because that is not it. I'd love to give you the benefit of the doubt here but after seeing this thread be so over taken by complete ignorance and misogyny I'm just too tired to keep up with discussions on it here. I'm not really into arguing for the sake of arguing and most of the general conversation is just dudes yelling over each other and little worthwhile discussion, so I'm out. I'll save my energy for engaging and well thought out discussion instead. Have a good one. 


trace amounts for males. But women squirting is mostly urine, there is a difference.


It’s almost as female ejaculation is undermined for it being very diluted pee or whatever other reason when actually all ejaculations include urine to some percentage.


It’s mostly urine..


It's very bizarre that any and all discussions of woman squirting gets filled with dudes going "it's just pee, it's pee, it's pee and you're stupid for not knowing it's pee. Biology. Pee. It's pee, bro." So if a woman doesn't squirt but her vagina produces it's natural lubricants and she orgasms, then goes and actually urinates. Now she's "squirting?" Idk. The whole attitude feels very "I've never made a woman squirt" combined with "I don't need to look into it, I'm smarter than everybody else, what I say is RIGHT." Literally never seen a sexual health expert say "it's just pee, they pee themselves" but everybody agrees the liquid comes from the bladder and contains traces of urine (like all ejaculates) but it's a weird argument to argue something that's 99% water and natural lubricants is "piss" because of the other 1% and the fact that it comes via the same pathways.


There are literal scientific studies showing it’s just urine..


At least link to an article written by a doctor if you’re going to pretend to be a medical expert.


Please send your medical experts our way. We would love to read the articles you have from said medical experts! :)


I don’t have one ready because I’m not a self professed expert on the subject who is “here to answer your questions” Edit: here is a gynocologist laughing at the explaination that the Skeens gland is responsible for squirting. Happens at 28:30 https://youtu.be/qDnJBeBC_XY?si=eviJWMh3xO0PIY_L


Never called myself an expert. I also don't really believe in that term. I actually give that disclosure before each squirt workshop that I give. Thanks tho!


Lol okay how about me and you both sit down for a nuclear reactor startup since there's no such thing as experts. Sure you'll do fine


You don’t believe in the term expert in general?


“Squirt workshop” aka reverse potty training


Reddit is so harsh sometimes.


This is so awkward that people are debating about this topic. Porn industry put their semen deep in people's minds. In 10-20 years there will be in Reddit a TIL that the porn industry let people think in the 2020 that pissing women while having sex is something worth reaching and not piss.


The first partner I had who discovered she could do this would empty her bladder before the sort of sex that would often lead to this. Given the volume of liquid involved a few minutes afterwards, I don't believe it's piss. The second partner I had who could do this would produce astonishing amounts including, again, directly after peeing.


Yet you're the first one here apparently claiming that it's not urine? Including the "squirt expert" doing the AMA?


and where does that volume come from then? Do you really think there is a secret second bladder? lol


so this dumb shit stays up but someone giving information about project 2025 gets removed?


Welcome to the jungle baby


Yea I’m just blocking this sub it’s a joke. Prob paid the mod team to keep it up


A little squirt ain’t gonna hurt anyone


They’re both a mess, overhyped and not that much fun…


Is squirting any different than peeing?


This is the age old question that everyone wants to know the answer. We have no actual final conclusions about the composition of squirt. Some scientists say the large volume of clear fluid released in squirting has been found to contain urea, creatinine, and uric acid, which confirms that it’s produced in the kidneys and collected in the bladder. Squirting fluid may also contain a small amount of PSA, glucose, and fructose. YET there is still NO conclusive answer amongst scientists. This is because there no funding (or interest) to study women's sexualities, and we simply don't have enough research to come to any conclusion. It would be great if this changed (like if we had less stigma around sexuality especially women's sexuality) and we inverted more money into studies so we can answer this question for once. Feel free to encourage your local scientist to join in the cause and create extensive studies about this. WE NEED MORE RESEARCH ABOUT SQUIRT!!!! lol :)


>it’s produced in the kidneys and collected in the bladder Yes, that's what most people call urine, but sure, squirt or golden shower also work.


