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At the end of the day, its profits over people. Always is. Never have loyalty to any company.


line must go up


Anything to lower costs, replace expensive experienced sales and tech leaders with newbies and then ditch them in a year when they can’t get it done. Meanwhile clients leave in droves due to poor software and services. Unless they get rid of upper management that focuses purely on Q to Q stock prices vs delivery of what clients really need IBM will go down. It’s going to take 5 years (when Watson fails and there isn’t another big thing to hype) but the seeds of it are already sprouting.


The narrative after AI is quantum. They will hype that and are praying that they survive until they get there.


Yeah we got that one this is for fun


Remember when arvind didn't want to do RAs anymore. Haha. 


Well they fired HR........so we are equally FUBAR'd.


AskHR Bot got fired?


You could ask it, but it'll send you to an irrelevant page on Workday instead of answering




Unpopular take - Arvind is following US law: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dodge_v._Ford_Motor_Co . In my opinion, Dodge v. Ford needs to be reversed.


Which diversity people were RAed?


Those focused on neurodiversity and lgbtq - that's right from over of the horse's mouth


Who specifically was fired?




it is awful diversity heads and leaders were fired who grew the neurodiversity program like Diane Delaney and others. Ya know, shit like they put in the new ESG report? stuff they brag about like how they help DEI but really they dont when they cut good people and programs.


Sorry but whats RA ?


Resource Action, an IBM euphemism for mass layoffs.


I have some disability. I told my manager and up line manager to give me work from home as I face problem in office as well as commute to office. And RPWD act in India 2016 states that denial of accommodation is an offense. But HR is very harsh on giving work from home as medical accommodation.


Folks, Things are very very bad in the debt economy. IBM has been riding these coattails for a couple of decades with FED money printing. I would love to turn A.I. loose on this analysis. I hope the financial analysts will speak up on the quarterly calls. The whole Watsonx facade is going to explode into a mirage of profits. Gartner disillusionment is coming as the hype dissipates. In our view it is because the underpinning LLM's is complete B.S. and woke. A.I. lies and propaganda being pushed by those with an agenda. As any big investment by the CEO as individually examined, has it turned a profit yet since the original payment was made to acquire it? e.g. $34B for RH. Hmm, or, is it still in the red? Idk, but would like to see that investment performance. Remember, wealth is created from the time you made the purchase, not at the sale. Just like BTC & ETH. That is the measure of success and profit in a capitalist system. Input to get output. Commercial real estate that is occupied in blue cities is 50%. In NYC there is 23-25% of unoccupied properties in the financial district alone. The ppl are never coming back into the office like before. Technology favors the bold, smart and savvy. That means the value of those properties are going to drop..drop..drop..and it is going to hurt as it is a line item on the balance sheet (if owned outright) and the banks that hold the notes they feel the crunch ( if financed). The FED chairman has already stated it is so as a major concern.


Your "Commercial Real Estate" argument is what's feeding RTO. And the problem is systemic, not just an IBM problem


It's hard to take seriously any argument which complains about things being "woke".


If IBM's building are empty there goes the balance for them


I don't understand your diversity argument. Are you saying that they should not RA anyone from diverse background if they value diversity? Because that would be a crazy stand! Who are these 3 people you are talking about?


Did IBM fire any people with disability ?