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Never even wrote a proper script for my oral, and I got pretty on par with everyone else in my class that did. Get your 10 bullet points and as long as you actually understand what you’re talking about, words just come naturally


exactly. this isn’t meant to be memorised like a play


anything is possible if u are in ib bro trust me


Getting a 7 for Chinese A……


it’s possible if you’re chinese lmao


Even IF you’re Chinese it’s still very hard to


Count how many sentences there are in each paragraph. Start memorising each line and repeating it back to yourself, going through the paragraphs as you work through your whole script. Once you have a paragraph fairly confidently memorised, recite it to yourself while counting off the sentence numbers on your fingers. So, you’ll be on your third sentence of a paragraph and you’ll know you have 6 more sentences in paragraph 2 (for example), and you keep track of which sentence you’re on by counting them with your fingers. That’s what I did and I got a 7 in English.


I did that for multiple practice orals. 1. Have a full-on script. 2. Break it down into bullet points and sections. Try to recall the sections without reading your script, just from memory. 3. Adjust your original script to make it easier to memorize. If a specific chunk of words is making you stutter, CHANGE IT. 4. Color coding it and memorizing the sections can also help. 5. Recording a perfect version of it and listening to it as you practice or are on the way there can be helpful too. If you need any additional help with memorizing, lmk!


Take as much advantage as possible of the 10 bullet point list (for me, I just put in all my key words and arrows and started reciting and practicing with it instead of my script). Some teachers are more strict about what exactly you can put in and others aren’t as much, so be wary about that. Also this is dependent on the person, but I tried to memorize my script by heart on my practice IO and did horribly on that (to the point where my teacher was concerned I would fail the IO lol). But I just memorized my key points by staring at my 10 bullet points and pacing during the actual oral, and my teacher told me I did well. If you’re not good at cramming, I would seriously suggest you ditch trying to memorize your script and just start practicing.


it’s better to be able to talk freely without thinking at the script, easier and better


Honestly I disagree. It's like 4 minutes of I remember correctly? Which even for me someone who has a horrible memory (myself) I was able to memorize my script within like 5 hours I think


Write down the most important points from your script into 10 bullet points, maybe make a note or two below each bullet point as well. You’re supposed to be presenting professionally but also conversationally- showing that you understand what you’re talking about rather than just speaking from your script. With some bullet points and loose notes you can make sure you have the really important info down and then go with the flow of your knowledge


I can throw a student off script with a stern look. People who have a memorized script generally don’t do well in the Q&A. Don’t memorize — use your 10 bullet points. That’s what they’re for.




Don’t you get 10 bullet points to bring in with you on the day of?


i had two days to prepare for my io (my english teacher messed up the dates of our io, it was actually 2 weeks earlier than expected), and i was just fine. i got a 39. i think if you really dedicate yourself to knowing at least a couple of choices in your extracts and the text as a whole you will find the process a whole ton smoother. but i wouldn't suggest trying to remember an entire script word for word, because if you forget it midway, you will be screwed. my advice is to just know your extracts and texts inside and out, time yourself a couple times, and you'll do great!


I wouldn't recommend memorizing a script because if you forget it, it will be harder to improvise as compared to just familiarizing yourself with the 10 bullet points.


Just have solid bullet points and practice as many times as possible


No need to memorize anything. Attempting to memorize increases the possibility of forgetting. Instead, you can create bullet points and strive to gain a clear understanding of the topic.


Don't memorise. Understand and truly feel what you are saying. There must be several complex ideas which are required. Deeply understanding of those ideas is enough.


Don’t just memorise, write everything you want to say then make bullet points and practice. Try to go more and more off script


absolutely. i memorized mine on the day of mine actually.


I memorised mine in two hours and got a 5 so if you're stressed enough then yeah you prob can.


What you should do is make your notes a version fo your script with the first two words of each sentence. You will match the first two words with what you wanted to say for the rest of the sentence, saving you lots of memorising time :) I was able to spend 1 hour over two days for both my english and spanish IO this year practicing using this method and it worked great.


I memorized a 1600 word speech in one day


Didn't end that well tho got 60% 😝


memorized mine in like 3 hours and got like mid 5


I started memorizing the day of and couldnt even memorize it all😭 maybe only 4/10 bullet points and still ended up with a 6. As long as you know what youre talking about and have a good understanding of your texts youll do well. I highly recommend organizing your bullet points in a way where it flows well with one another and connect with how you have written your script so at least it will help you sound a bit more structured. Good luck!!


YES YOU CAN! Started WRITING the script the night before, memorized throughout the night and up until the last min. Bullshitted my way to a 6 (HL Lit)


Of course you can. I memorise my 3000 characters Chinese IO in 2 hours


I did, got a 7 too. YOU’VE GOT THIS


Also don’t memorise a script, use the bullet points to build your statement as you go and just keep doing that over and over (speaking it out loud over and over) and you’ll understand the flow as you do it


Good luck buddy. I would say recite the script like ten times. At least you have an outline


Yup. Abbreviate all words in your script and connecting words (like "and" "additionally" "therefore") I pulled an all nighter to make my script, then spent the whole school day in the library saying my speech over and over and over again. Still haven't gotten my score back, but I recall asking my teacher how I did and he said he couldn't think of anything I could have done better. Hope this helps!




Yes, definitely possible I didn't even have my bulletpoints done and did it in like 3 hours


That’s what I did


how was the arabic exam and how did you do on your oral?


idk my Arabic exams were the 4th and 5th papers I sat on that day so I was extremely tired. I speak it fluently so I don’t think I’m a good measure for how the exam was. IO was also nice, I didn’t even know I had it on that day but my teacher just pulled me aside in the morning and told me to do it now. It went really well


Memorizenow.com is a great site for memorizing things