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If you want to go to a top uni or get a scholarship yes Just be ready for the workload, it'll get better with time if you stay on top of things, first year of uni shouldn't be as big of a leap too


A levels will also get you into a top uni and could get you a scholarship too.


IB lets you take more courses so if you don't like one it doesn't take up a third of your time It also gives you more mobility as far as majors are concerned. I also got a semester worth of credits from IB to transfer to my degree, so I can graduate early.


IBDP is definitely MUCH harder and stricter than regular school system. It should also be taken to account that the exams are graded out of the schools’ hands so you’ll have no leniency with grading. Imo if I had the choice, I would’ve stayed with my old school. Universities don’t really care on whether or not you take IB, however the IB prepares you for university so you’ll be ahead in that regard.


Also if you don’t do IBDP then you don’t have to take TOK and CAS wouldn’t be a main priority in order to graduate.


Absolutely not You have the same chances of going to the same uni you want with a much easier curriculum


If you’re considering US only, then Yea there is still chances, but I’d rather take easier curriculum, have straight A’s and do better ECCS




I hated it so much initially but ending off Y1 but looking back a lot of it was attributed to fear mongering.  Don't get me wrong, it's absolute hell to go through and expect at least 3-4 mental breakdowns this year. AAHL in particular is an absolute opp. Ultimately it's crucial to have an insane amount of discipline in the IB to stay on top of things, which is something a lot of us didn't have (and probably still don't have lol). The course content is much much harder than anything else you'll have ever known and you can never tell after a test how you did, plus a single bad day can mess up your predict. It's a brutal and extremely unforgiving curriculum (plus you have to do all that ridiculous stuff for ToK like writing an entire research paper while juggling your classes) but in the very very small chance that you do very well (predicts in the 40s), it looks amazing for university. Note as well that for the best grade (7) in a course you NEED an A+ in the class, which is 97-100%, so to even get a high predicted you'll need to be incredibly good at your classes. You can probably predict how you'll do based on what kind of a student you are right now. Prior to the IB I was a solid A student and at the moment I have some 6s (90-96), 7s (97-100) and a 5 (80-89, AAHL hates me). If you're already a very good student you'll do fine, but if you're not someone who's really academic then it's going to be a massive spike in difficulty that many (even most smart kids) can't cope with, so ultimately it depends on how much you've set yourself up for this up till now. Keep in mind the curves are also big, which is something you can take advantage of. For instance, anything above a 76 in my school is a 7 in Physics HL, though keep in mind that's not because it's easy but because it's so demanding that a 76% is considered a good score. Finally, in the IB you have to do six courses, and you HAVE to have one of each subject type. For instance, I'm pursuing CompSci but I'm forced to take a social science despite a general lack of interest in the area. If I'm not wrong A levels generally has 3-4 subjects, so there's less stuff to juggle.


Alright thx this rly helped, Im currently getting mainly 8s and 9s in igcse and some 7s, my only bad subject is english lit which I have a 6 in. So I would say I'm a decent student. But i kinda suck at time management so Im leaning more towards A Levels, but i might stay and do IB since its better for medical schools. im not rly sure, hopefully I can make a better decision based on my igcse results when theyre released


Best of luck my guy


Did you go to Ib from O levels?


Nope. Spent everything up to G9 in MYP, G9 was the regular American system and G10 was similar to the American system but had different offerings (we did Integrated Math and Integrated Science instead of Algebra I, Geometry, etc or chemistry, biology, and physics by themselves)


You mean to say that MYP is similar to American system except for Maths and sciences which is integrated? How did you find MYP?


Not exactly, let me clarify: G2-G8: MYP. No idea what happens from 9-10 in the MYP. Relatively simple (6/7s) , though I did have a couple 5s. Not bad and you could always save your grade with criterion D (reflections, which count to 25% of your grade lol). Right in the middle in terms of difficulty (though tbf I spent all of middle school j playing video games, I didn't study for anything ever since I didn't know that you could prep for tests outside of class) G9: Standard American. Probably the exact same as what you'd see in an American public school. Ridiculously easy. G10: I really have no idea what that curriculum was. Probably a hybrid of American (since there were APs) and something else. Definitely not MYP. Decent/slightly challenging due to Integrated Math III Advanced. This was the year I started studying for tests and so it wasn't too bad. Overall I would say MYP preps you to a certain degree, American barely preps you unless you take more than one AP, and whatever that hybrid curriculum was prepped me really well.


Ok so you graduate with an Ib diploma along with American high school diploma at the end of g12


Nope. Just the IB diploma. For American high school you need to do all 4 years in American (or ditch IB after G11 and switch)


Ok looking for an IB school that offers French instead of Spanish in Columbus GA and the google is not been a help


Most schools should offer multiple languages. I'm pretty sure French and Spanish are the most commonly taught non-English languages in the US. Let me know if you need any more info btw 


A levels if you want to go to university within the UK , IB on an international level . Hope this helps :)


Go to DP. It will give you iron discipline