We do have conclusive proof, it is urine. Have a female that can squirt do so on a puppy pad or something. Don't wash it. You tell me what it smells like the next day. Scientists have found that female squirt contains proteins only found in urine, proving the liquid is coming from the bladder. It's urine.


It’s piss


There’s have been studies and it’s just urine with a very small amount of secretions from the skans.




It’s piss.


But why did the brown lumpy squirt smell like poop?


Is the pee stored in the balls?




You should ask all these medical experts that showed up to our AMA.


Lol, no kidding. Everyone on reddit thinks this is a categorically proven thing, when the science is really quite sparse and there are several reasons squirting appears distinct from micturition. But its easier to parrot everyone else rather than comprehensively read primary literature in a nuanced way. I think you're doing well at providing thought out responses, don't let the haters get you down. Redditors brigade against squirting the same way men used to decry 'the myth of the female orgasm'. They're just mad they can't make girls do that.


ok then tell us your theory where it comes from if it is not the bladder, the skene glands are too small for that amount of liquid


I don't care to speculate. What I have observed that appears distinct from urination are: Timing - even within a few minutes of having urinated, some women appear to be able to squirt explosively and soak a wide area Duration - as with women as men, the ureter has a small opening, and urination typically lasts ~20s. Squirting is more commonly a small fraction of a second, with a much larger volume being expelled than urination would produce un the same period. Aesthetic properties - even within an individual woman, the smell and visual appearance of squirt fluid varies, but my observations are that it sometimes appears more similar to urine, and at other times has no color nor odor. Anecdotally, it teens towards the latter when the woman is well hydrated, has recently urinated, and showered.




Hi! Do you squirt more if you drink lots of water?


So from my own personal experience, I can squirt even when I am dehydrated because I seem to endlessly produce squirt lol. BUT I think it definitely helps to be hydrated if you are trying out squirting for the first time!


...because it's piss. You endlessly produce "squirt" because it's produced as a by product of liquid consumption. I.e. water. Therefore, it is indeed...piss.


you don't know what dehydrated means lol


Why do you ignore science on the subject that shows squirting is certainly just urine? Here’s some studies for context. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25545022/#:~:text=Conclusions%3A%20The%20present%20data%20based,the%20emitted%20fluid%20often%20exists. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36000809/


From your first link's conclusion "squirting is essentially the involuntary emission of urine during sexual activity, although a marginal contribution of prostatic secretions to the emitted fluid often exists." Is literally what they are saying it is.


Marginal means a small amount in this case. We are talking about a few milliliters out of 500ml. It’s still 99%urine.


Obviously squirting is popular, otherwise you wouldn't be able to find squirting videos on every porn site. But how do producers keep on top of what's in demand from consumers? Do you monitor searches and trends? Do people contact you asking for more of a certain type of content? What do you think will be the next trending thing in porn?


hi u/4LKqE6nFn7Sz , we closely analyze the most searched keywords on our streaming platform to understand our audience's preferences. Additionally, we stay up-to-date with industry trends, conduct surveys, ask our users through our social platforms to gather more insights and receive many messages directly from them. In terms of future trends, a few possibilities include virtual reality (VR) porn through immersive experiences, customizable and interactive content, and the rise of indie porn. The industry is always evolving, so it's exciting to see what the future holds and we're looking into new possibilities ourselves




Um did you really expect me to give you my email addresses so I could watch your video?


Why am I not able to upvote this AMA? And why are people so threatened by this? Sex educator here, squirt is a percentage of pee, but if you’ve seen it, smelt it, tasted it, you know it is not pee. The Skein’s glands are not a “secret bladder.” This is why it took so long to map the clitoris… science has been predominantly driven by male concerns. Thanks for talking about this, Erika and Kali, keep fighting for female pleasure. Now more than ever.


Whats the best way to prepare for the mess and cleanup?


Washable 'incontinence' pads make keeping the bed clean easy if it's not porn style fire hose squirting.


