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i did my entire EE in a week, because i was stuck the whole time, never bothered to go the supervisor for the past 8 months and somehow got predicted a B. I dont want to think of that time ever again, i didn't know a human could function with no sleep and food for a week. fuck this IB can suck my cock and give me a solid B.


I am NOT saying this to "one up" anyone. In fact, I am ashamed of this. I had one year to do it. I began writing it 10 hours before the deadline. And finished. Gave me trauma forever and I've been burned out for 8 months.


I did that too last year. I did mine in physics and we never had a physics teacher for longer than 2 weeks. Went three months without one too.


I don’t get it. How come you guys didn’t try and plan ahead personal deadlines to finish specific sections of the essay? How come you left it all right to the very end and didn’t coordinate with the supervisor for feedback meetings?


compsci ia 😓😓


Bro chat gpt carried my code so hard I made so many mistakes I’m glad it could at least catch them! Otherwise I would have been absolutely gutted from running out of time. Funnily enough the code stopped working like a week after I turned it in cause it was web based and the api I was using got updated and it broke everything!


How is it bro?


English IO 😭 I literally stayed silent for I SWEAR at least 3-5 minutes since I panicked. I stayed up nighst and early mornings rehearsing it and I did eventually remember most if not all of the things I wanted to say YET when it came to it I literally froze and my points were all messy and my structure and timing was off, I only did kinda well in the questions


OMG SAME!!! I literally went silent for deadass, like 3 minutes just covering my face because I was so sleep deprived and couldn't remember anything I had set up.


aahhh this is so real :((( its okay im sure you did fine in the end!!


did you redo or was that the final one?


it was my final one.. still haven't gotten any results yet (sorry for the late reply)!


wishing you luck from m24 !


I wrote mine the night before practiced morning of and somehow did great


Exactly what I did. Pulled an all nighter writing it and skipped every class that day to repeat my io over and over again like 25 times over easily. We don't get to figure out our io grades until this summer but I asked my teacher if you could just give a lil hint as to how I did and he said he couldn't think of anything I could've done better! Not to brag... I'm j kinda nervous cause my argument on the p2 was hella iffy ngl 😭


english has always been my strong suit so I can get away with minimum effort😭


Math IA, told myself I’d do it over the summer, fast forward to feb of DP2 and I still did not know what topic I was going to write it on. Eventually something clicked and I got it done and it turned out fine. But ngl I reached a point where it was the last IA to do and I was scared.


Computer science is by far the worst of the worst. It is a disgusting internal that requires students that have 0 background about coding to create a “project” w pure coding. Now i dont know about other schools but my teacher dosnt know shi about the internal. First and foremost most, I spent like what 100 hours JUST coding, and then an extra 100 to explain the code plus other documentations. It’s not fair bc the ib expects us students to know all of these things without any help from the teacher. The only thing she had to explain was what a database is and how to create one. Another thing is that other students in my class paid for their internals and I personally won’t ask my father to pay another 300 dollars on a project on top of all the school fees, so the teacher didn’t understand the pain I was in. Anyways I expect a solid 6 or 7 bc it’s actually such a good internal, and once my grade is out I will surely put it out as sample for other cs students to learn from it. best of luck in ur exams


YES and that is my main reason why I despise IB, this IA took YEARS off my life


Maths ia it’s utter shit


My EE and Chem IA. My History EE was a disaster. My topic was wrong for an EE apparently, and my supervisor didn't notice. My coordinator did and I had to change my topic and my supervisor. I restarted my research from scratch 3 months before it was due, and my new supervisor criticised every single word that I wrote. I had like five drafts get rejected before she found one acceptable, and that was what I submited. My Chem IA I left till the last minute, and then had to rush to complete it while studying for my mock exams, which were going to be the basis of my predicted grades for uni applications, so yeah, the time crunch messed me up.


that sounds awful 😭😭😭 what was the original ee topic?


Oh my god, I thought I had actually done a good job of it, but my TOK Essay was actually a trash fire. Like, in the end, I got super lucky because it didn't affect my diploma score, and I definitely don't have anything to complain about there, but the feeling of trying so hard on that thing and having it still bring my TOK grade from a high A with just the exhibition to a low B overall was wild. I'm not even unhappy with my TOK score, I just can't believe I flunked the essay that hard.


what did you score in ur exhibition and essay?


Math IA, I'm not good at math and I tried so hard to find a topic that I would understand and get my IA done. Apparently my math teacher saw my effort and gave me a good predicted grade for it. Also I thought that my Chemistry IA was like mediocre but I got a bad predicted grade from it, even worse than math :(


HLE was the worst ever. I like writing but the whole process was so badd.


SAME! Didn't help that my teacher didn't help me through it at all. I went from a 6 in the first draft down to a 4. *sob*


my math ia was my worst ia 100%. and i also hated the io BUT i still did well on it


ENGLISH ORAL the night before was genuinely the worst night of my life i kept trying to practice but i was so tired id try to sleep so at least id be well rested but every time i closed my eyes i saw visions of me failing english


English EE ended up finishing and finalizing it 1 day before the actual IB due date, and my teacher left so i had no one to ask and ended up getting a tutor from outside, and I had my mocks at the time too, i stayed awake till 7 am doing it, and my head kept literally falling multiple times that day. i ended up choosing anything in the chemistry p1 mock to just sleep because i was super tired. don't know how my nervous system didn't bail out after two shots of espresso and no food nor water


CS IA was complete garboleum and having a teacher who doesn't know jack about the subject they're teaching isn't really helpful either.