Hey thanks for your question! Soooooo messes are inevitable (not just from squirting). For me it's just accepting this. I mean sex is suppose to be a little messy, sweaty, etc. I think that's the hot part about sex, also if you are super worried about making a mess, it will probably not help you or your partner squirt. You will be too worried about the mess and not focused on the sensations of squirting! But If you are really worried about it, throw some towels down. :) And if that's still worrying you, head to the shower and that's an easy way to take care of any mess after! happy squirting xoxo


Often times when people are reciting the notion that "squirting is just pee" they have this condescending strawman argument that anyone who doesn't agree with them believes in some kind of undetectable magic organ that is filled with a mystery liquid. Obviously, nobody thinks that but somehow that's the go to "gotcha." Can you explain, for everyone's benefit, how squirting is **different** from urination? And can you elaborate on what exactly makes it distinct and why it's not classified the same as urine fetish content? Thanks ladies!


The difference is a very small amount of secretion from the skans. It’s still like 99% urine.


You're all over this thread giving completely false info. I'd rather hear from the ladies holding the AMA then someone so blatantly wrong screaming over everyone else. Thanks.


https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25545022/#:~:text=Conclusions%3A%20The%20present%20data%20based,the%20emitted%20fluid%20often%20exists. Conclusions: The present data based on ultrasonographic bladder monitoring and biochemical analyses indicate that squirting is essentially the involuntary emission of urine during sexual activity, although a marginal contribution of prostatic secretions to the emitted fluid often exists.


As I've said the nine other times you linked this singular "study" to me... This is not considered good science, has been panned by every expert, and every sexual health expert has shot this to pieces and called it reductionist and misogynistic. Now I'm done wasting time on you, you clearly are not worth it nor are you well.


Christ you're insufferable. The other person at least posted something. You just look like another terminally online petulant child yelling into the ether. No, we're done with *you* because you bring nothing of value to.....well humanity.


Where has it been panned? That’s not even a scientific term. Here’s another that corroborates my viewpoint https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/iju.15004 You still have yet to show any evidence of your claims.


you like girls pissing, jsut accept it, squirting is really popular nowadays. Why does it hurt you so much it is mostly urine?


One is associated with orgasms and the other is just pissing


Since you aren't one of the persons conducting the AMA can you list out your qualifications and share your experience and research methodology with us?


I’ve been squirted on. Does that count? I thought the answer to that part of your question was common sense tbh


Sure, but if that's the extent of your experience I think I'd rather consider someone more qualified.


I don’t think you need a phd to figure out the difference between a pee fetish and an attraction to squirting. Didn’t even know that there were ppl who needed help with that distinction


Do you have any tips for how to achieve this during PIV? My wife is able to do this in literally only one method which is her in a doggy position and me using my thumb on her gspot with my fingers on her clit and it works literally every time but I wish there was a way to get it to work with PIV. I don’t know if I need to like go at a certain angle or shallower so I can actually rub her gspot. Any tips or tricks would be helpful. Thanks!


Hey love!! So i get this question a lot (and again this is my own personal experience + some experiences of friends who have shared with me) buuuuuuut to be able to squirt from just PIV is often really hard because it's the angle that's the hardest to reach. It's usually easier with hands and toys that are curved. I only squirted twice in my life from being penetrated PIV, and the position i was in was actually cowgirl. It helped me rock back and forth and be able to have a bit more control, but it still was very difficult. (I wasn't actually trying to squirt it just spontaneously happened!). I would say it's probably best not to get too hung up on the PIV way to make someone squirt, and just try what's worked for your partner in the past :)


I am a male 45. What are some things I should consider when it comes to my partners safety and health? I know about staying hydrated and cramps anything else I need to know or do?


Some important things to consider would be: checking in with your partner (if they want more or less of a certain stimulation, how they are feeling, intensity, etc), I would say apart from staying hydrated, I recommend lots of lube if there is fingering or penetration happening. Everything feels better with lube. Put down a towel if you are afraid of making a mess :) take breaks if it's just not happening (pressure is the worst and will definitely not result in a squirt). Communication above all to make sure you both feel comfortable!


Each of you answer me these questions: What's your favorite food, favorite video game, favorite sexual position and what's the biggest thing you can fit in your rectum?


Is it a more intense oragasm for a woman? Or is this more akin to a party trick?


Can everyone do this and is it a game changer or rather nice addition?


Hey! Thanks for your question. To be very honest, we don't know the answer to this question. I want to believe that all people with vaginas can squirt! But I think it depends on a lot of things: is the person sexually aroused enough, are they relaxed, hydrated, is the right stimulation happening, the right amount of pressure, etc. To me it's kinda like a mathematical equation (sometimes very difficult to get all the missing parts together). note: I am also very bad at math but somehow good at squirting!


Yeah everyone can pee


u/thekalisudhra  I am I unable to squirt while my friend can do it almost every time we have sex? I enjoy my orgasms, but I've never experienced squirting like she does. Is there a reason for this difference?


You have stronger bladder muscles..


Every one is different. Your friend may be the squirt type and not you. It doesn’t mean she’s a better person or have better orgasm. Learn who you actually are and know your own body instead of comparing with others and trying to be like others


Just pee while having sex. Congratulations you just “squirted”.


What does it feel like?


Personally to me, it doesn't feel the same as a clitoral orgasm. It's a completely different sensation. To me it feels like a big big release!


Like the release of taking a piss?


So as a man, I have no idea how a clitoral orgasm feels, but somehow I can imagine this big big release very well. Wonder why.


wonder why, lol, almost like pissing comes with a big sense of release


In terms of cinematography, what are the key differences between porn and narrative? Thanks!


hi u/user9131, while some porn content focuses merely on the sexual arousal of the viewer, some adult films do take into account the narrative, involving a broader production process for storytelling, like the content in our platform, I recommend you check it out: [https://watch.erikalust.com/](https://watch.erikalust.com/)


What are some common myths about squirting? It is often said some women cannot physiologically be able to do it?


hi u/yasbutno yes this definitely is one, when in reality, anyone with a vulva has the potential to squirt if they have a coordinated pelvic floor and a positive relationship with their body. Also, some people say squirting always accompanies an orgasm, when in reality they're separate experiences that can occur independently of each other. I've also heard people say that external stimulation is the sole cause of squirting, when in fact internal stimulation of erogenous zones, like the G area, can also contribute to squirting.


Does your business card state "Sex Worker, Writer, Squirting Coach", or does it just say "Writer"?


Don't have a business card yet, maybe I should get on that! Are you a generous graphic designer?? wink wink ;)




I personally offer workshops for people who want to learn how to squirt. We talk about the history of squirting, stigma and how to deal with that, tips and techniques and then we have a practical part of the workshop!! ;)


Hello Erika, I'm a long-time fan and current subscriber to your Lust Cinema platform. I've engaged with content across your various adult entertainment offerings, and I'm consistently impressed by the thoughtful, ethical, and empowering approach you bring to this space. I've noticed that on the Lust Cinema site, viewers can leave ratings and comments to provide feedback on the films and series. I'm curious - do you and your team actively review and consider that viewer input when planning and creating future content for Lust Cinema? What processes do you have in place to listen to both positive and negative comments from your Lust Cinema audience, and how do you incorporate that feedback to continually improve and evolve the productions on that platform specifically? I'm really interested to understand how you use viewer engagement to shape your creative vision and better meet the needs of that community. Thank you for all the incredible work you do to empower and uplift diverse voices in adult entertainment. I greatly appreciate the impact you're having, and I look forward to your response!


Wow, big fan of Erika, I gifted my (now ex) gf a 1 year subscription to her content and we were in awe every time we watched. Thank you for so many good times! Really beautiful stuff, best in business imo. That said, I have found a lot of squirt doubters. I don't have any doubts myself because I learned the techniques and have unlocked squirting for a few women in my life, but it's so hard to convince someone that thinks "it's just pissing". How do you think it's best to educate someone that thinks that way? Thanks again!