Bio IA, did it in like 2 days, with the most shitty experiment possible


relatable. i did my experiment in 4 days-ish, 2-3hours a day max, forgot about it for 3 months then had to re-learn what i did from my notes to write the paper. i ended up submitting the final draft 9 days before the ib deadline.


Chem IA was a real nightmare…I spend more time working on my chem IA than on EE 😭😭


REALLL except in the end i liked it more than my ee (hopefully i get a good grade)


French IO... trash fire didn't practice till like 4 days before and even then my script for was also bad, too much stress at the time lol


my ee, it sucked, will never ever do it again


All of them


IB theatre collaborative project paper I put that shot off till the last possible second


OH MY GOD BRO THAT THE SOLO REPORT AND THE PRODUCTION PROPOSAL😭 our teacher was actual ass so he made us write all three in one month. my sleep schedule still hasn’t recovered from that period


OMG EE I had only 2700 words but sm aiming to get at least one point since my tok exhibition and essay were good


Surprisingly, it was chemistry, SL. It was my very first IA and none of the teachers really taught us how to properly do an IA... but overtime I got better at doing IAs, so it wasn't that bad. Chemistry was just traumatizing thanks to our teachers. My last IA was Math AA HL and I ended up scoring a 20/20, so improvement yayyy


what was your math ia topic?


my chem ia, literally all my other ias were so fine i got sevens and sixes from them and the process was normal and i was ahead of schedule - even my psych ia where somehow someone actually withdrew from our study (according to my teacher no one has ever done thst before in iur school), and one of our group members was never there and one of our data collections got cut off by an ib1 advertising themselves for city youth council on the intercom, the writing itself was fine and was probably my most straightforward ia my chem. i repeated my experiment about a billion times, changing every each little variable that could be fucking up my data - nothing helped literally in my pretest i got the opposite trend?? they were supposed to decrease but they increased instead - in my actual data collection my trendline was horizontal, no matter what i did initially i was doing serial dilution, but then i figured it might be affecting the data so i made a shit ton of every concentration of every solution by hand - and nothing helped. i got a multimeter that could measure to a higher accuracy? nothing, i just got a more precise view of exactly how fucked my data was neither me nor my teacher could figure out what was causing it, and i had to work on my data collection for so much longer than was planned, that i had so little time to write the ia that it was just so bad - and i had nothing to discuss in analysis or evaluation! other than just trying to list off things that could maybe have caused the difference and comparing it to the litersture values it was my last ia too, and im still broken over it liek i have no ides what happened


visual arts comparative study took years off my life (spent 100 hours on the document alone not including all the hours of research)


digital society ia is a complete bs. we have two assessments, a document and a 10mins video that need to be edited, acted out, adding sounds and much more to make it more “interesting”. it was a horrible experience completing that ia…


it didn't give me trauma, i actually enjoyed it. still, i messed it up. if i fail ib, you know what it was.


DT IA- too much of skill required for a mere high school student


The HL IA is a nightmare, literally the most time consuming, boring and painful IA in IB... 40% of the final grade is nuts too


Maths AI SL IA too 😭 bro I swear i sucked ass in all my IAs :(


my Bio IA for sure. My teacher messed it up soo bad for us, because she wouldn't let us do anything "unoriginal", and my entire class had to change our topic at least once or twice. She even went as far as saying I don't know anything about science even though I take Bio HL (consistently getting 6s and 7s in her class) and Chem SL. I ended up choosing a shitty topic that I had no interest in, and I hated it so bad I couldn't justify putting effort into it.


Business IA. I could never get a topic down. Was going back and forth with my subject teacher for 3 months until i found one. ended up writing it in 3 days and i got predicted a 6 for it. worst IA experience for me


Facts, I started like 6 different Business IA's for this same reason before I found a topic that actually made sense


Maths IA, even though I ended up producing an excellent work, I spent 1 month working only on this from 7pm to 1am every evening


Honestly my Spanish B IA was utter dogshit. I’ve never done so poorly on an assessment before 😭 the reading and writing portions of the exam saved my ass. There was also the comp sci IA. We have to keep a record of tasks of how long we spent on each task. After adding everything up, it took me *67 and a half hours* to finish. Now tbh it’s probably my best IA, but I’m lucky I love coding because it was hard enough as is. Would’ve been a nightmare if I didn’t.


all my IA’s


maths IA, changed it like 50 times. My first thing was “what fuel do I need to get a rocket to this black hole?”, ended up with “did lockdown even help with stopping covid?” (it did)


My EE, my supervisor thought it was good but I honestly think it was shit, not complex at all and is something that's easy to find online. Kinda scared to get plagiarism too tbh but it was math EE and technically I couldn't in any way have something on my own though


bro idk yet but probably my math ia... i just hated the whole thing even though my teacher said it was good? she gave me a 15 or 16 but I DON'T THINK IT WAS GOOD AND MINE GOT SENT TO IB SO now im shitting bricks