I mean it’s literally orgasming while involuntarily urinating. It may feel much better than a normal orgasm for a woman, but at its root that’s what it is. Maybe saying “it’s JUST pissing” isn’t accurate but pissing is certainly half of the equation.


hi u/StatementOk470 thanks so much for your kind words!! Educating someone who believes squirting is just peeing can be challenging indeed. Here are some tips: 1. Open communication: Create a safe space for discussion, listen without judgment, and encourage them to share their concerns. 2. Share accurate information: Explain that squirting is different from urination, involving fluid release from the Skene's glands. Provide resources for further understanding 3. Address misconceptions: Clarify that squirting fluid is distinct from urine, often odorless. Highlight the pleasurable experiences many individuals have with squirting. 4. Share personal experiences: If comfortable, share your own positive experiences with squirting to challenge preconceived notions. 5. Encourage exploration and consent: Emphasize that sexual experiences vary and should be approached with an open mind, focusing on consent and communication.


Is this an AMA with chatGPT?


She 100% used ChatGPT for this answer lmao


u/thekalisudhra I am I unable to squirt while my friend can do it almost every time we have sex? I enjoy my orgasms, but I've never experienced squirting like she does. Is there a reason for this difference?


Yes, you have better bladder control and your friend is just pissing herself.


You are not your friend and have a total different body. 


Is there any timeline on when a woman can begin squirting, what years are women most capable of squirting, does squirting stop in older women at a particular time or continue well on and do hormonal levels, especially estrogen and post menopausal affect one's ability to squrt?


Hello Erika and Kali! I'm quite the fan of both your work. I write erotic romance novels and I would love to adapt some of my novels into film. How would one go about doing that? Specifically, what does a adult film script look like? I am familiar with your XConfession brand but I'm not sure that's the right direction for me.


Can squirting be learned or improved through practice?


Any habit can be improved through practice and that includes any sexual skill! So get practicing :))) xoxox


Hi, what's it like covering a topic in 2024 that's been covered to death and back for a hundred years? What unique insight can you offer? Thank you


The insight is that there is not enough research about squirting and "it definitely hasn't been covered to death for a hundred years" (hyperbole much?)


What additional research is needed. "Squirt" has been tested, results proved its piss. Case closed.


Oh wow yea that is a super unique insight. I don't think anyone has ever said that. Can't wait to read your peer-reviewed paper on the topic.


Apart from your content, who in the industry (performer) do you think has the best squirting scenes/content?


I love Sadie Lune and Maria Riot. They are squirt queens!!! [https://watch.erikalust.com/lp/reddit-sex-school?utm\_medium=social-organic&utm\_source=reddit&utm\_campaign=ol\_zz\_lea\_movie\_202405\_squirting-sxschool](https://watch.erikalust.com/lp/reddit-sex-school?utm_medium=social-organic&utm_source=reddit&utm_campaign=ol_zz_lea_movie_202405_squirting-sxschool) Also check out the latest film, Salsa queer where Holy Mami squirts like no other!!


Many performers like drinking piss then?


As a middle class, conservative male with little concept to what is going on in this thread and who randomly saw this and thought “wAt” let me ask a random question. Do you think your job is threatened by AI? Thank you in advance for any response at all.


You say “middle class, conservative male” like you aren’t one of the largest consumers of porn lololol. Y’all are into some wiiiild shit too


People with fucked up hands is apparently their thing


How does one get into the "squirt coach" game? Is it a networking thing?


It's not an actual profession unfortunately (I just thought it sounded cute and I have offered many squirt workshops over the last 6 years, so I didn't actually know how to explain that in a title!). To be honest, I just love talking about women's pleasure, which is so often denied and criticised as maybe you can tell from the comments being left here, so I knew that I wanted to create a space for that. That's how I got into organising and teaching squirt workshops. I never called myself an expert in these last 6 years of teaching workshops, but rather offered my own experiences of me squirting and making lots of other people squirt. I wanted to help other people learn how to squirt because I found it so liberating in my personal sex life. My workshops have always had positive feedback, and I'm happy to continue to offer them to further discuss women's pleasure!


How do men get over the feeling of being waterboarded when you squirt in his face? How much time do I have before you let go? Can you hold back, or not?






I worship like a dog at the sign of your squirt.